Hey sorry for the radio silence about the update everyone. I told the Discord yesterday but discovered my sore throat is actually Covid! Again. I was testing negative until Thursday, and it didn't feel anything like the first time I got it, so I thought I was just hit with a cold or something. I'll be fine, just congested and with an almost gone sore throat.
Uh anyway that wasn't everything, have a #DiscordDump to tide you over.
Regarding combos like Hailmantle or Pyrestrike, is it possible for one to have multiple avenues of creating the same Combo instead of Burning/Grimnir/Impact for Pyrestrike or Frost/Parrying/Sanctuary for Hailmantle?
It's similar in concept to the way a Runesmith like Vragni has several variant Runes that, largely, do the same thing as the more common version. They would be, save for the most technical of definitions, practically identical to the combo you know. You may also note that there's a disconnect/disagreement between Snorri and Vragni in what counts as a lesser variation, but that's more theoretical than anything political. You have Conservatives who believe that there's only one proper version of a Rune, and there's Radical who believe in variants the same way Vragni does. It says more about how technical someone gets about things really. #Runes #Theory
Are the dwarfs crewing Sven's own commissioned barags are basically his Retainers?
Not exactly. They're Engineers who Sven thinks are best capable of running the individual machine. When he has a hankering for making a big piece of artillery he approaches the local Engineers Guild to see if there are any Engineers interested in crewing it and when he finds a few he agrees with/are willing to go along with the Runes he wants to use, he then spends a few years planning in conjunction with them over the final design before he makes it and releases it to the Guild. Sven creates for the sake of creation, he doesn't have a horde of Engineers at beck and call to use a horde of massive artillery pieces, but he's got big pull with Dorden's Guild though. Which is understandable enough. Could he make them his Retainers? Yes, probably. #Runelords #Retainers
Do Runesmiths take weapons/comission weapons from others for them to Rune themselves?
Yes, For a variety of reasons this can and does happen. Its mostly younger Runesmiths, since the older ones tend to be grumpy and have the resources and skill to make it themselves but it could also be because:
- the client in question insists on this specific piece.
- the weapon or armour in question is a masterwork made by a regular smith.
- the item in question was used for something worthy of praise by the wielder like the slaying of a mighty enemy, survived a blow from something that should have destroyed it.
Runesmiths don't put their Runes on shoddy or unproven things generally. The best way they can ensure that remains the case is if they make it themselves, or its something made by a trusted source if its a discipline they have no skill in. But in instances where it's proven its reliability? or its craftsmanship is evident for all to see? The're no doctrinal reason for them not to put Runes on it save for personal choice. #Runes #Runesmiths #Culture
(Context, this was from discussions about whether making a Dragon-shaped Gronti the same weight as a Dragon would let it fly without Runes dedicated for that purpose)From what Snorri knows of Gronti, could that work? Just getting the weight down to dragon level and letting MAwakening just fly the normal dragon way? I think I at least got stuck thinking of the wings as just a medium for putting runes on that allow it to fly, while ignoring they're wings
Yes. If you made a dragon gronti with weight and wingspan close enough to a living dragon of the same dimensions it should be able to fly under its own power according to whatever background shenanigans allow such creatures to fly. #Theory #Crafting #Dragon
Can we ask an elf about Dragon Biology?
Yeah if you want, would need to likely be a Caledorian or someone who works closely with Dragons of course. Dwarfs already have a good understanding of Dragon biology on account of the whole slaying them for their body parts thing but getting data on living Dragons without risking life and limb is useful too. #Theory #Crafting #Dragon #Elf
Theoretically, would Snorri know how many Runes of Lightening, or Hypothetical (Master?) Runes of Featherweight or combination thereof to get a Dragon Gronti to the weight of a living Dragon?
You know how much the Runes generally reduce in terms of percentages, so it'd likely just be doing a bit of math for the weight pre-inscription and getting into the margin of "living Dragon weight," #Theory #Crafting #Dragon