The Moon From Robot 64
Are you thinking about the differences between a situation where Kyuubey tells Homura what her timeloops are doing at the worst moment to shove her trauma in her face VS a situation where Homura finds out while surrounded her friends to help her deal with her trauma?
No one has said anything about "gaining" anything, only preventing Kyuubey from using a partial truth to witch-out Homura.
Personally, I'm on board with getting both Homura and Madoka a perception/censor filter and keeping them in communications through non-Incubator methods.
Also, anyone have any thoughts on Madoka intuiting the LoopBomb? All this planning for blocking Kyuubey, not telling Homura or telling Homura in the right way, all of that is worthless if Madoka tries to forgive Homura for turning her into Kyuubait.
I don't have anything to say (or to know, really) on the topic of Madoka finding out about the loops by herself.
But about Madoka being there when potentialbombing Homura...
"Even with me here? Even with the changes I've made?" you say.
"If you are present, then certainly you can drag her back from the edge of oblivion," Oriko says, and sighs. "Tomoe Mami could not. Miki Sayaka could not... Kaname Madoka would make it worse if present. She would have lost everything."
...I don't think it's gonna go that well.
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