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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Will there be a problem with Yorri's odd places if the Daemon armies come?
They're odd places we don't know anything concrete about, how can we possibly know?

I would like to developed more in terms of defense and expansion of the Hold because I feel like we have been focusing to much on research this past few turns and we could have spend more time and action in actually asking for more dwarf to move in to our hold and the other southern kings to send any dwarf they are willing to send to that north,"we need the manpower" especially now that we will be fighting the tides of demons from start to finish.

Plus, It might actually be easier to try to convince the other norther dwarven Holds to move in with us than completing the underway which is much harder since there are a lot of Dwarven holds in the north.
Disagree strongly. We're not a ruler, and we have contributed extensively to the defenses already.
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Definitely agree, but we do need more Adamant now if we want to make important things done anytime soon. But no using it up.
Except that is 2 actions we can put towards voidstone research or rune metal pt 5 to get those done a turn sooner. Helter Smelter is not how we get to good adamant production and if we end up needing voidstones it is using a limited resource.
Clarification here, finishing this would mean each hold in the North is connected to our Underway connection and therefore a straight shot to the southern holds? So even if they get swarmed by daemonshits at the end of this turn they can be reinforced by throngs from other holds and supplied just in case?

The clarification I'm after specifically is, does this mean we dig to a specific point and we have to wait for the other northern holds to dig to it or is it digging straight to the other Northern holds connecting them up?
The underway connecting the northern holds would effectively be completed once that is filled up. It represents your contribution, but yours is by far the largest by virtue of your hold's ability to move stuff. the smaller holds are aware that the Underway is probably the only way they can save their children from dying if the worst comes to happen so they're pouring as much as they can into getting it done on their end.
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So what do we want to say to Whitebeard? It's pretty important so we should be careful about what we say.
Except that is 2 actions we can put towards voidstone research or rune metal pt 5 to get those done a turn sooner. Helter Smelter is not how we get to good adamant production and if we end up needing voidstones it is using a limited resource.
If we plan to make the Kings armour from Adamant by Turn 18 we need the smelter set up this turn. That would let us make the armour next turn because it'd give us our third bar at the end of this turn.
The underway connecting the northern holds would effectively be completed once that is filled up. It represents your contribution, but yours is by far the largest by virtue of your hold's ability to move stuff. the smaller holds are aware that the Underway is probably the only way they can save their children from dying if the worst comes to happen so they're pouring as much as they can into getting it done on their end.
Ah. Then yeah. I think we should definitely get this done this turn.
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Honestly I'd put four actions into smelter so we could have two up and running by next turn. That's as most as we can make without breaching Rule of Pride, leaves us with 2 voidstone to research with and gets us the most possible Adamant.
Jeez, we have eight, 8! research items. We might want to try knocking out some of the easier ones over time, or work on a more medium-term one like better translation runes. Meanwhile, while Rune Metal has paid off, it took us sixteen turns to get this far. I think we're probably not gonna do Part 5 for a long, long time.
Id vote for 4 actions for the smelter and I would put the last into the Underway so it finishes this turn, the voidstone research so we could finish it with 3 actions or the Dowry so we can appropriately overflow it to the max next turn.

Probably the Underway now that I think about it.
So, the idea behind this is simple:
We need more Adamant, stat, to handle things. Our own equipment being upgraded, the armor of the royalty, whatever super thing we make with the Greedy Heart; and it will take time before a more efficient method of production is created.

I agree, but since we can build another two smelters before the Rule of Pride kicks in, wouldn´t it be better to use 4 actions there this turn?

That way we would produce 3 adamant bars every 2 turns, and that would be incredibly useful for our next projects or commissions.
I didn't know a griffon could do that. But since the king is regrowing a new one what does that mean in a figurative sense? The freely given heart is like a phylactery?
I'm certain that even after we discern a more efficient method of producing adamant we'll still benefit big time from an additional smelter.
Jeez, we have eight, 8! research items. We might want to try knocking out some of the easier ones over time, or work on a more medium-term one like better translation runes. Meanwhile, while Rune Metal has paid off, it took us sixteen turns to get this far. I think we're probably not gonna do Part 5 for a long, long time.
Right about now research actions don't seem like such a good idea because they take so many actions I don't think that they will produce results in time for whatever in blasted Chaos is coming.
I'm thinking we put one Action into the Underway to move it up a turn and put the rest into the Warrior. We know the daemons will be here by the end of the turn so if we're going to build it now is the time.

We can do the dowry and armors next turn. 2 actions into the dowry will finish it and next turn we'll have 3 bars of Adamant so we can make the Kings Armor Adamant and the princes Gromril and put 3 Action into them.
Couple of thoughts:

[ ] Plan Void and Below
-[ ] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
-[ ] Voidstones: You have four shards of the material left. You aren't sure what it is, or if there's even more of it out there in the world, getting gobbled up by other Runelords inconspicuously. You'll have to do a bit of investigation as well as your more normal battery of tests. [Cost: 5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 4 actions

Finishes underway and gives us more info on the voidstone and if we can get more amongst other things

[ ] Plan Commissions and Trickle
-[ ] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 3 actions (5 total so overflow of 2)
-[ ] Voidstones: You have four shards of the material left. You aren't sure what it is, or if there's even more of it out there in the world, getting gobbled up by other Runelords inconspicuously. You'll have to do a bit of investigation as well as your more normal battery of tests. [Cost: 5 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. 1 action (lets us spend three next turn to finish it)
-[ ] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action

This one finishes the Dowry and puts voidstone able to be finished next turn with 3 actions along with finishing the underway
Dwarves thrive when they try to make the best [X] that ever was. Adamant is better than Gromril. I think that counts.

Really not sure on setting up another smelter versus voidstone research vs everything else.
Definitely agree, but we do need more Adamant now if we want to make important things done anytime soon. But no using it up.
Definitely agree with this, we are literally about to experience a gigantic daemon invasion. Doesn't seem like the time to get stingy, especially since we would still have 3 more Voidstones. So I think we should definitely make one more Adamant Smelter and afterwards put off using them for anything else afterwards.
I'm certain that even after we discern a more efficient method of producing adamant we'll still benefit big time from an additional smelter.
Depends on if we need those voidstones for better adamant production or even the metal level after. At this point we do not know and currently have no way to acquire more. Also a more efficient production would be better than a +.5 per turn which is what helter smelter does and at the same time pushes us a turn back (or more depending on dowry and other options) on when we get the better adamant production in place

Definitely agree with this, we are literally about to experience a gigantic daemon invasion. Doesn't seem like the time to get stingy, especially since we would still have 3 more Voidstones. So I think we should definitely make one more Adamant Smelter and afterwards put off using them for anything else afterwards.
Voidstones have no way of being replenished so if we use them up and we need more later we are out of luck. And we may need to use 1 for the research (we needed obsidian for runemetal part 4 so mats can be consumed on research) plus however many we need for follow ups.
Definitely agree with this, we are literally about to experience a gigantic daemon invasion. Doesn't seem like the time to get stingy, especially since we would still have 3 more Voidstones. So I think we should definitely make one more Adamant Smelter and afterwards put off using them for anything else afterwards.
Why not two?

If we use 4 actions in the Adamant Smelter we will get the maximum number of smelters that the rule of pride allows us, and we will have a production of 3 adamant bars every 2 turns...

We would still have enough voidstones for our resarch and another action to use in the underway or the dowry...
[] Plan: Finish Underway, Dowry Pt. 2 and Helter Smelter
-[ ] Helter Smelter: You're sure there's a way to more efficiently produce more Adamant, but as it is you can create at least one more smelter to increase your overall throughput. Having one work while the other recharges for instance. You can at least make one or two more before you start feeling as if you're running afoul of the Rule of Pride. [Cost: 3 actions, 1 Voidstone] Productivity Like No Other will proc. +1 Bar of Adamant every Turn instead of every other Turn. (Will count the turn it was done on) Overflow will only add progress to the next smelter and cost another Voidstone. 2 Actions
-[ ] [Difficult] Dowry Pt. 2: Two cloaks and an amulet to be ready for the wedding of Prince Durabarr Stonehammer and Princess Orra Ironarm. All that needs to be done nowA multiwork project. [Cost: 3 actions] Due in 2 Turns. 2 Action
-[ ] [Simple] The Underway: Otrek is in less of a rush to complete this. The Holds of the North are not waylaid by enemies and are aware that with the way the weather's been, an Underway route is the only reliable way for them to stay connected. [Cost: variable normal and apprentice actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 2 Progress per action, 1 progress per apprentice action. 21 out of 30 Progress. 7 progress a turn regardless of input. 1 action
Disagree strongly. We're not a ruler, and we have contributed extensively to the defenses already.
At this point I seriously question why the hell people are trying to force a quest that isn't about getting heavily involved about politics to become a quest where we get involved in politics instead of just freaking playing a quest that was meant to be one from the start. There are literally dozens upon dozens of such quests in the form of CK2 quests.
Voidstones have no way of being replenished so if we use them up and we need more later we are out of luck. And we may need to use 1 for the research (we needed obsidian for runemetal part 4 so mats can be consumed on research) plus however many we need for follow ups.
The QM has outright stated that we will not eat up valuable materials when doing research since he felt that would be a dick move. So no, we don't need to worry about that.
I'd also like to be able to produce Adamant armor for ourself by next turn using overflow from two actions to get past the part1/part 2 interim.

1. Because I'd like to be able to use it in battle against the daemons, and you can bet there will be battles.
2. I would like Grimnir to see us in Adamant whence he comes.
3. Better we test it ourselves before bestowing something similar upon royalty.
4. I would like to be able to present Adamant armor when next we meet someone from the Brotherhood of Dron again.
5. Having Adamant armor during the Great Cataclysm is much cooler than having it after the Great Cataclysm.
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At this point I seriously question why the hell people are trying to force a quest that isn't about getting heavily involved about politics to become a quest where we get involved in politics instead of just freaking playing a quest that was meant to be one from the start. There are literally dozens upon dozens of such quests in the form of CK2 quests.

The QM has outright stated that we will not eat up valuable materials when doing research since he felt that would be a dick move. So no, we don't need to worry about that.
We might still need it for improved adamant production that we research or whatever other uses it opens up. We can finish voidstone research this turn with 1 action for something else that would also tell us how able we are to acquire more.