So its a couple of interlocked problems, mostly related to optics and what it looks like Snorri is doing to others.
The first is that if Snorri starts spreading it to other runesmiths and recruiting them into his arm theme scheme, then it leads to an appearance of collectivization which is an issue because it can be seen as Snorri making a statement that his vision is superior to Thungni's. Which is heresy of the highest order in a lot of runesmith's minds and it also interfere's with the strong sense of self-determination in Runesmith culture. This can be circumvented by just, only teaching it to his apprentices. No one is going to touch the master-apprentice relationship with a ten foot pole if they can help it, so they might grumble but have no standing to actually complain. The options here are in my opinion a gradient of how much grounds they have to complain: Lax the worst, Stringent the best in this case since only some can even legitimately complain and the complaints will mostly be intense scrutiny applied to Snorri's reasoning for his choices.
The second comes down to the rule of pride stricture of the cult of Thungni and the Valayan stricture to give aid to all dwarves. Valayans will put some pressure onto runesmiths, but runesmiths will push back, and there is in the combination of this and the other problem I outlined above the room for a schism if someone spreads it too fast and breaks something. Stringent mostly avoids that problem since they are qualified for it by being like Snorri, who has been exceptionally careful about this.
Thanks. 👍
In a perfect world we would find a way for the Guild of Engineers to replicate our fear through mundane means ala Fullmetal Alchemist. Alas that isn't a possibility, yet.
It was said, that the impact of our decision will be influenced by our prior decisions and conduct. This means, that the Runelords, who were in attendance at the meeting, have at least some knowledge of Snorri's character and motivations. Granted, this doesn't help much.
Are we obligated to teach them at all? It would go against his character and will likely never be chosen, but what, if we just said no? It seems really OOC and would go against almost everything in the update, but it is a viable choice.
Declare the Chain at the conclave and then talk with the other Runelords about it, before spreading it? I feel like they should have a say as well.
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Masters]: Do not teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
The conclave is only a few decades away and there will be enough bombshells to easily bring this through, if we are smart about it. If we hold off now and wait, while using the reveal of the Dawi Zharr and the Gromril Chain, we can possibly convince more Runelords to accepts the Rune of forged limb and its wide spreaded use.
Making the use of Gromril chain widespread goes into the same direction.
Hell, we might even get it as a concession. It doesn't fit Snorri, but it would be more viable then just doing it without any kind of input.