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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I wonder if the lack of IFF will impact how other runelords see Snorri's work.

Sure it's impressive, but it's also basically abusing circumstances to work and makes the runes behave a lot closer to more traditional magic.

Not that I expect anyone to say that to his face, but grumbling is something dwarves are happy to do.
I wonder if the lack of IFF will impact how other runelords see Snorri's work.

Sure it's impressive, but it's also basically abusing circumstances to work and makes the runes behave a lot closer to more traditional magic.

Not that I expect anyone to say that to his face, but grumbling is something dwarves are happy to do.
They did already grumble about the dangerous and untested use of a storm of magic.
Yeah, but that was without seeing the results.

My thought at the time was that the quality of the work would silence that, but if it's a case of incredible execution of a concept they find fundamentally distasteful then it might not really stop.
I think part of it is that it seemed like a major gamble (which dwarfs really don't like, consistency is king and all) and almost killed him while producing a flashy piece of gear that can be a danger to other dwarfs.

I can totally see why they think it was not worth it. And even snorri will have to content with people throwing his own words back at him. He was very open about how he evaluated potential Runelords by how much their works helped the dwarfs, so how much did that mantle help the dwarfs? And how much good could have been done in the time snorri was soup.
question, does Rune of Spite cause AOE damage like in the total war games? if yes, make runic talisman to cause passive AOE damage for those around snorri, double up the AOE damage, one from the storm, one from the Spite rune
Hmm, perhaps the Master Rune of Spite and some anti-magic Runes like Spellbreaking and Spelleating can be used to further expand on our Set Bonus. Something like "if you try to oppose the primeval world, so too shall the primeval world fuck you up" or something like that.
Hmm, perhaps the Master Rune of Spite and some anti-magic Runes like Spellbreaking and Spelleating can be used to further expand on our Set Bonus. Something like "if you try to oppose the primeval world, so too shall the primeval world fuck you up" or something like that.
You'd want high energy elements or something that improves the sheer force of Spite to get it really going, since "High energy" is one of the watch words of the set.
Master Rune of Devastating Reflection
Created by a frankly insane Runesmith, one unhealthily enamoured by the exploits of Snorri Giftgiver, this rune is mostly used on conventional battlefields rather than for its intended purpose. Nevertheless, for those dwarves mad enough to try, it fulfils its intended role extremely well.
Rune of Null Resistance
After repeated Brana carried jumps, many a longbeared grumbled at the manner to which their immaculate beards were treated on the drop towards the enemy. This rune was one such answer: by moving small enough particulates and air in front of the direction the said Dawi is moving into, no such nonsense can be done to their beards! The fact that having a dropping Dawi move faster on the way down only justifies the truth that beardcare is a proven road down to many possibilities.

Master Rune of Gibbleting
Wanting to streamline the efficiency in hacking apart regenerating trolls for jerky, a runesmith devised this weapon rune to act in its wielder's stead. Bladed weapons with this rune will find foes struck with it be smote again as if with many blades all across the entirety of its body, commensurate with the force being stricken. Snorri-inspired Falling Dawi will sometimes find that foes explode out into literal bloody chunks upon their blows.

Rune of Fall's Redirection
"There's something to be said about the shock of raining Dawi. But once the ride down's done, cracking atop some beastie's skull, that's that aye? Slap this on and upon impact, it'll use the excess force of your drop to launch you forward the moment you've decided where you want to go next. It only does this only once for every long fall. So choose your next move carefully beardlings." -Thoki Bokisson

Rune of Waymarking
"When those filthy sorcerers muck things up with perfidious magicks when we drop down- from simple cloud shenanigans to area displacement, I say WAZZOCK! The bearer of this banner rune sets things straight- shining and marking the area where the group of brana or dropping dawi is supposed to go for accurate bombardment. A good day for us, a bad day for everyone below." -Thoki Bokisson

Rune of Fertility
After seeing the constant devastation and hunger caused by the strife the world throws at the stout folk, this banner rune was struck to enhance the birth of livestock given area to which the banner was hosted. A statistical increase in the number of triplets, quintuplets among goats becoming a more common event at the holds. A Gottri Bernasdottir having the fortune of finding eight kids to a doe.
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Master Rune of Gibbleting
Wanting to streamline the efficiency in hacking apart regenerating trolls, a runesmith devised this weapon rune to act in its wielder's stead. Bladed weapons with this rune will find foes struck with it be smote again as if with many blades all across the entirety of its body, commensurate with the force being stricken. Snorri-inspired Falling Dawi will sometimes find that foes become literal bloody chunks upon their blows.
Rune of Ground-Troll.
From the battlefield, to the plate.

Edit: With Master Rune of Inferno, you can even begin the cooking immediately.
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snorri works with king of the storm while standing outside on the peak of kraka drakk to create super super storm to cover the land and destroy approaching armies while everyone hunkers down inside? since we see that snorri can alter/work with other storm systems
Edit: With Master Rune of Inferno, you can even begin the cooking immediately.

Maybe another compression rune idea?

The Master Rune of Foe Cooking
Upon defeat, foes fatally struck by weapons bearing this hearty rune purifies whatever material/flesh they have on them and converts it into delicious edible morsels. Great care is to be taken when handling this rune for it does not discriminate whatever foe it deems fit for meal-making as is right considering the dire nature in which it was founded- when food is scarce and enemies aplenty, the runesmith that struck the rune turned the tide in favour of the hold's survival.

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A little break from writing to rest the old muse.

Rune of Null Resistance
After repeated Brana carried jumps, many a longbeared grumbled at the manner to which their immaculate beards were treated on the drop towards the enemy. This rune was one such answer: by moving small enough particulates and air in front of the direction the said Dawi is moving into, no such nonsense can be done to their beards! The fact that having a dropping Dawi move faster on the way down only justifies the truth that beardcare is a proven road down to many possibilities.

Master Rune of Gibbleting
Wanting to streamline the efficiency in hacking apart regenerating trolls for jerky, a runesmith devised this weapon rune to act in its wielder's stead. Bladed weapons with this rune will find foes struck with it be smote again as if with many blades all across the entirety of its body, commensurate with the force being stricken. Snorri-inspired Falling Dawi will sometimes find that foes explode out into literal bloody chunks upon their blows.

Rune of Fall's Redirection
"There's something to be said about the shock of raining Dawi. But once the ride down's done, cracking atop some beastie's skull, that's that aye? Slap this on and upon impact, it'll use the excess force of your drop to launch you forward the moment you've decided where you want to go next. It only does this only once for every long fall. So choose your next move carefully beardlings." -Thoki Bokisson

Rune of Waymarking
"When those filthy sorcerers muck things up with perfidious magicks when we drop down- from simple cloud shenanigans to area displacement, I say WAZZOCK! The bearer of this banner rune sets things straight- shining and marking the area where the group of brana or dropping dawi is supposed to go for accurate bombardment. A good day for us, a bad day for everyone below." -Thoki Bokisson

Rune of Fertility
After seeing the constant devastation and hunger caused by the strife the world throws at the stout folk, this banner rune was struck to enhance the birth of livestock given area to which the banner was hosted. A statistical increase in the number of triplets, quintuplets among goats becoming a more common event at the holds. A Gottri Bernasdottir having the fortune of finding eight kids to a doe.
Null Resistance: Neat idea. Future Rune.
Gibbleting: Future Rune
Fall's Direction: Future Rune
Waymarking: Seems unecesarry. Alright @Xepheria has made a good case for Waymarking's ability if its tweaked so that only allies can see it and I agree. Will finagle something, it may not be a Banner Rune, maybe it will, don't know yet.
Fertility: No. We had a discussion about why Im not gonna touch Runes like this, but simply put it opens doors to questions this simple quest and QM shouldn't and don't really want to be opening.
Maybe another compression rune idea?

The Master Rune of Foe Cooking
Upon defeat, foes fatally struck by weapons bearing this hearty rune purifies whatever material/flesh they have on them and converts it into delicious edible morsels. Great care is to be taken when handling this rune for it does not discriminate whatever foe it deems fit for meal-making as is right considering the dire nature in which it was founded- when food is scarce and enemies aplenty, the runesmith that struck the rune turned the tide in favour of the hold's survival.

Foe Cooking: Yeah no, this seems pretty fricking out of wack my guy I must say. Most of the time Dwarfs aren't fighting things you wanna be eating, even after cooking and purifying the meat of taint. Beastmen, Chaos, etc. Monstrous creatures like Trolls and Griffons, sure but not thinking beings. The Time of the Woes made it clear that even when left with no option the Dwarfs were more willing to eat Bread volumed out with actual rock dust and cave mushrooms than eating the corpses of their very many enemies. Most of whom are in fact, sapient. >_>

EDIT: Waymarking is undergoing workshopping.
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A little break from writing to rest the old muse.

Null Resistance: Neat idea. Future Rune.
Gibbleting: Future Rune
Fall's Direction: Future Rune
Waymarking: Seems unecesarry. Alright @Xepheria has made a good case for Waymarking's ability if its tweaked so that only allies can see it and I agree. Will finagle something, it may not be a Banner Rune, maybe it will, don't know yet.
Fertility: No. We had a discussion about why Im not gonna touch Runes like this, but simply put it opens doors to questions this simple quest and QM shouldn't and don't really want to be opening.

Foe Cooking: Yeah no, this seems pretty fricking out of wack my guy I must say. Most of the time Dwarfs aren't fighting things you wanna be eating, even after cooking and purifying the meat of taint. Beastmen, Chaos, etc. Monstrous creatures like Trolls and Griffons, sure but not thinking beings. The Time of the Woes made it clear that even when left with no option the Dwarfs were more willing to eat Bread volumed out with actual rock dust and cave mushrooms than eating the corpses of their very many enemies. Most of whom are in fact, sapient. >_>

EDIT: Waymarking is undergoing workshopping.
Master Rune of Devastating Reflection
Created by a frankly insane Runesmith, one unhealthily enamoured by the exploits of Snorri Giftgiver, this rune is mostly used on conventional battlefields rather than for its intended purpose. Nevertheless, for those dwarves mad enough to try, it fulfils its intended role extremely well.

An armour or talismanic rune, when a dwarf bearing this rune is struck by or strikes something else with an impact large enough to cause them injury, this rune activates and not only redirects the harmful energy back the way it came but amplifies it many dozens of times over. This rune can only be activated once before it requires recharging; the time this takes scales with the magnitude of the impact reflected. Used against incoming attacks this tends to shatter weapons, obliterate limbs, and pulverise enemies. Used by a fully-armoured dwarf impacting the ground after a brana-drop, this turns their landing into the equivalent of a bomb going off.

...urgh, I left the dash out of my tag. @soulcake, see my quoted post for another #Rune-Ideas.
Null Resistance: Neat idea. Future Rune.
Gibbleting: Future Rune
Fall's Direction: Future Rune
Waymarking: Will finagle something, it may not be a Banner Rune, maybe it will, don't know yet.

Yus! The runic sub specialty for falling Dawi is officially open! hehehehe! Those copterbois better work on those testing times!

Hear that Elgi!? We Dawi can fly too!

Yeah no, this seems pretty fricking out of wack my guy I must say.

That's alright, partially expecting it not going through anyway... But is it open for the Chaos Dwarf path tho?

Fertility: No. We had a discussion about why Im not gonna touch Runes like this, but simply put it opens doors to questions this simple quest and QM shouldn't and don't really want to be opening.

That's ok.