On the bandwagoning topic, you do know that people like Ugolino don't just create votes in a vacuum, right? I've noticed in Quests that often the people who make the most successful votes build them off of discussion in the thread itself. The popular votes are constructed on the foundation of ideas in the thread, which means bandwagoning blindly only hurts the chances of making a good vote because there's less to work with.

So make your own votes, and hold discussions. And from that ground hopefully the best votes will emerge. Don't bandwagon without thinking.
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The "confess to Kyousuke or I will" ultimatum.


I have to say though, it's a rather... uninspiring vote....

[x] Visit Hitomi
-[x] Small Talk
---[x] "How's your recovery?"
---[x] etc.
-[x] Girl Talk
---[x] Relationship with Sayaka
---[x] "...got a crush?" *sly grin*
I havent read PMMM or played the games im not so much a fan of mangas nowaday prefer standart online book reading.
I'm pretty sure that, even if Oriko's actions didn't butterfly that away, they've postponed it.
So, hilarity. :V

Well, Sayaka still has a crush on him. And even if she didn't do the ultimatum yet, it's still true that (depending on what her motives were) Hitomi either likes him too or is capable of enough shadowderp to think that it would help Sayaka.

Gordian knots were made to be cut.
[x] Visit Hitomi
-[x] Small Talk
--[x] "How's your recovery?"
--[x] "Sayaka says thanks for... well, helping her out."
--[x] Her, Sayaka and Madoka seem pretty close. How long have they've been friends?
--[x] Once you get out, what'll you do?
-[x] The thing I wanted to talk to you about, didn't really work out today. ...It's been pushed back. Sorry. I'm sure I'll be able to talk to you about it soon though.
[x] Offer to do patrol tonight if Mami cooks dinner. Suggest Mami or Homura walk Madoka home.
[x] Make teasing reference to the Miki's misreading of our last visit - 'cause messing with Sayaka is always good fun. E.g. "We'd best let you get back to your room or else your parents will think I've stolen you away!"
[x] Visit Hitomi with Madoka.
-[x] Pass on Sayaka's thanks. Tell her that you're impressed too. "You're a regular, everyday hero." (Good to lay some groundwork that you don't have to be a puella magi to be a hero -hint hint Sayaka and Madoka)
[x] If nothing else is required, exit via rooftop and go hunting.
[] Muramasa

And with this the hospital arc is over... I think.

One thing Homura has to learn is to not be too harsh on her way to give answers to meguca-related stuff, especially when Sayaka is involved. Granted, this is because of the rolling coaster of angst she's been trough, but still.
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If I may suggest smashing the votes of Phantom and Mura together, seeing as they happen to do really well as complimentary actions?


[x] Visit Hitomi with Madoka and whoever wants to come with.
-[x] Small Talk
--[x] "How's your recovery?"
--[x] "Sayaka says thanks for... well, helping her out."
---[x] Tell her that you're impressed too. "You're a regular, everyday hero." (Good to lay some groundwork that you don't have to be a puella magi to be a hero -hint hint Sayaka and Madoka)
--[x] Her, Sayaka and Madoka seem pretty close. How long have they've been friends?
-[x] The thing I wanted to talk to you about, didn't really work out today. ...It's been pushed back. Sorry. I'm sure I'll be able to talk to you about it soon though.
[x] Return to lounge area.
[x] Offer to do patrol tonight if Mami cooks dinner. Suggest Mami or Homura walk Madoka home.
[x] Make teasing reference to the Miki's misreading of our last visit - 'cause messing with Sayaka is always good fun. E.g. "We'd best let you get back to your room or else your parents will think I've stolen you away!"
[x] If nothing else is required, exit via rooftop and go hunting.
I'd put the teasing comment earlier in the vote. as for hunting, eh. We already solo'd a witch earlier. If were going to hunt, I'd atleast like to have Mami with us.
HN Elly is still alive and going to be a headache if we don't nuke it before canon. Bringing Mami is probably for the best since we're not doing anything special with this Witch, and we probably want to bring up the "can we have her full grief seeds" thing just as soon as we've managed to fix our "accidentally a superwitch" problem.
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Status update: real life issues prevent me from getting regular internet acces. Posting sporadic in forseeable future. Agreement on blindly bandwagoning issue. Will contribute original votes to mitigate issue.

[x] Don't visit Hitomi
- [x] Bid Sayaka farewell
[x] Walk Madoka home
- [x] Go witch hunting
-[x] fuocus on the industrial district. (Keep an eye out for hn Elly)

Internet issues prevent more detailed vote. Please accept apologies.
I'm not sure how we can convince Mami to stop giving Kyubey grief seeds without lichbomb+witchbomb. "It might contain the tortured soul of a former magical girl" is a compelling argument, but it's one with side effects.
We can cleanse full seeds and we're feeding the grief from them to Kyubey anyway. If nothing else, we can ask.
Right, but if Kyubey presses the issue: "Well, Kyubey seems to want the seeds specifically for some reason, and I don't see any problem with that... even if you don't trust him, it's not like we need them for anything - it's just business."

Pushing it too far risks Kyubey explaining why and causing full Tetris.
I'm not sure how we can convince Mami to stop giving Kyubey grief seeds without lichbomb+witchbomb. "It might contain the tortured soul of a former magical girl" is a compelling argument, but it's one with side effects.

I have a suggestion. We can point out that Sabrina can just drain the grief from the seed and feed that to QB. Mami will of course ask why not just give him the seed? At which point we respond that empty seeds can be used by her and Homura to degrief even when Sabrina isn't around and would make great trading assets with fellow magical girls.

Of course this all goes down the drain if it turns out that weird seed we have is slowly devolving back into a Puella.
Any complicated conversation on such topics however always may hold the risk that mami asks the wrong question and just gets a truthfull answer from Kyubey, which we must be carefull about happening.