I think people understand that AP is limited, it's just that many are fine with sacrificing some of that stuff to get an apprentice. For instance we have a tendency to overpay for crafting in AP, we have done that has far back as Trollslayer unless I miss my guest and now with KKR to improve our productivity even more not to mention the advancement of the trait that would be even more the case. At the end of the day I do not think AP cost is that ruinous to deal with.
AP cost is a thing, but I also mean straight up screen time.
As for the other statement. I do think we've overpayed on some stuff, but there's another tendency in parallel to that. Do you recognize that the quality and scale of a craft both determine how much overflow it can take in an intuitive manner based on what Soul has said? And that the quality of our potential crafts has been increasing?
Additionally, another tendency is that we're generally not going above three with the stuff we make, after getting KKR. Discussions around the Ungor Gronti haven't risen above 2 ap in the pt 2 where we actually build it IIRC.
The only exception to that, the Dragon, is because when it was first conceived of years prior to KKR it was treated as so huge and significant that many people (myself included) think we should full dive it. And now after Khaz, there's a further impetus because the other time we've full dived something we popped out a T5 Wonder with Khazagar.
So no, its not even more the case that we'll overpay. KKR has given greater flexibility, letting us grab low hanging fruit that's been out to dry for so long - see this very turn. And in my case, I don't really want to give that up actually. I like satisfying our other projects that have lain dormant for some time.
A third tendency in this thread is people speaking up about their particular project not getting attention: Happening of Things, Light, Albion Gear, Mind of Things, Fixing of Things etc. Voik's Giant Siege Gronti, Azrilzhufgotten (which started life as a design from Belligerent Gnu at least a year ago), Menlinwen's stuff, the Brotherhood Calls request about the last Storm of Magic, War.
The combination of Heir Actions, KKR, and the innovation of Simple Research and a pool of autoprogress into Simple Research every turn has given us far more flexibility - enough to make actual progress on stuff we've been leaving fallow. So I wrap around back to my initial point. Snorri taking an apprentice reduces our flexibility and does make it meaningfully harder to do stuff or give people's projects of interest attention.
Everyone's projects of interest.
And if someone wants Svina as an apprentice and doesn't care about plan particulars, then there's Karstah, who is basically a second protagonist at this point so screen time is a much smaller concern. (Karstah and Snorri are not interchangeable) If folks want specifically Snorri teaching Svina or another apprentice scenes I accept that, even though I don't think that's a good idea right now for a multitude of reasons. Most of which I've already laid out.
And for the folks who both want an apprentice and want maximum flexibility to do their projects and do care about plan particulars those incentives point towards Snorri No and Karstah Yes.