that implies the hammer was forged with it laying horizontally on something instead of say potentially being held vertically somehow, like say the glowing handle in between his knees so the head was on eye level with him for him to work on, nothing says the ancestors could not be unconventional, they are the pioneers after all, who knows maybe they did what snorri did with forging chainmail on their knees first and then refined the method after the first few links. just saying the point is, its a possible lead on how it might be done.
Forged vertically?
Do you know what an anvil is?
Forging it vertically raises all sorts of exciting new issues as now we need to bang an ingot of Gromril hard enough to dent Gromril.
I think the first idea would be to max out windsight before we start, but for the Hammer I think what we need is to determine the magnitude and nature of the runes.
- Currently there are 3 sets of rune. 2 standard Combos and 1 "Regular" combo of 3 similar powered Runes (Master Runes in this case)
- We know that within the standard operation 2 MRunes cannot exist on the same item, nor can more than 4 Runes exist on an item.
- In our current theory the Master Rune takes precedence over lesser Runes when used in a combo, so much so we use the MrRR notation or some variation there of.
From this we have some ideas .
- The first is to test the normal variant of the 3 Master Runes and specifically if the order matters. So what we're looking for is does changing which rune in the center have any effect.
- The second is to test if the Regular Runes have any relationship to the Master RUne. Specifically we're looking for if the Runes are the uncompress part of the Master Rune.
My speculation is that the stability of the 7 piece combo is crafted using a central exaust Rune to dump the energy alongside 2 Uncompressed Combos flanking either side . An uincompressed combo being a Master Rune followed by 2 constituent Rune that would have gone into creating the Master RUne. Our equivalent would be like Mr Makestrike + R Smednir and R THungni.
Took me a mo to realise you were responding to the next step not the balance.
Maxing windsight was a must have for Materials anyway, although elves haven't reverse engineered runecraft so I don't think the theory can be entirely explained via windsight.
1) Just to clarify for my visualisation, are you moving into this interpretation of the hammer runes:
(MPrecision, MGrounding, MCraftsmanship)
/____|________________ |______ \
Breaking, Flamecraft _______ Forgecraft, MetalCrafts
rather than one of these?
(RRMr) Mr (MrRR)
RR (MrMrMr) RR
the second option there might be the combo of 3 MRunes you mentioned but it leaves the regular runes on either side dangling.
This theory still doesn't hold well for Grimnirs axe, unless its working via a different approach
- Examined Urkdrengi [Combo, ???: Master Rune 1, Master Rune 2, Master Rune 3?, ???, ???,]
In order for that to fit it would have to be something like:
(Master Rune 1, Master Rune 2, Master Rune 3)
/________ \
Basic Rune 1 Basic Rune2
Which might be acceptable but loses some of the pleasing symmetry that the theory has for the Hammer. It keeps it within the three rune limit assuming that this is how its being treated, but you can't really balance 5/3 runes or have a central exhaust on an axe with only two flat areas for inscribing.
I don't think the order we typically write out combos matters, some things like Forging must be applied before the object is created according to their lore however soulcake still offers it third.
Mold the Metal | Rune of Might | Rune of Smednir | Rune of Forging |
However I'm sure
@soulcake will be willing to clarify if we potentially need to invent 6 times the number of combos according to the order of runes. That seems like way too much work for anyone to do and something that would just spawn bad feeling if we lost a combo because we ordered the vote wrong.