I doubt Snorri would
want to make an
entirely new guild.
Especially when it comes to an untried and undiscovered and untested new research field. You want to immediately set up a new guild for this, without testing out and researching and documenting it for a few centuries or a thousand years first? Are you mad? These are Dwarfs, son. They don't just make a new guild wily-nily. Not just to sate one person's desire for fame and power, or because it would be convenient and fast.
Especially not because it would be
If you want to be Dwarf-like, then spend a thousand years exploring this new and undiscovered research topic. And document exactly why you think it should be worth the creation and invention of a new guild. And document and explain exactly why this does not fall under Cult of Thungni Secrets.
Because that's what it is, at this point. Runesmith Secrets.
If you want to found a new guild because you want to break ground the way the Ancestor Gods did, then I think you're motivated by hubris.
A desire for fame.
If you want to found a new guild because you think it would be good, then... Well, okay. You should still take a thousand years to do it though. Do it the proper, Dwarfy, way. And have ironclad arguments for why a new guild is needed, for why Runesmiths
can't do this alone, why Runesmiths
shouldn't do this alone, and why these Runesmith secrets should be shared and made both not-secret and not-Runesmith-knowledge.
If that sounds like an uphill climb and a hell of an ask then, well, congratulations -- you've gotten a glimmer of what it's like to try to match an Ancestor God for the revolution or creation of an entire sphere of cultural influence or the creation and proliferation of an entire new line of work, like Runesmithing or Engineering.
But don't take shortcuts to it. Nor should you decide, beforehand, that you want to aim for new-guild target and like-an-Ancestor-God-prestige as a target. And come up with justifications and rationalizations for why that's okay.
If you wanted your Alchemy Guild? Your chance for that probably went out the window when a Priest of the Cult of Thungni stumbled upon it and started researching it.
You know what you might aim for now, though?
Something that's the equivalent of the Brotherhood of Dron.
A group or fellowship within the ranks of the Runesmiths, or Runelords, that holds expertise and specialties in a given topic, and pursues that topic, and shares research about it.
And that? That, I am much more excited about.
that I feel is giving me a very Dwarf vibe and Runesmith vibe. That sort of Golden Age vibe. Because... It's discovering some new field, and then reaching out to your fellow Grandmasters, and starting a tradition or fellowship about it.
It's... It's going out to the other Runelords, and going: "Look at what I've found! It's pretty cool." And then being surprised or impressed or confused by it.
That sense of discovery, of wonder and mystery... It's very very cool and satisfying to me.
But also and equally important, is the sense of culture and... fantasy race verisimilitude, basically. I don't want just Cool Things(TM) -- I want it to be Dwarfy, too. And that involves being and acting Dwarfy. Rather than 'Dwarfy is what we say it is.' =/