Y'know, last I remember it wasn't 10PM at night...
*narrows eyes* I say we pop the corpse(?) into an isolation sphere, and shift it into hammerspace for later dissection.
(I'm focusing on this because I am not good at people and have no fucking clue what to do with the Koko)
My morality and ethical sense just kind of die and slide out the window when I start thinking in XCOM, so while I support this notion,
nobody should listen to me about it unless they already agree. >_<
Hiding things from Kyouko is not going to work.
*Thinking noises*
You feel Homura's hand on your elbow, halting you in your tracks. Amethyst eyes meet yours, silent, implacable, and... questioning. You subside, forcing yourself to watch as your hands find the rough brick ledges of the bridge
Huh. Homu?
Kyouko hunches her shoulders, mutely shaking her head. "There's a place for people like me, Mami. Go home."
*More thinking noises*
An answer to that question would make it clear which approach to take. In either intervening directly (I don't recommend) or arming Mami (currently prefer). If you think Mami will uncover the missing pieces on her own... I think she needs a pick-me-up, at least. She seemed to be flagging at the end, even as Kyouko hardened on the harder-to-argue-against position of "There's a place for people (sinners) like me," mixed with "I didn't and don't live up to the standards Mami expects of herself," which is outright true.
The big problem is that basically we're now roughly at status quo ante bellum of TDS, with Mami in a much better position but still lacking any of the information that would've let her do...
anything, really, instead of having vague philosophical talks with Kyouko that just didn't
help the way she really would've liked them to have. So, when you say she seems to be flagging at the end, I'm seeing that too, but on top of that I'm also basically seeing that she's stuck in the same place she was when she was talking with Kyouko in TDS, and in TDS she got
ever. I think the odds of her getting somewhere
here are
astronomically low if she doesn't make some kind of big course shift, to something like "I don't
care, I just want you around
anyways" as a response to Kyouko's line about there being a place for people like her. Which, if we vote to let Mami keep handling things, we are basically hoping that she goes that direction.
I doubt that will happen naturally. If we wanted something like that we would need to override Mami's self-worth issues, probably by telling her to be selfish or something like that.
More generally, considering "we" as
literally everyone but Kyouko, we really do only have two effective options: we can either push in the direction of "We don't give a fuck what kind of person you are/think you are,
we want you around", or we can push in the direction of "You are not a bad person for what happened." If someone has a third option that isn't some linear combination of those, you're a genius,
tell me.
Building off of that, then, we really do have two general directions to take, here: we either aim for Mami taking a route where e.g. "I don't
care, I just want you around
anyways" is procced.
This is risky relative to what happened in TDS, because as Kyouko has been kind of expressing here,
Mami has friends already. In a way, we're a validation of Kyouko's belief that Mami is better off without her, and there is a very real risk that Kyouko's response to "I don't
care, I just want you around
anyways" is "That is
exactly why I have been staying away from you." I'm...
less than enthusiastic about that possibility. If that were to play out, it sounds to me like a route where our foot gets shot off. It sounds
Which brings me back to the other option: getting more information on the table about what actually fucking happened with Kyouko.
There's all kinds of degrees we can go to with that, all kinds of ways we could approach it.
We could poke Mami to push on it. That's definitely an option.
We could
literally just bust it out ourselves. Just
stand the fuck up, and
put it out there.
We could try telling Mami the entire thing over telepathy. That might be... awkward. It's not a short peptalk, it's a moderately long story.
We could go with "the pickaxe", which almost inevitably results in the entire thing coming out after Sayaka and Mami "WTF" at us and then realize all the implications of the statement I wrote -- specifically, A) Kyubey intentionally didn't mindwipe someone, B) The
lack of a mindwipe resulted in murder, C) Kyouko blames herself for what happened. Several dozen doubletakes later that results in some
very pointed questions about "what exactly the
fuck happened, Kyouko".
If that didn't have clear fallout attached to it, I'd just be pushing it outright.
We could go with a less, or, uh, maybe
more inflammatory version of it, but with less of the nasty "Kyubey wants to kill people" stuff? Call it a warhammer instead of a pickaxe, I guess, where we would literally just fight Kyouplomancy with fire and go...
[] You know, Kyouko, I just -- isn't it literally Kyubey's job to prevent everything that happened? Like, he mindwiped everything to do with us off of Sayaka's parents just a week or two ago when we'd literally pulled them out of a burning building the day before, you'd think it was his responsibility to put a stop to things before they escalated from "My dad wandered in to find me standing over a bunch of dead-looking people in front of an altar wearing a red dress" to "My entire family is dead because my dad decided I'd made bargains with Satan and literally burned himself, his wife, and his other daughter alive after descending into alcoholism and becoming abusive."
This... does have the questionable benefit of making Kyouko feel like she has to defend herself* instead of just run off. Maybe.
If we bust out Kyouko's backstory we are in an entirely different ball game, although honestly I have no idea what that game will be
like. Mami is
not going to agree with Kyouko's believing that she is at fault for what happened, because Mami has sane expectations of authority figures.
Sayaka is
not going to agree with Kyouko's believing that she is at fault for what happened, because not only does Sayaka have sane expectations of authority figures, she's also
witchbombed. Homura will probably react with "Shit, where's my notebook." (

... I should type more but this too long already and I have to get up tomorrow morning lol.
*-- from accusations of being a non-terrible person