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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I don't care enough about the Wardstones. They're not interesting to me. I want to know Alchemy when we get to the Rhunkalbrog
We won't be able to, since we don't have enough actions to start on Akazit. We'd just have the specialty and no runes or experiments to prove or confirm anything in the books.
Given that the wardstones are structural runes and appear to be similar to the wards holds get I'm not really seeing how they'd help with the Gazul commission. We're forging personal equipment.

The Wardstones appear to be dwarf portable. And there is no such thing as a 'structural' rune category. The Wardstones may be using banner runes or talismanic runes, either of which we can place on the Cult of Gazul's equipment.

Given there are five of them in or collection, it's almost certainly not a Master Rune, so it can probably be applied to any piece of equipment. Whether we apply them as armour or talismans they're very likely to protect the dwarf carrying them from scrying, and when placed on a banner probably protect an entire unit.
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Yeah, keep in mind that Snorri's gonna need to build up a lot of trust and political capital when it comes time for him to reveal Azaklit.

Or whatever we're calling Rune Alchemy.

Proving that Snorri doesn't do stuff lightly and can be trusted with extending a limb out is vitally important to getting that propagated throughout the KA once it's ready to be rolled out. That will be the major political shitstorm of Snorri's legacy, because unlike everything else Alchemy will be intended to be a discipline that folks are taught from the ground up. The closest thing to a true addition to Thungni's craft as a baseline upgrade to Runecraft general knowledge in who knows how long.
We should also consider how sharing forged limb will impact Snerra's plans. Hopefully sharing it will lessen/prevent the backlash she's expecting so it falls on Snorri instead, I'd hate for her career to be impacted by politics because she tried to help people.
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I think the pair of options which minimizes the possibility of objection from our fellow runelords while still spreading it is Wait on the Chain and Stringent and that's what I'll be voting for. That means the stringent method will be the accepted method, so those masters will pass it on to their apprentices in that manner and to a dwarf that is largely beyond most honest reproach. We don't want some dumbass making a mistake like what we're trying to avoid since that'd be bad for them, anyone in their vicinity, and eventually us (though that doesn't matter as much as the fact of the problem itself).

- [ ] Middling: Teach those you consider capable of wielding the Rune responsibly and are of a similar disposition to yourself. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.

That sounds lax to you does it?

"Capable of wielding the rune responsibly and of similar disposition" is lax?

There's being cautious and then there's basically being terrified of negative consequences, taking the middling route alongside waiting for the conclave is going to be absolutely fine.

We also have enough action slack to work Rune metal pt 5 in before Turn 41 as well as we only need six actions on it which is three spent in a single turn.
The Chain isn't the important decision here. The Rune of Forged Limb is what risks the integrity of the clan system itself. If we screw it up, it could end up causing some really, really nasty strife on a massive scale. We should be as careful with it as possible. I'm going to vote for [ ] Stringent , and in an effort to further blunt any possible negative imagery from doing so, I'm also going to vote for [ ] [Chain]: Release the method now. It'll make for a great humongous distraction from how the Cult of Thrugni is suddenly going to be majorly butting-in on the business of the Cult of Valaya for however long the Rune of Forged Limb will be made by Ruensmiths.
We won't be able to, since we don't have enough actions to start on Akazit. We'd just have the specialty and no runes or experiments to prove or confirm anything in the books.
Fair enough, I acknowledge the point.

I still am more interested into diving into that, getting the knowledge that will affect us going forwards, and forging Elgi connections and interactions.

I understand why people would want to take a possible option to make a commission even better while also providing ourselves with research, but my opinion stands.
The Chain isn't the important decision here. The Rune of Forged Limb is what risks the integrity of the clan system itself. If we screw it up, it could end up causing some really, really nasty strife on a massive scale. We should be as careful with it as possible. I'm going to vote for [ ] Stringent , and in an effort to further blunt any possible negative imagery from doing so, I'm also going to vote for [ ] [Chain]: Release the method now. It'll make for a great humongous distraction from how the Cult of Thrugni is suddenly going to be majorly butting-in on the business of the Cult of Valaya for however long the Rune of Forged Limb will be made by Ruensmiths.
I would say waiting to release the method of how we do it when we have evidential proof of it working is actually a better way to make the distraction.

The fact of it being done is one set of distraction, and then we drop a bigger one when we open source the runes with proof, which I think works better given the long timescales dwarves work on.

Agree 100% on stringent though.
Right so next turn has to be Valaya's armor so we have a free turn in there somewhere for anything that pops up. We should just wait till the conclave to reveal it, it'll be the most cred and might get us the mythical deed.

That was a great crafting scene and the reactions are going to be fun. Otrek, you thought you were retiring but the chain says nope.
The Chain isn't the important decision here. The Rune of Forged Limb is what risks the integrity of the clan system itself. If we screw it up, it could end up causing some really, really nasty strife on a massive scale. We should be as careful with it as possible. I'm going to vote for [ ] Stringent , and in an effort to further blunt any possible negative imagery from doing so, I'm also going to vote for [ ] [Chain]: Release the method now. It'll make for a great humongous distraction from how the Cult of Thrugni is suddenly going to be majorly butting-in on the business of the Cult of Valaya for however long the Rune of Forged Limb will be made by Ruensmiths.

I feel like people have taken the warning from Soulcake and run way to far with it, those warnings he gave us was for spreading it as far and wide as possible AND if we kept running ahead like that constantly with no thought. The middling road might have some peril for us to navigate in the distant future but to act like it's inevitably going to lead to destruction is silly.
Stringent is better in this case. We want it spreading, we always have, but we have no reason to rush it, and many, many very important reasons to be very careful with it.

So I've been informed there's a bit of confusion over what exactly each choice regarding the Rune of Forged Limb entails

To be clear here is the vote again.

[ ] [Masters]: Teach them the Rune of Forged Limb
- [ ] Stringent: Only the most skilled, the most alike with your own thoughts and beliefs. 8 Of the two dozen will be taught.
- [ ] Middling: Teach those you consider capable of wielding the Rune responsibly and are of a similar disposition to yourself. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.
- [ ] As lax as you can without dishonouring yourself. Any Runesmith who has reached the rank of Master is worthy. All of the two dozen will be taught.

[ ] [Masters]: Do not teach them the Rune of Forged Limb

The last one is obvious I think, and isn't relevant really.

None of these will lead to an immediate bad end, it's a question of how it interacts with all your previous choices. I won't spell out those interactions for you but I can be clearer by what I mean in the vote itself.

Stringent would mean these are Dwarfs Snorri believes are most alike with him in terms of thought and action. They will be the most likely to mirror how Snorri acts.

Middling would mean these are Dwarfs Snorri is only mostly sure they'll use it the same way he has been.

Lax is a bit different. It would mean that Snorri considers any Dwarf who has attained the rank of Master Runesmith perfectly capable of using this Rune.

I must stress, you'll know if something is gonna go bad end or not, and the journey matters as much as the destination so to speak.

So for stringent, these would be Dwarfs who treat the Rune exactly as Snorri does. Which as of RN is "Teach only your apprentices, use the Rune Liberally"

The more lax you are the more divergent they may be in how they use the Rune. They could be hyper conservative and follow the Rule of Pride, or do as you do. But it also means they have different criteria for who they teach the Rune to, would they teach anyone or would they be super selective? That sort of stuff.

So thats basically it.

Also I feel it's unnecessary but for the sake of redundancy.

Don't treat them like they'll be idiots. They're Master Runesmiths and that means they have literal centuries of experience. They wouldn't have been chosen as an apprentice, let alone become a Master, if they immediately screwed stuff over.

That is all. :^) (ill put this in the update proper as well)

EDIT: By how you act, I'll also clarify.

So as of Turn 37 Snorri is treating the Rune as something to teach his apprentices but use liberally. Stringent would mean Snorri is sure these Masters will do the same and you can extrapolate from there.

Even more clarification, since people are still asking me.
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I feel like people have taken the warning from Soulcake and run way to far with it, those warnings he gave us was for spreading it as far and wide as possible AND if we kept running ahead like that constantly with no thought. The middling road might have some peril for us to navigate in the distant future but to act like it's inevitably going to lead to destruction is silly.
esspically when it says that it will only be given to those who he knows are worthy and capable of it, so no injury and it only master runesmith don't see why not to go middling on it or more
Edit: ninja
The Rune of Forged Limb should have precisely zero impact on the clan system.

Snorri trying to push other Runesmiths to learn it would do is conflict with the Cult of Thungni's rather juvenile 'no one can tell me what to do!!!!' principles, and possibly end up getting Dwarf Mom to tell them off for behaving like petulant teenagers. That would be a bad end for Snorri. No one wants Dwarf Mom to have to get involved.

That's not what would be happening here though. Snorri isn't trying to make Runesmiths work together more.
She has to swear not to share the Master Rune, not the lesser regular runes.

Which she came up with at least one of if not both of the lesser ones if memory serves, so the Runelord literally could not censor that.
That was a master rune, given to a very young runesmith who wasn't her apprentice. The circumstances are completely different, and none of the things we were warned about with trying to mass produce/spread the rune of forged limb apply here. These are Master Runesmiths, not random beardlings on the street, passing it on to them is perfectly responsible.

And said master rune was far far far far far FAR less likely to schism the entirety of Thungni's gifted descendants than spreading out everything freely to masters who ask. There's a reason we've never traded it to any other runesmith, not even other Runelords. Snorri is and has been aware intimately of how this could start a runesmith civil war if he is not VERY careful with it. Freely outright says "any who ask" and not "Those who you believe will be responsible with it." Furthermore the more we teach the more it looks like collectivization which soul warned against. I'd rather be careful that not in this case. Which means Middling is as lax as i can justify to myself.
Oh ok well I still say we go with Stringent since that to me sounds like something Snorri would do. He doesn't do anything half assed after all he only does the highest quality work!
Stringent is better in this case. We want it spreading, we always have, but we have no reason to rush it, and many, many very important reasons to be very careful with it.
Yeah. The mountain of reasons for which to keep it slow on the one side and the risks if it goes buggery, compared to the benefits of doing it fast don't add up well for me in terms of spreading it quickly.

Among other things, even the most stringent options is still 8 more lineages of runesmiths to add it to. With Snorri's that's 9, which is like 8 or more new runesmiths every century or more as they spread. It also sets the tone for how we're going to teach people going forward, which is a process that will likely be automated and abstracted into the background, so I'd expect that we'd be teaching more than these 8 as time goes on. And that is a trickle no doubt there, but its a trickle which spreads beyond the borders of Snorri and Kraka Drakk into many holds. Plus, those master runesmiths who we teach it to, could trade it to others and make their own trickles.
Not that I doubt the repercussions, but I might have forgotten the reasons why the Rune of forged limb might endanger Dwarven society in itself.

What aspects are threatened by it?
Is it a "simple" problem of a guild/profession intruding upon another's area of responsibility or is there some religious believe about the Dwarven body that makes it controversial?

Again I'm not doubting the consequences, I just haven't seen any reasons that actually explain said consequences.

Great Update! 😁
I like how, after decades of trade, the Elves slowly become a constant influence with their own weight.

The Kraka Grom Negaverse is finally looking up, but still so broken. 😢
Comendable that those questers are still at it.

Edit: Is the Rule of Pride the Problem?
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Which she came up with at least one of if not both of the lesser ones if memory serves, so the Runelord literally could not censor that.

And said master rune was far far far far far FAR less likely to schism the entirety of Thungni's gifted descendants than spreading out everything freely to masters who ask. There's a reason we've never traded it to any other runesmith, not even other Runelords. Snorri is and has been aware intimately of how this could start a runesmith civil war if he is not VERY careful with it. Freely outright says "any who ask" and not "Those who you believe will be responsible with it." Furthermore the more we teach the more it looks like collectivization which soul warned against. I'd rather be careful that not in this case. Which means Middling is as lax as i can justify to myself.
Don't look now, but soul just kind of ruined your point.
and now it seemed, they were the main source of Dwarf goods entering Ulthuan. Which was proving quite the bounty both financially and more importantly to the leader of the House, at the Court of this Phoenix King it seemed. Especially considering that Myrion seemed to hint that House Dawnseeker were doing everything in their power to obfuscate your location to other merchants while improving their relationships among your people so that they'd remain the premier choice over any other merchants who may try their luck and navigate their way here independently.

Huh. A bit odd that the Far North would provide most of the dwarf goods in Ulthuan considering that Barak Varr is coastal major city.

@soulcake Would you mind sharing your thoughts on it, QM?
So, here is my going theory about why all seven ancestors' trinkets shone when we were working on the Gromril chain, I mean other than the amazing feat that is making gromril chain producible for our armor requests.

Grungni - A feat of craftsmanship only he had done before.

Grimnir - The will and focus to shoulder the difficulties and trials and achieve the objective

Valaya - The goal to lift the whole rather than to secret the prize away

Gazul - The shifting of fate and destiny to one that is better

Thungni - A working of runes in beautiful fashion to better work on the Rune Metal

Morgrim - A crafting of fine machinery to make it easier in achieving a particular result

Smednir - Crafting wonders of beauty with tools one created themselves

While I think that this is unlikely to be the reason that the trinkets shone, I still would like to envision that our efforts touch upon the workings of all seven ancestor gods.
- [ ] Middling: Teach those you consider capable of wielding the Rune responsibly and are of a similar disposition to yourself. 18 Of the two dozen will be taught.

That sounds lax to you does it?

"Capable of wielding the rune responsibly and of similar disposition" is lax?

There's being cautious and then there's basically being terrified of negative consequences, taking the middling route alongside waiting for the conclave is going to be absolutely fine.

We also have enough action slack to work Rune metal pt 5 in before Turn 41 as well as we only need six actions on it which is three spent in a single turn.
By definition, it's laxer than the Stringent option. I see no good reason why we shouldn't be as careful as possible. The only reason I'm willing to even go that far instead of not telling them is Ungor's Princesses Limbs, and the fact that we kept that reveal relatively low key.
frankly you think these elves are odd to think this Khaine the sword is named after is worthy of anything but contempt. Horrid things exist, as is the way of the world, but it made no sense to seemingly attribute it to an entity of your own people.

Hear, hear.

Still, it left quite the idea in your head. For the memories of the Ancestors and even a fragment of them to remain despite the passing of endless epochs, forever ready to lend their sage wisdom or even just their knowledge to future generations.

Did we just get inspiration for the Rune of Kingship? Cause if so, Holy Shit.

Looking around, she eventually catches sight of the source of the smell and lets a small grin form when she beholds her find.

The rubies glint in the open air, a multifaceted outcropping with branches of multiple hues of red that only enhances the beauty of the whole formation. Making her way over, she unholsters her mattock and begins the painstaking process of figuring out just how large the crystal actually is before she even dares to think of freeing it from its rocky prison.

It was really good after all! Hooray!

Spitting out the blood pooling in his mouth Nain can feel his body groan in protest as he forces himself to stand. Ignoring the aches of mortal flesh he hefts his axe and raises up his shield. Thankful that the Runes and Gromril have held up in the face of the acid his foes spew with reckless abandon.

Nain grunts and smacks the side of his axe against the Gromril of his shield and causes the runes on both to flare. The bright lights and obvious taunt angering the beasts and drawing their attention away from the wounded Dawi and set it squarely on him.

I see that Nain has taken a level in Badass. Hopefully he's ok.

"Papers please," the Dwarf says in very rough Eltharin, the rumbling voice a queer contrast to the flowing tongue of his people.


Glory to Arstotzka Ravnsvake!

"Report from Nightfeather, a band of Gors were spotted due north. He smelled Dawi blood coming from them, fresh too," a ranger says darkly, "He and the closest nearby detachment went to investigate."

Damn, just having some eyes in the sky is making a ridiculous difference to the Hearth Guard's effectiveness, at least narratively.

"Our duty is to the dead, but Gazul does so for the sake of the Living. We can spare the Guardians to join you, though I must admit your feathered companions are quite-"

Whatever the elderly priest is about to say is overcome by the shriek of two other Brana, their bodies wreathed in Amber and Azure light respectively.

"-the rapid response force," he concludes with a sniff and glance above.


"Who comes before the home of our Lord?" the one on the left rumbles.

"Who comes and believes themselves worthy?" the one on the right adds.


For his family's sake, he would do all he could in the effort to learn the Rune that let the Princess walk under her own power and use two hands.

Ohhhhhhhh shit. Welp. Them chickens are coming home to roost.

Otrek breathes out a sigh of relief and content, feeling the creak in his knees as he gets out of his seat and out of the study, his only aim to head to bed and take a good long sleep.

Today had been a long one and left him particularly exhausted.

It's time, Otrek. While your exit will still be graceful.

(Roll, Dreng Them: 13 +35[Equipment and Numbers Bonus] =48)

That modifier is nothing to sneeze at. A floor success level on retainer actions of "well, that could have gone better" is just so nice.

the lad would have to simply be content with the acknowledgement of Kraka Drakk being the source of its creation.

Hoooo boy. This is going places.

Deep in the very core of your being, you grasp and understand that flake of truth. That you would die doing all you could for your people. Every brick you lay, every step you build, it is the foundation of the future. A mountain built over the course of countless generations. You stand on the progress of not only your past, but the countless ages of Dwarfs who've come before, and in return, you will be the bedrock upon which your apprentices and their apprentices will build upon. An endless cycle, the long march to progress and improvement every Dwarf goes through writ to a scale so large that it encompasses all the Karaz Ankor.

Nothing interesting to say, just really like this passage.

You're gone for less than a decade and the whole damn town's grown by at least a third.

HA! :V

As the the choices: Ohhhhhhhh man. This is gonna be rough.

Detailed thoughts to follow.
This crunch is kinda why I wanted to skip Gaul's commission but the flex is going to be legendary so w/e. I don't think the extra free actions would have helped before the conclave anyway?

I say just go with stringent for now and we can relax the standards after a dozen turns when we have the chainmaker cred. After the commissions and begining alchemy, we should rune metal it up.
So, do we still get the title and deed, or does it all, including the boost from the impact, wait until Rhunkalbrog?
Title will be there (though itll be hidden until people realize you made Chain), deed not til Rhunkalbrogg if you chose to wait.
@soulcake Would you mind sharing your thoughts on it, QM?
The elves haven't found Barak Varr, and Barak Varr isn't the titan of shipping in the Dwarf world yet.


So so more clarification about the Rune of Forged limb Vote.

By how you act, I'll lay it out like this.

So as of Turn 37 Snorri is treating the Rune as something to teach to only his apprentices but use liberally. Stringent would mean Snorri is sure these Masters will do the same and you can extrapolate from there.
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