On Thread Etiquette:
I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.
I actually voted for the 2.83 plan, which actually has Library at the 0.33 Max already, so really if everybody could just switch to that it would be grand
While I would support a full library I would actually prefer full Procurement far more, mostly because I want all the journeyman Runesmiths to have the best possible chance of succeeding and achieving as opposed to slogging through and suffering bad luck.
And yeah it looks like maxed Infra/Forum/Classes is the consensus among all the plans in the top 4. I would support the runoff vote being just between the remaining 3 options as opposed to by plan.
While I would support a full library I would actually prefer full Procurement far more, mostly because I want all the journeyman Runesmiths to have the best possible chance of succeeding and achieving as opposed to slogging through and suffering bad luck.
And yeah it looks like maxed Infra/Forum/Classes is the consensus among all the plans in the top 4. I would support the runoff vote being just between the remaining 3 options as opposed to by plan.
Was there a reason you discarded Plan Max Class, Forum, Proc and minor Forg and Lib
Which is currently the highest max procurement plan. Although still a long way down.
3.83 Maximum
Full standing for both runesmiths.
Hits 30 communication and 25 Learning
Was there a reason you discarded Plan Max Class, Forum, Proc and minor Forg and Lib
Which is currently the highest max procurement plan. Although still a long way down.
3.83 Maximum
Full standing for both runesmiths.
Hits 30 communication and 25 Learning
I don't understand why people think it'd be less stressful for Snorri if the Maximum is lessened. Seeing as high Max will be dealt with more rapidly, and lower Max stress will continue on for an extended amount of time. When people talk mental and physical health problems come about due to stress, the most common cause is habitual stress, not acute stress. The process of constant pressure from stress is what generally causes most health problems, both physically and mentally.
I agree with doing a runoff vote for the library. It looks like Xepheria's plan is going to win with a solid majority but I think maybe just doing a yes/no vote on the library and then a follow up on whether it should be 1/3 or 1/2 if yes wins would be better?
I don't understand why people think it'd be less stressful for Snorri if the Maximum is lessened. Seeing as high Max will be dealt with more rapidly, and lower Max stress will continue on for an extended amount of time. When people talk mental and physical health problems come about due to stress, the most common cause is habitual stress, not acute stress. The process of constant pressure from stress is what generally causes most health problems, both physically and mentally.
Clearly 2 Maximums is less stress than 3. Would Snorri constantly be contemplating suicide at 3.9 MAXIMUMs? No it'd be hm worrying if he's gone too far, stretched too much, dug too deep. But give it a few decades and so long as the Workshop proves its worth he'll slowly overcome it. Because its a very risky gamble that's paid off. Passing 4 is him believing that his actions have gone against even his understanding of the Cult and Guild's teachings and he'd become suicidally depressed (Slayer level really) at the realization and consider it a supreme moral failure and mark of shame that nothing could fix. How the Guild finds out is something I have to think of, but they will and they will come down like the wrath of god.
Citation that the higher Max stress fades faster would be nice.
From my reading Max always fades at the same rate, so lower Max is able to pick up new services sooner, however the same total max takes the same amount of time to fade.
Changing or adding Services to the Workshop, even if it's every few centuries, says just as much as taking all the Services you want at the beginning and then chilling for a thousand years.
I don't know why you think being constantly stressed questioning your own beliefs for a period of decades or centuries wouldn't be considered habitual stress?
We think that it will be less stressfull as soulcake has said so....
Citation that the higher Max stress fades faster would be nice.
From my reading Max always fades at the same rate, so lower Max is able to pick up new services sooner, however the same total max takes the same amount of time to fade.
I don't know why you think being constantly stressed questioning your own beliefs for a period of decades or centuries wouldn't be considered habitual stress?
"Would Snorri constantly be contemplating suicide at 3.9 MAXIMUMs? No it'd be hm worrying if he's gone too far, stretched too much, dug too deep. But give it a few decades and so long as the Workshop proves its worth he'll slowly overcome it. Because its a very risky gamble that's paid off"
This right here is why I think that. There would be more impetus for Snorri to look into and validate his risk. Extrapolating from that, a lower Max would have less encouragement for Snorri to remove it.
As for the habitual stress thing, I figured since they are dwarves, their idea of an extended period of time is different from human beings. Seeing as a three-hundred-year-old dwarf is still considered a beardling.
I agree with doing a runoff vote for the library. It looks like Xepheria's plan is going to win with a solid majority but I think maybe just doing a yes/no vote on the library and then a follow up on whether it should be 1/3 or 1/2 if yes wins would be better?
We think that it will be less stressfull as soulcake has said so....
Citation that the higher Max stress fades faster would be nice.
From my reading Max always fades at the same rate, so lower Max is able to pick up new services sooner, however the same total max takes the same amount of time to fade.
If we choose fewer max options here we'll need to make fewer changes to the academy overall is what he's getting at. It's the same amount of stress but distributed differently with high max plans having a few instances of high stress well lower max plans have more instances of lower stress.
And, from what I can tell Soulcake isn't working on a basis of max diminishment which is something he directly commented on rather he's working on a system of max capacity increasing so we aren't going to be able to pick up services sooner under one plan than any other which also ties into how he said the minimum time before we can make changes again is at least three centuries.
So as it seems the main sticking point is the library, I will be explaining how I envision it so that baseless speculation can be put to rest somewhat.
The Library would be in the center of the reconstituted Workshop regardless of what level, and warded to both preserve its contents within and from outside intrusion. The only thing that changes there is that a bigger library will have more Runes of light and what have you within it. As for how you'd vet anyone going in for Runelore it's dependent on the level of the Library.
Lowest Level: you have guards posted outside the door who will only allow Master Runesmiths in. Theres not enough material there or of differing levels of importance more importantly to subdivide the library further.
The increasing levels will have tighter and tighter rings of security. The organization of how the books are stored is the same, just that more sensitive let's say Plant reagent material is stored within the next security level than less sensitive but found in the same place space-wise. You'd not only have guards at the entrance of each new security layer but the books themselves are more tightly sealed. Rune-based locks on the cover that require specific pendants/keys what have you that are stored elsewhere entirely and can only be gotten by asking whoever's in charge of distributing those, for your using of the key to be written down in a double accounting style system to prevent futzing. Vetting worthiness at this point will require general, but understandable rules that can't be pointed to as overly specific/favouring one side or another. Most likely it will be age and skill-based such as "Master Runesmith for at least 5 decades," "Has created/inscribed a Master Rune," and, "Has taught an apprentice,/taught an apprentice that has become a Master Runesmith," for example, because these are understandable and fairly universal levels of skill that no one can feasibly get uppity or nitpicky about.
Of course, there's the contention of this, because Snorri is the one ultimately deciding what info goes where, but that's unfixable.
On the topic of Holocrons. Let's assume we're working with the same general capabilities as the Star Wars one it's obviously based on. A personality engram of whoever stores their memories in it that can somehow self-select for the worthiness of the recipient. If it's possible to create them, then incorporating them into the Library is simple enough with that system. You'd be putting them in the very highest level of security and would have a dedicated group of guards on constant rotation watching them. The items themselves in this scenario self select who gets what knowledge anyway, so that's a moot point, but if they didn't/couldnt then I imagine Snorri would request whoever is making the Holocron and putting it in the library write down their criteria for worthiness, or even a trial or whatever means they want of proving worthiness so that whoever wants to access them will know what to do. Now, the criteria of worthiness may itself be a fucking riddle that requires decades of untangling to figure out what it's actually wanting the Runesmith to do to prove their worthiness, but that's the writer's business. Not Snorri's. This is working under the assumption that if you're putting a Holocron into this library you do actually want this stuff shared, otherwise why bother making something that stores your memories/not give it to your Clan or an apprentice?
The precedence set is that Runesmiths write down lore more often, MAYBE, MAYBE, culminating in Runelore itself being written. We know it eventually happens as I said, look at the background of the Master Rune of Spite, but it'd just mean this is the inciting incident for the long list of things that lead to that, and not whatever it was canonically that caused it. Regardless, Runesmiths will jealously guard it, make it incomprehensible to anyone but them or a very clever Dwarf, and put it in some stupid hard-to-reach places to top it all off because that's how they operate. The library would likely be seen, in the Far North at least, as the uppermost levels of security that can be given; a literal giant fucking Rune inscribed citadel full of guards, Runesmiths and a Runelord living on-site to constantly sit there vetting and protecting the knowledge within.
Onto the vote itself.
I am personally at an impasse here. I will most likely make a Run-off, but I just gotta do the maths or find someone to do the maths so that the options I give still let the MAXIMUM library be a working option, otherwise the whole point of it is moot. Regardless I'll lock the vote.
Adhoc vote count started by soulcake on Feb 8, 2022 at 11:09 AM, finished with 1306 posts and 216 votes.
[X] Plan Books and Runesmiths Do Not Mix
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
-- [X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION. If a Master Runesmith wishes to share a Rune they have developed you will, after proper vetting, give them access to the Workshop's facilities to do so.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? --[X] Allow it: 1/3 MAXIMUM, Roughly half again increased proliferation of Runecraft in Kraka Drakk. If a Runesmith wishes to set up an appointment here you will not deny them.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge.
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half. When you aren't turning ignorant fools into slightly less ignorant fools, the forges you use to do so lie cold and empty. It feels like a waste to have such a well-made forge simply sitting there, never mind the cost of the coal to get it started up again! You abhor such efficiency! Let them be used if an enterprising smith has the tools and material available so that they aren't left to waste.
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region. Get Jorri and perhaps Gloin on the case, and you're certain that you can find a way to offset the cost of reagents for prospective students and regular tournament winners. What better way to cultivate talent? They can certainly pay off the debt to the Karak.
-[X] Library:
--[X] None at all: Books? Books are for people who aren't Runesmiths!
[X] Plan: The Bird Is The Word
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan
-[X] Business:
--[X] Allow it
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Use unused Forge Space
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] Tournaments
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive and Rare
[X] Plan: Durin's Dream
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive and Rare
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan
[X] Plan: Maximum 2.83 = 2
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication. Your fellow Runelords should be given the same offer, after all, they were chosen by the House and for all your quarrelling none of you would let an unworthy Dwarf join the ranks of the Runelords.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? --[X] Allow it: 1/3 MAXIMUM, Roughly half again increased proliferation of Runecraft in Kraka Drakk. If a Runesmith wishes to set up an appointment here you will not deny them.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge.
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half. When you aren't turning ignorant fools into slightly less ignorant fools, the forges you use to do so lie cold and empty. It feels like a waste to have such a well-made forge simply sitting there, never mind the cost of the coal to get it started up again! You abhor such efficiency! Let them be used if an enterprising smith has the tools and material available so that they aren't left to waste.
-[X] Procurement:
-- [X] Tournaments: 1/3 MAXIMUM, +1 Learning+3 Communication, Requires Basic Shopping at minimum, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly half again increased quality of Runecraft in Kraka Drakk. Hold regular tournaments of craftsmanship or martial skill, with the prize therein being a rare reagent or some reward of similar value. It would most certainly bolster the daring and skill of the beardlings as they vie for the prize in question!
-[X] Library:
--[X] Limited: 1/3 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning. Tomes about some reagents and other information a Runesmith may find useful, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
-[X] Total: 24 Actions, 2.8333 MAXIMA, +3 Conservative, +4 Radical, 20 Learning, +28 Communication, +30 Size
[X] Plan All the Facilities, 3.88 maximum
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication.
-[X] Lodgings:
--[X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication.
-[X] Shopping:
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum.
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing.
-[X] Aesthetics:
--[X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This.
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION.
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan: 1 MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION.
-[X] Business: --[X] Encourage it: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Communication, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly doubles the proliferation of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region.
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half.
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning +5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region.
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +6 Learning, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing.
[X] Plan Max Class, Forum, Proc and minor Forg and Lib
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Classes:
-- [X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION. If a Master Runesmith wishes to share a Rune they have developed you will, after proper vetting, give them access to the Workshop's facilities to do so.
-[X] Forum: -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: -- [X] Disallow it: +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. If you want to go about finding commissions you can do that on your own time and somewhere that's not here.
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half. When you aren't turning ignorant fools into slightly less ignorant fools, the forges you use to do so lie cold and empty. It feels like a waste to have such a well-made forge simply sitting there, never mind the cost of the coal to get it started up again! You abhor such efficiency! Let them be used if an enterprising smith has the tools and material available so that they aren't left to waste.
-[X] Procurement:
-- [X] and Hiring: 1 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Extravagant Shopping, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly triples the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and double for the Region.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING MORE ROBUST SUPPORT FOR JOURNEYMEN AND TALENTED RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. Tournaments, discounts for students and continuous victors, and a system by which Runesmiths may not only hire bands of adventurous Dwarfs to help them gather reagents or collect said reagents for them, but also let regular Dwarfs offer reagents they may be in possession of for sale.
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +6 Learning, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. As before but with a far larger amount of information on all manner of reagents found in the Far North.
[X] Plan Max Maxium
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
-- [X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION. If a Master Runesmith wishes to share a Rune they have developed you will, after proper vetting, give them access to the Workshop's facilities to do so.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? -- [X] Disallow it: +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. If you want to go about finding commissions you can do that on your own time and somewhere that's not here.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge. -- [X] Not an ember: You have a Workshop, go use it you wazzok!
-[X] Procurement:
-- [X] and Hiring: 1 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Extravagant Shopping, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly triples the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and double for the Region.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING MORE ROBUST SUPPORT FOR JOURNEYMEN AND TALENTED RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. Tournaments, discounts for students and continuous victors, and a system by which Runesmiths may not only hire bands of adventurous Dwarfs to help them gather reagents or collect said reagents for them, but also let regular Dwarfs offer reagents they may be in possession of for sale.
-[X] Library:
-- [X] Extensive and Rare: 1MAXIMUM, +10 Learning, +5 Communication, -2 Conservative Runesmith Standing, -1 Radical Runesmith Standing. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING THE WRITING DOWN OF CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE IN THE REGION. Books on every reagent you know of, some even written by your own hand. Wisdom and lessons learned from multiple sources about enemy magic, and more. No Runelore, and no Elven texts, but it would certainly help the common Runesmith get up to snuff.
[X] Plan The Gift Giver's Workshop, Wonder of The Far North
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication. Your fellow Runelords should be given the same offer, after all, they were chosen by the House and for all your quarrelling none of you would let an unworthy Dwarf join the ranks of the Runelords.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? --[X] Allow it: 1/3 MAXIMUM, Roughly half again increased proliferation of Runecraft in Kraka Drakk. If a Runesmith wishes to set up an appointment here you will not deny them.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge.
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half. When you aren't turning ignorant fools into slightly less ignorant fools, the forges you use to do so lie cold and empty. It feels like a waste to have such a well-made forge simply sitting there, never mind the cost of the coal to get it started up again! You abhor such efficiency! Let them be used if an enterprising smith has the tools and material available so that they aren't left to waste.
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region. Get Jorri and perhaps Gloin on the case, and you're certain that you can find a way to offset the cost of reagents for prospective students and regular tournament winners. What better way to cultivate talent? They can certainly pay off the debt to the Karak.
-[X] Library:
--[X] Limited: 1/3 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning. Tomes about some reagents and other information a Runesmith may find useful, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
[X] Plan Snorri's consternation
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan
-[X] Business:
--[X] Disallow it
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Not an ember
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] Tournaments
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive and Rare
[X] Plan Snorri's consternation, Reckoner Edition
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan
-[X] Business:
--[X] Disallow it
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Not an ember
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] None
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive and Rare
[X] Plan A Seed for Something Magnificent
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant
-[X] Lodgings:
-[X] Shopping:
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous
-[X] Aesthetics:
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan
-[X] Business:
--[X] Allow it
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Use unused Forge Space
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] Tournaments
-[X] Library:
--[X] Limited
-[X] Food:
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication.
-[X] Lodgings:
--[X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication.
-[X] Shopping:
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum.
-[X] Defenses:
--[X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing.
-[X] Aesthetics:
--[X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing.
-[X] Classes:
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication.
-[X] Forum:
--[X] Make it part of the plan: 1 MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION.
-[X] Business: --[X] Encourage it: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Communication, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly doubles the proliferation of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region.
-[X] Forging:
--[X] Sourcing Materials: 1/2 MAXIMUM, Requires Size 15 and Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drak and the Region by half.
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning +5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region.
-[X] Library:
--[X] Extensive and Rare: 1 MAXIMUM, +10 Learning, +5 Communication, -2 Conservative Runesmith Standing, -1 Radical Runesmith Standing. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING THE WRITING DOWN OF CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE IN THE REGION.
[X] Plan: Academy City
-[X] [Food:]
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication.
-[X] [Lodgings:]
--[X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication.
-[X] [Shopping:]
--[X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum.
-[X] [Defenses:]
--[X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing.
-[X] [Aesthetics] The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
--[X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing.
-[X] [Classes:]
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication.
-[X] [Forum:]
--[X] Make it part of the plan: 1 MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION.
-[X] [Business:] --[X] Encourage it: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Communication, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly doubles the proliferation of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region.
-[X] [Forging:]
--[X] Sourcing Materials: 1/2 MAXIMUM, Requires Size 15 and Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drak and the Region by half.
-[X] [Procurement:]
--[X] and Hiring: 1 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Extravagant Shopping, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly triples the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and double for the Region.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING MORE ROBUST SUPPORT FOR JOURNEYMEN AND TALENTED RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION.
-[X] [Library:]
--[X] Extensive: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +6 Learning, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. As before but with a far larger amount of information on all manner of reagents found in the Far North.
[X]Plan: Even Talking Runesmiths, Cant use mine and my heirs forge.
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
-- [X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION. If a Master Runesmith wishes to share a Rune they have developed you will, after proper vetting, give them access to the Workshop's facilities to do so.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? -- [X] Disallow it: +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. If you want to go about finding commissions you can do that on your own time and somewhere that's not here.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge. -- [X] Not an ember: You have a Workshop, go use it you wazzok!
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region. Get Jorri and perhaps Gloin on the case, and you're certain that you can find a way to offset the cost of reagents for prospective students and regular tournament winners. What better way to cultivate talent? They can certainly pay off the debt to the Karak.
-[X] Library:
-- [X] Extensive and Rare: 1MAXIMUM, +10 Learning, +5 Communication, -2 Conservative Runesmith Standing, -1 Radical Runesmith Standing. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING THE WRITING DOWN OF CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE IN THE REGION. Books on every reagent you know of, some even written by your own hand. Wisdom and lessons learned from multiple sources about enemy magic, and more. No Runelore, and no Elven texts, but it would certainly help the common Runesmith get up to snuff.
[X] Plan Support Your Runesmith
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
-- [X] Let Master Runesmiths disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1MAXIMUM, +4 Learning and Communication. Roughly doubles the rate of new Rune dissemination in the Far North.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING SHARING OF RUNELORE IN THE REGION. If a Master Runesmith wishes to share a Rune they have developed you will, after proper vetting, give them access to the Workshop's facilities to do so.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
[X] Plan: Never Again
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics:
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication. Your fellow Runelords should be given the same offer, after all, they were chosen by the House and for all your quarrelling none of you would let an unworthy Dwarf join the ranks of the Runelords.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls? --[X] Allow it: 1/3 MAXIMUM, Roughly half again increased proliferation of Runecraft in Kraka Drakk. If a Runesmith wishes to set up an appointment here you will not deny them.
-[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge. -- [X] Not an ember: You have a Workshop, go use it you wazzok!
-[X] Procurement:
-- [X] and Hiring: 1 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Extravagant Shopping, -1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Roughly triples the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and double for the Region.WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING MORE ROBUST SUPPORT FOR JOURNEYMEN AND TALENTED RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. Tournaments, discounts for students and continuous victors, and a system by which Runesmiths may not only hire bands of adventurous Dwarfs to help them gather reagents or collect said reagents for them, but also let regular Dwarfs offer reagents they may be in possession of for sale.
-[X] Library:
--[X] None at all: Books? Books are for people who aren't Runesmiths!
[X] Plan A Good First Step
-[X] Food:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions. +5 Size. +3 Learning. +2 Communication. You'll provide a wide variety of fine ales and food, though that will necessitate the hiring of a handful of Chefs as well. Multiple Halls are dedicated to serving as dining spaces, with separate eating areas for smaller gatherings as well.
-[X] Lodgings:
-- [X] Extravagant: +4 actions, +7 Size, +2 Learning and Communication. Rooms big enough to be considered rather well off, with enough of them to comfortably fit the entire population of the town and then some. Such a scale would doubtlessly need grand galleries with enough levels that only the mightiest Clan Halls are larger in scope. A Karak in miniature. Plenty of room and plenty of rooms for people to simply loiter around and chat.
-[X] Shopping:
-- [X] Extravagant: +3 actions, +6 Size, +3 Learning and Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum. Using Jorri's numerous contacts and speaking with the inhabitants in Khazid Okraz you could probably set up a reagent market to provide a wide array of more basic reagents within the Workshop. It would be of no benefit to you, but it would mean those learning under you need not go far to gather the reagents they need. Which means they spend more time learning and less time futzing about.
-[X] Defenses:
-- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
-[X] Aesthetics: The finishing touch to the whole shebang. More than the decor, it is the theme, the feel, the very image of your new Workshop.
-- [X] Extravagant: +5 actions, ???, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. This. Now this is something you want to be known across more than just the Far North. A true Wonder of the realms, and an edifice of such fine Craftsmanship that even the most hidebound Conservative to the most revolutionary Radical can appreciate the efforts put into the structure, if not the purpose. Kraka Drakk will certainly appreciate the association.
-[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
--[X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication. Your fellow Runelords should be given the same offer, after all, they were chosen by the House and for all your quarrelling none of you would let an unworthy Dwarf join the ranks of the Runelords.
-[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it. -- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION. This shall be a place for Runesmiths and their ideas to be forged and purified by the rigours of honest academic and sometimes physical debate. Halls from which they make spectacle and debate with each other should they wish. Better than them ruining the bars in town at the very least.
-[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls?
--[X] Use unused Forge Space: 1/3MAXIMUM, Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drakk by half. When you aren't turning ignorant fools into slightly less ignorant fools, the forges you use to do so lie cold and empty. It feels like a waste to have such a well-made forge simply sitting there, never mind the cost of the coal to get it started up again! You abhor such efficiency! Let them be used if an enterprising smith has the tools and material available so that they aren't left to waste.
-[X] Procurement:
--[X] …and Discounts: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +2 Learning+5 Communication, Requires Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly doubles the quality of Runecraft across Kraka Drakk and half that for the Region. Get Jorri and perhaps Gloin on the case, and you're certain that you can find a way to offset the cost of reagents for prospective students and regular tournament winners. What better way to cultivate talent? They can certainly pay off the debt to the Karak.
-[X] Library:
--[X] Limited: 1/3 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning. Tomes about some reagents and other information a Runesmith may find useful, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
- [X] Marvellous: +5 actions, +12 Size, Requires Extravagant Lodgings at minimum, Unlocks Capstone Project write-in vote, +1 Conservative and Radical Runesmith Standing. Insane? Maybe to some. Secure? Beyond question. Almost enough to make you think more can't be done, almost. As before, but even Grander. Great Artillery pieces capable of shooting wyverns from the sky, of launching boulders that can paste entire bands of enemy warriors. Runic defenses second only to the Karak itself. You'll create something so impressive that by virtue of its strength Gloin will most likely make it the lynchpin of the Karak's outer defenses. If staffing the lesser option was difficult this would be near impossible with just your Hearth Guard, you will most certainly need extra bodies to man this structure to full readiness, around say a middling-sized Clan's worth of warriors. Then to top it all off, you plan to create a defensive work so mighty, so grand, that only a southern hold could hope to match it! You would not beggar yourself, but you would feel the cost of such an undertaking.
[X] Classes: The Entire purpose of this is to make a place to teach these youngsters. What, or perhaps who else would you allow?
- [X] Let your Fellow Runelords disseminate Runes or related knowledge from here if they wish: 1/2 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning and Communication.
[X] Forum: Having Runesmiths around the compound and each other will get them talking. It's simply a matter of what you want to do about it.
- [X] Make it part of the plan: 1 MAXIMUM +5 Learning, +15 Communication, Requires Exceptional Lodgings at minimum, +2 Radical Runesmith Standing, +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing. Noticeable increase to the creation of new Runes in Kraka Drakk, and half that for the Region. WILL BEGIN NORMALIZING GREATER DIPLOMACY AND CLOSER TIES BETWEEN RUNESMITHS IN THE REGION.
[X] Business: Should the Workshop allow for Runesmiths to pursue the mundane realities of business, finding buyers, suppliers and patrons, within its walls?
- [X] Disallow it: +1 Conservative Runesmith Standing.
[X] Forging: You are RuneSMITHS after all, and a Smith is nothing without a forge.
- [X] Sourcing Materials: 1/2 MAXIMUM, Requires Size 15 and Exceptional Shopping at minimum. Roughly increases the base quality of metal goods in Kraka Drak and the Region by half.
[X] Library:
- [X] Limited: 1/3 MAXIMUM, +3 Learning. Tomes about some reagents and other information a Runesmith may find useful, but nothing truly groundbreaking.
I agree with doing a runoff vote for the library. It looks like Xepheria's plan is going to win with a solid majority but I think maybe just doing a yes/no vote on the library and then a follow up on whether it should be 1/3 or 1/2 if yes wins would be better?
If we do a run off I'd rather it be for the top plans rather than just "Library y/n", because my issue isn't with libraries being there, it's Class+Forum+Library then other stuff on top which Xeph's plan with library would be.
And it'd basically be near identical to Birds as a plan if you added library on anyway so that's a bit off as a vote, basically asking to force the runner up win.
I assumed for this vote that everything else would be as written in Plan Books and Runesmiths Do Not Mix and we'd be just voting on what to do with the library because it had a large lead, and should therefore be the base we work off of.
What even is this vote?!?
I've never seen a vote with so many different options before.
I pity the poor damned soul who has to make sense of this nonsense.
I assumed for this vote that everything else would be as written in Plan Books and Runesmiths Do Not Mix and we'd be just voting on what to do with the library because it had a large lead, and should therefore be the base we work off of.
I think the contention there is how to squeeze a 1max library in there which would require bringing one of business/procurement/forge down a level. Then the subvote would have to have another three options.
I assumed for this vote that everyone else would be as written in Plan Books and Runesmiths Do Not Mix and we'd be just voting on what to do with the library because it had a large lead, and should therefore be the base we work off of.
Who would lead can easily change if you reduce the dozens of plans down to just 4. Adding in a Library to Plan Books just turns it into a near identical version of Plan Bird so a run off specifically for adding the Library or not feels like it's to try and force a Bird win to me. I think a run off for the top handful of plans on account of the ridiculous number of them we have would be much more fair than "Library yes or no".
Soul's post has made me support the library as an addition, but not if it means having every single Service at once which I really don't want.
"Would Snorri constantly be contemplating suicide at 3.9 MAXIMUMs? No it'd be hm worrying if he's gone too far, stretched too much, dug too deep. But give it a few decades and so long as the Workshop proves its worth he'll slowly overcome it. Because its a very risky gamble that's paid off"
This right here is why I think that. There would be more impetus for Snorri to look into and validate his risk. Extrapolating from that, a lower Max would have less encouragement for Snorri to remove it.
As for the habitual stress thing, I figured since they are dwarves, their idea of an extended period of time is different from human beings. Seeing as a three-hundred-year-old dwarf is still considered a beardling.
If we choose fewer max options here we'll need to make fewer changes to the academy overall is what he's getting at. It's the same amount of stress but distributed differently with high max plans having a few instances of high stress well lower max plans have more instances of lower stress.
And, from what I can tell Soulcake isn't working on a basis of max diminishment which is something he directly commented on rather he's working on a system of max capacity increasing so we aren't going to be able to pick up services sooner under one plan than any other which also ties into how he said the minimum time before we can make changes again is at least three centuries.
Dunno what same amount of stress means to you as I think thats what I said? But more instances of low Stress is better (in my opinion) than short periods of high stress. Especially since Max only does those penalties above 2. So a 4 max plan is literally double the stress of a 3 max plan and if if we kept the max at 2 the whole way it would basically never get above background levels.
When I was talking about Max there I meant the stress that came from it, since that was the topic. As far as Max as a measurement of how far Snorri is willing to push stuff, thats still fine with my interpretation as we'd simply have votes to get new services before the Max capacity increased.
I am happy with a 4 way runoff vote. Gives more chance for my preferred compromise 2.88=2 plan to succeed.
1 less teaching level for a more even spread of services, plus a medium level of Max.
Who would lead can easily change if you reduce the dozens of plans down to just 4. Adding in a Library to Plan Books just turns it into a near identical version of Plan Bird so a run off specifically for adding the Library or not feels like it's to try and force a Bird win to me. I think a run off for the top handful of plans on account of the ridiculous number of them we have would be much more fair than "Library yes or no".
Soul's post has made me support the library as an addition, but not if it means having every single Service at once which I really don't want.
To be frank there are only two differences between Bird and Books one is that the latter has higher procurement which would be preserved well the latter is the difference in library level which we'd have a referendum on which is important because there's not a single plan in the top four that both follows the almost completely unanimous support for max infra, classes as well as forums well also giving a spread of library options. So I don't see it as trying to force through anything but rather having a referendum on something that was subject to mass strategic voting because it was either all in or all out.
Which is also why I think a four-way run-off is a bad referendum on the library because that's just going to happen again. So even if we go with a four-way runoff, and my preferred plan of Bird wins I'm going to be lobbying for a library run-off vote to get a proper referendum on the most controversial part of the vote which will include the option of just throwing out the library all together if people so choose.
I am happy with a 4 way runoff vote. Gives more chance for my preferred compromise 2.88=2 plan to succeed.
1 less teaching level for a more even spread of services, plus a medium level of Max.