Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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@soulcake, here's some more Runes for you!
[Banner/Armor] Master Rune of Spellscorn: Spells cast against the formation / user are broken, and the caster suffers from backlash; they gain a debuff to their casting rolls for a time. The banner variant moderately increases the magic resistance of allies within range, while the armor variant slightly increases the bearer's magic resistance and the armor's protective quality.

[Engineering] Master Rune of Caustic Strikes: The war machine inscribed with this Master Rune fires ammo that releases an explosion of caustic miasma comparable to Troll Bile upon impact, yet leaving the ammo itself unharmed. The larger the mass of the ammo, the more caustic miasma is generated.

[Weapon] Master Rune of Vengeance: First struck during the earliest days of the Accursed Moon's existence, wounds inflicted by weapons bearing this Master Rune do not heal, naturally or unnaturally, so intense was the grudge of the Rhunki who struck it.

[Weapon] Master Rune of Splintering: More advanced version of the Master Rune of Breaking, equipment shattered by weapons bearing this Master Rune become blisteringly hot shards of metal in the enemy's direction.

[Banner] Master Rune of Misdirection: Allies fighting under the auspices of a Banner bearing this Master Rune find their enemies' attacks more likely to miss them. (TL;DR, it gives enemies a to hit penalty when fighting against this formation.)

[Weapon] Master Rune of Raptorstrike: More advanced version of the Master Rune of Flight that deals increased damage based on the distance between user and enemy.

[Armor] Master Rune of the Juggernaut: Armor version of the Relentless Combo, except that it adds a layer of shield in front of the user that thickens the further / longer the user charges at the enemy which further enhances the user's first blow at the end of the charge as an explosive blast of heat and force.
Spellscorn: Added as Banner
Caustic Strikes: Added
Vengeance: Added, but magic works if moderately less effective than normal. lore not the same probably.
Splintering: Added
Misdirection: Works as a regular Rune with that effect. Added. You can try to make a Master Version effect if you want tho.
Raptorstrike: Added as a future Rune
Juggernaut: Future Rune

@soulcake Do we know of any runelords from outside Kraka Drakk involved in the war against the Fimir?
Igna fairly often, both Valma and Sven from Dorden rotate every so often, Vragni and his apprentice swarm almost constantly.
Whats the difference between a percentage and a fraction of 10 that I multiply by ten in my head? That you think it would feel that it implies there are about a 100 waystones in a region?
You just wanted to keep it rounded to the nearest half?
Percentages felt weird to use when I first thought of it. I'd never really use anything besides intervals of 5 if I did frankly was my thought process. Fractions of 100 Felt too much. 10 fit when I first made it. Didn't put much thought into it beyond that.
Master Rune of Amiability (Structural): A Rune created by Alviss the Bright to head off a potential feud between his sons, under its gaze Dwarfs become more friendly and reasonable and willing to settle conflicts by drinking contests and flyte rather than fist and axe, though there are limits to even its effects as he lamented--the Grudge remains inviolable.
New Rune idea
Rune of Flexing: renders the material it is inscribed on more elastic, bending under sufficient force and then snapping back. The surface the rune itself is on cannot flex.
Originally the wazzock who made the rune intended for it to be used on siege weapons so that wooden components could be replaced with good reliable metal. Problem being that the increase in required force to bend the damn things meant the whole rest of the structure had to be of better quality metal and by the end of it the entire thing simply cost more than it was worth.
Breeze added as armor Rune
Considering the lore I had in mind involved it's original use being to improve ventilation in the depths of the holds, you've now given me a mental image of dwarves having to line the walls of their holds with armor to improve air quality.

What even IS the category of Rune used for walls and non-siege-engine structures?
Igna fairly often, both Valma and Sven from Dorden rotate every so often, Vragni and his apprentice swarm almost constantly.
Cool. Seeing Snorri interact with other Runelords from outside his usual sphere is probably one of the things I look forward to most. And it'll be neat if we see Valma again. With Eltharin, Anoqeyån, Mhorni, our capstone plans, and all the Gronti & Deep Magic research we're about to do there'll be a lot to talk about with her. Mhorni especially will fascinate her.
[x] Plan Research Explosion

finaly figure how the action thing.. i am just reading things wrong..

question if 1 action on a project removes 1 and a sub action adds one would that kind of not have a point then? other then maybe farm some more prods

ps kind of want to send ppl too help other out but i think keeping the elder gang focus on the job things will be better longer term.
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question if 1 action on a project removes 1 and a sub action adds one would that kind of not have a point then? other then maybe farm some more prods
Taking the sub action increases the maximum number of actions required.
So Anoqeyan part 2 goes from an action that requires 6 actions to an action that requires 7. Which is the cost of involving Yorri in it.
But the benefits of having 2 runesmiths that can understand the language is great, because it gives Snorri a sounding board.
Taking the sub action increases the maximum number of actions required.
So Anoqeyan part 2 goes from an action that requires 6 actions to an action that requires 7. Which is the cost of involving Yorri in it.
But the benefits of having 2 runesmiths that can understand the language is great, because it gives Snorri a sounding board.
so quest stat wise no change but story wise, some kind of impact.
Would be pretty interesting to have a Vragni and his apprentice perspective, when Snorri goes all metal on the Fimir. And maybe some starry-eyed Karstah snippets.
I just informed myself about the Chaos dwarfs (Dawi zhar). Do they exist or were they stopped during the Karak Dum expidition.
As I understood it, the Dawi traveled north and after that east. Then chaos came and split them. Oneside becoming the dwarven empire and the other side the chaos dwarfs.
I just informed myself about the Chaos dwarfs (Dawi zhar). Do they exist or were the, stopped during the Karak Dum expidition.
As I understood it, the Dawi traveled north and afterthat east. Then chaos came and split them. Oneside becoming the dwarven empire and the other side the chaos dwarfs.
So due to events (and a nat 1 and nat 100) Hashut faceplanted in his attempt to follow canon.

Right now the chaos dwarves exist, but as far as anyone can tell they control no holds, have no major bastions of power, and are in rather bad shape - Hashut was shattered by Gazul, and several of his fragments including the largest have been utterly destroyed. The only way to restore him is to sacrifice dwarves, which is… a problem for them, because it is very montrivial. And it takes a lot. The attempt to do so at Karak Dum failed, as it was interrupted prior to completion, and the shard involved was destroyed.

So right now they are a lot more like chaos cults in the Empire than the canon chaos dwarves. But unlike those cults their patron is… not able to do very much. Thankfully.
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I just informed myself about the Chaos dwarfs (Dawi zhar). Do they exist or were they stopped during the Karak Dum expidition.
As I understood it, the Dawi traveled north and after that east. Then chaos came and split them. Oneside becoming the dwarven empire and the other side the chaos dwarfs.
They exist, but they have no solid powerbase, Hashut has been shattered, and they're significantly lower in number. The worry now is that they're a subversive threat hiding among the Karaz Ankor rather than a separate nation like canon. The East is also (relatively) intact and in dwarf control and they're very devoted towards Gazul who shattered Hashut, and notably more zealous in their ancestor worship. Gazul's cult is now also secretly acting as not awful Witch Hunter/inquisitor equivalents.
@soulcake, here's another couple more Runes for you.

[Structural] Master Rune of Terror: Stronger, more potent variant of the Master Rune of Fear that also mentally assaults enemies with the visage of furious dwarves that grows more vivid the longer they're exposed to its effects. Some Dwarf Holds prefer to commission Runesmiths to strike this Master Rune onto the front gates of their holds, preferring to intimidate their foes into breaking.

[Weapon] (Master) Rune of Troll-Slaying: As a regular Rune, it allows the bearer to deal increased damage against Trolls, and has a chance to disrupt their fabled regeneration. As a Master Rune, it not only deals increased damage against Trolls of all kinds, but also outright disrupts their regenerative powers.

[Talisman] Rune of Troll-Seeking: Wearer is vaguely made aware of any nearby / incoming Trolls. The nearer, the more clear.
From what I remember there was a sort of consensus of no new Apprentices before turn 50, which sort of checks out with Fjollas child becoming sufficiently old.

How interested are you guys in taking Fjollas child as an apprentice?
Losing 1 action/turn will somewhat interfere with research but it would tie our former apprentice back into the story while providing a beardlings perspective on the changes we are about to introduce.

Perhaps Karstah could take Stokki as an apprentice instead?
Would provide similar narrative benefits while also giving her some more character growth.
From what I remember there was a sort of consensus of no new Apprentices before turn 50, which sort of checks out with Fjollas child becoming sufficiently old.

How interested are you guys in taking Fjollas child as an apprentice?
Losing 1 action/turn will somewhat interfere with research but it would tie our former apprentice back into the story while providing a beardlings perspective on the changes we are about to introduce.

Perhaps Karstah could take Stokki as an apprentice instead?
Would provide similar narrative benefits while also giving her some more character growth.
I don't think we should take another just yet, mainly cos I'm hoping Dolgi will take one.

Karstah might also be interesting... although 50 years does not a master runesmith make.
Not just for personal development reasons, but also, as our heir she has to learn our teaching techniques.
Reminder that we have 3 apprentice slots. Not that I recommend it, but it's there.
[Weapon & Armour] Master Rune of Fervor Flame (Heart Fire, Passion Flame? Etc, whatever fits best): Items bearing this rune come alight in heat and flame that brings no harm to the wielder or their allies, only their foes. As their emotions burn ever higher, be it rage or joy, so too do the flames of the rune.
Maybe a banner variety too, that draws on the emotions of multiple dwarves?
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[X] Plan Research Explosion With More Efficient Autopsy And Security
-[X] March: [Cost: 1 action] Begin event, "Fimir Campaign Pt. 1." Your body is healed, your fury roaring like the fires of a freshly stoked furnace. Let them know the anger of a Runelord roused to anger! Let them know the contempt of the wronged and that the Dwarfs shall never, never, allow a debt to remain unsettled if they can help it! [1AP]
-[X] The Road to Anoqeyån Pt. 2: [Cost: 6 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain exceptional- understanding of Anoqeyån. Now that Menlinwen has taught you the very fundamentals of the Elven arcane language, she feels comfortable enough to begin teaching you to the same level she has reached. Going any further beyond this point requires waiting for Menlinwen to become an Archmage or for you to find one yourself. [1AP]
-[X] Involve Yorri: [Cost +1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. Your Master would obviously love to continue learning as well.
-[X] [Difficult] Understanding the Armour: [Cost: (6 -5) =1 action] Master of the Odd will proc. Gain Movement of Things Progress, ???. You have absolutely no clue how and why Barak Azamar managed to drag whatever the Construct is from wherever it came from and seemingly bound it to your equipment. There's a mystery afoot, and you want to figure out why and how this happened before you can even begin thinking about the implications of what it all means. [1AP]
-[X] [Difficult] The Movement of Things Pt. 5, new totals: [Cost: (14 -7) =7 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Energy, energy, energy. All Runes require it, such is the basis of their existence. You know that most Runes likely draw upon the Winds of Magic. But you also know that the Deep Magic, the power of the Earth, is a truly massive wellspring of energy, if one reaches deep enough that is. You have taken the first tentative steps to using it, but want to see, to truly understand that flow, and hopefully one day control it as easily as you could your hammer. [1AP] [3 Prods]
--[X] Prod Yorri: [Cost: 1 prod] Gain 1d2+1 progress, can be taken multiple times. Master Yorri simply chuckles mysteriously at you.
-[X] [Difficult] The Mind of Things Pt. 4: [Cost: (10 -6) =4 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. The transfer of sensation, taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. Yorri has made it clear that at its core all of these senses are simply the transfer of information from your body to your mind. And just as he no doubt intended, it's gotten you thinking. Thinking about perhaps using your newfound knowledge and applying it in a more general fashion. Like perhaps sharing memory or thoughts without any chance of miscommunication. You doubt it will be that easy of course, but you have to start from somewhere. [1AP] [6 Prods]
-[X] [Simple] Firebird's Feather: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. You've got a feather! Its an odd little piece of deep red flaming plumage that emanates a faint heat and sometimes combusts into flames that do no lasting damage to it. Transported at great expense, barely a dent in your coffers though, and with a few notes and tales about the animal in question that it came from. A simple enough task to figure out what this thing will do. There's a large body of work regarding the firebirds of the north already, and you can use that as a good starting point in your own research. [1 Research Action]
-[X] [Simple] A Wonderful Endeavour: [Cost: 24 actions] Minimum completion date end of Turn 52. Peerless Production will proc for general actions. You have begun pondering the meaning of legacy more often in your old age. To leave something behind to carry on long after you have entered the Halls of your Forebears. Your apprentices are your most important, yet the most limited in the grand scheme. The Runes and creations you create are less personal, but greater in scope and reach. This. This shall bridge that gap, take the best of both and make something beyond them. A place you can build and cultivate, one whose reach is so vast that the name Snorri Klausson will not merely be one of the Runelords of the Past, but a figure even the common Dwarf shall know many centuries, nay millennia, after you have died. This will define you in a way few other things have; more than the defeating of a great enemy, or the forging of a mighty item of power, it is to build something wondrous and in doing, irreversibly change everything forever. [0AP]
--[X] Petition the Hold: [Cost: 15 Kraka Drakk Favour] Gain 1 progress, can only be taken 3 times a turn and without action input. Begin speaking with the King, the various Guilds and Clans in Kraka Drakk to contribute to the Workshop's construction. [45 Drakk Favour]
-[X] [Simple] Lion Autopsy: [Cost: 3 actions] Master of the Odd will proc. Even in death, you must admit there is a fierce beauty to the animal. Several of its organs lie preserved in magically enchanted jars, put there by the Hunter who slew the massive feline and part of the order itself. Though without the use of Runes who's to say about their freshness. Regardless, it's still worth investigating.
--[X] Destructive Research: [Cost: 2 White Lion Corpses] Gain 1d2 progress, can be taken multiple times. You have enough corpses that you feel comfortable making a few unusable in the name of learning. [4 White Lion Corpses]
-[X] [Simple] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies. [1 Karstah Action]
-[X] The Throng is Mustered: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Can be taken multiple times. Gain Bonus to Throng Rolls against Fimir, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Minor Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. The King of Kraka Drakk calls the Throng to war, lend the might of your Retainers to his cause. You have no real clue as to how developed the Fimir presence is, but given the corpse Rudil dragged back you have a feeling they've been here a while.
-[X] Secure the Woods: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain +20 Favour with Kraka Dorden and Ravsnvake. Dorden increases contribution and production of Warmachines towards war effort, Ravsnvake gains improved ranger weapons. The Karak will send forces to clear the groves by the end of Turn 48. Minor to Moderate Chance for Casualties/Fatalities. While solid, dependable metal is the preferred material of choice for any Dwarf. The truth is that certain things require good solid wood like a Grudgethrower ,Bolt Hurlers and Throwers and their smaller cousins. Dorden Rangers have found several natural groves of Wutroth, and had the Carpenters confirm sites suitable for a few more, but the area itself is infested with ice wolves of immense size and ferocity.
-[X] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
-[X] ORDER: Write-in: 1x Frostbird Feather
In the event that that's a big old NO. Would any leftover Yorri prods get redirected?
If you overflow the end of something you don't get it back no.
@soulcake, here's another couple more Runes for you.

[Structural] Master Rune of Terror: Stronger, more potent variant of the Master Rune of Fear that also mentally assaults enemies with the visage of furious dwarves that grows more vivid the longer they're exposed to its effects. Some Dwarf Holds prefer to commission Runesmiths to strike this Master Rune onto the front gates of their holds, preferring to intimidate their foes into breaking.

[Weapon] (Master) Rune of Troll-Slaying: As a regular Rune, it allows the bearer to deal increased damage against Trolls, and has a chance to disrupt their fabled regeneration. As a Master Rune, it not only deals increased damage against Trolls of all kinds, but also outright disrupts their regenerative powers.

[Talisman] Rune of Troll-Seeking: Wearer is vaguely made aware of any nearby / incoming Trolls. The nearer, the more clear.
Terror: added.
Troll-slaying and seeking: For all their danger, Trolls aren't daemons or dragons. I suppose I can add these Runes, but if you have slaying Runes its probably for actually terrifying stuff thats around t3 or 4.
Reminder that we have 3 apprentice slots. Not that I recommend it, but it's there.
[Weapon & Armour] Master Rune of Fervor Flame (Heart Fire, Passion Flame? Etc, whatever fits best): Items bearing this rune come alight in heat and flame that brings no harm to the wielder or their allies, only their foes. As their emotions burn ever higher, be it rage or joy, so too do the flames of the rune.
Maybe a banner variety too, that draws on the emotions of multiple dwarves?
I can add it as a banner Rune.

I'll be slowing down accepting Master Runes, regular Runes for the categories I mentioned before would be preferable. :^)