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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Maybe when we meet more elves we might get some inspiration and make a rune of Nimbleness to put on our Goat Gronti. Which will obviously be made of Gromril :)

M.Rune of Awakening, Rune of Direction, Rune of Impact + talisman with M.Rune of Wandering + Whatever we can do to boost it's speed further.

Maybe some ranger will have the brilliant Idea to try it with a Real goat. Sure... runelords get their fancy Gromril goats, us regular folk have to do with the flesh and blood version :p

Edit: And it shall be called the Caprary :)
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Well, one application of quadrupedal Gronti is the creation of...

... a Battering Ram!

Not something any throng will need until there's an enemy that builds infrastructure with big gates, but I couldn't resist the pun.
Well, one application of quadrupedal Gronti is the creation of...

... a Battering Ram!

Not something any throng will need until there's an enemy that builds infrastructure with big gates, but I couldn't resist the pun.
Counter point. Apply flaming Battering Ram to enemy Cygor or giant Minotaur, scrape mess off of the gronti's front surface after battle.
Dwarf APC charge into the enemy fortress and release line breakers.

I am hopeful we get the spring water out of the way this next turn and then either working on understanding the master rune of purification or gromril chain. I think we should build up some skill with material before going into trying to make the next level of rune metal. The adamant we have looks to be at the edge of our skill right now. At the very least we will need to look into better heat protection and possibly some stronger tools.
Dwarf APC charge into the enemy fortress and release line breakers.

I am hopeful we get the spring water out of the way this next turn and then either working on understanding the master rune of purification or gromril chain. I think we should build up some skill with material before going into trying to make the next level of rune metal. The adamant we have looks to be at the edge of our skill right now. At the very least we will need to look into better heat protection and possibly some stronger tools.

You'd have to have a bunch of Otrek level combatants to make that work though... or the Huskarls armed by Igna Metalheart.

Well, it actually depends on how big a Gronti you can make. As well as the delivery mechanism for the can of dwarf whoop ass
Well we can always have fun with the engineers and build the dwarf equivalent of the ATAT and ATST from Star Wars. With the new rune we could even control it by mental command. Do some work with the light rune and we could even put a laser on it. Hell depending on how far from dwarf form that rune goes we could make the rune tank.
As for things to do next, I'd like to reiterate my preference for researching the odd horns to use with the Hammer of Yeeting, or finishing Diction Direction to prep for elf contact.

Spring Water if we can't do one of those.
Depends on how long the path is, and how attractive the rewards along the way are.

I'd like to make substantial progress before Smednir leaves though.
Okay, thank you for answering that. I'm just gonna say I don't agree with you and leave it at that.
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How about we give ourselves some extra arms?

My preference here is actually a Flail with the right runes, to make it mentally controllable. Or anchor them to the back of the armour to go all Doc Ock

You know how many time when crafting something I wished I had an extra arm?

Soo, Runic Mechadendrites when?
Cmon you all were thinking it. :p

Snorri even already has something approaching the right attire for those. :whistle:
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If people really want the Hammer of Yeeting then I insist that we research the Odd Horns instead of the Springs next turn. If we're doing the Springs the weapon should be one of the designs using MConduction as we already have a usable reagent upgrade for that MRune.
Hypothetically speaking, what do you guys see as the primary benefit of Non-dwarf shaped gronti?

Because not being Bipedal brings with it a bunch of disadvantages, foremost of which: not being able to wield weapons.

That being said, Making a Goat Gronti and putting a talisman with the Master Rune of Wandering on it seems like a good way to get around the 'No cavalry' rule. Is there another way to make a Fast Gronti?

Or maybe a goat drawn chariot/sled... ala the Hobbit EE.
A boring one is as transportation. Setup a massive Gronti that travels the underway that functions as an armored train. Or for that matter a mobile hospital. Or it acts as the supply train for a throng.
Now that the Elves are trading with Dwarves, maybe we can actually meet some of them. It would actually be funny if we could bonk some of their heads and beat them over a drinking contest. I would love to see an interlude on how Elves react to Dwarves and all their bullshittery. How they react to meeting the Sky King would also be downright hilarious for us, but maybe terrifying for them.
If people don't want to do the MSmiting hammer because the horns arn't researched yet, I think we should just do a weapon theme instead of a write in of the runes. Maybe ask for a theme that combos with BA and uses MConduction and see if we roll well for it.
Hypothetically speaking, what do you guys see as the primary benefit of Non-dwarf shaped gronti?

Because not being Bipedal brings with it a bunch of disadvantages, foremost of which: not being able to wield weapons.

That being said, Making a Goat Gronti and putting a talisman with the Master Rune of Wandering on it seems like a good way to get around the 'No cavalry' rule. Is there another way to make a Fast Gronti?

Or maybe a goat drawn chariot/sled... ala the Hobbit EE.
A variation on Siege Engines I think, or we might be able to make a gigantic cart pulled by Gronti Goats which could effectively be a primitive sort of train.

There isn't anything other than the above leaping directly to mind immediately other than "Oh cool Dragon Gronti" or other stuff in that vein which is just "A weird shaped Gronti that does Gronti things" and isn't very different in what the point of it is.
If we're making a non-dwarf shaped gronti then why the hell would we make it in the shape of something that actually exists? When we could instead make some sort of tentacled/flying/mantis shrimp/giant abomination hybrid looking thing gronti that is shaped in such a way that it is as efficient as possible. Because a gronti that has the benefits of quadrupedal locomotion speeds in addition to being able to fly AND being able to hit you with 15 axes at once each hit just as hard as a dwarf shaped version of that gronti could manage in one hit? I mean sure it's going to look like a total fucking abomination, but Snorri will probably get away with pulling that shit if he initially treats the thing as a high effort joke by also giving the thing googly eyes and making it's walking cycle looking really derpy and if Snorri can manage it making it make Brrrrrr sounds or something and saying it's primary function is to be what is essentially a jester, and later once what is essentially the ''My Existance is a giant joke'' proves itself in battle (Snorri will send it into battle with the excuse of: It was created as a joke, so I think I will atleast give it the curtesy of being destroyed fighting the enemies of the Karaz Ankor) and eventually gets accepted as something more then just a joke. Then suddenly Snorri will get alot of extra leeway in making non-dwarf shaped gronti, as pretty much anything is going to look reasonable when compared to the joke Gronti.


Is this plan in any way shape or form reasonable? Or is making a gronti or any runesmithing work specifically meant to be entertaining as a joke also seen as too radical to be considered?
If we're making a non-dwarf shaped gronti then why the hell would we make it in the shape of something that actually exists? When we could instead make some sort of tentacled/flying/mantis shrimp/giant abomination hybrid looking thing gronti that is shaped in such a way that it is as efficient as possible. Because a gronti that has the benefits of quadrupedal locomotion speeds in addition to being able to fly AND being able to hit you with 15 axes at once each hit just as hard as a dwarf shaped version of that gronti could manage in one hit? I mean sure it's going to look like a total fucking abomination, but Snorri will probably get away with pulling that shit if he initially treats the thing as a high effort joke by also giving the thing googly eyes and making it's walking cycle looking really derpy and if Snorri can manage it making it make Brrrrrr sounds or something and saying it's primary function is to be what is essentially a jester, and later once what is essentially the ''My Existance is a giant joke'' proves itself in battle (Snorri will send it into battle with the excuse of: It was created as a joke, so I think I will atleast give it the curtesy of being destroyed fighting the enemies of the Karaz Ankor) and eventually gets accepted as something more then just a joke. Then suddenly Snorri will get alot of extra leeway in making non-dwarf shaped gronti, as pretty much anything is going to look reasonable when compared to the joke Gronti.


Is this plan in any way shape or form reasonable? Or is making a gronti or any runesmithing work specifically meant to be entertaining as a joke also seen as too radical to be considered?

I don't think so

1. A gronti won't be able to fly, no matter it's form. It's a gigantic construct made of stone/gromril and powered by magics of the deep earth... Flying is not something they could reasonably do.

2. Snorri isn't Yorri. He is quite eccentric, in his own way, but he wouldn't go tentacled horror / giant abomination (due to chaos association). And he's probably never seen a shrimp, given dwarfs are all landlubbers par excellence.

3. Snorri is an artist: he wouldn't make something that's an eyeblight and put runes on it just for kicks. It's dishonoring Thungni's gift.
If people don't want to do the MSmiting hammer because the horns arn't researched yet, I think we should just do a weapon theme instead of a write in of the runes. Maybe ask for a theme that combos with BA and uses MConduction and see if we roll well for it.

Plenty of other rune arrays Snorri could put on a hammer besides the smiting one, so I would prefer if we had a go at picking out the runes ourselves even if smiting needs more time in the oven. I remain of the opinion that silver's craftsmanship-aligned suggestion (conduction/steel/forge or a variant thereof) would be clean as hell and would be happy to put it to a vote next turn.

If people want to make a weapon in time for the big tour while also keeping the door open for Snorri to make himself a horny smiting hammer in the future, one way of squaring that particular circle would be to draft up a replacement for Snorri's axe instead and come back to the subject of the hammer later on. (It would obviously be possible to make one hammer now and another later, and just have Snorri dual wield hammers from now on, but I'm using axe as a convenient shorthand for his second weapon.) I've posted previously about currents/battle/parrying on an axe and still think it'd make for an excellent weapon.
1. A gronti won't be able to fly, no matter it's form. It's a gigantic construct made of stone/gromril and powered by magics of the deep earth... Flying is not something they could reasonably do.

Not unless 2e started doing some serious collaborations with elven high mages anyways.

Regarding the quadrepedal versus bipedal gronti, the primary advantage quadrepedal gronti offer to my mind is traction and stability. If you need a gronti to hold a position, more legs will make it far more effective at doing so.

Additionally, a quadrepedal gronti could act as the world's strongest pack animal.