You run your fingers through your hair, combing it behind your ear. "So, I guess we'd better go and see Hitomi now. It's getting late."
"Yeah, tell her I said hi, and thanks," Sayaka says.
"Can do," you affirm. "And
you should be getting back to your room, I think, before your parents think I stole you away to be my wife!" you finish with a perfectly straight face.
Sayaka flushes an instant, brilliant red. "Oh my god you heard that," she groans, covering her face.
You let your face crack into the biggest, most shit-eating grin you can manage. "Oh? Perhaps I
should steal you away?"
Everyone is staring at you. Madoka, with her mouth agape, and a faint blush staining her cheeks, Mami with a look of... hope? Homura is just staring at you with an expression that conveys a flat 'what' as well as any word could. Sayaka's just emitting a high pitched 'gneeeeeeee' noise.
"I'm going back to my room now!" the bluenette declares, jumping to her feet. "And then I'm going to kill my dad."
"Don't make it too messy," you advise, letting the grin fade from your face. "And I'll help my dear wai
fu hide the body, of course," you say, deliberately lilting the word 'waifu'.
"I'm not talking to you anymore," Sayaka snaps, smacking you on the head as she marches past your chair.
"Awww," you say. "Guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight," you call, raising your voice so that Sayaka can still hear you.
"Don't worry, you can sleep over at my place," Mami giggles.
Madoka is stifling her own giggles with a hand over her mouth, shaking her head at you.
"Yay, thanks Mami!" you say, glancing over at Homura, who seems unamused. You sigh, letting your mirth fade. "Anyway. Shall we go?"
"Yes," Homura says, rising from the chair.
The four of you troop out of the ward, heading over to Hitomi's building. The four of you walk in two pairs, Homura and Madoka following behind you and Mami. Madoka chatters at Homura about school, encouraged by the sparing responses that Homura volunteers from time to time.
You soon arrive at Hitomi's ward room, and knock on the closed door. "Come in!" Hitomi calls from within. Madoka opens the door, calling, "Hello!" cheerfully.
"Hello, Madoka," Hitomi replies with a smile. The green haired girl is sitting up on her bed, with the table pulled to her and papers spread on the table. Homework, it looks like, but she pushed it aside to look at all of you. "Mami, Homura. Hello again, Sabrina."
You all chorus your greetings, spreading about the room. Madoka moves to Hitomi's bedside, sitting in the chair and kicking her feet, Homura hovering beside her. You and Mami move to the other side of the bed.
"How are you, Hitomi?" Madoka asks.
"Ah... can't complain," Hitomi says. "The doctors say I can go home this week, maybe tomorrow or Saturday. I'll still need this cast, though."
"That's great!" Madoka says happily, though she darts a glance at you. The healing, you presume.
"Ah, that's right," you say, taking the opportunity to join the conversation. "Sayaka says thanks for... well, helping her out."
Hitomi smiles demurely. "It's nothing, really."
"Hah, no," you chuckle. "Right girl, in the right place, and you chose to do something instead of saying 'it's not my problem' and walking away. I'd say that makes you a regular, everyday hero."
"I agree," Mami says. "It can't be easy to just decide to do this kind of thing."
"I think so too!" Madoka adds.
Hitomi shakes her head. "Sayaka's my friend. I couldn't
not do anything."
"Heh," you say. "Say, how long have you been friends, anyway? You, Madoka, Sayaka?" you ask curiously.
"Uhh..." Hitomi glances at Madoka. "Since we were seven?"
Madoka nods happily. "I've known Sayaka for longer, though!"
"Wow," you say, and conversation lapses for a bit. A thought occurs to you, though. "Hey, um."
"Yes?" Hitomi looks at you.
"Um... remember I said that I wanted to tell you something?" you ask, drawing a sharp look from Mami.
"Ah, yes?"
"Well..." you rub the back of your head sheepishly. "I... uh, it didn't quite work out today, so I need to push it back a bit. Hopefully soon, though!"
Hitomi looks puzzled, but accepts that. "Well, I have no idea what it's about..." She breaks off and giggles a little. "All this cloak and dagger stuff is quite exciting, though! I'm looking forward to finding out. But anyway... did anything happen at school today?"
Madoka beams, and answers. "Ah, yes..."
You chat for a while, though you and Mami don't have much to offer -
Homura has more to say, here. Eventually, though, it's time to go.
"Bye Hitomi! See you tomorrow!" Madoka says. The rest of you say your goodbyes, too.
"Goodbye," Hitomi waves from her bed as the four of you leave the room.
"So, anyway," you draw the words out as you go. "Are we going Witch hunting tonight?"
Mami frowns, considering. "After last night, it would be nice to take a break... But no. We have our duty as magical girls, after all!"
Madoka claps her hands together. "So cool..." she whispers, drawing a look from Homura.
"OK," you say, before turning to the pinkette and waving a finger. "But
you, Madoka, are going home. It's not safe, even if there
are three of us."
"A-ah," Madoka says, face falling a little. "That makes sense."
The three of you stop talking as you step into the lift, crowded with people similarly finishing their visits for the day.
"How's this?" you suggest, picking up the conversation as you leave the lift. "Homura, or Mami, one of you could bring Madoka home, just in case, and then we all meet up again? I can go and look around for Witches."
"I'll stay with you," Mami volunteers, glancing sidelong at Homura with a slight smile. "And we can have a late dinner afterwards?"
Homura begins nodding, before apparently changing her mind and shaking her head. "I won't be joining you for dinner today."
"Alright," Mami says, accepting that. "Shall we split up here, then?"
'Here', as it turns out, is the bus stop outside the hospital, which you recall taking the bus from... yesterday. Just yesterday. It feels much longer than that, really.
"Yes," Homura says. "... see you later."
"Bye, Mami, Sabrina! See you tomorrow!" Madoka says, smiling brightly at you.
"Goodbye," Mami smiles. "See you later, Homura."
"See you," you say, waving as you and Mami turn to head off. The two of you walk into a nearby alley and bound up to the roof, both now resplendent in your puella magi costumes.
"I'll take the lead this time?" Mami says - half a suggestion, half a question. "I'll show you one of my usual patrol routes."
"Sure," you agree.
With that, Mami gives you a quick smile, and leaps for the far roof. You're not far behind as Mami leads you in a spiraling loop you realize is centered, distantly, around Mitakihara Middle School.
Sabrin-" A telepathic voice intrudes on your thoughts - Oriko, suddenly cut off.
Hello? Oriko?" you reply, frowning. Did something happen? She hardly sounded worried or anything, though.
A moment passes in silence, and a thought occurs to you - she expected to die, didn't she? Your pulse begins to speed up; even if you don't
like her, you
did go through all that trouble to keep her alive. "
Ah, my apologies," Oriko replies, mental voice slightly breathless. "
Kirika thought it would be a good idea to tic- never mind."
Right," you say, unamused, and relaxing even as you soar across another gap between buildings. "
So, I doubt this is a social call."
Masami will contact you to request you go to see her in the morning," Oriko tells you. "
I would recommend that you deny that request and go in the afternoon instead."
And why is that?" you ask tartly.
There is another puella magi coming tomorrow, part of a group from Sendai," Oriko replies. "
It would be preferable if you met her."
I'll take that under advisement," you say drily.
You can practically
hear the shrug in the tone. "
I shall remind you tomorrow." A beat laster, she adds, "
In case you forget."
You narrow your eyes. Was that a joke about your amnesia?
Where are you?" Homura's voice sounds inside your head. You frown at the suspiciously convenient timing -
just as you were about the snap back at Oriko.
She wouldn't use her precog
just to snark at you, would she?
We're near the big DBJ building," Mami replies. "
We'll wait for you there?"
On my way," Homura says.
Stopping beside Mami on the roof of one of the buildings beside the DBJ building, you look at it - it's an artisically designed skyscraper, and one considerably taller than the surrounding buildings, with an antenna spire on top of that.
"Um," you say. "How do we...?"
Mami chuckles. "Follow me." With that enigmatic statement, the blonde takes a long leap off the side of the building, directly
at the side of the skyscraper. There's no
way she can make it to the top of the building...
She doesn't, instead landing on a jutting protrusion that's almost invisible from here. She half turns, and across the distance, you can see the sun glint off her smile before she makes another leap.
You grin, and bound after Mami to land neatly on the same protrusion, before pushing off again in Mami's wake. As you make the impossible leaps spiralling up to the top of the building, you notice that this route seems to have been carefully picked out - there's no point during the exhilarating ascent where the people inside can see you climbing the building.
When you reach the top, Mami's climbing the antenna spire, hand over hand, and you dart nimbly after her, swarming up the spire and swinging out to join her on the circular platform above. "Whoo," you exhale hard, and plump yourself down on the platform next to a parabolic antenna nearly as large as you are, lounging comfortably.
You stick your feet over the sides and kick them idly as Mami seats herself next to you, before leaning against you, a warm, comforting presence as the both of you watch the sun dip towards the horizon in the distance.
"We used to come up here," Mami says suddenly, voice soft and melancholic.
You have a few minutes to speak before Homura gets here, you figure.
[] Write-in response
- [] Continue with patrol
[] Dinner
[] Back home
[] Write-in
DBJ stands for Development Bank of Japan, by the by.
Also, you're probably ruining someone's reception, but who cares about that?