Omake - Lt Kuznetsova Gets It Right - AKuz
I lied. Remember when I said there were three ficlets? Well, there was a forth! Remember this post of mine? Here's what it looks like in universe. And now., I can finally rest. Good night.

Lieutenant Kuznetsova Gets It Right.

Stardate 21070.5, Starfleet Command Cafeteria, Earth

Lieutenant Alexandria Kuznetsova of Starfleet Intelligence is an odd duck. For one thing she has some eccentric views on the galaxy and life. And another thing is that she knows better than the entirety of Starfleet Intelligence.

"Bloody Romulans trying to 'send a political message', that's not at all what's going on. It's a plague and we're all going to die," Kuznetsova says, putting down her sandwich.

Lieutenant Anne Usha of the Office of Naval Architecture quickly bites into her sandwich. Sometimes she wishes she ate alone at her desk, "Okay you're going to have to run that one by me," she says after swallowing a mouthful of delicious sandwich.

"Well consider...and bear in mind that the following is all publicly available. So I am not violating any secrets… consider the following..." The Starfleet Intelligence officer says while grabbing a salt shaker, "Suppose at some point the Romulans encountered some sort of biological weapon or terrible plague that was imprinted in their institutional knowledge base." She shakes the salt… shaker.

Anne nods, and takes another bite; if her mouth is full she won't have to reply.

"Now, that disease breaks out on Ulith III, maybe it defrosts from the ice or something." Alexandria grabs her sandwich and pours salt on it.

Anne eyes the salt warily, and now thirsty she puts down her sandwich to pick up her glass of water, only to watch in resignation as her friend takes a spoon and moves some of the salt from "Ulith III" to her poor sandwich. "Now at some point a freighter or something moves the plague from Ulith III to Korlonia II."

"My sandwich..." Lieutenant Usha says with deep resignation. This has all happened before, and it will all happen again.

Alexandria doesn't seem to hear. "So now, Challorn shows up at Ulith III and finds all the outpost crew killed. But rather than risking the disease spread via leftover spores or virii particles or something," she punches her sandwich, causing Anne to jump in her chair, "They sterilize the whole area."

Lieutenant Usha regards her sandwich longingly, but sheds not a single tear and turns to a slice of angel food cake, her favoured dessert, and she picks up a white plastic cafeteria fork to consume the tasty treat.

Kuzentsova takes her own dessert, a large cookie, and pours some salt from Korlonia II on it, "Now, Cheron takes on the disease somehow. Probably stored in her cargo rooms or something." She suddenly breaks the cookie in half. "And the Romulans, noting what has been happening, try to destroy the Cheron." she drops half the cookie in her glass of milk, "They don't destroy the ship, but do destroy the offending sample"

Anne nods as her fork delivers a bite of delicious spongy cake to her mouth, which means that it is out of place to save the rest of the slice from Alexandria's demonstration, "Muh Cake..." she says sadly, through a full mouth, as her friend uses a black plastic cafeteria spoon to move salt onto her cake.

"Then another sample is delivered to the Klingon colony on… Tre...beck?" the SI officer shrugs, "Not important. Anyway the Romulans try to fight because they don't trust that we will destroy a colony of our own people on our world."

"Klingon colony" Anne provides helpfully, wondering if she can brush the salt off of her cake with the sleeve of her crimson uniform.

"Well… yes, not important. Anyway. They fail" Anne snatches her cake back before something else happens to it, "Buuut…. Korlonia II drops out of communication, probably suffering from the disease. And…" *bam* she punches the remaining sandwich. "Korlonia II is sterilized as well"

"Muh Sandwich..." the ONA officer says sadly through a bite of slightly salty cake, deep in mourning, considering that she should stop eating with her friend if this keeps happening. And it happens at least once a week it feels like. All the way back to their days as Academy roommates. She sighs, the deep sacrifices of friendship.

"So what does this tell us?" Kuznetsova asks, and Lieutenant Usha shakes her head while eating her cake as fast as possible. "That the disease is either intelligent or controlled by an intelligent force."

Anne regards her friend dubiously, swallowing the last hastily chewed bite of her cake, "That's crazy. You're crazy," she says with a kindness born of familiarity that softens the literal meaning of the words.

"That's what Commander Otiev says. But I'll show him, I'll show them all!" Alexandria's voice grows strident, "I'll put this in writing, and submit it. And when the time comes they'll know that someone predicted this disease!"

"What? This time?" Anne Usha regards her friend dubiously, "Why will that happen this time as opposed to, say, the Tribble conspiracy?"

Alexandria has the good grace to look slightly embarrassed.

"Or the omnipotent and omniscient energy being watching Humanity, so that someday we will stand trial for our actions?"

"That remains unproven!"

"Oh! Or the possible threat of infiltration by changeling aliens from ~The Gamma Quadrant~"

"Also unproven!"

"And what about the breed of augmented Intelligent cats ruling Earth from the shadows?"

"Well, I suppose I was overenthusiastic about that. But how else do you explain how cute cats are?"

"Uh-huh," says Anne taking a sip of her unspoiled water, "What makes this time different?"

"Because this time," Alexandria stands up, posing patriotically, "This time… I'm right"


Four months later when Lieutenant Alexandria Kuznetsova of Starfleet Intelligence is all but kidnapped for a top secret research program run by Starfleet Tactical, she has the good sense to be surprised… and frightened.
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2303.Q3 - Ex Astris, Scientia - Results
Okay, looks like the winner with 8 (which seems somehow appropriate) votes to 5 is...

[x] 8 Teams
-[x] Starfleet Medical - Ulithi Biophage Research & Investigation
-[x] Daystrom Institute - Computing
-[x] Spock - Xenoanalysis
-[x] Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors
-[x] Starfleet Science Academy - Communications
-[x] Starfleet Tactical Command - Foreign Analysis (Romulan Research)
-[x] Andorian Academy - Shields
-[x] Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Technology

End results are...

Ulith III Biophage - Starfleet Medical Commander* (Sk 3)
A highly infectious and destructive disease has broken out in two locations. Although there is a known vector for the Ulith III breakout, there is no known vector for the Korlonia II breakout that occurred a year later.
8 / 8 Re-examine the Ulith III site and USS Challorn sensor records for indications of how long the disease was dormant in the ice.
6 / 8 Re-examine the abandoned Korlonia II site and USS Kumari sensor records for indications of a possible vector
6 / 10 Perform full analysis of the properties of the Biophage.
6 / 12 Backtrack the course of the USS Cheron to determine if there is any connection.
4 / 4 Coordinate with Klingon Medical service for any similar reports.
4 / 4 Attempt to contact the Romulan Star Empire regarding similar reports.

6 / 20 Fully Examine the Dunwich IV colony site and review the gigaquads of sensor data pulled in.

Computing - Daystrom Institute* (Sk 3)
All manner of computer technologies come under this banner.

20 / 20 Data Analysis Center I (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team)
3 / 30 Data Analysis Center II (-1 RP required to activate Tech Team (8))
20 / 20 Targeting Computer I (2% weapon weight reduction)
2 / 30 Targeting Computer II (2% weapon weight reduction)
18 / 20 Ship Computer Core I (2% Science weight/power savings)
20 / 20 Ship Operating System I (1% warp core power improvement)
2 / 30 Ship Operating System II (1% warp core power improvement)

Xenopsychology - Spock* (Sk 4)
For fostering cross-cultural understanding. Not just with outside powers, but within the Federation.

16 / 20 Xeno Architecture I (2% Weight/Power Savings for Presence)
16 / 20 Recruiting Campaign I (Increase Academy intake from Federation Affiliates)
16 / 20 Diplomatic Analysis I (Improve the Annual Diplomacy Rolls)
20 / 20 Universal Translator II (Improve First Contact Scenarios)
1 / 30 Universal Translator III
20 / 20 First Contact Protocols I (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)
1 / 40 First Contact Protocals II (+1 to attempts by non-Explorer Corps ships at First Contact encounters)

Sensors - Vulcan Science Academy** (Sk 3)
For research into improving your ability to detect what is around you in space.

14 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - Chance of intercepting cloaked vessels before battle
19 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
19 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)
14 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)

Communications - Starfleet Science Academy** (Sk 2)
Technology for facilitating other than face to face communication.

17 / 20 Long Range Subspace Comms I (Lead to roll bonus for Distress Call and Diplomacy missions)
17 / 20 Fleet Comms I (Give a 1% bonus to Federation Combat values in multi-ship battles)
12 / 20 Research Net I (Gain +5 RP/year)
12 / 20 Subspace Communications Intercepts I (Improve Intelligence Gathering)

Romulan Research - Starfleet Tactical Command* (Sk 1)

2 / 30 Tactical Analysis I (+1% Fed Combat Power)
2 / 30 Doctrinal Analysis I (-1% Rom Combat Power)
2 / 30 Attack Pattern Analysis I (+2% chance of dodging a hit)
7 / 30 Intelligence Analysis I (Improved counter intel)

Shields - Andorian Academy** (Sk 2)
For stopping things that go pew and/or bang.

6 / 20 Core Shields I (reduce Shield power requirements)
6 / 20 Navigational Deflectors I (reduce penalty for increasing D over C)
6 / 20 Emitter Designs I (-2% to Deflector Weight)
6 / 20 Shield Geometry I (+1 to Damage Escape Attempts)
11 / 20 Shield Regeneration I (No effect yet)

Warp Technology - Yoyodyne** (Sk 3)
Warp Cores, Warp Engines, and power generation all come under here.

8 / 20 Dilithium Efficiency I (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio)
13 / 20 Warp Core Construction I (Warp Core Weight Savings)
8 / 20 Warp Core Scaling I (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced)
8 / 20 Escort Warp Coil Design I (Nacelle Weight Penalty)
8 / 20 Warp Core Safety Design I (Chance to prevent Warp Core Breach and reduce crew loss in the event of ship destroyed)
Captain's Log - 2303.Q3
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21295.5 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

We are diverting from the Mesuuvi system to pursue a rather loud burst of subspace comms traffic that we are detecting from a nearby starsystem. From assessing these communications, we suspect that the civilisation we are encountering may in fact be a technological peer of our own. If so, this could be a momentous day for the Federation. I have high hopes. I yearn to deliver the people of the Federation some better news than the recent tales of plague and fear.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21295.6 - Captain T'Lorel

We have arrived at the planet Ferasa to negotiate on behalf of the Federation. A Caitian mining colony has recently hit a windfall of special materials used in shipbuilding, such as EPS manifolds or deuterium cryo regulators. We will be assisting Ambassador Shaan sh'Pelleth in discussing the particulars of this arrangement.


Captain's Log, USS Eketha, Stardate 21295.7

We are responding to reports from an Andorian colony that an infestation of dangerous animals is coming from down from the hills to harass the colonists. It is unsure what has prompted this unusually aggressive behaviour.


Captain's Log, USS Excelsior, Stardate 21295.8

A science station in Vega Cylonis III has issued a distress call, reporting a rampant disease, and then fallen silent. We are responding with all available assets in the Sol Sector, led by the Excelsior. I don't know what we'll find when we get there, but we're going in ready for bear.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21296.0

We are delivering a research team from Andor to a new science outpost at Hallark II. There they hope to study energy oscillations in the Pekoe Nebula field. It is a bit of a milk run mission, and after our run to the Amarki flagship last year, I worry that Starfleet is treating us like fine china rather than an Explorer. Nonetheless, it is a straight forward duty we will perform to the best of our ability.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21296.1

The Ambassador is missing.

This clearly represents an obstacle to negotiations proceeding. We have been informed that the last known location of the Ambassador was the moon colony of Ollasa IV-2, which is a nearby Caitian colony. We have broken orbit and are en route to attempt to locate the missing ambassador.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS
Enterprise, Stardate 21296.3

We have come in peace to the Gaen system, and met the Gaeni people. Collectively they are the Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen. They have settlements in every corner of their system, but surprisingly for their level of advancement only one colony world. I can see that these are a people who value knowledge and learning for its own sake. Thankfully, we have much to share, and share alike. Of course, they are not great engineers, so their ships are more like Mirandas that have had every gadget known to Andor strapped to the hull. It is a somewhat preposterous sight. However, they are rather further along in a number of technologies, including a new device they are calling a Energy-Protein Modulator, that can, in a similar manner to a transporter energiser coil, convert stored matter into energy and then back into matter according to a pattern.

It is the real deal! I have had a mass produced meal that tasted like it just came straight from a chef's kitchen. Far more advanced than our Food Synthesisers.

I think our two peoples have a lot to offer each other, and have told the Gaeni as much.


Personal Log, Nash ka'Sharren, Stardate 21296.4

May my warp core be a test lab for Murphy's Law, these things can replicate


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, 21296.6

We have lost all power and are currently operating on Reserve Battery. An unauthorised experiment was run by a member of the Hallark II research team involving a dampening field set up in our cargo bay. I'm told the intention was to suppress interference around long range instrumentation and ... Bugger it.

I don't care what they were doing, their self-perpetuating field has managed to suppress our matter/anti-matter intermix! That shouldn't even be possible! This is infuriating.

You know, back in the good old days of wet water navies, we could make people walk a plank for things like this.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, 21296.8

Ambassador sh'Pelleth's runabout has seemingly been hijacked. By tracking the trace tachyon particles left in the wake of their full impulse burn towards a separate moon station, we have identified the path the shuttle took. By carefully re-calibrating the sensor array to bounce signals off the powerful magnetic field of the local gas giant, we were able to also identify and track the course that a set of apparent bandits took when they hijacked the runabout.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Excelsior, Stardate 21297.5

I won't say false alarm, because the staff of the station has sadly passed away. However, it was not the Biophage, but rather a more conventional source of pestilence. Andorian Greenjacket Fever, which swept through the mostly Tellarite crew like wildfire.

The fleet has mostly dispersed, and a crew from Starfleet Medical is here to disinfect the station.

[Gain +5 pp]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, Stardate 21297.9

We are seemingly no closer to a solution to this problem, and our reserve battery will soon run dry. Commander McAdams is nearly resorting to boiling water with an actual fire.

Unfortunately, the dampening shield also serves as a transport dampener, and because it operates on some manner of thermal decay battery - for reasons which entirely escape me - the field will last far longer than our reserves.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21298.1

To avoid detection, we will launch three shuttles from the ventral bay, led by my security chief and first officer. They will prepare to storm the facility, and use a variant of transporter pattern enhancers to mark the pirate base's defences for the Sarek to destroy without endangering the rest of the compound. Once these preparations are complete, the Sarek will execute a micro-warp jump to orbit around the moon and strike, after which the security teams will advance.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS
Enterprise, Stardate 21298.4

We have hit a snag. Although there is only one world government, the more that the locals learn of the technology sharing that is possible, the more the internal divisions and jockeying intensify. There are intrigues upon intrigues occurring around us. I feel like I'm back on Orion, except now the trade isn't for currency ... it's for knowledge.


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21298.8

The mission has been satisfactorily completed. The pirates are apprehended, the base destroyed, and the Ambassador back in our possession. Being non-Vulcan, they are suffering from some distress, but I believe they will still be function for our upcoming negotiations. I have noted the actions of my security officer in the ship's report to Starfleet as 'quite acceptable'.

[Gain +25 SR, +25 diplomacy with Caitians]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, Stardate 21299.0

We have had to access manual systems and functions that I don't think even the Chief Engineer knew existed. However, one of the Lieutenant Commanders in the Engineering sector had worked in the San Francisco Fleet Yard Design Team before deciding she would rather work with actual warp drives, and she knew a surprising amount of the emergency functions. The shuttle bay has been depressurised, the bay doors slowly hand-cranked open, a prong welded to a shuttle, and the gravity plates deactivated. After this, we were able to simply float a shuttle out beyond the range of the dampening field, which allowed it to start it's engine. After opening a cargo external access door, the shuttle was able to harpoon the cargo pod, and haul it away from the ship.

We have mains power again!

[Gain +10 rp]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Eketha, Stardate 21299.1

After several dangerous skirmishes on the ground with the creatures, and the loss of two members of my away team, we have discovered that a recent cave in is causing a nearby geological formation to begin emitting an EM frequency of some manner that is driving these predators away from their usual nesting grounds. We have worked with the colonists to establish a reverse polarity signal from the base that will nullify this natural signal. In the first few hours of operation, the number of attacks has plummeted.

[Gain +5 pp, +5 rp]


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21299.5

One of the senior researchers of a major research institute, a Gaeni council member or senator in parlance we would be familiar with, has been murdered, and one of my officers is implicated. We know they're innocent, however, as they were busily experimenting on a dampening device that would have made it impossible to fire their weapon, with a different researcher at this institute. Leaniss suggests that this is a ploy to put pressure on us for preferential treatment.

What low dealing! If only we could show that device, it would prove that my officer is innocent!


Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21300.4

When James T Kirk was faced with the unwinnable Kobayashi Maru scenario, he blatantly cheated to win the scenario. In much the same way, when faced with this court case, I too have blatantly cheated. From observations of the functioning of their replicator system, we have used our transporters and a little good ol' Starfleet ingenuity to mock up the same effect, and create a perfect duplicate of the device and presented it as the real one. The research institute cannot gainsay it without admitting that they have been duplicitous themselves!

Our officer has been found not guilty of all charges and the diplomatic summit is a success!

[Gained Federation affiliates the Gaeni, +5pp, +5rp]


Captain's Log, USS
Kumari, Stardate 21312.6 - Captain Rachel Ainsworth

A Romulan heavy warbird has arrived in Federation space. They did so without cloak, broadcasting a single, loud message.

'The Enterprise must come with us to Romulus.'
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2303.Q4.1 - Down the Rabbit Hole
Stardate 21313.2, Romulan Border Zone

"It appears," says Nash ka'Sharren as she lounges in her command chair, making a quick read of the display panels built into the arms. "That we are fashionably late to the party."

"Seems so, Captain," replies Commander Ajam, the first officer.

"Mister Zaardmani, Sensor report," orders ka'Sharren.

"The Romulan heavy warbird is continuing to hold station," reports the human science officer. "On the Federation side, the Kumari is here, as is the Sarek, the Challorn, two Centaurs and three Mirandas. That's the whole border fleet."

Ka'Sharren nods. "Thank you, Lieutenant-Comander." She turns to her first officer with a grin. "That warbird is a cool customer. Three Excelsiors in-system now and it's still just sitting there."

"I'd say that they know Starfleet won't throw the first punch, but I've found Romulans to normally be too paranoid to accept that," says Commander Ajam.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting. Helm, lets put on a display, close the distance and put us nose to nose with that bird," orders ka'Sharren.

"Aye, sir."

The great bulk of the Excelsior-class ship gives hardly a tremor as the impulse engines kick in and they leap out towards their target. The viewscreen image of the warbird keeps filling up and snapping back as they roll through the magnification levels as they approach at a reckless pace. Nash ka'Sharren wonders to herself if the other ship's captain will flinch. She needn't have worried, however. The great prow of the double-winged ship holds its place with precision as the Enterprise approaches. Unlike the slate grey colour of the Romulan ships Nash is familair with, this one is coloured a deep green shade. On either side of a central fuselage, a hollow double wing comes down to join in a warp nacelle wing tip. It has the hallmarks of new design ideas; rough-edges and unusual emissions.

Finally the approach rate begins to slow, and after a minute, stop.

"Relative velocities matched, Captain," announces the helm. "Final range, 103.2 meters."

"Fine flying, helm, just what I was looking for," announces ka'Sharren as she stands and straightens her uniform. "Hail them. On screen." A moment later a view of a Romulan officer appears.

She is a predatory looking woman, brows angled, dark hair sharply cut. Her eyes have a piercing quality, and ka'Sharren is made to work to keep her composure as they focus on her.

"I am Captain Nash ka'Sharren of the Starfleet vessel USS Enterprise," announces the Captain. "You have requested our presence. To whom do I speak?"

"I am Commander Velin of the Romulan Star Empire warbird Devoras," answers the vulcanoid. "I am ordered to have you accompany the Devoras to Romulus."

"What guarantee do we have that this is not a trap?" asks ka'Sharren.

"Our concepts of honour may be foreign to you, but they will stay our hand," replies Commander Velin. "I can give you no other guarantee."

"Then tell me, what will we find at Romulus?"

"Romulans, I imagine," answers the Commander with a tight smile. Nash blinks at that, caught just off-guard enough that she can't think of a response before the Commander continues. "Follow me."

The viewscreen reverts to an image of the Devoras as the channel is cut. The warbird begins to come about, moving carefully with the proximity between the two craft. It moves gracefully, for all it's bulk. For several long seconds, Nash just watches the warbird move, watches how it handles, gauging both the man and machine. It is a powerful ship, a match for an Excelsior, more powerful than anything in the Klingon arsenal. But you know that your crew would handle it in a fight. You have the utmost faith in that.

"Captain, they have sent us a course into the Neutral Zone," announces the helm. "Shall I follow it?"

"Do so."

Commander Ajam grins. "I guess we'll just have to see where this rabbit hole leads."

[ ] Any last minute instructions for the Enterprise? ("None" is a perfectly acceptable response)
Ensign Wolfe Talks About Orion - IronWolf

From: Ensign Wolfe
To: Captain Nash ka'Sharren
Subject: Orion Brief

Hello Captain ka'Sharren,

At the request of Commander Asurva I've put together a socio-political-historical brief on the Orion Sphere of Influence, and the Orion Union itself for your purusal. I tried to keep it brief at 3000 words, which still required a lot of generalization. I hope it will help you get a grasp of the complex political, economic, and even criminal forces at play here. I've requested an additional sociological report on Orion customs from Ensign Rei to supplement my writing. That should arrive later today, before you beam down.

For now, my Brief is attached below.


Ensign Aaron Wolfe

Prepared for Captain ka'Sharren, USS ENTERPRISE by Ensign Wolfe

The Orion Sphere is a loose term used to describe the area of space where there are a large number of planets with Orion-majority populations. Abutted between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire, the Orion worlds are largely colonies of an Empire that collapsed approximately a millennium ago. The region remains highly chaotic due to a lack of a single unifying government and the pervasive presence of the most resilient criminal and business organization in the Quadrant, the Orion Syndicate. Due to the Graal-Sarek Act of 2290, Starfleet or the Federation is not permitted to conduct dealings with any entities formally aligned with the Syndicate, forcing us to deal with businesses and planetary governments on a per-case basis. It has also led to the recognition of the largest coalition of planets in the area, the Orion Union, as the entity representing Orions on the intergalactic stage. This is despite the fact the home system of Orion does not lie in its control, and their capital is based on the former colony world of Alukk. The area is challenging and chaotic, and the morals of the Federation are often tested in an environment that often rewards those who turn a blind eye to injustice and corruption. This report is designed to help familiarize you with the people, the economy, and the political and security issues prevalent in the region. Section I will cover background material, Section II society and economy, and Section III the political and security situation.

Section I - Background
1.0 Summary
  • The Orion Empire dominated this area of space until roughly 1000 years ago.
  • The Orion Syndicate evolved out of one of the largest surviving mega-corporations.
  • The area has never recovered politically from the fracturing of the Empire.
1.1 The Empire
Orions rose to galactic prominence approximately 2000 years ago, with the consolidation and establishment of the Orion Empire, based around the homeworld of, unsurprisingly, Orion. The Empire expanded and became highly advanced, particularly in the areas of genetic modification and cybernetic enhancement. A testament to their skill in this area was the fact that, even two millennia later, archeologists like Dr. Roger Korby were using the knowledge gleaned from Orion ruins to advance immunization and other medical techniques. The Orions clashed frequently with the Gorn Empire when both were at their peak, before some unknown calamity collapsed both empires. It is unknown what form this calamity took -- theories range from mutual destruction between the Gorn and the Orions, internal pressures causing collapse, or the Klingon theory that the mythological Hur'q that invaded their homeworld also ravaged the Gorn and the Orions. In the aftermath, planets were left largely autonomous, several dying out due to a lack of vital imports. Into the void left by a centralized government stepped the Orion Syndicate.

1.2 The Syndicate
In the post-industrial but pre-warp era of Orion, space travel was well below the average expected of a technological civilization. Orions were far more concerned with the profit possible to glean from their own rich planet than hypothetical resources to be gained from beyond the atmosphere. However, one woman had a vision. Eliaysn Zarayet would work with Orion's governments and a group of like minded industrialists to found the Orion Orbital Syndicate, dedicated to space exploration and exploitation. By the time Orion had developed warp drive, the Syndicate had a stranglehold on space technologies, and so became fantastically powerful in the rush for colonization. As the years passed they dropped the orbital from their name and corporate rivals rose to challenge them, but the Syndicate remained the dominant space-shipping and private defense organization well into the last years of the Empire. In the wake of the collapse, they consolidated around their devastated and stripped homeworld and began to rebuild trade links. However, in the sudden vacuum of power, they realized they could make good money in areas previously closed-off by the government. Within years they were running a brisk trade in sentient trafficking, raiding any defenseless world or ship they came across, Orion or otherwise. They were eventually checked by the Klingon Empire and the Breen, but not before terrorizing the area for almost 500 years.

With centralized government gone and their ships being the ones that would most often communicate with other species, the Orion Syndicate eventually became the de-facto representative of the Orion people on the galactic stage, despite the fact they controlled only the homeworld. The former colony worlds were for the most part independent and autonomous, with a variety of political and social structures. A few even applied for Federation membership and were accepted, in addition to a large diaspora community in the Rigel system. But ultimately, most Orion worlds were beholden to the Syndicate's holding of the orbital high ground. This was the status quo until relatively recently, with the formation of the Orion Union.

1.3 The Union
A relatively new player in the region, the Orion Union is an amalgamation of the Free Orion Republic, the Orion People's Collective and a smattering of independent worlds that have banded together in an attempt to resist the criminal effects of the Syndicate, form a mutual defense bloc, and establish bulwark for Orions on the galactic stage rather than lose planets piecemeal to the Federation, Klingons or Romulans. They have banned and controlled a variety of substances and criminal activities that the Syndicate had previously ignored, and formed a monetary union based around cryptocurrencies. While the Union still practices wide-scale indentured servitude, they have banned the chattel slavery used by the Syndicate and outlawed the use of abduction as a source of slaves. The Federation Council is optimistic that the Union can be pushed further along to a goal of complete criminalization of indentured servitude.

Section II - Society and Economy
2.0 Summary
  • Highly materialistic society uses wealth as most important metric of individual worth.
  • Monetary system based around precious materials and cryptocurrencies to prevent replication and fraud.
  • Extreme capitalist economic system, with little intervention even in the Union and high criminal participation outside it.
  • Gendering of most roles in society, with females seen as naturally talented and gifted for leadership, men as assistants and nurturers.
2.1 Economics
Planets in the Orion sphere tend to continue to use monetary and market-based redistribution systems as their economic systems, with a few exceptions on some of the independent worlds. With a highly connected information web, cryptocurrencies are used in most monetary transactions, being favored for their ease of use and convertibility to differing local currencies, often necessary in the fractured space of the Orion sphere. Other materials used in place of currency include plaridium and latinum, the latter having gained particular traction in recent years after an incident with an ancient matter replicator crashed the plaridium market in 2278. Regrettably, the matter replicator was destroyed by the Syndicate before a Starfleet research team could extract it for study, an example of how such an economic system can hold back the technological advancement of just not Orions, but the galaxy as well.

The Orion's incredibly deregulated system does have a few advantages, however. A lack of ethics oversight and freedom from laws in both the Federation and Klingon Empire allows biogenetic research to flourish. Unfortunately, the subsequent advancements tend to go straight into the hands of the rich, who have seen their lifespans extended tenfold. Some technologies eventually do trickle down to the consumer base, but access to higher-end enhancements is often still an effective recruiting tool into the various private military concerns. This deregulation also has the effect of drawing in scientists from outside the Orion sphere (including the Federation) for easy access to test subjects and freedom from their more restrictive laws. Some also leave the Federation for the thrill of working in a market system -- but every so often one needs to be rescued after having lost literally the shirt off their back. If they are heard from ever again.

2.2 The Syndicate
The criminal element of the Syndicate is pervasive across the worlds of the Orion Sphere, their importance in shipping serving as a convenient way of spreading their operations. The syndicate uses this to strong-arm local corporations or governments into letting them operate raiders and facilities, and then provide convenient legal cover when outside authorities arrive. They are also highly active in the economies of planets as well, although in the deregulated structure of the Sphere and even the Union the lines between what is criminal and what is corporate is often quite hazy. The Syndicate uses this to their advantage to avoid detection, seamlessly linking legitimate and illegitimate enterprises in a way that would not be possible elsewhere. For their part the Union is dedicated to rooting out Syndicate influence.

2.3 Money and Society
Part of what enables the plutocrats at the top of the economic pyramid to keep their grip on power despite rampant economic and social inequality is an incredibly pervasive attitude that equates market value with the intrinsic value of an object or person. The best artists are those who make the most money from their works, the best worker the highest paid, and the best employer the one with the most profit. The capability to make money, and continue to make more money, is seen as the ultimate goal. While this has the admirable quality of destigmatizing certain professions that nevertheless command considerable salaries, it also serves as a convenient excuse to keep the ruling and capitalist classes in power and insulated from discontent. They make the most money, ergo, they are the 'best' in society. This has the additional effect of holding back male Orions, who tend, on the whole, to make 80% of what female Orions make.

2.4 Gender and Sexuality
On the whole, women in society enjoy privileged status, making up 82% of the legislators in the Orion Union, and 95% of all major corporate heads. They tend to hold higher-paying positions than men, and frequently devalue what work they perform. Men make up the bulk of line cooks, secretaries, personal assistants, nurses, and teachers, and the women in those positions often take leadership roles. In the military, men make up the bulk of the enlisted positions, doing heavy manual labour, logistics, and maintenance. Front-line combat units, however, see a close parity between male and females in the enlisted ranks… but a much higher proportion of women in the officer corps. Men are seen as lacking the cunning and being too easily manipulated by hormones and emotions to make any serious, rational decisions. When it comes to trafficking in Orion slaves, however, the statistics flip and women are sold at a much higher rate than men. There are a few factors for this, including the use of female Orions to subvert ships, but also for a purely capitalistic purpose: Orion slave women are much more desired than the men by the galaxy at large -- which perversely only reinforces the attitude women are inherently 'worth' more. Overall, the Orion Sphere sits at a 3.2 on the Walsor-Xi Equality Index and a 2.8 in the Orion Union.

On sexuality, the Orions are highly tolerant of relationships outside of typical heterosexual monogamy. This is due in part to highly libertarian personal values, but also an oft-unspoken assumption that the carnal lusts of men are often better satiated by other men, and that women require a more intellectual connection. However, due to the importance placed on ingrained gender roles in their society, transgender individuals are seen as deceitful opportunists who want to either gain the advantages of women or live the easy lives of men. As a result, they experience incredible discrimination and suspicion, and make up the bulk of Orion refugees seeking political asylum in the Federation. A comprehensive rights package, with attached funding to anti-discrimination task forces, is expected to sit before the Orion Union's Congress late this Q4. It is hoped by the Federation Diplomatic Corps that they can assist with its passage.

Section III - Politics and Security

3.0 Summary
  • Independant worlds are mostly ruled by hypercorp consensus.
  • Orion Union a fledgling democratic institution with a bicameral legislature.
  • First Past The Post voting system has seen power consolidate in two major parties and one minor.
  • Orion Union's navy is strong but determined, but still outnumbered by Syndicate forces.
3.1 Independant Worlds
The majority of worlds in the Orion sphere are independent, and indeed, their majority of their populations may not even be Orion. There is some variety in individual governments that is beyond the scope of this brief, but by far the most common is Corporate Consensus Anarchy. Under a CCA system, each citizen is periodically issued shares in a 'government corporation' that represents the planet and manages a few vital infrastructure items, such as spaceports and courts (but notably, not emergency services). Theoretically, they could hold onto these shares and therefore be involved in a direct democracy, or sell them to a corporation or holder they agree with and participate in a representative democracy. In practice, many citizens use it as a quick form of cash, selling their shares to the highest bidder, who then often sell it to the largest corporations. This often leads to the government company's control being split by the largest corporations on the planet. Proponents argue it is a form of representative government and social welfare all in one, as the shares are reissued every 'election cycle', giving citizens an income they can rely on. Detractors note that the middle-level share resellers often reap most of the profit, with little regard for the voting opinions of the original sellers -- to say nothing of the problems of having private industry in total control of the government.

3.2 The Orion Union Overview

  • Member planets: Alukk, Broken Chains, Bradia, Freedom, New Rigel, Nor'Orion, Qinal, Yavacia, Duaba, Xav, Jagrava, Amepa, Celos, Akola, Shirjat, Hamilton.
The Orion Union is a federation made up of 16 member planets with the central government meeting in the Government Tower on Alukk for eight months of the [Human] year, and in the Congressional Palace on Broken Chains for four months. Inspired in part by the Federation Charter, the government is broken into Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches. The legislature consists of two chambers -- Congress and the Council of Ministers. The Congress is based on a proportional seat allocation system, with its thousand seats distributed based on population. The head of the Congress is the head of government for the Union and holds the title of Vice President. The Council of Ministers consists of 17 seats - one for each planet, plus one for the Union. The President is selected by this body from a pool of candidates voted on by the public, with the top five selections being put on the list. Members of Congress are elected directly by their constituents by First Past The Post, while each Minister to the upper Council is selected by their planetary government -- indeed, they are often senior ministers in their planetary governments, hence the name.

3.3 Parties in the Orion Union
The nature of their electoral system means that the Orion Union has naturally gravitated to three parties - Truth and Prosperity, Congressional Alliance, and Ascension, with the first two dominating elections. The positions of the three parties can be roughly summarized as follows:
  • Truth and Prosperity (TuP) believes the Orion Union should have Imperial aspirations -- to reform the Orion Empire and end the exploitation of their people by the great powers. They tend to resist efforts to bring more regulation into the economy. However, they do promote greater cultural, but not political, affiliation with the United Federation of Planets, on the hope more Federation citizens will leave for the Union. The party leader and current Vice-President is Eliasyn Yathcha.
  • The Congressional Alliance (CA) supports Orion independence, but believes that it can be better secured via improved relations with its neighbours. While this hypothetically could include the Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire, in practice it means closer links to the Federation. The Congressional Alliance faces frequent charges that it will attempt to end Orion society in order to gain Federation membership, usually after a bill is proposed for greater regulation. The Congressional Alliance claims in turn it believes that the unique economy of the Orion sphere can be somewhat tamed to become an equal, but independent partner with the Federation. The head of the party is Dawind Byis, a male surprisingly high in the hierarchy. The President of the Union, Ventil Oyana, also hails from this party.
  • Ascension (As) pushes for reforms that would bring them in line with Federation membership. However, they do not believe that joining the Federation is a noble end goal. Instead, they believe that once the industrial and social development of the Federation is matched, they should attempt to outdo them by ascending to a higher level of technological and personal development. Ascension sits at the tension of the two main parties, seeing the social benefits the Federation, but afraid of their restrictions on science and ethical 'freedom'. Their party leader is Canada McLaren, a Human immigrant and another rare high placed male.
Current seat count in Congress is 517 Truth and Prosperity, 405 Congressional Alliance, and 78 Ascension. In the Council of Ministers it is 6 Truth and Prosperity, 8 Congressional Alliance, 1 Ascension and 2 independent.

3.4 Security
The Orion Union is currently in a very unstable security environment. Corporations openly defy government orders, backed by mostly-legal private armies, and they are frequent targets for Klingon, Romulan, and Syndicate raids. The small fleet of the Union is theoretically bolstered by a 'reserve flotilla' consisting of ships controlled by security contractors. Assembling this fleet in reality is often a major task, and so it falls to the much smaller Union Defense Force to keep the space lanes safe. A defensive force mostly by necessity, they field only one Explorer-equivalent vessel and a smattering of light cruisers and escorts. For years Truth and Prosperity has pushed for an additional planned explorer to be sent on a six year mission, but in the current climate the vessel will more likely be used for defending the borders. Congressional Alliance, meanwhile, has pushed for a rotating portion of the Reserve Flotilla to be placed under permanent alert status, and eventually, the abolishment of private space defense forces. They have met with little success.

On the ground the Orion Union fares a little better. When reduced to planetary scales the private security forces are much quicker to respond, and bring heavy armaments to bear, including the fearsome Nãotairran mechanized suits. This is, unfortunately, a double-edged sword, as the smaller Union Planetary Army is quite often outgunned by corporate garrisons, making it easier for them to defy government attempts at regulation. Starfleet Intelligence believes a breakup of the Union will likely result from a drawn-out war between corporate and government security forces in the event of a wide-scale regulatory push by the Congressional Alliance or Ascension.

The Orion Syndicate remains the primary threat of the Union. For now it is simply unprofitable to attack in force. But were the political situation in the Union to change, causing instability, the Syndicate might see fit to return sixteen planets to their sphere of influence, and possibly force the Federation to recognize them diplomatically again.

The Orion Sphere is a complex area of space, its people often difficult for the Federation to understand. However, it brings a wealth of potential knowledge to the table, both in the form of Orion innovation and in further study of Orion Empire ruins. It is the Federation Council's current policy to support the Orion Union, as far as the Prime Directive allows. They believe this will further our goals of curbing the Syndicate threat by stabilizing the region with a partner, versus the previous failed strategies of isolation or destruction of Syndicate bases. The Syndicate are a resilient organization; they hide in both the civilian populace and the depths of space. To fully end them, it is our policy that we will the Union to invest in long-term for security and order in an area that has been historically lawless.

From: Ensign Wolfe
To: Captain Nash ka'Sharren

Hi Captain ka'Sharren,

I'm having trouble accessing my sent mail box this morning, but there is a slight chance that what I sent you wasn't the brief, but in fact my write up for an Alternate History game on our ship's forums. If none of what you read makes sense, feel free to disregard it. I apologize and will have the correct copy with me this morning in case I did make an error.


Ensign Wolfe
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Omake - Ragnarok - AKuz

USS Enterprise, Stardate 21129.7

Captain Ka'Sharren looks at Doctor Asurva and Lt-Commander Zardmaani, "What are we looking at here?"

The two look at each other and the Orion woman swallows nervously before bringing up a slide on the Conference room's screen. "The Ulith III Mutaphage is like nothing that we've seen before. Before we begin, I would like to issue a warning that the following scenes are extremely graphic, and that they do not make for comfortable viewing. I'm still not used to it." Some of the Senior staff look worried, but none turn away.

The first slide is collage of pictures; a regular colony as seen from orbit, ice clings at the outside of the buildings, but all seems normal, The Enterprise's science office starts grimly, "This is Ulith III before the outbreak."

The next slide clicks into place and Zardmaani continues, "And this is Ulith III afterwards," The next set of slides are similar places as before, but radically and sickeningly altered. Flesh spills from the walls and covers the walls like obscene climbing vines, and ropes of thick pulsating meat drip from the ceilings.

The Caitian Tactical officer hisses in shock, joined by a sickened half-shout from the Tellarite Engineer. Commander Ajam is too fascinated in horror to even blink, and Captain Ka'Sharren succeeds at great cost in continuing to project a calm confidence for her officers to cling to.

The last slide is the most horrific of all: one of flesh covered wall which still has most of a crimson starfleet tunic embedded within it; and something beats heavily behind it.

The Doctor steps up and mercifully clicks through to another series of slides, "The Mutaphage was also seen on Korlonia II. I will spare you the slides and merely mention that they are somehow worse." The Doctor seems dull, drained of emotion. For such a compassionate woman, her state is almost as shocking as the slides, "However due to the actions of Challorn and Kumari we do know something about the Mutaphage: It is the most dangerous contagion that we have ever encountered. The teams conducting research on it are taking precautions that would seem ludicrous with any other contaminant. Instead, I find myself almost worried that they are not being careful enough."

Zardmaani takes a deep breath. "I wish we had more to tell you, but from what little has been provided to me, that the Mutaphage is made up of both organic and nanomachine components, and bear signs of genetic tampering at some point in the past. Aside from that, all they can tell us is to shoot first and answer questions later."

The Tactical Officer nods shakily. "I've received tactical updates to that effect; and have been in contact with some other tactical and security officers..." she pauses significantly, "They agree fully, what they have started to darkly joke of as the "Challorn Protocol", should be used at the first sign of infection. No matter what."

Captain Ka'Sharren thinks deeply. To kill an entire colony, or a entire world. Is no small thing. It is a responsibility that no officer should have to bear.

A voice wafts through the conference room from the bridge, interrupting her thoughts, it is Lieutenant Stol, "Captain we are five minutes out from the Dunwich system."

Captain Ka'Sharren stands up confidently, burying her doubt and dread for the crew's sake, "Time for action then."

As the Senior staff stand up, Douglas Zardmaani catches her by the sleeve. "Captain… there is one more thing" he take a deep breath, "The pattern of outbreaks, the behaviors that I have seen reported" he sighs, "I can draw only one conclusion, and bear in mind that this is a hunch, a conclusion that only someone of my experience and intellect could draw..." he pauses significantly, "There is something in control of the Mutaphage, some intelligence...." The science officer drops his hand in resignation, "and I doubt it is the Romulans"


SubAdmiral Sinnae Ir-RIhan Sihina of the Romulan Star Navy paces the raised platform at the back of her Warbird's bridge and seethes.

These Federation fools. They have scans, they know what must be done. But she knows them, knows of Human curiosity. They will poke and prod, and continue to play with something beyond their understanding. And they will kill themselves.

And they will do so in a manner that may see her beloved Romulus turn to a festering pulsating mound of flesh along with them.

She halts in her pacing and slams her palms down on the railing of her command platform, the sound of flesh on metal echoing obscenely across the silent bridge, "*Updated Count?*" the Romulan Admiral snaps.

"*Ma'am*" says her tactical officer, "*Two new flight E-Type Battlecruisers, an O-type light cruiser and two M-type C-variants." he says, holding his tongue against further comment.

The odds are lopsidedly against her Quarantine Fleet, but after the failure to stop The Infliction from taking over the Klingon Tregh'bak colony, anything but victory now is inconceivable.

She makes up her mind. She will order her Warbirds and the pair of D7s to engage the Human fleet and take her Heavy Warbird, the Iorhae'edh, into the atmosphere and detonate her ship's singularity power core over the Colony, sacrificing herself and her crew but swallowing the outbreak of The Infliction permanently into a black hole

SubAdmiral Sihina considers how young she is, how few decades she's lived, and how many combined millennia of life she will be sacrificing from her crew. But then-SubCommander Sihina was the only officer of the Tregh'bak debacle that survived senatorial sanction, and she knows what's at stake.

The only way to restore the Quarantine Fleet's honour is success at all costs. Maybe she can force the cowardly Humans to retreat?

Sinnae grips the railing tightly, her knuckles turning white, "*Signal the Fleet: Decloak and bring all weapons and shields online.*" Perhaps a show of willpower can force the Human Federation Fleet to retreat?

"*Advancing Admiral*"

Please, she begs the Elements, let the Human fleet back off so she can do the right thing.

"*New signal… E-Type, reading her Identification now…*" there is a short, shocked pause, and her Tactical officer shouts in near panic, "*ENTERPRISE, SHE'S ENTERPRISE.*"

No. NO. NO! Another E-Type? And one with the reputation of the Enterprise? She'll never reach the surface without being stopped. The Quarantine Fleet will die for NOTHING! "Back us away"

"*Ma'am?!?!*" her tactical officer is surprised. Perhaps he'd become resigned to dying for no reason.

"*I take full responsibility for our…. Withdrawal. Return us to the Neutral Zone.*" she will too, she will take full responsibility for the Fleet's actions. Hopefully the senate will recognize the futility of her situation, "Hail the Enterprise."

"Just the Enterprise ma'am?"

"HAIL THEM ALL, JUST. HAIL. THEM." she all but screams, composure cracking, a sign that she was perhaps not ready for this terrible weight.

"Yes, ma'am" her officer says retreating into a simple duty, happy to not be dieing this day, and angry about the fleet's failure, "Hailing the closest E-type"

She composes herself to address the Human fleet, taking her hands off the railing and clasping them firmly behind her back, only slightly put out to see a Vulcan in the E-Type's command chair. "If you will stand in the way of us saving you all, then you must destroy the colony yourselves."

The Vulcan lackey looks back at her with infuriating Vulcan dispassion, "It sounds as if you are familiar with the contagion."

She pictures classified images of green flesh wrapped around grey metal, of projections of total galactic saturation, of the nightmare of her beloved Rihan in ashes. "Only in the sense that a person is familiar with mortality," she says with cold Romulan precision as the viewscreen snaps off.

As the Quarantine Fleet prepares for the jump to warp; SubAdmiral Sihina considers the ancient Sihina-line Honour blade at her side for a long moment. No one would blame her for taking the honourable and quick way out. It would perhaps carry more weight with the Senate than her live protestations of futility.

She slowly takes her grip from the hilt. No. Someone must protect her officers and crew from retribution… and that someone must be her. Only she can make that sacrifice.


Captain Ka'Sharren sits in her ready room, staring out her window at the vastness of space and the seeming innocuousness of Dunwich IV. "Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, 21130.8"

The Captain considers how only a short time ago she was anticipating a visit, almost a vacation, to an Andorian colony. And now this... "We have secured from Red Alert, are are now orbiting the Dunwich IV colony with the pride of Starfleet alongside. The Sarek, the Kumari, the Courageous, the Cheron, the Challorn, and others are in orbit. There is clearly nothing that can be done for the colonists, but we are loathe to forsake the equipment that could tell the tale of terror of the last days of these poor people. Whatever did this, whatever…"

The blue woman's comm badge beeps and her antennae swivel towards it in surprise, her hand following soon after. "Ka'sharren here"

It is Commander Ajam, "Ma'am! We're are receiving a communication from the Planet…. You need to see this."

The Captain nods to no one in particular, "On my way"

She's out the door to her bridge in moments, settling in to her Captain's chair shortly afterwards, Commander Ajam stepping out of it, eyes fixed on the screen.

The viewscreen is on… but no one fills it. It simply shows the image of one of Dunwich IV's comm centres, though overlaid with the Mutaphage...

Ka'Sharren opens her mouth to ask what is going on, but closes it when a voice comes through the viewscreen, "...we live... " there is another long pause, and Ka'sharren can hear the room slowly breathe, each word is a breath in itself, each word is felt as much as it is heard, and each word feels as if it comes from a thousand throats, "...self hunger... though... Ulith self gone… through... Korlonia self gone… self live… always live...always satisfy...though... Franklin self gone…Federation Selves Futile…. self eternal...though Cheron self gone…Romulan selves futile…. Klingon selves futile...always hunger…Federation selves... will selves soon... Dunwich selves gone...Federation selves futile...Federation selves satiate selves... " the image winks out; though the sight, of writhing pulsating flesh, lives on in the mind's eye of everyone on Enterprise's bridge.

Captain Ka'Sharren is not as shocked as she should be, Lt-Commander Zardmaani's prediction, his "hunch" was right. There is an intelligence at work work. Something ancient, and alien and… altogether malevolent.

"Ma'am, incoming hail from Sarek," comes the Enterprise's comms officer, face pale but hands still as steady as a rock, "The hail is going out to the whole Fleet,"

The Image of the solid Vulcan T'lorel appears on the screen. "It would appear that the Romulan Admiral is right, Dunwich IV should be cauterized. For the good of the Federation."

The screen parts and another face appears on screen, "This must be a Romulan trick! They are trying to get us to destroy one of our own colonies," says Captain Ainsworth of USS Kumari, voice tinged with a hint of desperation and denial. Seeking comfort in a familiar enemy. She's killed one outpost but killing an entire colony is something else entirely.

The screen splits again and the thin angular face of Captain Thuir appears on screen, "I volunteer Challorn to execute General Order 24 on Dunwich IV. Challorn has done this before. We shall do it again." He looks down at his hands for a moment, once stained with blood, always stained with blood.

Captain Ainsworth speaks again, "Kumari should commit the deed. We killed Korlonia II. We can excise this cancer on Dunwhich as well." she seems almost ashamed at her earlier balking.

Captain Ka'Sharren shakes her head. "As Captain of the Flagship and the most capable unit in the system. I am taking command of the Fleet." Thus taking command of the decision. If anyone will be to blame for destroying Dunwich and any remaining of the twenty thousand colonists who miraculously remain uninfected, it will be her.

Captain Victoria Eaton of Courageous is the first to reply. "According to proper regulations, I am accepting your Authority, Captain Ka'Sharren."

The rest of the Captains fall into line soon after, if she wants all the responsibility for killing a world, so be it. She is the Enterprise's captain after all. And Flagship status aside, the name Enterprise alone carries a lot of informal weight.

Ka'Sharren wastes no time, "As the senior vessel here, we WILL be conducting General Order 24 on Dunwich IV. My Tactical officer is drawing up plans to scour the world of life." long association and loyal service means that Captain Ka'Sharren knows that Samhaya Mrr'Shan is busy at work without needing to check with her. "I will not force any other officer or ship to take part. However if any Captain would like to help shoulder the burden, they may volunteer by contacting my Tactical officer."

The screen winks off and Enterprise's Captain lets out a long breath as Commander Ajam pats her on the back. "We are behind you all the way ma'am. Every officer will do their duty."

Commander Ajam reaches for some other bit of comfort to provide to her Captain, and Lieutenant Stol Provides it, "The needs of the Many outweighs the needs of the Few."

At the rear of the bridge Lt-Commander Mrr'shan speaks up, voice quiet, "Ma'am. I have a firing plan laid in, every other ship in the fleet with the exception of Dryad has volunteered."

Captain Ka'Sharren rises to her feet, carefully thinking through each motion and word, forcing herself not to shake or shudder, "Very well then Commander. You may fire when ready."

Captain Ka'Sharren watches as orange lances leap out from her vessel and stab at the colony, she watches as from elsewhere in orbit of the planet other lances of light and streaks of red impact the planet. Scourging, cauterizing, killing flesh and metal.

Captain Ka'sharren even continues to watch, even through the breathy, haunting, and triumphant taunting hails of the Mutaphage; as her ship and those like her murder a Federation world for the Needs of the Many.
Omake - Lt Usha & How Starfleet Stopped the LCS - anon_user
Lt. Usha Explains Modular Ship Design

Stardate 20770.8, Starfleet Command Cafeteria, Earth

"So! I know you can't disclose anything, but do you finally know what happened with the Cheron?" Lieutenant Anne Usha asks her friend in Starfleet Intelligence, sitting down to lunch.

"Officially, it's just an accident, with no cause yet established. We don't want to alarm anyone, of course." Lieutenant Alexandria Kuznetsova smiles as she takes her seat.

"Unofficially? I mean, this wasn't just an accident, was it?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"Alright, let me play intelligence analyst here. It's the Romulans, right? I mean, we're talking about a Vulcan ship, in the Vulcan system, named after the Battle of Cheron. That's got to be a prime target for the Romulans, right?"

"You'd think that."

"And you?"

"Maybe... but Romulan actions almost always are part of some larger game, destroying a single ship like this serves little purpose." She spoons up a bit of her soup, makes a face. "It's too petty on its own."

"I dunno, you don't think the Romulans can do petty? I mean, didn't they go off into exile for being on the losing side of a philosophical debate?"

"That's... way oversimplified." Alexandria sips her iced tea. "Still, it certainly could be connected with the battle at Tre... bek?"

"And what do you think that was about, anyway? Ramirez thinks they were testing out a new warbird -"

"Classified, sorry."

Anne nods. She takes a bite of her sandwich. "Look, if you don't tell us what it's like, we can't design around it. But I guess that decision's out of your hands?"

"Yeah. Anyways, back to the Cheron."

"Which was attacked by the Romulans as part of some larger scheme, you think?"

"Unless someone else is trying to make it look like the Romulans hit the Cheron," Alexandria says, leaning forward.

"Hmm, let me guess." Anne's dubious. Still, she humors her friend, leans forward herself: "Klingons?"

"Could be, but it's not their style."


"They haven't been active since Cestus III, but that doesn't rule them out, true."

"Your Gamma Quadrant changelings?"

"Now you're just teasing me." Alexandria leans back. "So, what is ONA doing about the Romulans?"

Anne grins. She'll never pass up a chance to talk about her work ... and Alexandria actually puts up with her. "Well, we've been working on something... for quite a while, actually. Mid-sized ship, something that can take on a warbird in an even fight and support our bigger ships in fleet battles. So, we've got our current light cruiser, the Constellation class." She reaches over and grabs Alexandria's bowl of mostly-uneaten soup while her friend's busy working on her salad.

"Muh soup!" Alexandria's dismayed exclamation sprays bits of orange lettuce and purple dressing over the table.

"You weren't enjoying it anyway. Anyways, the Constellation class. Think of it as this soup. She does a few things, none of them exceptionally. Bit of combat capability, bit of speed, bit of a science suite. We've wanted a replacement for a while, here at ONA."


"So we're going to build the new one a bit bigger. Fill the bowl up." Anne adds some crackers. "Make her faster, make her tougher, give her a more powerful warp core, make her a better cruiser."

"Alright, seems reasonable enough."

"Thing is, word gets around of our little project, and everyone here puts in their suggestions. More this, more that..." More crackers go in, followed by a piece of bread, then half of Alexandria's cookie, up until the soup starts to overflow. "Like this. Pretty soon, she's too big."

"Get a bigger bowl?"

"A bigger berth to build the ship, sure. Except we don't have bigger berths - or rather we do, but we're saving them for our main ships. You know, the explorers?"

Kuznetsova nods.

"Alright. So, that's the initial problem. But there's more, too. See, Fleet Ops chimes in. This was before Tregh'bak, so they said they didn't really want a new combat ship - apparently, they don't believe in your Gamma Quadrant threat any more than I do."

"Nobody's proved I'm wrong on that yet." Kuznetsova takes a sip of her iced tea. "Okay, so the problem is that your new ship design isn't needed?"

"Not quite. More that they want something more, something different. Better science capabilities, especially. Peace dividend, Kahurangi's Research Pivot, you get the idea. Design's overloaded as is, though. Some people wanted to give up, just run Reliants forever. But I had a solution!"


"See, we take the extra capabilities - the science suite, the shields, the weapons systems - toned down to a more reasonable scale - and we put them into a pod, stick it above the main hull." Usha mashes together bread, crackers, cookie bits, and lentils into a vaguely pod-shaped mass, which she pushes to the center of the soup.

Kuznetsova nods absently, focused on a tomato that keeps slipping away from her fork.

"And, like, you can put different stuff in the pod depending on the mission. We have a cruiser design ready to duel with the Romulans if we need it, and a science ship design that'll outstrip an Oberth."

"Sounds alright, then."

"You'd think ... except people got over-optimistic. Figured you could put a lot of mass up in that pod, get yourself a supership. Even got as far as a formal project, letter-code and all, before Tezeh actually worked the numbers and put a stop to things."

"Ah. So, scale back?"

"So, scale back. Except the whole concept's tainted now. A directive's gone out - no more mission pods. Stick to the tried-and-true. Miranda-style rollbars. Meaning most of the modularity's gone - instead of a full-on pod being swapped out, you're only swapping out a small superstructure, so the dedicated science ship needs a lot more space in the actual saucer changed, so there's different power coupling arrangements needed, it's harder to make modules plug-and-play, there's less room for the shuttlebay - which means we had to step back on probe integration, there's no real point to blue-and-gold crews, we had to cut back on impulse dash speed..." Anne trails off, seeing her friend's eyes glazing over.


"So the short of it is, you can't just swap between missions any more. It takes a lot more yard time to swap the latest designs we're looking at from combat to science. It's just... they missed the point."

"I thought the point was a ship to match the Romulans."

"It was. Um. Is. If we compare it to a Romulan warbird..." Usha looks at the remains of Alexandria's lunch, then at her own tray. "Hm. Let me get another tray of food, and maybe we can sort this out..."
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2303.Q4.2 - Down the Rabbit Hole
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21313.8

We are on approach to the planet Romulus, trailing this heavy warbird through subspace. What we can expect when we get there, we do not know. We are in contact with several branches of Starfleet Command constantly right now. Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse, Director of Starfleet Intelligence, paid me a personal hail, with many orders on things that we must take care to do while in Romulan space. It was followed some fifteen minutes later by a communique from Admiral Kahuranagi herself, giving me explicit permission to ignore any order from Starfleet Intelligence that might endanger my mission.

Always nice to know that the entire fleet brass is watching, no pressure or anything.

Computer, End Log


Captain ka'Sharren straightens her uniform reflexively and steps forth from her ready room and back out onto the bridge of the Enterprise. She takes a moment, lets the organised ferocity of a well-trained bridge crew in a crisis wash over her. All the senior officers are present, including the Senator sitting by the communications specialist. Even the Chief Engineer himself up from the bowels of the ship. Commander Ajam spots her superior right away and makes her way over.

"Commander, anything to report?"

"Lieutenant-Commander Zaardmani has completed a full set of analysis on that heavy warbird," explains Ajam, and she hands Nash a small data pad.


Heavy Warbird 2301-2360 [500m, 2.7m t]
C6 S3 H3 L6 P5 D6 Cloak Yes
Cost[270br, 220sr, 4 Years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-5]​


"She is powerful, but I'd still take an Excelsior against her in a fight," continues Commander Ajam.

"Yes... You'll know you've been in a fight though," replies Nash.

"Yes, Captain."

Nash walks on and approaches her chief medical officer, who is talking with her ops officer and the chief engineer, the latter of which is steadily turning colours. "It's mad!" she hears him saying as she nears. "You can't simply vent plasma into inhabited frames!"

"Do you want to go over the logs of what this thing does to flesh?" asks the Orion doctor Asurva. "Because, let me tell you, immersion in plasma sounds like drifting off in your sleep compared to being reworked into biomechanical circuitry while still alive." Even the chief engineer shudders at that.

"Officers, what have we got?" asks Nash. "New policy from Starfleet?"

"No, no," says Asurva slowly.

"Have you heard this madness?" demands the engineer. "Venting EPS conduits into our own crew? It's murder!"

Nash glances at Asurva quizzically. She bites her lip and hesitates a moment, but eventually speaks up. "You see, among the most recent batch of updates, Starfleet Medical keeps revising the average time taken to infect a ship like what happened to the Franklin downward. And they mention that the plasma in the EPS conduits works effectively at burning out the Biophage's biological matter. So if I was thinking it may be possible, if we have an infection beginning in a given section of the ship..."

"Look into what it would take to set up, Chief," orders ka'Sharren. It's gently phrased, but there is stern steel in her tone. "It's grisly, but having something like that up our sleeves may be the difference in a tight spot."

"... aye, Captain," he says slowly. "Gotta understand, though, whole damn system is designed to keep the plasma in not out."

"Thank you, chief," says Nash with finality. The engineer swallows down his words and gives another, 'aye, captain', and makes his way back to the turbolift.

Lieutenant-Commander Samhaya Mrr'shan grimaces as the engineer leaves. "It does seem very extreme. I think the threat is up there but there's got to be a better option than immolating parts of our own ships, surely?"

"And if you come up with any of them, let me know, Sam," replies the Captain. "Until then, I need something better than freaked out expressions and stern language. If EPS conduit venting gives me that, then that's what I've got." Nash turns away and looks to the Vulcan at conn. "Mister Stol, time to Romulus?" she demands crisply.

"Captain, arrival in ten minutes."

Nash turns and grins at her old comrade. "Romulus, hey? Didn't expect to be seeing this except at the head of an armada."

"Me neither," admits the Caitian.

"Over here, Lieutenant Leaniss," orders Nash.

The willowy blue-tinted Amarki strides across the bridge gracefully. "Yes, Captain?" she says with a polished political tone.

Nash has to grin inwardly at that. Perfectly formal in public, the woman will still call her 'wifey' in a teasing tone in private. "What do we expect from the Romulans when we get there?"

"Honestly, Captain? I've read everything we have on them, I've consulted with Intelligence's and Tactical's best people, I've talked to the Vulcans...," she trails off and finally shrugs. "No one has any clue. They'll probably beam us into the bowels of a military station, or maybe a Tal Shiar facility for a briefing. They'll have to know that even if they get a hold of a senior officer or two, the Enterprise can do tremendous damage selling herself dearly in orbit, so we don't expect funny business here."

"Honestly, we're all just surprised that we're being brought to Romulus," adds Lt-Cdr Samhaya. "I'd have expected some quiet facility near the Neutral Zone."

Leaniss nods. "We think it's a sign of how seriously the Romulans are treating this."

"Right," says Nash with a sigh. "Well, if we don't know what's going to happen, and can't really guess, only one option." She gives them both a dazzling grin. "Gotta ride it out."

The final minutes passed and the USS Enterprise drops out of warp on approach to the second planet of the Romulan system: the infamous planet Romulus, home of a thousand conspiracies. Implacable foe of Starfleet from the earliest moments. The planet is beautiful from orbit in that blue marble way of lush planets, a deceptive look. The orbit is crowded with warships and civilian freighters and a number of station platforms. The nighttime side of the planet is bright with the conurbated lights of cities. Nash ka'Sharren sits in her command chair and gives herself a moment to prepare.

"Sensors are picking up a second Heavy Warbird in orbit around Romulus," reports Zaardmani from the Science consoles. "Appears to be the one Sarek and Courageous fought. There are a dozen D7s and Birds of Prey in orbit as well, plus a large starbase, and a shipyard, with a half finished Heavy Warbird and three Birds of Prey. Many civilian vessels as well. Very many, in fact. More than I'd expect. I have many lifesigns detected on a number of them. Perhaps makeshfit colony ships."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," acknowledges ka'Sharren.

"Incoming transmission from the Devoras, Captain," the Comms officer calls.

"On screen."

The Romulan Commander appears once more on the screen. "Captain ka'Sharren," the officer begins.

"Commander Velin."

"Follow us into orbit," the Romulan states, brows furrowed. "Be advised that if at any point you power weapons, you will be targeted and destroyed within moments. Welcome to Romulus." She begins to reach for a control in her chair, but pauses, giving Nash a little sideways glance out of the corner of her eyes. "Clean up. Find your dress uniform." The viewscreen reverts to the planet.

"Fashion advice from a Romulan," sighs Nash, looking up at her tactical officer. "What has my life come to?" She shakes her head as Samhaya suppresses an unprofessional snicker. "Well, Commander Ajam, you have the bridge."

"Will you be in your Ready Room, Captain?" asks the first officer.

"I'll be in my wardrobe," says Nash. "If the Tal Shiar want to see what the latest trend in Starfleet dress uniforms is, well, they've shown us their planet, the least I can do is dress appropriately for my interrogation."

Ten minutes later and Nash ka'Sharren is in the transporter room as a Chief Petty Officer smoothly works the controls. Lieutenant Leaniss is with her, as well as Zaardmani and Doctor Asurva, the latter two of whom were requested by position by the Romulans. "You have the coordinates, Chief?" asks Nash as she straightens up on the pad.

"Yes, Captain," informs the enlisted man. "Correspond to a relatively non descript building just outside the capital."

"Well, just outside the Capital," says Nash with a grin. "I'm moving up in the world. Commence, chief."

There is a flash and a dazzling array of lights, and a few moments later, a stream of matter broken down into its constituent energy is winging its way to the ground. When the transporter effect clears and eyes adjust to the dim light, the Starfleet Captain and her officers find themselves face to face with a Tal Shiar officer, Commander Velin, an Admiral, and a very finely dressed older gentleman.

"Captain Nash ka'Sharren of the USS Enterprise," stated the Tal Shiar officer, face pinched, like merely being so near to an unshackled Starfleet officer made him queasy. "Follow us. We are taking a turbolift trip into the capital."

"Now I'm actually going to be in the Capital, I really am moving up in the world," quips Nash to her officers, but she moves to follow. "So tell me," she directs at the Tal Shiar officer as they settle into a nondescript carriage. "Where are we off to? Tal Shiar interrogation room? Medical dissection? Motel room on the outskirts of town? I haven't been in one of those since my early Academy years."

The Romulans all simply look at her. Finally, Commander Velin speaks up with, "I thought I told you to get your dress uniform?"

Nash recoils and then looks down at herself. "I did, this is it."

Velin's eyes trace up and down. After a moment she looks back towards the door. "Oh dear."

The Tal Shiar officer all but openly snarls, then turns to Nash. "When we get to our destination," he begins, words cold and clipped like he were shearing them out of ice blocks. "You will be respectful. You will speak only when spoken to. You w-"

"Listen, my fine grey-hearted friend," interrupts Nash, pointing a finger. "You requested me. I'm not going to bend the knee to some Tal Shiar brass when I'm here at your behest."

The Tal Shiar officer's eyes go wide, his nostrils flare. It's creepy to see in something that still resembles a Vulcan. "I most certainly did not invite you here."

"Also, you are not here to meet the Tal Shiar," explains Velin. "Perhaps unfortunately for you."

"Then who are we meeting?" asks Nash.

The turbolift finally comes to a halt and the doors open. The Romulans step out and usher the Starfleet officers forward, through a phalanx of immaculately presented guards with dangerous looking disruptors. They are in a large auditorium, marble everywhere, with many empty long desks behind them, and a raised dais with a panel of several distinguished Romulans ahead of them. On the marble floor Nash can recognise an artfully worked depiction of the Neutral Zone. Set aside in the senate floor is one more empty chair, this one with an exquisitely worked sword laying across its seat.

The finely dressed Romulan who had come with them, yet said nothing, now breaks his silence. "Your honours, I have brought the requested officers. Captain Nash ka'Sharren of the Starfleet starship, USS Enterprise. Also her chief science, medical, and political officers." He turns back to Nash ka'Sharren.

"Excellent," the Romulan in the center position on the panel declares. "They may approach."

The aide turns back to Nash and says in a hushed voice, "Captain, you are presented to the Romulan Continuing Committee. You may approach the Dais."

Nash silently mouths half a dozen Andorian swear words before she recovers enough wit to take the first step.

"Captain ka'Sharren," the man in the centre says. "You are familiar with The Inflictor. Or rather, I believe Starfleet knows it as the Biophage?"

--- TBC ---
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2303.Q4.3 - Down the Rabbit Hole
"Captain ka'Sharren," the man in the centre says. "You are familiar with The Inflictor. Or rather, I believe Starfleet knows it as the Biophage?"

"The Ulith III Biophage, yes," answers Nash ka'Sharren. "Named for the planet we first encountered it on."

"That you first encountered it on...," repeats the man in the center. He chuckles dryly for a moment. "Would that we could say the same. I am Praetor Camir. You have been brought here to discuss this Biophage, and the threat it represents to the galaxy at large, not just to this Star Empire, or your Federation."

Nash's brow furrows as she digests those words. "Is this a Romulan weapon?"

"Over a thousand years ago, we encountered what we came to know as the Inflictor, busily consuming a colony world of ours," explains the Praetor. "We destroyed the colony world, and tracked it back to a derelict, extra-galactic ship that had been drifting through our space. We took a sample of this creature, and after realising it was intelligent, we attempted to harness it." He sighs and reclines back in his chair. "It failed, with great loss. Nothing can alter the mental template of the Inflictor, it is ruthlessly self-correcting. The Inflictor, is the Inflictor, is the Inflictor. So we buried the project in bases on inhospitable worlds and the project was lost to time."

Nash continues to look up at the Continuing Committee, stony-faced and still as the grave. "So it got loose from those bases?"

"Knowledge of those bases became known to only a very few, as hundreds of years of political cut and thrust passed," continues the Praetor. "And eventually, they were lost in the treaty that ended the Earth-Romulan War, now on the wrong side of the Neutral Zone." He glances pointededly as the mural on the floor of the Senate. "It appears that those bases were improperly cleared."

"Ulith III was one of them," guesses Nash.

"That facility was destroyed. You built your science outpost above the remains of our outpost, placed for the same observation reasons," confirms the Praetor. "When we intercepted the news of the outpost's fate, it triggered memories and we investigated further. It seems that a sample of the Biophage slipped containment, and was frozen in the ice."

"So it escaped from Ulith III when the researchers thawed the ice?"

"No, it escaped from the intact, abandoned Korlonia II base," corrects the Praetor.

"...there was an intact Romulan base on Korlonia II?" blurts ka'Sharren, eyes wide.

"That was my own reaction," muttered the Tal Shiar officer from behind Nash.

"Why don't you explain this part, Temon, as it was your organisation's failure," drawls the Praetor.

Nash imagines that she can hear the grinding teeth as she turns to regard the much higher ranked than expected Tal Shiar officer. "Failure? Ouch. Don't take it personally, Temon, we all know the Tal Shiar doesn't have failures," she says in a mock-compassionate voice. "Just call it 'outcomes other than success'."

The Tal Shiar official glares at her with a white-hot rage. His voice sounds like a whetstone on a blade, grinding and metallic. "Unlike the Ulith III base, Korlonia II was abandoned intact but cloaked, and still carried a number of research elements that needed to be ... handled. We did not want to attempt to destroy the Inflictor while on a planet, preferring to attempt so in deep space. However, from long experience the Inflictor has learned how to compromise their isolation vessels without betraying the rewiring. We had to take ... unusual steps to sanitise an escaped sample. We then spent time preparing and attempted to clear out the last remaining site on the planet."

"What went wrong?"

"It is unknown," admits Temon after a long delay. "Contact with the clean-up crew simply ceased."

"What happened at Dunwich IV? Another base?"

Temon looks like he's swallowing a lemon whole. "The clean-up crew on Korlonia landed via a cloaked shuttle."

Nash and the other Federation officers stare at the Tal Shiar man in horror. Eventually the captain repeats in a mumble, "The Biophage has a cloaked shuttle. Wonderful."

The Praetor clears his throat. "Not anymore."

"Well, that's a relief."

"Because the Inflictor used it to launch a sneak attack on the Heavy Warbird T'Seren, which is now serving as the mothership of the plague ravaging the Neutral Zone."

Nash gives an involuntary squeak.

"You may have noticed all the refugee ships in orbit?" The Praetor drums his fingers as that sinks in. "We have been evacuating the colonies and outposts near the Neutral Zone, and have destroyed a number of minor shipyards."

"Why have you brought us here?" asks Nash in a haunted whisper.

"The Federation and the Romulans must both invade the Neutral Zone and destroy this threat before it grows too great. There are species and infrastructure within that zone, and if the Inflictor finds them before we can, then it will grow exponentially. The urgency needed to be impressed upon Starfleet. And we need the sensors of an E-type like your own to help us track down this mothership."


The beep at the door startles you out of your thoughts. You look up from your paperwork to the door, then glance at the still silent intercom. Who dared simply barge through your office?


The outgoing head of Starfleet Ops, Vice Admiral Hamsfeld, storms into your room and comes up to your desk. You're about to excoriate his unprofessional behaviour, when he abruptly speaks up. "Computer, replay recording 'Miracht-21313.9'."

You hold your tongue, simply folding your arms and looking up at the Vice Admiral balefully. If this turns out to not be worth your time...

He glances down as the speakers in the room beep for a moment and quickly adds, "Miranda-class, RBZ posting."

"I know what the Miracht is, Donald."

The log begins to play, slightly scratchy from the low-gain subspace frequency used.

"Alright, Sector Command, we've finished the sweep of the Indus system, nothing here but rocks, really. We have secured from Red Alert and are preparing to move on to the next system."

"Good to hear, Miracht, let us kn-"

A new voice, distant from the recording, jumps in. "Ship decloaking! Romulan heav-firing! We're hit!"

"Got us before shields went up!"

"Tactical, damage report."

"Superficial damage only, Captain. Some manner of particle beam, but it appears to be ineffectual."

"Call for reinforcements, give me full power to Shields and Engines, we can't take that thing head on, we need to play for time."

"Captain, the Warbird is turning away ... it's cloaked."

"What? What was that about, 'tag you're it'?"

"Captain, I have reviewed Sensor logs of the Romulan Heavy Warbird, and I must conclude that it was contaminated by the pestilence currently designated the Ulith III Biophage."

You feel your gut tighten, wrench itself about. A long silence follows on the replay. Finally, "Deploy security teams to the impact area. Put up force fields on all corridors. Engineering, this is the Bridge."

"Engineering here."

"That ship that just fired on us was infected with the Biophage. I don't know what that shot did, but I want your people on high alert."

"Understood, Captain. We'll keep an ... hang on."
You can hear a distant alarm sounding.

"Traynor, what's happening?"

"I don't know, there's an alarm, I'm no sure..."
Screams begin to become audible through the broadcast from Engineering.

"Captain," one of the bridge crew cut in. "We are getting biohazard warnings from Engineering."

"Traynor, my crew tells me there are biohazard warnings in your area, get out of there!"

"By the ... oh no, Captain, get whoever you can to escape pods! It's coming up the core, it's killing-! I've got to start a breach before it's too late!"

"Computer, cease playback," interrupts Hamsfeld. "The rest of the playback is futility and screaming. They don't get the warp core breached in time, and mains power loss prevents use of the transporters to beam a torpedo to the core. The whole craft is infected within a few minutes."

"I thought Medical's estimates said half an hour to an hour?" you ask, aghast.

"The infected Warbird used a particle beam after it dropped out of cloak. It created a much larger initial dose of Biophage than Medical expected." You lean back in your chair and let out a long, slow breath. Hamsfeld swallows, taking the moment to calm his nerves. "When the Kumari arrived, there was no sign of the Miracht, or the Romulan."

"Issue a new Starfleet General Order, all ships are to run with shields raised at all times unless explicitly required to be dropped for operations," you reply in a rush. "Until Medical can give us something, instruct all Captains and Chief Engineers: ships that are infected are to immediately induce warp core breaches until we can find an effective counter. And contact the Enterprise to get an update, let them know that there's an infected Heavy Warbird out there."
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Biophage Status Post (Ongoing)
The Mark of the Beast
Current State of the Ulith III Biophage Infection

The Infliction is loose and has access to a Heavy Warbird with a cloak. As Romulan technology is geared towards making one hard to see, and their testing is performed against their own sensor technology, they are having grave trouble tracking the Biophage. Currently, the Biophage is operating within the Neutral Zone, looking for facilities with which to expand.

Known Infected Systems:
-none current-

Purged Systems
Ulith III - 200 souls
Korlonia II - 500 souls
Dunwich IV - 20,000 souls
Tregh'bak - 15,000 souls
Malora - 40,000 souls
Birkaad III - 10,000 souls (Kadeshi)
Kadesh - 500,000,000 souls

Evacuated Systems - Federation
Arcori III - 23k (lost 2k)
Liath V - 46k (lost 9k earlier)
Larssen II - 15k
Cygnus Sigma

Evacuated Systems - Romulan
Ithrid II - 100k (lost 20k)
Mekiid IV - 40k
Bakana III - 350k

Known Beast Plague Ships


Suspected Beat Plague Ships


Destroyed Plague Ships
SS Franklin
1 x Federation Cargo Ship
3 x Romulan Cargo Ships
T'Seren - ex-Romulan Heavy Warbird
Miracht - ex-Starfleet Miranda
Terrh - ex-Romulan D7 Cruiser

Ships in Operations Area

-Starfleet Romulan Border Zone Fleet-

Commodore T'Faer
USS Kumari (Excelsior) - DAMAGED 12 MONTHS
USS Courageous (Excelsior) - DAMAGED 3 MONTHS
USS Sarek (Excelsior) - DAMAGED 6 MONTHS
USS Excelsior (Excelsior) - DAMAGED 3 MONTHS
USS Challorn (Constellation) - DAMAGED 3 MONTHS
+1 Centaur
+0 Miranda

-Starfleet Andor Sector Fleet-
Commodore -unknown-
USS Cheron (Constitution)
+3 Constellation
+2 Miranda

-Romulan Quarantine Fleet-
Admiral <unknown>
USS Enterprise (Excelsior)
Devoras (Heavy Warbird)
+1 Heavy Warbird [1yr Repair]
+0 Bird of Prey
+0 D7 Cruiser

Total RBZ Installation Count
12 Listening Stations
12 Science Outposts
2 Andorian Colonies (Arcori III - 25k, Liath V - 55k) - Both with a 200k t shipyard
2 Tellarite Colonies (Cygnus Sigma I - 30k, Larssen II - 15k)
1 Vulcan Colony (Solitude - 400k) - With a 500k t shipyard
3 Starfleet Outpost I starbases (Solitude to rim-ward, Claystock to core-ward, Indi Beta in the centre)

240 Star Systems in RBZ in Total

-Coreward Half of Romulan Border Zone-
Claystock Outpost
Arcori III Colony
Larrsen II Colony
6 Listening Posts
6 Science Outposts

-Rimward Half of Romulan Border Zone-
(All Areas are directly opposite the Neutral Zone area with the same number listed below)
RBZ Area South 1
12 Star Systems
Indi Beta Outpost (Starfleet Outpost I) - FORTIFIED
Arkarian Science Outpost
Piar V Listening Post
Gremory III Science Outpost

RBZ Area South 2
12 Star Systems
Liath V Colony (55k) - EVACUATED
Ulith III Science Outpost (Purged)
Liath IX Listening Post

RBZ Area South 3
12 Star Systems
Copperhead IV Science Outpost - EVACUATED
Oliver VI Listening Post

RBZ Area South 4
12 Star Systems
Cygnus Sigma Colony (30k)
Kiterunner II Listening Post

RBZ Area South 5
12 Star Systems
Dunwich IV Colony (Purged - Formerly 20k)
Korlonia II Science Outpost (Purged)
Langtrees I Science Outpost - EVACUATED

RBZ Area South 6
12 Star Systems
Solitude Colony World (400k) + Solitude Outpost (Starfleet Outpost I)
Allengiers II Listening Post
Huckleberry VIII Listening Post

-Romulan facilities in Federation Border Zone pending-
FBZ Area South 1
12 Star Systems
Ithrid II Colony (Evacuated)

FBZ Area South 2
12 Star Systems
Mekiid IV Colony (Evacuated)

FBZ Area South 3
12 Star Systems

FBZ Area South 4
12 Star Systems
Bakana III Colony (Evacuated)

FBZ Area South 5
12 Star Systems
Malora Colony (Purged)

FBZ Area South 6
12 Star Systems
Alepsis II Colony (1.2m + Starbase)

-Known Neutral Zone installations-
NZ Area 1 (Middle of Neutral Zone)
12 Star Systems
Abandoned 150+ yr old bases

NZ Area 2
12 Star Systems
Galaar III Colony
Ruins of Kadesh

NZ Area 3
12 Star Systems
1 Unknown Colony World (purged, 10k)

NZ Area 4
12 Star Systems

NZ Area 5
12 Star Systems

NZ Area 6 (Closest to Klingon Border)
12 Star Systems

Current Resource Stockpile:
Bulk Industrial Resources: 325br
Special Industrial Resources: 125sr
Political Will: 34pp
Research Points: 30rp

Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 11.5 Officer, 22.5 Enlisted, 3.5 Techs
Explorer Corps: 6.25 Officer, 7 Enlisted, 6 Techs

Federation Council
State of Emergency
Mobilisation: Increased 2

State of Emergency
High-Tempo Operations (Monthly)

Romulan Senate
Seeking Federation Assistance
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