[Non Canon] The Coat and the Spear, x2 +15 to a Roll
SV's Estalia Guy
- Location
- Ruritania Illinois
- Pronouns
- He/Him
The Coat and the Spear
There was silence in the guild hall, not complete but thick and soupy it fell upon the people within. The crackle of the braziers seemed only to enhance it. The sound of the hammers striking metal seemed just to act as a music to it, enhancing it, allowing the Windseekers within, ranging from Journeymen seeking to create a good piece and finally advance, to the greatest of Gale Callers, all housed within the great Guildhall of the Ruby Guild, those who worked Aqshy. The rustle of leather as buffcoats were sewn of that flesh filled the air too, a soft sound like a sweet soprano. The once temple to Alethor echoed with the sounds of craftsman, and in that workshop, the black and red stone intricately decorated by the finest of Elven craftsmen at the height of their empire then claimed by humanity, charlatans and thieves, until at last it passed to a worthy heir to their traditions, themselves instructed at the feet of the mages of Caledor and deemed tolerable.
Naturally, that soft, sweet, stillness and silence was to be broken.
"Can't believe that you'd let anything like that go out, Umgi. I'd be shamed to have my mark on such a work."
A dwarf spoke. Now, perhaps she was not to be blamed. Perhaps it was the Aqshy that filled that place making her brave in all the entirely wrong ways. Perhaps it was being reminded of the War of the Ancients every five seconds as she looked at the walls and saw snarling dragons, pretentious elves, and great spirits of fire summoned by the mightiest of magics and allied by the will of mages. Or perhaps she was just a braying jackass, perhaps there is not always a reason. Perhaps the Dwarfs are not always so rational as certain authors would have us believe. I would certainly never speak of the good Magister Weber. I enjoy keeping my head firmly attached to the rest of my body.
Either way it matters little, for a Windseeker put down his needle. Leocadio Valiente, himself no slinking coward, stood from the table, where a half-finished buff coat of bright red but with little other decoration, though hard and resilient to the cutting, stinking, slashing knives of the Skaven. "Mad because my work supports me rather than having to run to mommy and daddy until someone is willing to accept my prima donna behavior and let me blow an unreasonable amount of time that could be spent arming three or more to instead make something my overinflated ego can accept?"
"Blow time, Umgi?" At this point the other mages could simply look on. Most were simply stunned, and those few that weren't conceded that either way, an ego that badly needed to be punctured would be punctured. Either Leocadio would need to finally back down, face something he could not bear simply bull over with all the fury of Aqshy and all the fire of Myrmidia. Or else Kazadna Winterhearth, Runelord of Karak Izor, might finally have to stop talking for once, and there could be peace. Either way, in spite of being in a hall filled to the brim Aqshy, the temperature might, in fact, drop as hot air was released. "I put as much effort as is demanded to make it right."
"Nonsense! You put ten years into making that last suit of armor you insufferable git, all to 'get it right.' Well you know what, my 'horrible, sloppy, no good no craftsmanship' pieces can go out three to a year, and they're still more than good enough to let a man survive taking a blow from a damn Rat-Ogre you lout! How many men live because I know how to produce what people need rather than what vindicates my overinflated ego!"
"I think that's what you tell yourself to justify your sloppy work, you half-Elgi! I think you lack the strength or the will to put your back into it, and everything you've just said is nothing more and nothing less than an excuse to justify that simple fact!"
"That's rich coming from someone who can make all two weapons, one sort of armor, and a smattering of banners! If anything your behavior is a mask for your fundamental inability to be independent and creative, since the ancient, ossified geriatrics you call Elders won't let you be anything but what they want you to be, and you lack the will to tell them otherwise and burn your own path!"
The Dwarf marched towards him, grabbing her Rune Hammer. Aqshy blazed around the Gale Caller like he was a living furnace as his rage and bravery and courage and skill all twisted and warped and danced around him, fed by his burning confidence. His Focus, his bright sash studded with the Power Stones of Aqshy, blazed with light, with life. It would have been a battle for certain, for the Winds of Magic struggled around the Dwarf, but Leocadio was stubborn and angry and cunning enough to at least try to make through, and skilled enough in the battle not to fear her mighty hammer.
At this point a few of the other Gale-Callers prepared to grab their companion and the Dwarf, only for him to bark, "a competition then! And I will show you how I put my damn back into it!"
"And I'll show you the value of doing it right and I'll do it creative, you insufferable jackass!" The Dwarf stomped out, distaste written on her face, even as Leocadio himself began rummaging for his leather and silk and other valuable things.
His once master placed her palm on her forehead, and began to mutter himself. "This is so stupid, I mean this is so very stupid, I mean I think I can feel myself getting stupider boy."
"Don't you try and talk me out of this master," Leocadio barked even as he began to wet the leather, "You and I both know the Dwarfs have needed somebody to tell them to shut the hell up since they crawled out of Zorn. I'm sick of it!"
"And what, you don't? Need I remind you of the Doom Incident?"
"Not as much as they do master." He smiled, and it was not a happy one. "Thank you for the reminder, however."
"Oh Holies above, NOOOOOO-"
And with that, both Windseeker and Runelord set to work, for the next six months perfecting their craft.
It was a clearing, just outside of Magritta. A great field. A party of Ironbreakers, sent to watch over the Runelord, stood around her, even as she held her spear. Montantedores surrounded the Windseeker, who held a finely made oaken chest that shook with each second, like a great beating heart waiting to be unleashed, thumping and beating and pushing.
"I did not think you would have the gall to stand here, Umgi."
"I'm afraid of precious little, heir of spite." He gestured, spinning his hand in a disinterested way. "Now then, age before beauty, so you may go first."
"Age is beauty, Umgi, the fact that you can't stand it speak to your weakness." She thudded the shaft of the spear onto the dirt. Its head was gleaming silver gromril, while the shaft itself was troll bone stained blue. A fine grip had been delicately cut into it, in the form of scrawling writing dedicated to mighty Grimnir, mundane but powerful. Delicately carved into the surface, aside from that, and then layered in purest silverine was a depiction of the Skaven War below, or perhaps more specifically the Skaven fleeing, failing, falling, filled full of fear. Running away, cowardly and frightened. One could imagine themselves there, imagine the fury of the fighting, the stink of fear, the Khazalid chanting. The violence. Three Runes burned on the surface of the head, fed with who knows what. The Master Rune of Grimnir, the Rune of Dismay, and the Rune of Striking.
"Now this is a weapon to bane the foe, Umgi. The Master Rune of Grimnir, that you can actually fight half as well as your insufferable egos contend. The Rune of Dismay, since I know you lack the strength to withstand the vermin tide. And the Rune of Striking, so your dancing, fancy little blows might actually mean something. Ancestors know you need it." She sniffed. "And with that, I believe I win."
"Not yet you haven't, you insufferable thing." He opened the chest and pulled it out and in one smooth move tossed the buff coat within at the dwarf, even as he grabbed a good sized rock from the ground. "Here. Put this on."
She examined it. It was a depiction of the Estalian Wars, or more precisely, the Battle Against the Skaven, when their mighty Warrior King Rodrigo had fought the accursed Clan Pestilens. Many thousands of the Rats had died, so many that they had lain thick on the ground like carpets; and damn near the whole leadership of that particular clan had been unmade, and weakened. It was embroidered in gold on the red silk, itself layered atop the leather that gave it weight and heft, though it was still a flimsy thing. She did, grudgingly, acknowledge that the work was better than most she saw out of Estalia. The battles depicted, Prince Ciro Priest of Myrmida and bearer of Winged Victory, facing the hordes by himself. Cristina, World-Walker, who ensured that the Skaven would not know magical superiority on that day. Ines, who split open Nurglitch's throat like so much paper. She slipped it on without too much complaint.
"You think this flimsy thing is acceptable, Umgi?"
"I think it not too flimsy, Dwarf. And I can show it, too, if you'll let me."
She nodded at him and at her guard and so he threw the rock, as large as a stone, and it exploded into sparks. "But that's not all. If you don't mind, however, I'd like, to get everybody behind you before I show the better part. That will be the safest place, I assure you, for all of us." He and his guard moved; and when that was done, he spoke. "The buttons on the front, the one marked with the elf writing. Press it."
She did.
And the world became fire.
"Conflagration of Doom. The mightiest spell I know. See rat. Burn rat."
At this point the story becomes difficult to discern. The Dwarfs continue to claim that in truth the Runelord won, for hers was the better art, and the more consistent, and the more trustworthy; while the Estalians, while I, continue to claim that Leopaldo won. What is certain is that the Dwarfs gained a fine buff coat, which is the Silken Fire; and we gained a fine new spear, Vengryn Wutraz.
And the Skaven gained a whole new reason to curse our names.
-Leandre Agua, the Miscellanea of the World
Eh. An idea that wouldn't leave me. A crossover of sort between my Estalia Quest and Rhunrikki, in that it's one of my Windseekers and a Winterhearth Runelord in a timeline vaguely like a good if not golden one developing from exactly where the most recent update for it ended.
(Leandre is a biased narrator and I feel like that should be obvious, but like, I just think I should mention it before somebody yells at me)
There was silence in the guild hall, not complete but thick and soupy it fell upon the people within. The crackle of the braziers seemed only to enhance it. The sound of the hammers striking metal seemed just to act as a music to it, enhancing it, allowing the Windseekers within, ranging from Journeymen seeking to create a good piece and finally advance, to the greatest of Gale Callers, all housed within the great Guildhall of the Ruby Guild, those who worked Aqshy. The rustle of leather as buffcoats were sewn of that flesh filled the air too, a soft sound like a sweet soprano. The once temple to Alethor echoed with the sounds of craftsman, and in that workshop, the black and red stone intricately decorated by the finest of Elven craftsmen at the height of their empire then claimed by humanity, charlatans and thieves, until at last it passed to a worthy heir to their traditions, themselves instructed at the feet of the mages of Caledor and deemed tolerable.
Naturally, that soft, sweet, stillness and silence was to be broken.
"Can't believe that you'd let anything like that go out, Umgi. I'd be shamed to have my mark on such a work."
A dwarf spoke. Now, perhaps she was not to be blamed. Perhaps it was the Aqshy that filled that place making her brave in all the entirely wrong ways. Perhaps it was being reminded of the War of the Ancients every five seconds as she looked at the walls and saw snarling dragons, pretentious elves, and great spirits of fire summoned by the mightiest of magics and allied by the will of mages. Or perhaps she was just a braying jackass, perhaps there is not always a reason. Perhaps the Dwarfs are not always so rational as certain authors would have us believe. I would certainly never speak of the good Magister Weber. I enjoy keeping my head firmly attached to the rest of my body.
Either way it matters little, for a Windseeker put down his needle. Leocadio Valiente, himself no slinking coward, stood from the table, where a half-finished buff coat of bright red but with little other decoration, though hard and resilient to the cutting, stinking, slashing knives of the Skaven. "Mad because my work supports me rather than having to run to mommy and daddy until someone is willing to accept my prima donna behavior and let me blow an unreasonable amount of time that could be spent arming three or more to instead make something my overinflated ego can accept?"
"Blow time, Umgi?" At this point the other mages could simply look on. Most were simply stunned, and those few that weren't conceded that either way, an ego that badly needed to be punctured would be punctured. Either Leocadio would need to finally back down, face something he could not bear simply bull over with all the fury of Aqshy and all the fire of Myrmidia. Or else Kazadna Winterhearth, Runelord of Karak Izor, might finally have to stop talking for once, and there could be peace. Either way, in spite of being in a hall filled to the brim Aqshy, the temperature might, in fact, drop as hot air was released. "I put as much effort as is demanded to make it right."
"Nonsense! You put ten years into making that last suit of armor you insufferable git, all to 'get it right.' Well you know what, my 'horrible, sloppy, no good no craftsmanship' pieces can go out three to a year, and they're still more than good enough to let a man survive taking a blow from a damn Rat-Ogre you lout! How many men live because I know how to produce what people need rather than what vindicates my overinflated ego!"
"I think that's what you tell yourself to justify your sloppy work, you half-Elgi! I think you lack the strength or the will to put your back into it, and everything you've just said is nothing more and nothing less than an excuse to justify that simple fact!"
"That's rich coming from someone who can make all two weapons, one sort of armor, and a smattering of banners! If anything your behavior is a mask for your fundamental inability to be independent and creative, since the ancient, ossified geriatrics you call Elders won't let you be anything but what they want you to be, and you lack the will to tell them otherwise and burn your own path!"
The Dwarf marched towards him, grabbing her Rune Hammer. Aqshy blazed around the Gale Caller like he was a living furnace as his rage and bravery and courage and skill all twisted and warped and danced around him, fed by his burning confidence. His Focus, his bright sash studded with the Power Stones of Aqshy, blazed with light, with life. It would have been a battle for certain, for the Winds of Magic struggled around the Dwarf, but Leocadio was stubborn and angry and cunning enough to at least try to make through, and skilled enough in the battle not to fear her mighty hammer.
At this point a few of the other Gale-Callers prepared to grab their companion and the Dwarf, only for him to bark, "a competition then! And I will show you how I put my damn back into it!"
"And I'll show you the value of doing it right and I'll do it creative, you insufferable jackass!" The Dwarf stomped out, distaste written on her face, even as Leocadio himself began rummaging for his leather and silk and other valuable things.
His once master placed her palm on her forehead, and began to mutter himself. "This is so stupid, I mean this is so very stupid, I mean I think I can feel myself getting stupider boy."
"Don't you try and talk me out of this master," Leocadio barked even as he began to wet the leather, "You and I both know the Dwarfs have needed somebody to tell them to shut the hell up since they crawled out of Zorn. I'm sick of it!"
"And what, you don't? Need I remind you of the Doom Incident?"
"Not as much as they do master." He smiled, and it was not a happy one. "Thank you for the reminder, however."
"Oh Holies above, NOOOOOO-"
And with that, both Windseeker and Runelord set to work, for the next six months perfecting their craft.
It was a clearing, just outside of Magritta. A great field. A party of Ironbreakers, sent to watch over the Runelord, stood around her, even as she held her spear. Montantedores surrounded the Windseeker, who held a finely made oaken chest that shook with each second, like a great beating heart waiting to be unleashed, thumping and beating and pushing.
"I did not think you would have the gall to stand here, Umgi."
"I'm afraid of precious little, heir of spite." He gestured, spinning his hand in a disinterested way. "Now then, age before beauty, so you may go first."
"Age is beauty, Umgi, the fact that you can't stand it speak to your weakness." She thudded the shaft of the spear onto the dirt. Its head was gleaming silver gromril, while the shaft itself was troll bone stained blue. A fine grip had been delicately cut into it, in the form of scrawling writing dedicated to mighty Grimnir, mundane but powerful. Delicately carved into the surface, aside from that, and then layered in purest silverine was a depiction of the Skaven War below, or perhaps more specifically the Skaven fleeing, failing, falling, filled full of fear. Running away, cowardly and frightened. One could imagine themselves there, imagine the fury of the fighting, the stink of fear, the Khazalid chanting. The violence. Three Runes burned on the surface of the head, fed with who knows what. The Master Rune of Grimnir, the Rune of Dismay, and the Rune of Striking.
"Now this is a weapon to bane the foe, Umgi. The Master Rune of Grimnir, that you can actually fight half as well as your insufferable egos contend. The Rune of Dismay, since I know you lack the strength to withstand the vermin tide. And the Rune of Striking, so your dancing, fancy little blows might actually mean something. Ancestors know you need it." She sniffed. "And with that, I believe I win."
"Not yet you haven't, you insufferable thing." He opened the chest and pulled it out and in one smooth move tossed the buff coat within at the dwarf, even as he grabbed a good sized rock from the ground. "Here. Put this on."
She examined it. It was a depiction of the Estalian Wars, or more precisely, the Battle Against the Skaven, when their mighty Warrior King Rodrigo had fought the accursed Clan Pestilens. Many thousands of the Rats had died, so many that they had lain thick on the ground like carpets; and damn near the whole leadership of that particular clan had been unmade, and weakened. It was embroidered in gold on the red silk, itself layered atop the leather that gave it weight and heft, though it was still a flimsy thing. She did, grudgingly, acknowledge that the work was better than most she saw out of Estalia. The battles depicted, Prince Ciro Priest of Myrmida and bearer of Winged Victory, facing the hordes by himself. Cristina, World-Walker, who ensured that the Skaven would not know magical superiority on that day. Ines, who split open Nurglitch's throat like so much paper. She slipped it on without too much complaint.
"You think this flimsy thing is acceptable, Umgi?"
"I think it not too flimsy, Dwarf. And I can show it, too, if you'll let me."
She nodded at him and at her guard and so he threw the rock, as large as a stone, and it exploded into sparks. "But that's not all. If you don't mind, however, I'd like, to get everybody behind you before I show the better part. That will be the safest place, I assure you, for all of us." He and his guard moved; and when that was done, he spoke. "The buttons on the front, the one marked with the elf writing. Press it."
She did.
And the world became fire.
"Conflagration of Doom. The mightiest spell I know. See rat. Burn rat."
At this point the story becomes difficult to discern. The Dwarfs continue to claim that in truth the Runelord won, for hers was the better art, and the more consistent, and the more trustworthy; while the Estalians, while I, continue to claim that Leopaldo won. What is certain is that the Dwarfs gained a fine buff coat, which is the Silken Fire; and we gained a fine new spear, Vengryn Wutraz.
And the Skaven gained a whole new reason to curse our names.
-Leandre Agua, the Miscellanea of the World
Eh. An idea that wouldn't leave me. A crossover of sort between my Estalia Quest and Rhunrikki, in that it's one of my Windseekers and a Winterhearth Runelord in a timeline vaguely like a good if not golden one developing from exactly where the most recent update for it ended.
(Leandre is a biased narrator and I feel like that should be obvious, but like, I just think I should mention it before somebody yells at me)
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