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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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If you're genuinely arguing that dwarves can't legally keep secrets unless its as part of a millennia old guild then I think we probably left the realm of productive discussion a couple posts ago.

Yes, I am arguing they cannot keep secrets from clan and guild leaders that are relevant to the domain of said authorities. Like they would not be obliged to confess their secret crushes, but they would be obliged to confess 'where are you going to be paroling on X date' to people who have a professional reason to care about that sort of thing.
One important thing to note is that Alric mentioned that Snorri is the only one in the Far North that he trusts with the Waystones.

"I wouldn't have had I any other choice Yorri, but there is no one else in his territory I can entrust the task with now," he replies.
In more established territories there are more Dawi who know, but I must stress that the fewer people know the safer these sites will be in the long run. Especially given recent revelations. The Order of the Watchers was also made aware by Gazul and my Father jointly, they'll do their part."
With that in mind, we can't recruit Runesmiths. Also, the House would not like recruting Runesmiths into this sort of thing because the Oaths would be to Snorri, whereas the Brotherhood of Dron and Burudin are more associations. While the Watchers were brought in, we still swore an Oath to keep track of the Waystones ourselves. By ncessesity that means our retainers as well.

To me, it seems like Dark as Silver is trying to weasel his way out of following an Oath that Snorri has sworn. I am never going to allow that to happen.

mr Hobbit seems to have picked up on that as his argument seems to be "Retainers are basically an extension of of the one they've sworn to so they can fufill oaths in ways non retainers can't." which I don't really agree with, Snorri has always been about practicality and results over the most literal conservatism. If the outcome is the same or better I don't really accept that he wouldn't consider it part of his duty.
Snorri is a dwarf. He cares about practicality insofar as it abides by his interpretation of Tradition and his own Oaths.

Your proposal violates both.
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One important thing to note is that Alric mentioned that Snorri is the only one in the Far North that he trusts with the Waystones.

With that in mind, we can't recruit Runesmiths. Also, the House would not like recruting Runesmiths into this sort of thing because the Oaths would be to Snorri, whereas the Brotherhood of Dron and Burudin are more associations. While the Watchers were brought in, we still swore an Oath to keep track of the Waystones ourselves. By ncessesity that means our retainers as well.
"A valid enough question. The stones aren't our make, and for the most part the secrecy around their knowledge was to keep them protected but was not mandated by the Ancestors. It would rankle at some, but telling a very trusted source who is not a dwarf would be acceptable. In regards to how that works with the Branakroki, well... while my understanding of their culture is understandably limited, I see no reason to see why trust cannot be extended after the approval of our Elders. Given your position of continued contact and general experience in the area, I'll defer to your expertise in these circumstances when finding the appropriate Brana to be informed. They'll need to be sworn to secrecy by whatever means are appropriate. As for your question about acquiring Brana assistance to learn the purpose of these stones, well the same point stands. No one was in a position to ask, and such questions are ultimately, barring the discovery of a very critical piece of information, unlikely to change our stance. The Ancestors demand we guard these stones, and even if we spent the rest of our days never knowing I, at the very least, would still carry out that order."
well since we can bring in a few trusted brana since we be given permissions too. I do think we can bring in some runsmith if we want too
Not really, other runesmiths could not be sworn to us, that would violate the principles of the guild.
Not technically true. You can't make them do it, but if a Runesmith wants to follow/serve someone and go about swearing such oaths that's their own damn business. It's just that eyes will start looking very keenly at the Runelord who would accept such a thing.

It's why Runesmiths were never an option. The only time you'd ever have a "retinue" of Runesmith would be if you had your legal apprentices follow you about and do stuff. If you're wondering what the deal with Hammerspite is, it's by all definitions not a retinue, he made that abundantly clear to those Journeymen, they would be following him into the war, not following him into the war if that makes sense.

So long as the hierarchy and relations between ranks are not tampered with officially, as in Runelords commanding Runesmiths about like you'd maybe see in other Guilds or like you would with Retainers, it's all kosher. Everyone realizes there is a pecking order and unofficial authority to things, it's just gonna happen, but yeah. Runelords oversee the general health of their local guild/region in a very hands-off, keep tabs on but don't mess about unless things get really bad, type of situation. They can give advice, they can offer wisdom, but it's an unofficial tradition/responsibility prodded along by Dwarf Culture rather than an actual obligation forced by the Guild.

And no you can't finagle/prod a Runesmith to just end up "following," your retainers around and abide by their oaths.

Plausible deniability, and no implied or actual attempts to look like you're attempting to co-opt Runesmiths under you in that manner, even if they want to.

Ask Thungni why He wanted the Runesmiths to be so independent and loosely goosey with their hierarchy. Maybe He doesn't want that whole debacle the Engineers Guild goes through everytime a Dwarf thinks they have a better idea, maybe He earnestly believes its the best course of action that Runesmiths don't limit themselves with a formal guild structure and act as they do, maybe He understood that any institution involving Dwarfs who can reach well past a thousand years of age worth of stubbornness would not function properly if they had to march to the beat of someone else's drum.
Its also worth noting that the last time someone tried to formalize the hierarchy more was Thorek Stonefoot's attempt to impose his own sense of hierarchy and prerogatives on the guild, specifically the idea that only a very few old and superior Runelords have the right to present new runes, and Thungi slapped that down hard.
To me, it seems like Dark as Silver is trying to weasel his way out of following an Oath that Snorri has sworn. I am never going to allow that to happen.
To me it seems that someone who wanted to spend Snorri actions rather than retinue actions could make the exact same accusation. And imagine the cheek of people who want to get elves involved!!!!
I see it as a different way of fulfilling the oath.
I'm clearly failing to get it across but I see the source of where actions are being contributed for this as an utterly arbitrary distinction.
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To me it seems that someone who wanted to spend Snorri actions rather than retinue actions could make the exact same accusation. And imagine the cheek of people who want to get elves involved!!!!
I see it as a different way of fulfilling the oath.
I'm clearly failing to get it across but I see the source of where actions are being contributed for this as an utterly arbitrary distinction.
We swore an Oath to personally oversee the function of Waystones in the Far North, and were told that sending Retainers counts as personally checking the Waystones. That means we essentially have to invest our actions, whether personal or retainer, into checking up on them fairly often.

The Order of Watchers is aware of the Waystones and will presumably check up on them every so often. That does not mean we get to skimp out of our Oath like you so clearly want to do.
We swore an Oath to personally oversee the function of Waystones in the Far North, and were told that sending Retainers counts as personally checking the Waystones. That means we essentially have to invest our actions, whether personal or retainer, into checking up on them fairly often.

The Order of Watchers is aware of the Waystones and will presumably check up on them every so often. That does not mean we get to skimp out of our Oath like you so clearly want to do.
Retainers came up because thats what we had, I don't think soulcake has said that this would violate the spirit of the oath, and it isn't his responsibility to pre-empt and analyse every possible plan.
Sure we have to invest our actions, but from a mechanical perspective I really don't see a difference between recruiting 60 guys to get a new action to permanently commit to it and recruiting 30 to get a new action to commit to it. 🤷‍♂️ seems like both are equally wriggling out of actually having to lose something.
Don't know why you brought up the order of watchers, but hey. Another great reason that we should cooperate outside of the hearthguard.
We swore an Oath to personally oversee the function of Waystones in the Far North, and were told that sending Retainers counts as personally checking the Waystones. That means we essentially have to invest our actions, whether personal or retainer, into checking up on them fairly often.

The Order of Watchers is aware of the Waystones and will presumably check up on them every so often. That does not mean we get to skimp out of our Oath like you so clearly want to do.
I think Dark as SIlver wants Snorri to start another organization, similar to the Heartguard, headed and financed by Snorri, that is expressly meant for doing Waystone things. Instead of being sworn to Snorri, they'd be sworn to the organization itself, giving it more leeway to expand beyond Snorri, eventually.

1) considering that Snorri does not know that dying of old age is not a concern due to him being the protagonist, it makes sense for there to be an organization that can take over this task after he passes.
2) if another runesmith/runelord becomes interested in what Snorri is doing (Like Valma and Deep Magic, or Bara and Adamant), and Snorri decides to bring them in, there will be a group of Dwarfs that is not beholden to Snorri personally, that can be called upon for escort duty.

I think we'll eventually want to go in this direction, there isn't the need for it yet. It definitely shouldn't be the first step: Snorri hasn't ever seen a waystone yet. Much research to be done, before Snorri can make a call like this. It took Yorri 200 years of wandering to make the map... Depending on how the monitoring goes, we can decide on what to do.

The first turn we started monitoring things, a waystone got damaged.
Is that a trend? If we're getting slightly damaged every turn, we will need to pull more manpower into it. I'm Ok with that being the hearthguard initially, but i'd also like this to grow beyond Snorri and his posse, eventually.
Retainers came up because thats what we had, I don't think soulcake has said that this would violate the spirit of the oath, and it isn't his responsibility to pre-empt and analyse every possible plan.
Sure we have to invest our actions, but from a mechanical perspective I really don't see a difference between recruiting 60 guys to get a new action to permanently commit to it and recruiting 30 to get a new action to commit to it. 🤷‍♂️ seems like both are equally wriggling out of actually having to lose something.
Don't know why you brought up the order of watchers, but hey. Another great reason that we should cooperate outside of the hearthguard.

I think what this al hinges on is do we own the secret of the Waystones? Can we just tell random people now? Or by contrast can we just tell retainers, that is people we can bind by oath to secrecy?

You seem to be trying to make a third way right, make another organization with more rangers and griffons which we can also bind to secrecy right? My point and I suspect that of others arguing against it is that there is no traditional or legal framework to base that off. I mean what is to stop us from doing the same for the next project we come across and then the next? What is to stop us from having a thousand allies who we can give orders to and bind to us though what amounts to personal charisma?

Retainers are public so that among other things the rest of the Karaz Ankor can glare at us for gathering too many of them. This secret society would not be thus allowing us to gather undue and unchecked power .
I think what this al hinges on is do we own the secret of the Waystones? Can we just tell random people now? Or by contrast can we just tell retainers, that is people we can bind by oath to secrecy?

You seem to be trying to make a third way right, make another organization with more rangers and griffons which we can also bind to secrecy right? My point and I suspect that of others arguing against it is that there is no traditional or legal framework to base that off. I mean what is to stop us from doing the same for the next project we come across and then the next? What is to stop us from having a thousand allies who we can give orders to and bind to us though what amounts to personal charisma?

Retainers are public so that among other things the rest of the Karaz Ankor can glare at us for gathering too many of them. This secret society would not be thus allowing us to gather undue and unchecked power .
Nobody has said random people. First action for a group is at thirty people which isn't a lot and oaths of secrecy are common, despite what people are presenting. We made a group of Grungni priests swear to it before we confirmed that we'd invented Gromril chain.

As for the other points, I could raise the same critisms at the increase the Hearthguard argument. And the counter arguments are also the same. What stops us doing this in the future is that the majority of actions we are interested in cannot be accomplished by non Snorri actions. An infinitely large retainer swarm can still not complete research or commissions.
No one is trying to gather unchecked power and that's a ludicrous strawman of both suggestions. In fact the whole argument that started this was that we could recruit fewer total people (30 rather than 60) that might perform better at their role by creating a more specialised formation.

As for being a public secret society, what a weird idea, you realise other dwarves cannot see our character sheet right? Now I'm willing to accept arguments either way as to if secret or a public organisation is better but you're getting your arguments crossed I assume?
Retainers came up because thats what we had, I don't think soulcake has said that this would violate the spirit of the oath, and it isn't his responsibility to pre-empt and analyse every possible plan.
Sure we have to invest our actions, but from a mechanical perspective I really don't see a difference between recruiting 60 guys to get a new action to permanently commit to it and recruiting 30 to get a new action to commit to it. 🤷‍♂️ seems like both are equally wriggling out of actually having to lose something.
Don't know why you brought up the order of watchers, but hey. Another great reason that we should cooperate outside of the hearthguard.
The point of the argument is the narrative. We, Snorri, swore an Oath to personally oversee the Waystones.

I brought up the Order of the Watchers because they are a counter argument to your position. They have already been brought in on the secret and they'll be looking out for the Waystones themselves. Despite that, we still have an obligation to check on them.

I think Dark as SIlver wants Snorri to start another organization, similar to the Heartguard, headed and financed by Snorri, that is expressly meant for doing Waystone things. Instead of being sworn to Snorri, they'd be sworn to the organization itself, giving it more leeway to expand beyond Snorri, eventually.

1) considering that Snorri does not know that dying of old age is not a concern due to him being the protagonist, it makes sense for there to be an organization that can take over this task after he passes.
2) if another runesmith/runelord becomes interested in what Snorri is doing (Like Valma and Deep Magic, or Bara and Adamant), and Snorri decides to bring them in, there will be a group of Dwarfs that is not beholden to Snorri personally, that can be called upon for escort duty.
I am aware of what he wants. I consider it to be playing silly buggers with the Oath and trying to get out of our commitment by fobbing it off on something other than our actions.

Your argument about someone taking over after Snorri passes is absolutely ridiculous. For one, no Dwarf that Snorri thinks can be brought in can actually Rune Waystones. Alric said that Snorri was the only Dwarf in the region that he trusted to do it. That includes every Runesmith in the Far North.

Nobody has said random people. First action for a group is at thirty people which isn't a lot and oaths of secrecy are common, despite what people are presenting. We made a group of Grungni priests swear to it before we confirmed that we'd invented Gromril chain.
The point is that it is trying to get around what Alric Thungnisson said we were allowed to do: send our retainers to check on the Waystones for us. We've been cleared to bring Brana in at our discretion but that is not what you are proposing.
Nobody has said random people. First action for a group is at thirty people which isn't a lot and oaths of secrecy are common, despite what people are presenting. We made a group of Grungni priests swear to it before we confirmed that we'd invented Gromril chain.

As for the other points, I could raise the same critisms at the increase the Hearthguard argument. And the counter arguments are also the same. What stops us doing this in the future is that the majority of actions we are interested in cannot be accomplished by non Snorri actions. An infinitely large retainer swarm can still not complete research or commissions.
No one is trying to gather unchecked power and that's a ludicrous strawman of both suggestions. In fact the whole argument that started this was that we could recruit fewer total people (30 rather than 60) that might perform better at their role by creating a more specialised formation.

As for being a public secret society, what a weird idea, you realise other dwarves cannot see our character sheet right? Now I'm willing to accept arguments either way as to if secret or a public organisation is better but you're getting your arguments crossed I assume?

The Hearthguard is limited by both being public and being a traditional thing (a bodyguard regiment) we are putting to new use. Therefore there are built in social pressures to stop its misuse. So anyone who hears about Snori and his large guard regiment will rest easily knowing that those limits exist.

Now let us look at the Secret Society, it cannot by necessity be utterly secret because the people we work with will have guild and clan superiors. I mean hell the Brotherhood is not so secret to be unknown, outsiders simply do not know the details of its operation. So people will know 'Snori made a secret society, but they won't know the purpose and they will not know the numbers.'

Now given all that can you see how that might make some dawi worried?
The point of the argument is the narrative. We, Snorri, swore an Oath to personally oversee the Waystones.

I brought up the Order of the Watchers because they are a counter argument to your position. They have already been brought in on the secret and they'll be looking out for the Waystones themselves. Despite that, we still have an obligation to check on them.

I am aware of what he wants. I consider it to be playing silly buggers with the Oath and trying to get out of our commitment by fobbing it off on something other than our actions.

Your argument about someone taking over after Snorri passes is absolutely ridiculous. For one, no Dwarf that Snorri thinks can be brought in can actually Rune Waystones. Alric said that Snorri was the only Dwarf in the region that he trusted to do it. That includes every Runesmith in the Far North.
If its a narrative argument don't bring up mechanics. Really you have no one to blame but yourself there.

Anyway, can we move on or drop this. You think its playing fast and loose with an oath, I think there is a meaningless distinction between recruiting direct minions to do it and creating a more independent group that we would still be a part of.
At this point we're retreading old ground and I don't think either of us will change our minds.
So people will know 'Snori made a secret society, but they won't know the purpose and they will not know the numbers.'

Now given all that can you see how that might make some dawi worried?
Were the Masons a secret society or the Illuminati? Even though outsiders knew they existed? Just not their purpose or numbers....
The purpose of the secrecy was additional security by obscurity for the waystones, it wasn't to prevent other dwarves knowing because they might judge us for having more minions than our status would allow.
As long as people don't know what we're doing, I consider the secrecy a success.

As for if dwarves would be worried? No. I hope that Snorri has earned enough trust across the north that no one is going to assume we're about to launch a coup.
Personally, I think we should invest minimum 1 retainer action, in perpetuity, on making sure the Waystones are fine. A personal action on the same, regularly but not every turn.
And we should keep their defensive runes up and running with warding work for those rerolls, because we never know when a surprise attack might force us to focus on immediate matters for a decade or two. and a reserve of 2 rerolls can be gone surprisingly fast in an environment where questers are making plans for the next 5 decades in advance....

Research the Wardstone of Karag Dum ASAP, in hopes of being able to add those to the defences of the Waystones, hopefully making locating them even more difficult.

Because Waystones are capital-I Important, and we must not do this haphazardly.
Probably not, we didn't get anything from Standing 7 and anywhere we do get something from Standing 9 its explicitly noted as special.
I can't find the quote but IIRC Soulcake has said that we won't ever get standing bonuses from the radical/conservative standings. It is purely there to show how we are considered within the guild.

Personally, I think we should invest minimum 1 retainer action, in perpetuity, on making sure the Waystones are fine. A personal action on the same, regularly but not every turn.
And we should keep their defensive runes up and running with warding work for those rerolls, because we never know when a surprise attack might force us to focus on immediate matters for a decade or two. and a reserve of 2 rerolls can be gone surprisingly fast in an environment where questers are making plans for the next 5 decades in advance....

Research the Wardstone of Karag Dum ASAP, in hopes of being able to add those to the defences of the Waystones, hopefully making locating them even more difficult.

Because Waystones are capital-I Important, and we must not do this haphazardly.
I don't see the need to invest personal actions just to check the stones, that just feels like a waste of personal actions. If the runes have been trigerred it will be obvious enough for our retainers to spot. That said I agree on having our retainers check regularly and trying to keep the rerolls topped up.
I don't see the need to invest personal actions just to check the stones, that just feels like a waste of personal actions. If the runes have been trigerred it will be obvious enough for our retainers to spot. That said I agree on having our retainers check regularly and trying to keep the rerolls topped up.
But if we don't take any personal actions, we won't get the chance to study the waystones or know how they feel.

I think we should take at least one personal action to visit three waystones: an intact one, a damaged one and a broken one, so we can compare their effects.
And if we go there with one of our Branakroki retainers, they might the effect our presence has on the winds and the effects of the waystones.

It would definitely be informative, and might help us figure out what the stones actually do.
But if we don't take any personal actions, we won't get the chance to study the waystones or know how they feel.

I think we should take at least one personal action to visit three waystones: an intact one, a damaged one and a broken one, so we can compare their effects.
And if we go there with one of our Branakroki retainers, they might the effect our presence has on the winds and the effects of the waystones.

It would definitely be informative, and might help us figure out what the stones actually do.
I'm up for studying the stones just not having Snorri personally spend his time checking stones are still functional. So I'm fine with taking Mysterious Mystery Stones but not spending Snorri actions on Waywarding.
I'm up for studying the stones just not having Snorri personally spend his time checking stones are still functional. So I'm fine with taking Mysterious Mystery Stones but not spending Snorri actions on Waywarding.
Agreed. Snorri actions should are precious: Waywarding is for Retainers. However, there's also Re-warding work to take into account. Those are always Snorri actions.

Joke idea: But what about starting a new tradition?
In order to teach defence in depth to younger master runesmiths, Snorri hosts a contest where the various participants are presented with a scenario where they have to design and build portable defences to protect an object in one of many (theoretical) scenarios.
The scenarios are secretly remote Waystone locations, scouted out by the Hearthguard.
The winning schemes are deployed in defence of the Waystone.
The competition is streamed by age, with the lowest category being three hundred years old, going up by century. Runesmiths are entered in their age category by default, but can ask to be moved up one level, if they want to challenge themselves. (this gives us an excuse to get multiple defensive schemes per entrant).
The schemes created by the younger Runesmiths are deployed in more accessible locations which are easy to reach and patrol.
The older the participants get, the less accessible/defensible the locations given. Got to keep the brain sharp, after all. less accessible = less frequently patrolled, less defensible = more challenging
I'm up for studying the stones just not having Snorri personally spend his time checking stones are still functional. So I'm fine with taking Mysterious Mystery Stones but not spending Snorri actions on Waywarding.
That doesn't seem like an accurate representation of what the Re-warding action does.
(*New*)[ ] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.
Its not checking which ones are still functional its adding extra defense to the ones which are and fixing ones that aren't (to the best of Snorris abilities).
Waywarding is specifically retainer actions, and I'm not even sure we can spend Snorri rolls on those.
That doesn't seem like an accurate representation of what the Re-warding action does.

Its not checking which ones are still functional its adding extra defense to the ones which are and fixing ones that aren't (to the best of Snorris abilities).
Waywarding is specifically retainer actions, and I'm not even sure we can spend Snorri rolls on those.
(*New*)[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.
You have the wrong action. Re-Warding is a Snorri action, Waywarding is a Snorri/Retainer action.
If its a narrative argument don't bring up mechanics. Really you have no one to blame but yourself there.

Anyway, can we move on or drop this. You think its playing fast and loose with an oath, I think there is a meaningless distinction between recruiting direct minions to do it and creating a more independent group that we would still be a part of.
At this point we're retreading old ground and I don't think either of us will change our minds.
I didn't bring up the fucking mechanics. I brought up the fact that Alric Thungnisson told us we could send retainers to check on the Waystones, in stead of doing it personally, in the damn text.

I did not bring up the fact that Alric Thungnisson only cleared us telling two groups: our Retainers and very very very very trustworthy Branakroki until the post you are replying to, and I have checked all of my previous posts to ensure that statement is correct. Well, I did mention that Alric said that we were the only Runesmith he trusted with this task in the Far North, but you glossed over that.

Personally, I think we should invest minimum 1 retainer action, in perpetuity, on making sure the Waystones are fine. A personal action on the same, regularly but not every turn.
And we should keep their defensive runes up and running with warding work for those rerolls, because we never know when a surprise attack might force us to focus on immediate matters for a decade or two. and a reserve of 2 rerolls can be gone surprisingly fast in an environment where questers are making plans for the next 5 decades in advance....
I don't see why we should ever invest a personal action on Waywarding. I've compiled all of the Waystone related actions we have below, and the only ones we'll need to do are Re-warding Work and Mysterious Mystery Stones. Of the remainder only two are left for only retainers to do. Well, I just don't see a point in having Snorri do Waywarding. It would be better to just have him to Re-warding Work and Mysterious Mystery Stones. Those will both progress areas that we'll need.

(*New*)[ ] Waywarding: [Cost: 1 action or retainer action] Gain bonus to Waystone rolls and update on status of Waystones. Can be taken multiple times. There is no set time in which you or your retainers are meant to check on these stone monoliths, but doing so more regularly will mean that you're more likely to keep them safe and know their status.

(*New*)[ ] Stone Scouting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain minor bonus to Waystone rolls. Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness, additional actions apply bonus to roll. Send out your Retainers, scour the Far North to see if there's some of these stones that Master Yorri Missed.

(*New*)[ ] Bookhunting: [Cost: 1 retainer action] Gain books on Waystones. Send out your retainers, scour the docks and contacts of Kraka Ravnsvake and figure out what or if the elves know of these stones.

(*New*)[ ] Re-warding Work: [Cost: 2 actions] Peerless Production will proc. Gain 1 Waystone reroll. There's work to be done, repairing damaged wards and adding new Runes around the monolith and otherwise. Your master most certainly did a bang up job, but there's nothing wrong with contingencies upon contingencies.

(*New*)[ ] Mysterious Mystery Stones [Cost: =2 actions] Journeyman of the Odd will proc. What are these things? That is the first question on your mind, the second is what in Grungni's name do they do? These large rocks that the Ancestors bid your folk protect, an enigma in a mystery wrapped in a riddle. Dig through every scrap of lore and knowledge you possess and see if something can be brought to light.
@soulcake I noticed a typo, the cost for Mysterious Mystery Stones has an equal sign before the 2, which probably should not be there.