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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[] Plan: Make the shots count
-[ ] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[ ] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[ ] Odd Places 5/10: Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen. [Cost: 1 action] Roll for usefulness.
Why not two?

If we use 4 actions in the Adamant Smelter we will get the maximum number of smelters that the rule of pride allows us, and we will have a production of 3 adamant bars every 2 turns...

We would still have enough voidstones for our resarch and another action to use in the underway or the dowry...
I'd prefer just 2 for now since we are on a time limit and rather not overly focus on Adamant production since we do have other things to do.
[] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter
-[ ] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[ ] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[ ] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
I am also fine with this.
The idiot! Who leaves the hold in a time like this? Damn beasts coming out of the north like a wave, snows higher than five dwarfs stacked atop each other and he gets it in his fool head to go out and try and find some inspiration!
Your niece has finally hit a snag of trouble for once in her life it seems. Getting the fool idea in her head to head off and join the Throng as they marched, only to end up in an ambush that left her bedridden for a month or two.
I think Snorri may have underestimated the hot headedness of beardlings...
We might still need it for improved adamant production that we research or whatever other uses it opens up. We can finish voidstone research this turn with 1 action for something else that would also tell us how able we are to acquire more.
Might, might. That's an issue since it's just guessing what we might get. Thing is that getting more Adamant now would be really damn helpful and we aren't sure if we would need a ton of more research in regards to further improving Adamant production. For all we know we may just be able to improve the forges we already have.
I think doing research or smelters right now is a mistake; we have this turn and next turn to prepare for the demonic hordes, and we have yet to produce a single anti-daemon item, even though we've had the daemonward the entire game.

We can research and build infrastructure later.

This turn:
Get the Dowry out of the way with +2 Overflow for 3 AP.
Get the Underway finished for 1 AP.
Design something anti-daemon for 1 AP.

Next Turn:
Get both Armors done with +3 Overflow for 3 AP
Get the anti-daemon item finished with +2 Overflow for 2 AP

Hordes Arrive.

That seems like the best prep work possible, to me.
I think doing research or smelters right now is a mistake; we have this turn and next turn to prepare for the demonic hordes, and we have yet to produce a single anti-daemon item, even though we've had the daemonward the entire game.

We can research and build infrastructure later.

This turn:
Get the Dowry out of the way with +2 Overflow for 3 AP.
Get the Underway finished for 1 AP.
Design something anti-daemon for 1 AP.

Next Turn:
Get both Armors done with +3 Overflow for 3 AP
Get the anti-daemon item finished with +2 Overflow for 2 AP

Hordes Arrive.

That seems like the best prep work possible, to me.
We already talked about this but Dwarf holds are literally meant to be heavily defensible and in canon they literally managed to survive the entire thing and in this case we have even better defenses. It says a lot that the wedding is still going to happen even with what's going on. So imagine we do in fact have quite a bit of time until they actually are able to breach defenses of the Holds.
[ ] [Whitebeard Reply]
-[] Aerial allies should not be underestimated; for all that Dwarves are wise enough to stay on the ground where they are the masters, the masters of the sky and earth together can only be greater than either alone.
-[] They have yet to harm a dwarf, and have in fact aided many. That alone is worth at least trying to make this work.
-[] They take honor and pride seriously. In that, we are alike, if different in that earth is unyielding whereas wind is unchanging.

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Also really think that if we make an Adamant smelter we do it this very turn since the sooner we get it done the better the sooner we can get more Adamant. From what I can see we can put in just 1 action towards the Dowry this turn and finish it next turn which should also give it overflow with just 2 actions as well.
Might, might. That's an issue since it's just guessing what we might get. Thing is that getting more Adamant now would be really damn helpful and we aren't sure if we would need a ton of more research in regards to further improving Adamant production. For all we know we may just be able to improve the forges we already have.
Which taking a turn to do voidstone research will answer at least in part. What we can see though is that high level metal such as adamant requires high level mats to produce so voidstone are going to have additional use beyond Helter Smelter, so we are running a definite risk of not having enough for what are likely to be better projects as stuff further down research trees tends to be better than stuff before it.
We already talked about this but Dwarf holds are literally meant to be heavily defensible and in canon they literally managed to survive the entire thing and in this case we have even better defenses. It says a lot that the wedding is still going to happen even with what's going on. So imagine we do in fact have quite a bit of time until they actually are able to breach defenses of the Holds.
Plus the great Weakness of the Northern Dwarf Holds was that they were not connected to the Underway when the Second Chaos Incursion happened, and in this quest this weak point has been solved...
Which taking a turn to do voidstone research will answer at least in part. What we can see though is that high level metal such as adamant requires high level mats to produce so voidstone are going to have additional use beyond Helter Smelter, so we are running a definite risk of not having enough for what are likely to be better projects as stuff further down research trees tends to be better than stuff before it.
We have absolutely no idea what voidstone research will do. Researching the heart merely provided the specifics, it didn't unlock doors that weren't already open.

Having more Adamant however will allow us to make something of Adamant, and beyond the efficiency I personally really, really like the idea of having something of Adamant before the Ancestors depart and the Great Cataclysm ends.

Grimnir gave the tiniest of approval just by knowing we had made Adamant. Seeing us having crafted something would likely lead to a higher tiny bit of approval, which is well worth it even if there are no mechanical gains.
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Putting off making the personal gear of our leaders until after a crisis hits feels like a mistake to me, no matter how strong the fortifications.

[ ] Plan Invasion Preperation
-[ ] [Simple] The Underway: 1 Action
-[ ] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: 3 Actions
-[ ] [Difficult] Write In: Daemonbreak Adamant Hammer Pt. 1: 1 Action
--[ ] Choose: Master Rune of Breaking, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Daemonslaying
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Um, so, question: now that we have the [Tier 2] Obsidian x1, what exactly are we supposed to do with it?

I think it was ordered for the purpose of the Adamant research. Except that turned out to be wrong. We probably shouldn't Order reagents for Research from now on; especially not if we're just guessing what it's going to be.

Amusingly/frustratingly enough, there actually isn't a Rune that has "Obsidian" as a required reagent on the list of Runes. So even if we wanted to use the Obsidian, I'm not sure what we'd do with it. Maybe we'll be lucky and find out that the non-Master Rune version of Purification takes Obsidian to make. That research is a ways out though. God knows how many turns out. So effectively... we are hoarding mats now. Hoarding two mats by now, as we've had the Oathgold for a few turns too. =/

... I guess technically not every reagent has to be for Runes. You could make stuff out of reagents too. Wutroth and Pure Gromril for example (and normal Gromril too for that matter) doesn't show up on the reagent list simply because we have a local source of it.

But what would we turn the Obsidian into?
- Runes on Adamant are roughly half again stronger than on Pure Gromril. How the effect manifests is dependent on the Rune, but it's generally more potent than it is versatile.
Huh. Huh. So, question, if you wanted to make a Golem and you wanted it to benefit from the rune boost, could you make just a small part of the Golem out of Adamant and rune that with the Master Rune of Awakening and let the rest of the Golem be made out of stone or Gromril? Or would you have to make the whole Gronti out of Adamant if you want the rune boost?

Or alternatively, would you need a "Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour" amount of Adamant -- basically, given the Golem an outer skin of Adamant -- in order to give its Runes the Adamant boost?
The QM has outright stated that we will not eat up valuable materials when doing research since he felt that would be a dick move. So no, we don't need to worry about that
To be clear the response was the research itself wouldn't take materials. Anything done once the research was finished would though. So from that I take it to mean researching void stone would be fine, wouldn't consume a voidstone. Say we research the master rune of Snorri though, the end result of that, once the research was finished, likely would take a voidstone and give us a proof of concept of a completely understood master rune of Snorri.
I agree, but since we can build another two smelters before the Rule of Pride kicks in, wouldn´t it be better to use 4 actions there this turn?

That way we would produce 3 adamant bars every 2 turns, and that would be incredibly useful for our next projects or commissions.
I don't think we'd need 3 smelters for a long while. An Adamant Bar every turn would already help us with our plans for adamant armour for the king/heir and Snorri's personal gear. Making a single smelter this turn would mean we have enough adamant to make Otrek or Gloin their Adamant suit next turn.

And considering Gloin is leading the throng further North to try and stall the daemonshits Ofer a while he could probably do with his armour and cloak.
Huh. Huh. So, question, if you wanted to make a Golem and you wanted it to benefit from the rune boost, could you make just a small part of the Golem out of Adamant and rune that with the Master Rune of Awakening and let the rest of the Golem be made out of stone or Gromril? Or would you have to make the whole Gronti out of Adamant if you want the rune boost?

Or alternatively, would you need a "Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour" amount of Adamant -- basically, given the Golem an outer skin of Adamant -- in order to give its Runes the Adamant boost?
At least 3 bars of Adamant to apply to a Gronti made of other stuff.
[ ] [Whitebeard Reply]
-[] Aerial allies should not be underestimated; for all that Dwarves are wise enough to stay on the ground where they are the masters, the masters of the sky and earth together can only be greater than either alone.
-[] They have yet to harm a dwarf, and have in fact aided many. That alone is worth at least trying to make this work.
-[] They take honor and pride seriously. In that, we are alike, if different in that earth is unyielding whereas wind is unchanging.

Well, what do you think?