Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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question...grungni stated he could feel our banner and called it a foci right? hence it is actively channeling the ancestor gods....does this mean a upgraded eye could see the direction from which the banner is drawing power from the ancestor gods and find them, potentially?
Snorri: *Looks for ancestors*

*Meanwhile Acestors watching what Dwarfs were doing*
Grugni: Damnit, we just finished the stone pie.
Valaya: I will make another.
Snorri: *Breaks a wall and sees Ancestor watching a gigantic runic screen which shows Dwarf and Elf drinking ale*
Ancestors: . . .
Snorri: . . .
Ancestor: . . .
question...grungni stated he could feel our banner and called it a foci right? hence it is actively channeling the ancestor gods....does this mean a upgraded eye could see the direction from which the banner is drawing power from the ancestor gods and find them, potentially?
Which Banner are you referring to here? I'm guessing the Silver Wyrm Banner, but I don't recall the scene you are referring to.
Well... I thought it was generally accepted that a master dwarvern blacksmith would just smith steel stronger than IRL because Warhammer lives in a rule of cool heightened reality.
Absolutely, I just hadn't connnected that to this specific comment. I'd only taken it as meaning 'an experienced enough runesmith doesn't need reagants and Adamant to surpass your work', not 'an experienced enough runesmith can make steel that can withstand armour runes or Gromril that can inherently take more than three runes at once'. Which is an interesting idea, and one I definitely can't refute as false based on the evidence we have.
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Absolutely, I just hadn't connnected that to this specific comment. I'd only taken it as meaning 'an experienced enough runesmith doesn't need reagants and Adamant to surpass your work', not 'an experienced enough runesmith can make steel that can withstand armour runes or Gromril that can inherently take more than three runes at once'. Which is an interesting idea, and one I definitely can't refute as false based on the evidence we have.
Yeah, once you get skilled enough you straight up can skip reagents sometimes.
My own guess on things that would allow the breaking of the rule of three in different, stacking ways.

Materials: Find a material that is really conductive to Rune Magic. Thereby allowing it to withstand another rune.
Rune Inscription: Solve Durin's Consternation. If you've got the insight on how an individual rune is best created, you can make the individual runes more efficient (or more powerful).
Array Inscription: The hints we got on Albion enchanting, which is based on Old One magic of which both Elven and Dwarven language traditions descend from. The way that the whole array is woven together, if done efficiently enough may allow for another rune slot.
Array Structure: The hint we got from Thungni's hammer. Find out how to set up some sort of mutual supporting structure between the individual runes of the array.
So, a thought and a question.


It seems like the basic question around why we can't put more runes on things is how, exactly, runes cause materials to break.

Positive feedback loops like harmonics? Overflow of power leading to erosion of structure like too much oxygen across iron?

If we know why the stuff breaks we'll be able to look into how to manipulate the process. Just shooting in the dark with rune combos might tell us what works, but it won't get us why.


With the dwarf with the best claim to be Thrungi's heir refusing it, does that mean there will never be an heir because no one will ever have a better claim?

It seems like the precedent set here might lock out future generations entirely.
So, a thought and a question.


It seems like the basic question around why we can't put more runes on things is how, exactly, runes cause materials to break.

Positive feedback loops like harmonics? Overflow of power leading to erosion of structure like too much oxygen across iron?

If we know why the stuff breaks we'll be able to look into how to manipulate the process. Just shooting in the dark with rune combos might tell us what works, but it won't get us why.


With the dwarf with the best claim to be Thrungi's heir refusing it, does that mean there will never be an heir because no one will ever have a better claim?

It seems like the precedent set here might lock out future generations entirely.
There's always the chance of someone organically being acclaimed as heir by doing enough great deeds, Snorri or otherwise. Alric and all of Thungni's children can also claim it at any point and everyone would accept it, they just don't for unknown reasons. Without that, it defaults to Alric steering the ship.
Just providing the known real sets so that we don't need to speculate on which combos might make a theoretical set
Grimnir's Burning WrothSetMeteorfall
Not Compressed
Not Compressed
(Banner variant of MInferno?)
Relentless Pursuit
Not Compressed
No MRunes
Compressed (MGromril)
Magic Breaker
No MRunes
Not Compressed???
Glittering Beacon
No MRunes
Compressed (MAmplification)
Compressed (MThungni's Presense)
The World That WasSetMakerstrike
Not Compressed (MForgecraft???)
Not Compressed
Storm Mantle
Not Compressed
Grungni's ChallengeSetRouse the Forge
No MRunes
Not Compressed
Heat the Metal
No MRunes
Not Compressed
Mold the Metal
No MRunes
Not Compressed

So rather than the theoretical one you offer we could do
Rune of SteelMaster Rune of Thungni's Presense
Rune of SpellBreaking
Rune of FortitudeRune of Spelleating
Rune of SpellEatingRune of Thungni

We wouldn't be breaking the rule of three on MRunes but we should be certain that the runes would form a set. And breaking the rule of three by 4 regular runes would already be a hell of a shot for a first time.
Alternately we could wait to compress one of the combos in World that was or GBW and then use that.
I made a mistake since the proper word is Combo's rather then sets but your logic is a great interpretation of the fact. My current position (because the theory is easier to test having less components part) , is that each column and each row are seperate.

This is the simplest version to test since we treat 3 MRunes as their own combo, than add 2 additional Regular to the flanking Mrunes that would have been used in the uncompressed version of the Mrune.

That's why I'm using known combo's like Ancestor Strike as I am not looking for a massive superset of linked combos while.

Being fair this is likely Wrong, but as the easiest to disprove we should work on disproving it since it's significanly less resource intensive than compressing and uncompressing so many nested Combos/runes/sets
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Sounds like what Yorri told Snorri about three things that make a runesmith.
That's a good idea.
Master Yorri always told you that a craftsman worried about three factors when creating something: if he had the right tools, if he had the right material, and if he had the skill.
We've seen "the skill" and we're on track to get "the right material". Could it be possible that some kind of tool, or perhaps forge, might be able to enable the Rule of Three to be broken?
question...grungni stated he could feel our banner and called it a foci right? hence it is actively channeling the ancestor gods....does this mean a upgraded eye could see the direction from which the banner is drawing power from the ancestor gods and find them, potentially?
Nah, not only if windsight could see what Runes where doing there would have been a lot easier time reverse engineering them. If windsight could see what gods are doing then we'd have a lot fewer questions about what the hell gods (and the ancestor gods specifically) are.
That is my little train of thoughts. I think Ancestors only became Ancenstor Gods in canon because of how shitty Dawi situation was and they needed more ways to actually help them.
[X] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.

Hope I'm not too late
[X] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.

Hope I'm not too late
You are; refuse won.
[X] Claim the Title of Heir: [Cost: ???] Gain title: Heir of Thungni, ??? You claim a position that has remained in doubt since Durin died. By Thungni's word, the hammer you would now wield confirms that you are His Heir. Elevating your authority to that of the Ancestor's eldest children, living or dead. You would not, could not be a tyrant of course, but still.

Hope I'm not too late
You are, sorry. To know without having to trawl through all the posts, there's a voting tab right under the page numbers, and there it should note all the Vote Opens and Vote Closes.

EDIT: Well, the Vote Closes at least, it seems to not list all the opens.
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Are we intrigued about Blood being okays to make next tier metal?
We know It shouldn't have worked.
And something in the Traial helped us.
I expect a research avenue to open about this next turn
Are we intrigued about Blood being okays to make next tier metal?
We know It shouldn't have worked.
And something in the Traial helped us.
I expect a research avenue to open about this next turn

Well specifically a lot of blood, more than can be reasonably given by someone without the regenerating super-armor. I think the reason why it does not work for most is because no dwarf has that much blood in them normally.
Well specifically a lot of blood, more than can be reasonably given by someone without the regenerating super-armor. I think the reason why it does not work for most is because no dwarf has that much blood in them normally.
My belief is it wasn't the blood itself, precisely, but the connection to us that was allowing it to work. Academic difference but one that may speak to there being a much more efficient way than bleeding out barrels of blood
I think our answer to Thungni's "Question, Answer or Clue" is what determined which Thungni Item we were given a chance to get.

Question probably would have been the Staff, and Answer would probably have been a practical item, like armor or somesuch.
If the only reason blood doesnt work Is because of quantity then we are gold.
Because we can provide such ammount evry turn easly without spending action.
Heiter soul Is fine giving us at least a glimril bar evry turn for free Forever or It won't be enough.
If the only reason blood doesnt work Is because of quantity then we are gold.
Because we can provide such ammount evry turn easly without spending action.
Heiter soul Is fine giving us at least a glimril bar evry turn for free Forever or It won't be enough.
It's probably Will or Essence or something similar.

Blood is just a way to do it with the assistance of the forge.
I just had a thought:

What if the Rune limit is due to the energy draw rate of magic exceeding what can be pushed out through the Runed item, thus causing the energy to curdle into dhar and cause the object to explode (Please correct me if something else happens when you put too many runes on something)
If this would be the case, then Adamant's trait of actively pushing away all magic energy would cause it to have a higher 'vent rate' than other materials, which is why is can be used to allow high draw rate Runes like the Lonely Runes.
Thungni's hammer appears to be actively converting and venting energy in the form of Deep Magic (Presumably via the function of Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding)

Theory (In desperate need of testing): A Rune Item that has a 'vent' Rune that gets rid of excess Magic Energy so that the Item doesn't explode may be able to withstand more runes
Hypothesis: Deep magic may be 'gentler' on a Rune Item's frame, thus allowing it to withstand more Runes.
Hypothesis: A Rune that converts loose Magic Energy into a particular kind of Magic Energy (Single Wind or Deep Magic, irrelevant which) may increase a Rune Item's tolerance for Runes.

Honestly I'm just aiming for: "+1 Slot, Takes 1 Slot" with this. But breaking even would still be a massive victory against the Rule of Three.
I'll just throw my tinfoil theory into the ring. I suspect the reason the Hammer works was revealed in the final trials. They make it pretty clear the combo Dawi can be produced by multiple sets of runes, and it'll have different effects while still being the Dawi combo. I think the hammer manages to act as two combos by being a Palindrome. Except the runes being in a different order when read backwards still warps the effect even if it comes out to the 'same' combo.