Are you thinking about the differences between a situation where Kyuubey tells Homura what her timeloops are doing at the worst moment to shove her trauma in her face VS a situation where Homura finds out while surrounded her friends to help her deal with her trauma?
No one has said anything about "gaining" anything, only preventing Kyuubey from using a partial truth to witch-out Homura.

Personally, I'm on board with getting both Homura and Madoka a perception/censor filter and keeping them in communications through non-Incubator methods.

Also, anyone have any thoughts on Madoka intuiting the LoopBomb? All this planning for blocking Kyuubey, not telling Homura or telling Homura in the right way, all of that is worthless if Madoka tries to forgive Homura for turning her into Kyuubait.

I don't have anything to say (or to know, really) on the topic of Madoka finding out about the loops by herself.
But about Madoka being there when potentialbombing Homura...

"Even with me here? Even with the changes I've made?" you say.

"If you are present, then certainly you can drag her back from the edge of oblivion," Oriko says, and sighs. "Tomoe Mami could not. Miki Sayaka could not... Kaname Madoka would make it worse if present. She would have lost everything."

...I don't think it's gonna go that well.
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Personally, I'm on board with getting both Homura and Madoka a perception/censor filter and keeping them in communications through non-Incubator methods.
Censorship FTW gang rise up

Also, anyone have any thoughts on Madoka intuiting the LoopBomb? All this planning for blocking Kyuubey, not telling Homura or telling Homura in the right way, all of that is worthless if Madoka tries to forgive Homura for turning her into Kyuubait.
She can figure it out only if she has enough clues. The thing is, its likely that is she gathered enough clues to figure out potential clusterfuck she also should have enough clues to figure out that Homura did all of that for her and her alone. Madoka is smart. Including socially. Perhaps I am giving her too much credit but I believe if she figures out loops and potential, she would figure out that sharing that revelation with Homura is a big no no.

Have we ever explicitly said to anyone that if they have some insane theories they can share them with us and confirm whether or not they right? I think we should tell that to anyone who can figure out something dangerous. Let them first check in with Sabrina so they both can either confirm their theory or stop worrying about something AND that would let us keep track of who knows what. Thoughts?
i meant in-universe

it's a literal ticking time bomb that we haven't gotten to properly neutralize

It could be neutralized without risking making it blow ip early tho, just make rings that censor Kyubey.

We knows its possible, Sabrina has done similar things before, like constructs that censored her and made her sound funny.
Pretty sure Madoka would have to go sherlock holmes on drugs to figure it out.... She doesnt even know about the loops.
Yes, but Oriko said she did, because of the context clues we keep giving to her. Like, if we do end up having to tell Madoka not to contract on penalty of world destruction and Homura's feelings (Tautology!)....

...I don't think it's gonna go that well.
Yeah, that's why Censor Kyuubey is step one, but preventing Madoka from spilling the beans, while unprepared for how traumatic Homura's reaction will be, is step two.

Have we ever explicitly said to anyone that if they have some insane theories they can share them with us and confirm whether or not they right? I think we should tell that to anyone who can figure out something dangerous.
That is a very good idea, with everyone close to the issues already in on the meta knowledge aspect.

It could be neutralized without risking making it blow ip early tho, just make rings that censor Kyubey.
Those do have the problem of being range limited to Sabrina, though maybe Mami can copy the enchantment/effect if Niko's SEP filter doesn't get a proper whitelist/blacklisting option sooner.

Heh, Homura and Madoka talking at lunch with censor bar mouths in front of everyone. Sayaka might die from laughing too hard. I can imagine the completely innocent conversation ruined by inappropriate bleeping now....
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Well yeah that was pretty much the idea.

Use the enchantment booster, make the censoring rings, and have Mami reverse engineer them.
If it does work out nice and easy like that (Witchy-Grief effects seem a lot stronger than regular enchantment, as Homura's bubble shield enchantment didn't block chibi-control magic), the first thing to check is if Mami-made Secret Decoder Rings also block telepathy mid conversation and with lawyer-esque confirmation from Kyuubey telepathy has been blocked, as I just realized we've only ever gotten Niko's blocker tested from the meguca side of things, and it would be just like A Certain Conniving Cabbit to pretend to be blocked until that deception is no longer useful/needed.

I know I'm committed heresy/blasphemy by suggesting Mami's enchantment might not be good enough, so I also offer the suggestion that since her magic seems so heavily focused on making connections that Mami should also try and copy a grief-made telepathy enchantment. And both of these are important enough that if progress is seen, but seems to be taking a while, Mami might be convinced take a morning/afternoon/day off of school, if enchanting falls on a weekday.
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I kind of like having it all out in the open with Mami before we go talk to Shin, so we can Witchbomb Shin and Nagisa during our explainations.
The problem there is that we're supposed to give Mami and Kyōko some time to reconnect without Sabrina acting as the third wheel, and dropping that kind of bomb on Mami feels like it would screw that up. At best, it would be one more source of stress in an already tenuous relationship; at worst, we'd have to scrub those plans entirely because Mami's usual reaction to bad news is to stick to Sabrina like glue.
If we do end up deciding to get perception filters against Kyuubey for Madoka and Homura (which I somewhat disagree with but that's besides the point), how are we going to convince them to actually go through with it?

We can't force them to wear it, so do we have any reasons on why they should? Homura doesn't know that Kyuubey has an infohazard waiting for her, and asking her specifically might imply that, which won't be healthy for her. Sayaka won't appreciate having her memories altered and I don't think we're going full Asunaro and covering the entire city. We might be able to get the alternate telepathy system we've all been waiting for, but there's no guarentee that it'll happen before Kyuubey drops the potentialbomb.

I kind of like having it all out in the open with Mami before we go talk to Shin, so we can Witchbomb Shin and Nagisa during our explainations.

On another note, what's stopping us from just telling Mami before dinner that we're planning on telling Shin and Nagisa the secret? We're already looking for a time to witchbomb Mami eventually and (I believe) we're planning on using the privacy spheres if we do witchbomb Shin and Nagisa anyways, so she just has to not be in it.
how are we going to convince them to actually go through with it?
Well, first, if they are directly based off either Niko's perception/memory field or Sabrina's censoring bracelets/interdiction bubble, then they wouldn't be affecting the users memories at all as seen from the Asunaro Larceny Incident, they would be affecting Kyuubey, not the user. Which is why I mentioned being extra sure when testing them against whatever esoteric sensory abilities an Incubator from an intergalactic hyper advanced society has to use.

Second, since all of our allies hate Kyuubey already and we would also (hopefully) be presenting an equivalent telepathy replacement, what reason would any specific person have to not use them in conjunction together?

And in an emergency, such as anyone being in danger due to Feathers-teleport ala Sayaka (and the non-Kyuubey communication, of whatever variety, not working), either they can take off the anti-Kyuubey enchantment and call to Homura, or they have been mind controlled with a Witch Kiss and wouldn't be able to call for help on their own anyway, rendering any communication method moot.

Though that does bring to mind that Homura might get Madoka to have a GPS device on her person during Walpurgisnacht. Or have Hitomi monitoring a GPS system on all of Constellation from the Magical Merc HQ fortress. Hitomi can call out Mitikahara map grid locations for Meguca that need backup or setup flanking maneuvers and call out Walpurgis locations...okay, I just want to turn Hitomi into Dragon for the Endbringer fight.
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I don't think we're going full Asunaro and covering the entire city.
I think that would make convincing Homura easier, since we would be presenting it as a way of keeping Kyubey away from Madoka, while not needing to mention to Homura that it also has the side effect of keeping Kyubey from potentialbombing Homura.
Well, first, if they are directly based off either Niko's perception/memory field or Sabrina's censoring bracelets/interdiction bubble, then they wouldn't be affecting the users memories at all as seen from the Asunaro Larceny Incident, they would be affecting Kyuubey, not the user.
Niko's memory field would be affecting the user's memories. It functions by not doing anything to Kyubey, but instead erasing the memory of people who've observed Kyubey. The erasure happens immediately after the memory is formed, so functionally it makes it so no one sees or hears Kyubey, but in terms of its mechanism, it does work on memory erasure.
So, if I can try to sum up, this is the line of conversation:

PROBLEM: Kyubey could drop the potentialbomb on Homura at any time, and would likely try to do so at the moment where it'd be most effective at breaking her and/or ruining the alliance's plans against Walpurgisnacht.

RESPONSE TO ABOVE: Let's tell her before the Final Battle and provide emotional support to keep her from going over the edge.

RESPONSE TO ABOVE: She's not anywhere near mentally/emotionally stable enough, that would break her anyway regardless of what we did, and she might lose her time-stop power which would screw us over, etc.

RESPONSE TO ABOVE: If we can't tell her, then we need to make sure Kyubey can't drop the bomb on her & Madoka, by finding a way to censor him from being able to talk to them about that.

RESPONSE TO ABOVE: We have no way of knowing such a censoring method would actually work against the hyper-advanced magitech of the Incubators, meaning he could sidestep or bullrush right through our attempt to silence him, AND there's no way we could even implement the censoring method without Homura knowing about it, which would likely tip her off that the reason we're trying to keep the Incubator from talking to her is that the Incubator has a "forbidden knowledge" bomb he could drop on her, and Firn implied her knowing/realizing that would be Bad.

RESPONSE TO ABOVE: ... ... ...?

Is that pretty much it?
We have no way of knowing such a censoring method would actually work against the hyper-advanced magitech of the Incubators, meaning he could sidestep or bullrush right through our attempt to silence him,
For what's it worth, AFAIK Asunaro barrier held until it was compromised from the inside so as long as nobody sabotages the damn thing Kyubey loses our city. It feels like for all his bullshit Kyubey is quite often gets blindsided by whatever Magical Girls pull off on their own.

Perception filters are our best bet because frankly we have no other options left. Potential is not a bomb that can be disarmed, only detonated, hopefully in a controlled environment, or better yet buried and forgotten for the rest of forever.

I suppose we also can try building automated anti-Incubator defense grid that would scour city for terminals and annihilate them as they appear. But then what stops Kyubey from contacting Homura through telepathy? So we would have to build a telepathy jammer too.

If its not obvious, personally I grasping straws here. If someone has better ideas I am all ears.
It functions by not doing anything to Kyubey, but instead erasing the memory of people who've observed Kyubey.
I just re-read the Asunaro arc and Hijiri remembered herself and Kyuubey just fine, but when Sabrina and Sayaka got too close they forgot what they were doing and Hijiri would escape.
If the final version of Niko's SEP field used in the show altered/suppressed/removed the users memories, then the prototype version that was stolen works completely differently.

We have no way of knowing such a censoring method would actually work against the hyper-advanced magitech of the Incubators
Well, so long as we're still operating on "Kyuubey doesn't say untrue things" we can still test it by having someone put on a Secret Decoder Ring mid-telepathic call and by lawyer-speak with Kyuubey before fully activating the restraining order. It's not like the Incubator wouldn't notice Constellation suddenly not using it's version of telepathy anymore anyway.

there's no way we could even implement the censoring method without Homura knowing about it, which would likely tip her off that the reason we're trying to keep the Incubator from talking to her

If Sabrina just walks up to Homura and says "Hey, got an enchantment for you so Kyuubey can't talk to you anymore", yeah it would be suspicious. But "At this Constellation meeting, I would like to make a motion that we switch from Kyuubey brand wire tapped telepathy to Mami brand telepathy" isn't going to raise alarm bells to anyone at all.
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I just re-read the Asunaro arc and Hijiri remembered herself and Kyuubey just fine, but when Sabrina and Sayaka got too close they forgot what they were doing and Hijiri would escape.
If the final version of Niko's SEP field used in the show removed the users memories, then the prototype version that was stolen works completely differently.
My apologies. I was speaking imprecisely. It works by suppressing memories, not removing them. I hadn't considered this a significant distinction, which is why I hadn't clarified.
If Sabrina just walks up to Homura and says "Hey, got an enchantment for you so Kyuubey can't talk to you anymore", yeah it would be suspicious. But "At this Constellation meeting, I would like to make a motion that we switch from Kyuubey brand wire tapped telepathy to Mami brand telepathy" isn't going to raise alarm bells to anyone at all.
When we talked to Homura prior to our trip to Asunaro, we brought up the fact that they'd worked out a way to shut Kyubey out. She was extremely interested in that. I suspect that she'd be quite happy to only ever have to deal with Kyubey when she had something to say to him instead of it happening on Kyubey's timetable.

That is a point I think we often overlook when discussing the memory field. The ideal use case is not the full spectrum version used in Kazumi Magicka where no one can talk to Kyubey. The ideal use case is one where people have to actively choose to talk to Kyubey, whether that means taking off a trinket that censors his mental voice or taking a bus to a spot outside the memory field's range.

This should be about empowering people to be more in control of their own choices instead of creating gilded cages.
That is a point I think we often overlook when discussing the memory field. The ideal use case is not the full spectrum version used in Kazumi Magicka where no one can talk to Kyubey. The ideal use case is one where people have to actively choose to talk to Kyubey, whether that means taking off a trinket that censors his mental voice or taking a bus to a spot outside the memory field's range.
If Asunaro barrier works off of memory... wouldnt Niko be able to modify it a bit? Instead of suppressing all memory about Kyubey what if device would instead not allow NEW memories about the rat to form? This way it should keep working as a perception filter but also we wont suddenly forget that Kyubey, like, exists.
If Asunaro barrier works off of memory... wouldnt Niko be able to modify it a bit? Instead of suppressing all memory about Kyubey what if device would instead not allow NEW memories about the rat to form? This way it should keep working as a perception filter but also we wont suddenly forget that Kyubey, like, exists.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
That is a point I think we often overlook when discussing the memory field. The ideal use case is not the full spectrum version used in Kazumi Magicka where no one can talk to Kyubey. The ideal use case is one where people have to actively choose to talk to Kyubey, whether that means taking off a trinket that censors his mental voice or taking a bus to a spot outside the memory field's range.
I do think framing the research goal as specifically a selective Kyubey muffler for individual use would be more appealing to voters. In the past city wide proposals seemed excessive to me and a recipe for disaster. There is no reason for Sabrina to inflict the memory effect on herself.

If Asunaro barrier works off of memory... wouldnt Niko be able to modify it a bit? Instead of suppressing all memory about Kyubey what if device would instead not allow NEW memories about the rat to form? This way it should keep working as a perception filter but also we wont suddenly forget that Kyubey, like, exists.
In a case where Kyubey's existence isn't entirely filtered it would be wise to test whether this filters the knowledge or emotional effects stemming from Kyubey's speech even if the memory regarding Kyubey speaking got deleted.

Kyubey: Did you know magical girls turn into witches?
Outcome A: [memory hole]
Outcome B: I now know magical girls turn into witches but don't remember how I learned it
Outcome C: I am feeling completely devastated and my soul gem is filling up rapidly but I don't remember why (this is possible if it acts like this study on real life anterograde amnesia)
In a case where Kyubey's existence isn't entirely filtered it would be wise to test whether this filters the knowledge or emotional effects stemming from Kyubey's speech even if the memory regarding Kyubey speaking got deleted.
If we talking pure biology here may be (even though I blame chemistry on that one). But we dealing with magic. Ideally it would work like Jail House Lock - Jolyne recognized Mew Mew as enemy a few times but every time memory got replaced and she instantly lost all her hostility. In this system outcome B should not be possible in the first place if system is working correctly and C should be unlikely. You dont just instantly forget - there is NO memory created whatsoever at all. You dont get sad, why would you if there's nothing to be sad about since no new information entered your brain?
There is no reason for Sabrina to inflict the memory effect on herself.
Have you seen how opposed people in the thread are to talking to Kyubey? There's definitely a use case for Sabrina having a mute button for the rat for her own use.

As for how to improve the popularity of the research, I suppose I'll also add that we don't need to memory hole Kyubey's visual presence when we memory hole Kyubey's words. So it can be just a mute button, so we can continue to notice when he's got a terminal nearby and won't need to remember to turn the device off when we go into timestop or privacy spheres in order to check to see if he's eavesdropping.
Have you seen how opposed people in the thread are to talking to Kyubey? There's definitely a use case for Sabrina having a mute button for the rat for her own use.
From what I saw, people were opposed to starting conversations with Kyubey, on the basis that the useful information we get from it is dwarfed by the information it gets on us. If they do vote to initiate a talk anyway, then the mute is redundant because they would vote to disable the mute temporarily as well.

The main use of the mute is to prevent harm from Kyubey starting a conversation with an infohazard, which is very unlikely to be a serious concern for Sabrina like it is for other magical girls. If we don't like or are annoyed by what Kyubey says when it talks, we can ignore its hails and refuse to respond which will externally look the same as a mute.

What if it does something tricky with lies of omission to lure Sabrina into a trap? Even then, a mute doesn't provide superior protection from that: "I tried to inform Sabrina of a real emergency but she ignored me".

Also I forgot to vote:

[X] StellarMonarch
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Right, the vote.

[X] StellarMonarch

I guess.
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