[AU] Snippet, An Age of Fire and Molten Metal
- Location
- Edmonton
- Pronouns
- He/Him
━<><><>< 73 A.P. ><><><>━
Otrek isn't sure why he agreed to this, let alone entertained it in the first place.
Dwarf and drakk have been enemies for longer than his Clan has even existed. Entire volumes worth of Grudges have been recorded as grim proof of their inability to coexist.
Then he remembers the darkening skies, the bands of dumi that raid and attack with ever growing frequency, and the tally of dead that grows with each passing year.
Losses they can ill afford.
He can feel their stares, from his Huskarls, to his advisors and Lord Klausson. They rightfully question this entire endeavour for the very same reasons Otrek does, and how can they not?
Except for Lord Klausson, he can't be sure of the Runelord's opinion half the time, he may well think this was a great idea.
Then there is Girda, his queen and surest companion. The trust they held in each other was a thing built over centuries, unshakeable as the walls of his Hold. Where one went, the other followed for good and ill.
Now more than ever Otrek feels the weight of the centuries he has lived.
Damn it all.
But is that enough for him to forsake tradition and common sense? To make cause with the monster that patiently waits before him?
His wife, his children, and his people, their survival, their prosperity, that is as much a part of his honour now as his conduct.
Will he deny such a possible boon and risk his childrens' lives?
In the face of such a thought, the answer is clear.
Perhaps the drakk senses his steeled resolve, perhaps it grows tired of him, but for whatever reason it-she extends a claw forward.
He stares the creature right into the molten orbs she calls eyes, and takes a hold of the proffered appendage.
"Fine," he grumbles, "fine. I find these terms acceptable. Better a drakk than the Dumal."
The dragon releases a roiling rumble from its throat, perhaps out of contentment for the bargain agreed to, perhaps out of amusement for the folly he has committed.
"The pact is struck," she hisses, scalding hot breath washing over him as she speaks.
━<><><>< 102 A.P. ><><><>━
Otrek feels his bones ache, his lungs pump barrelfuls of air in and out of his chest and his body screams in protest as he walks over to the massive body that lays still on the battlefield. Half of her spines are broken or gone entirely, revealing a body covered in burns, cuts and bruises beneath. One of her horns on the left side of her face has similarly been shattered, having taken a blow from the Dragon Ogre's hammer. Off, a few meters away, her arm lays after having been torn off in their struggle against the Suneater.
"Oi!" he hollers, ignoring the shouts and orders of the Valayans in the distance, "you dead?"
The dragon does not respond for a few moments, and Otrek cannot help but feel some upwell of sorrow at the thought of her passing, before a shuddering breath causes her body to convulse.
"Once...more…I prove my dominion over the spawn of Krakanrok," Haruzrildrakk wheezes.
"Indeed." she continues somewhat breathlessly, focusing on the titanic effort of lifting her serpentine body off the ground once more. "They were our enemies when the world lay beneath the blanket of winter's grip, and they were broken long before your ilk even existed. Shattered, broken, into yet another pawn of the dark ones."
Otrek watches as the dragon hocks up a glob of magma-like blood before spitefully spitting it at the Suneater's corpse.
She turns her head to stare as the Throng continues its vengeful sally through the shattered daemonic lines, Grimnir no doubt leading the charge.
"Dawn breaks, Dwarf king," she notes in Khazalid, despite the crown she wrangled out of the Gift Giver laying a good few meters away, half melted and in pieces.
"Aye?" he mutters, chuckling despite the ache in his chest.
He steadies himself with Trollslayer, resting his weight against Lord Klausson's gift.
"The terms of our pact require altering."
He blinks.
"That's what you decide to bring up, now of all times?" Otrek mumbles, disbelief overpowering exhaustion as he stares at the dragon.
"Of course," she answers sincerely.
━<><><>< 212 A.P. ><><><>━
"More than you think," you reply.
Nothing more needs to be said. It ends just as it began, and with a single singing blow from your hammer, Hogrimm Ironhand will no longer peddle his foulness among your people.
Quicker and far more mercifully than he deserves, a part of you seethes out.
The rest simply conjures the memories of the past few hours. Just where the spite of your people could go if left unchecked by propriety and common decency.
Vengeance was had, and that was enough. You'll make no show of it.
You sigh, and look towards the massive form of the Bloodthirster-
-and pause when the rumble of the earth reaches a crescendo as four serpentine forms erupt out of the ritual chamber walls in a shower of rock and dust, screaming death and illuminated by flame.
The mammoth steps back from the Bloodthirster as the newly arrived dragons descend on their prey. The four spawn of Haruzrildrakk working in tandem to subdue the demon, using their bodies to coil around an individual, holding each appendage in place before they begin to constrict.
Took them long enough, you think.
━<><><>< 282 A.P. ><><><>━
Gemlin has heard stories about Kraka Drakk from his relatives.
They talk about queer folk who wear scalemail shirts under their oddly patterned armour and don helmets with sweeping horns and fangs of iron. Whos Throng marches under scaled banners and all carry weapons of undying flame. Most fantastically they whisper of dragons that lurk beneath the Hold, and how the Dawi of the Hold have seemingly bound the creatures to their cause.
He isn't sure what to make of them, after all, he was just a merchant looking for a new source of fine steel after his contacts in Karak Kadrin, the wazzoks, broke faith with his clan and sold their wares to friends of those no good Marblebrows!
So Gemlin does his best to put away the caution he feels staring at the lifelike statues of wyrms that flank the entrance to the Hold's underway, nods at the warriors and their draconic helms, and ignores that odd reliefs that depict wyrm and dwarf working together to forge metal. He most certainly doesn't comment on the distinct lack of visible soot on Dalgren Drakebrow's face and simply buys the fine steel from the Metalsmiths Guild without batting an eye.
Only when, as he leads his wagon to the warehouse where his order is stored with the contact from the Metalsmiths, his ponies rear up in fear at the sight of a drakk standing outside the warehouse next to the Metalsmiths representative does he realize his kin may not have just been tugging at his beard.
"By Grungni's fanciest belt!" he shouts, reaching for his axe.
"Easy there!" Dwinbar Ironheart orders, putting out an arm between him and the monster in front of them, "put away that axe lad!"
"Put away my axe?" Gemlin half shouts, staring at Dwinbar like he's grown a second head, "when there's a drakk right there?!"
"Aye, aye, I know it's odd, but trust me when I say no harm will befall ye. I swear it on my beard!"
Gemlin, still in disbelief, looks around and notices the few other Dwarfs nearby aren't staring at the dragon in confusion, but at him.
"I- fine. Fine, I'll lower my axe, but I want an explanation from you." Gemlin mutters, shocked that he's following along with this madness.
"That's my fault there, forgot you weren't from here when promised the boy he could see. Ah, well it's simple really, this young one merely wanted to see who'd be buying the first good steel he helped make."
Gemlin blinks.
"You're serious," he finally says, suddenly feeling rather faint.
"Course we are! Isn't that right Angrim?" Dwinbar says, nodding to the ten meter long serpent staring at them.
"Indeed," it growls out, voice reminiscent of two sheets of sandpaper being rubbed against each other.
Gemlin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
Course, why wouldn't the dragon want to see the dwarf who'll be buying the steel he helped make? Perfect sense. Like that sentence isn't something straight out of the mind of the drunkest bastard in the tavern.
An excerpt from an essay by Robert Schunheim, student at the University of Altdorf
"The relationship between dragons and Dwarfs is largely one fraught with bloodshed and animosity. The Dwarfs will gladly tell you of the many Grudges they have struck out against the "Drakk," over a tankard of ale, and the many creations their Ancestors forged from the potent remains of such terrifying beasts. But as this paper will show, the Norscan Dwarfhold of Kraka Drakk, or the "Dragon Hold" for those not versed in Khazalid, stands as a glaring exception to that general trend. This oddity stems from its longstanding relationship with a native population of dragons that lair within the Hold proper. The Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk are, as Dwarfs are, proud of this ancient relationship, and the many historical benefits it provides the Hold. The alliance itself was born from the terror and dangers of the Great Catastrophe, wherein the Silver Death, progenitor of Kraka Drakk's wyrm population, struck a pact of mutual protection with the Hold's founding king, Otrek Gornsson. A translation of the first iteration of which has been helpfully recorded below:
By blood and steel, the oath is struck between the Silver Death and Otrek son of Gorn
Let the pact last so long as the forces of Darkness* stalk the land, and terror grips the hearts of mortal folk
Let our foes be your prey, let our Hold be your refuge, let tooth, claw and flame be lent to the striking of our Grudges.
In turn let your enemies be our enemies, let your children and their children know peace behind our walls.
Let us both keep faith, lest our axe-promise fall upon the breaker of this pact and be struck from this mortal span.
After the Catastrophe's conclusion, the length of the agreement was extended indefinitely in a renegotiation between King Otrek and the Silver Death. This alteration would lay the foundations of Kraka Drakk's now ancient pact with her dragons, and the odd position the Hold finds itself within broader Dwarf society. It is no accident that Dwarfs prefer to focus on Kraka Drakk's propensity for Runesmiths and the legacy of Lord Klausson rather than the dragons who dwell in it. While the former is certainly of great import to Dwarf society as a whole, as many of my colleagues have so thoroughly proven, it cannot be disputed that the great cultural enmity between Dwarfs and dragons plays a significant role in the relative absence of the latter within Dwarf texts outside of the region. This holds true even when examining records from the War of the Ancients, wherein there are only brief mentions of the aid of wyrms against the armies of Ulthuan. Lest I invite terrible consequences on my person, I will not argue that the Dwarfs are unwilling to provide proper credit for aid given, but it cannot be denied there is a great deal of trepidation or awkwardness from southern chroniclers when attributing deeds and accolades to beings they do not see as different from the flying monsters that ravaged their throngs.
In stark contrast Kraka Drakk is perfectly willing to praise the efforts and sacrifices of the dragons, or wyrms as they prefer to call them in the Norse Holds, of their home. One poignant example is of a mural commissioned by King Thorgard Gimlisson to commemorate the life of Brynguzak, or Gold Eater, after the latter died from wounds sustained from killing one Emperor Dragon and wounding another during the fifth siege of Tor Alessi. Further, there are several examples of within Kraka Drakk's Book of Grudges, of not only Grudges being sworn against the killers of several of their own dragons, but more civic affairs wherein a Dragon levied a Grudge against a human merchant for delivering substandard steel to him. The reality that the Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk see no issue with recording such a transaction within their Book is a signifier for the esteem in which they hold their reptilian companions. After all, this same courtesy is rarely, if ever, afforded to mankind, and yet there are several more examples of this occurring within the Hold's records…"
AN: Patreon Snippet for the month of June. Basically its a short examination and exploration of a reality where I went hole hog on the "Drakk" part of Kraka Drakk. Feel free to ask questions about this one if you want, or if you want to vote on future snippets or POVs in this quest then support the ol' patreon. :^)
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