Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21204.3 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren
While in the Tau Cygni we have encountered a hermit human couple on the edge of the star system, orbiting Tau Cygni VII in a small station that provides emergency repairs and supplies. We have beamed aboard to meet these spacefarers. I won't say that they are greatly pleased to see us, as it seems they have gone to great lengths to be left alone. However, they have allowed us over.
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 21205.4 - Captain Revak
We have arrived at the Vulcan colony world of Alat IV to render assistance to the USS T'Kumbra. The Miranda-class vessel issued a distress call 12 hours ago, reporting that they have experienced an unexpected failure of the starboard impulse engine. While making a brief pulse at full impulse to change orbits, the impulse engine overloaded. We are taking the craft under tractor tow to Starbase 2 for repairs.
Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 21205.9 - Captain Victoria Eaton
Our friends from Amarki have sent out a call for help. Their flagship and a small task force ran afoul of the Orion Syndicate while exploring colony candidates around Paling IV. The Syndicate ships were destroyed, but their flagship has lost their warp drive, and Admiral Aelin is requesting help. I have ordered the Courageous to respond.
Truthfully, myself and the crew are deeply relieved at being able to respond to something so banal after the Dunwich IV disaster.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 21206.4 - Captain T'Lorel
We appear to have encountered a warp capable civilisation in the Vispus system, just to the rimward-side of the Romulan Border Zone. From our initial hails, we have learned that they call themselves the Caldonians, and they appear to be a race dedicated to science. They are of a similar level of advancement to the Dawiar that we contacted previously, but appear to be developing at a much more rapid pace. The arrival of the Sarek in orbit has provoked great fascination in the population, with great competition to be hosted aboard. They are full of scientific questions. It is a welcome change of pace.
Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21207.1
There is something fishy going on here. The records that we have do not indicate any ships actually undergoing repairs at this station. The hermit couple cannot quite explain how they sustain themselves out here, and some of the components on this station are suspicious at best.
Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Enterprise, Stardate 21208.3
We have taken the hermit couple into custody. They have been running a trap operation, luring in ships, disposing of their crew and disassembling their ships! I grew suspicious while talking to one of them, and told the Enterprise to raise shields. Just afterwards, a tremendous disabling bolt of energy, gathered from tapping the intense magnetic field of the gas giant below, was fired at the ship. If the shields had not been raised, we may have become helpless. Precise phaser strikes disabled the weapons, but the couple refused to surrender the station. Stranded aboard, I was able to stun one of them, and then grappled with the other to secure control of the facility.
We have uncovered a vast array of raw shipbuilding materials, which we will confiscate.
[Gained +100br, +20sr]
Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Courageous, Stardate 21208.7
Admiral Aelin and a number of senior Amarki officers have been our guests aboard the Courageous for the last few days while repairs are made to their damaged warp drive. I have managed to pass on the sacred rites of loose leaf tea to Admiral Aelin, who promises to spread this gospel back to Amarkia. In between cups of tea, however, we have regaled them with tales of our battles with the Romulans and Klingons, which has fascinated their warrior sensibilities no end. My engineer, however, tells me that the repairs are now complete, so we will bid the Admiral adieu. Suffice to say, they depart in better spirits than they arrived, as do we.
[Gained 25 Diplomacy with Amarki, +10pp]
Captain's Log, Supplemental, USS Sarek, Stardate 21210.4
Representatives to the Federation have been selected and dispatched. The scientific ethos of the Federation has fascinated the Caldonians, and they are fast-tracking Affiliate Membership. I have taken the liberty of partially opening up the shipboard library of cultural and scientific texts. This has done much to assure any Caldonian doubters of the nature of the United Federation of Planets. We have also demonstrated what we have to offer by, at the request of the local government, putting the Sarek through a series of drills, including, at one stage a fire-power demonstration that involved a phaser strike on a desert test site.
[Gained Federation Affiliates, the Caldonians, +5pp, and +5rp/turn]