Okay, I'm going to add that insight into the vote. Also, I've talked to
@Firnagzen in private, and he's told me that the additional detail that's been added
on this vote is preferable. So vote-bloat for details here is QM-approved.
[X] "Okay, I... I
really should have done this before now. I'm going to explain what I know and how that's informed my thinking, and more details on
what I've done. I've asked you to trust me time and time again, and I've taken it for granted time and time again."
-[X] Grief chairs and table, this is going to take a while. Use grief to provide visuals where appropriate. Adjust order of topics as needed to fit best flow.
[X] Try to reassure Homura by explaining why we believe what we believe. Be thorough, be detailed, be professional, be patient, don't pressure, provide examples, logos not pathos, you're wanting her to see and check your reasoning. You're working together, so you need to work
together. Whenever you got something through meta-knowledge say as much and explain the metaknowledge -- after all, it's knowledge
Madoka gave you, so it's
-[X] Detail to Homura wish-magic psychology, particularly wish rejection, so she doesn't have to take your argument on faith and can apply the reasoning herself.
--[X] Case studies:
---[X] Mami's magic is based around ties to life, after she wished to live. As a result, she can't forget the pain caused by severed bonds.
---[X] Sayaka wished to be useful, so that she could be part of a team. Her powers are great given our support to build up, but would have been useless if she was solo. She
wants to work together this time, and has even said to you earlier today that she considers
Homura a friend whom she trusts.
---[X] Kyouko's literal disillusionment, Yuki's magic being "friendly", Yuma getting healing after her abused background, your own control issues. Homura's desire to go back and have more time with her friend.
---[X] Oriko started out wanting control and her own death, due to her family issues. She wished to know the meaning of her life, but the only meaning she could find was in suicidal martyrdom, which her power obliged.
----[X] She gave up those motives and lost that power. This power is driven by different motives, namely satisfaction with reality and a desire to enjoy it in the moment.
----[X] Oriko's wish rejection started shortly after you apologized for threatening to witch Kirika, and Oriko apologized for her own actions. Earnest regret for one's wish is the surest form of rejection. She lost her precognition, and suffered as she thought she
---[X] Normally Kirika wishes to be someone Oriko could love, and gets time-slowing powers to let her get all the time she
can with Oriko. This time, Kirika wished to help Oriko, and received the power to turn off powers. That was what convinced Oriko that she didn't need to rely on her visions of the future.
----[X] Explain how the dynamic between Kirika and Oriko results in either Kirika enabling Oriko's recklessness, or Kirika holding it back. How it was only after Kirika's inevitable death in other timeline that Oriko went completely crazed. Explain how Kirika has been
helping you talk Oriko around, to stop her from seeking "suicide-by-mage". There are reasons you call them the
Kures, not the
Mikunis, and one of them is because Oriko isn't calling the shots any more. Everyone always talks to Oriko, but you've also talked to
Kirika. Kirika can be persuaded to sway Oriko, and Oriko is persuaded by Kirika and things
involving Kirika. Explain spraybottle incident as an example.
-[X] You haven't been idle during your regular check-ins with the Kures either. You've been steadily working to reform Oriko. You're not simply trusting that she's changed, you've been actively working toward it, and you're not letting that blind you to the possible risks.
-[X] Work through the technical considerations. This power is not proactive. For defending Madoka you actually prefer actionable info about the real world rather than hypotheticals and vague warnings. Clairvoyance is less
dangerous of a power even if she
did mean to attack.
-[X] You're open to discussing additional safety measures too, but that discussion should happen with Sayaka and Hitomi's input.
-[X] You're here to help make sure things can be fixed, most of all to help
Homura. Turning Oriko from an enemy into an ally, from a threat to an additional layer of protection, that seems like fixing things.
[X] Remain in timestop to continue conversation onto other topics.