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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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How many living ancestors (as in dwarves older than 800) are there in the Karak Ankor during this time period, I would expect a rather high number because we just saw Snorri's mother's death so I'm guessing there are still a few generations above Snorri.
How many living ancestors (as in dwarves older than 800) are there in the Karak Ankor during this time period, I would expect a rather high number because we just saw Snorri's mother's death so I'm guessing there are still a few generations above Snorri.
So I don't think soulcake has tracked that much, just because it is a very wide ranging detail of lots of numbers which has been something he's fairly avoided. However, your conclusion of basically a lot seems pretty accurate.

There's at least three dwarves older than Snorri, just in Kraka Drakk and two of them are over a thousand.

Moira Ironarm, high priestess of Valaya. Gormak, Grandmaster smith who is like 1.5k+ old. And Brokk the Ranger is older as well I'm pretty sure.

Those three are also getting on in years to the point that some of them are probably going to start dying of age in the future. (Which does leave a point that the Runelords will be amongst the living ancestors for a good period and among the oldest Living Ancestors, as other professions produce their own)
still maintaining that oldest northern runelord title tho.

Overthrowing a gerontocracy is always good fun for the beardlings!

Those three are also getting on in years to the point that some of them are probably going to start dying of age in the future. (Which does leave a point that the Runelords will be amongst the living ancestors for a good period and among the oldest Living Ancestors, as other professions produce their own)

As far as I know, hitting the Living Ancestor stage pretty much means you've stubborned your way past dying of natural causes. A dwarf will still die of injury, disease, poison or other external factors, of course, and they can still die of something LIKE old age if they feel they're done (which is presumably what happened to ma). I don't think we'll see Moira die of anything anytime soon. With all those stupid beardlings and runesmiths running around, she's literally too busy for die.
Yay! There's an entry with all the Runelords of the north. This is really neat. :) And I like how Dwalin's entry lists the self-appended titles he's used, heh. A neat touch.

I wonder how Igna (the armor prodigy) will react to Barak Azamar. It'll be interesting. I wonder if she'll be inspired and fired up, and feel inspired to make something great in response.

And Snorri's Mastery. It's unlike the Masteries of other Runelords. It being a Productivity Mastery, makes it look like a pretty unique and odd one. I wonder if that's a result of being taught by Yorri. Though, I sort of am assuming that Yorri would just have "Odd and Esoteric Runes" as his Mastery, or possibly Gronti, rather than something like Snorri's.

I wonder what kind of Masteries our 3 former students, now Masters, will have? (Or is what they already have, already their Masteries. It seems more like just specialties and exceptional specialties rather than masteries so far.)
Overthrowing a gerontocracy is always good fun for the beardlings!

As far as I know, hitting the Living Ancestor stage pretty much means you've stubborned your way past dying of natural causes. A dwarf will still die of injury, disease, poison or other external factors, of course, and they can still die of something LIKE old age if they feel they're done (which is presumably what happened to ma). I don't think we'll see Moira die of anything anytime soon. With all those stupid beardlings and runesmiths running around, she's literally too busy for die.
Yeah that's basically what I'm talking about. E: Used the wrong term for it so whoops.
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Garazinn, to my best guess, would translate as "rebellious lady dwarf", so I think we have some clue about how close she hews to the Karak Zorn ways.
Man, Dwalin's really gone all in on banners. Definitely prefer our more generalist approach, but I gotta respect that level of specialization.
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Wonder if developing another specialty's doable? Is there just a limit on the number you can have, or can you develop another if you craft enough masterpieces in a category? Hoping we might be able to develop an armour specialty eventually, after Otrek's armour and Barak Azamar, but I suppose even a T5 probably doesn't measure up to a large portion of a Runelord's experience and training.
Sorry for being a bother, this has been bugging me for awhile. During the Rune Trade vote, you mentioned it was possible for Snorri to be declared a heretic on the grounds that he could be seen as trying to shape Runesmiths into his vision rather than Thungni's. But only if he began sharing that specific Rune with every Runesmith around.

So here's my question, is there a limit to the total number of Apprentices we can take in a life time?
Snorri's almost in the double digits at this point, and he's getting better at. If I recall correctly the average Runesmith takes on one or two apprentices in their lifetime, because it's required.
Thank you for taking the time to read my text. I apologize in advance if I misremember any of this information. I unfortunately am not overly familiar with Warhammer fantasy lore, but your story inspired me to try to learn more.
Sorry for being a bother, this has been bugging me for awhile. During the Rune Trade vote, you mentioned it was possible for Snorri to be declared a heretic on the grounds that he could be seen as trying to shape Runesmiths into his vision rather than Thungni's. But only if he began sharing that specific Rune with every Runesmith around.

So here's my question, is there a limit to the total number of Apprentices we can take in a life time?
Snorri's almost in the double digits at this point, and he's getting better at. If I recall correctly the average Runesmith takes on one or two apprentices in their lifetime, because it's required.
Thank you for taking the time to read my text. I apologize in advance if I misremember any of this information. I unfortunately am not overly familiar with Warhammer fantasy lore, but your story inspired me to try to learn more.
I'm not soulcake but there isn't really a limit other than time and how many a dwarf can handle training at any one time, as well as availability of candidates (which we aren't likely to need to worry about). This quest's current scope extends to the end of the Golden Age, to about turn 310 or so, and might go further than that.
Sorry for being a bother, this has been bugging me for awhile. During the Rune Trade vote, you mentioned it was possible for Snorri to be declared a heretic on the grounds that he could be seen as trying to shape Runesmiths into his vision rather than Thungni's. But only if he began sharing that specific Rune with every Runesmith around.
No dwarf is going to begrudge us teaching whatever runes we want to our apprentices, except insisting that we reserve master runes for when they are masters.
No dwarf is going to begrudge us teaching whatever runes we want to our apprentices, except insisting that we reserve master runes for when they are masters.
Yeah, this is one thing Soulcake brought up earlier before the whole potential heresy thing cropped up, which is that the master-apprentice relationship is basically sacrosanct.
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Name: Bara Kormasdottir
Titles: Steelplate
Age: 689 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 21)
Specialties: Engineering (Mastered), Armour (Exceptional), Talismanic, Armour

Name: Dwalin Hurgarsson
Titles: Thunderlung, Battlepoet, Saga Singer*, Warrior Bard*, Tale Teller*, Storyholder*
Age: 505 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning (as of the end of Turn 21)
Specialties: Banner (Mastered), Banner (Exceptional), Talismanic (Exceptional)
Affiliation: Radical

I note that Bara's specialties include "Armour (Exceptional)" AND "Armour" at the same time, while Dwalin has both "Banner (Mastered)" AND "Banner (Exceptional)".

What does this mean? Is this meant to indicate that they have exceeded the regular skill-cap for these specialties and filling the Exp Bar again?
I note that Bara's specialties include "Armour (Exceptional)" AND "Armour" at the same time, while Dwalin has both "Banner (Mastered)" AND "Banner (Exceptional)".

What does this mean? Is this meant to indicate that they have exceeded the regular skill-cap for these specialties and filling the Exp Bar again?
Its basically an indication of savantism. A normal person has two Normal Specialties, one Exceptional Specialty, and one Mastered Specialty. (Snerra is the single exception because she is bullshit). A dwarf develops their Specialties during their Apprenticeship, where they obtain their Normal Specialties, then they gain their Exceptional on their Journey, then their Mastered Specialty when they return to their Master and are ordained Masters.

So a dwarf who dedicates themselves like Dwalin or Bara do means they are really good at whatever it is they are dedicated to. As far as we have any indication of its not a case of an EXP system, but rolling to get Specialties during apprenticeship and training. Whether Snorri can gain any further specialties is unknown. My current guess given our play time and what we've done, is no, but that it also isn't an issue given what he already has.
Yep, it means that that particular category of their's is really good.
Reading the table: If you have duplicate specialties of the same rank, treat it as one specialty at one rank higher. So if Banner Runes are in specialty 1 and 2 it would count as an Exceptional Specialty for Banner Runes. 2 Exceptionals = 1 Mastered, 2 Mastered = Savant. This is more for readability and ease of understanding than it is something I take note of mechanically. So don't base your vote of this all on its own, or do! Just don't expect a theoretically better table to play out better in the quest though. Yes, I named it A.G.E solely for the acronym. :^)
Have a quote from the Grand Conclave Part 4, which clears it up a bit.

The north has a savant of armor, and a savant at Gronti.
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