Enough to build a flying grief house for the Kures? We did want to move them so that we could let them move about while keeping them under tight security. :V
I disagree. Strongly. Making snap judgements is exactly what gets Sayaka into trouble time and time and timeline again. We're tough, we can take some hits - and erring on the side of mercy is far, far better then risking condemning someone who can be reasoned with - or worse, innocent.

Frankly? As far as Sabrina's in-character actions went, I think we handled Rionna just about as well as I could have hoped. We're here to help all magical girls, after all.

I'm not so sure. I do think we should stand by our morals more blatantly and be less afraid of being too overbearing. IMHO, we tried way too hard to accommodate her and were too reluctant to offend her in an attempt to avoid a fight. Which normally isn't too bad but...

Normally, I complain about Sabrina being controlling, overbearing, etc. But this time, it kind of feels like we went to the opposite extreme. At least, that was one of things I got from this.

And yet, isn't that all it takes? I think it's pretty clear you weren't following the thread at that time if you don't realize the level of influence I was exerting at some points, or the fact that there was from the start already a sizable bloc that wanted to gem her. You're quite frankly just outright wrong about this.

By that logic, this is also all on them for not being convincing enough from the start.:V
Letting her go (Muramasa's plan) was winning, then Firn vetoed that, that's why gemming her won -- as far as I can tell the majority never ended up convinced that gemming her was the right course of action.

You mean Firnagzen explaining that she wished to raise the shade of her sister's killer so she could torture it didn't swing literally everyone except you and maybe a couple of others? Because if you look at the thread you're actually just wrong.
You mean Firnagzen explaining that she wished to raise the shade of her sister's killer so she could torture it didn't swing literally everyone except you and maybe a couple of others? Because if you look at the thread you're actually just wrong.

I've looked at the thread and I disagree with you, no matter how many declarations of my falsehood you make.
Why are we still arguing about this.
Agreed. This Rionna incident saw the thread get the most toxic it's been since the negotiations in the Sendai War arc, which saw some really nasty personal attacks being leveled at people just for proposing ideas or votes. Let's drop this crap already. Firn stepped in and arbitrated it because it was too toxic and pointless to let go further.
I've looked at the thread and I disagree with you, no matter how many declarations of my falsehood you make.

Alright. Let's see here.

Letting her go (Muramasa's plan) was winning, then Firn vetoed that, that's why gemming her won -- as far as I can tell the majority never ended up convinced that gemming her was the right course of action.

To start off -- your initial claim. "Letting her go (Muramasa's plan) was winning, then Firn vetoed that, that's why gemming her won". This is verifiable falsehood -- Muramasa nulled his vote, and did so before this post, which is what I had argued was where things started turning around in totality:

Eh. I said morally grey because I was hedging my words - I didn't want to come out and say it because I expected people to read between the lines there. That's my particular style of GMing and writing - I leave strong hints and implications in the text for people to examine... and in this case, I'm breaking that particular style. And sure, she's talking about her sister, in the context of someone she Wished to raise from the dead for the crime of killing said sister. By implication, because even Rionna isn't going to say it in as many words, she made that Wish to exact vengeance -torture- on that person. If you consider raising someone from the dead to torture them, continuously, not particularly monstrous, I don't know what to say.

It did come after this post:


You know, I keep coming back to this. So I'm going to... break character a bit, as it were, and give a peek behind the GM screen. Rionna is, design-wise, a two-part character. She's got useful powers that you can't replicate. What is Sabrina willing or not willing to tolerate in the name of getting that power? The answer, it seems, is: Not this. And that's good. Sabrina isn't that kind of character.

The thing is... do you remember that quote on the front page? Villains act, heroes react, and all that? Apparently, Sabrina sits by and does nothing. Rionna is meant to be morally black. I should have foreshadowed this a lot better, with Nadia in particular. She's not absolutely reliable. But on the subject of Rionna, well, I don't particularly mind the notion to call a timestop council, to bring her friends in. It's something that I can see Sabrina doing.

Trying to redeem Rionna? Oh, yes, that's something I can see Sabrina trying.

But just... letting Rionna go? I, personally, am having a very hard time reconciling that with Sabrina's character, and yes, she does have one at this point. She's nowhere near flawless, but she's someone who tries.

No, that isn't clear, and you don't know that.

I'm going to ask you to take this argument elsewhere. It's simply something I'm not interested in seeing in the thread.

Hrm. In retrospect, I'm not sure why you were included in that particular section. I retract that.


Now, with all that said, I'm going to weigh in on Kaizuki's post. Yes, it's aggressive. But I do not feel that it's over the line, and I'm going to ask that you engage with it rather than dismiss it on civility grounds.

On the other hand,

This is not acceptable behaviour. Not necessarily this post, but in general context of your posting in this thread, I consider it part of a wider context of problematic posting. You've been consistently civil, yes. But your posts, consistently, are an undercurrent of passive-aggressiveness nudging. I feel that your opinions and your actions are not a direction I want Sabrina or PMAS to go in, and I am issuing a threadban for two weeks for you, under Rule 4 - don't be disruptive. You can be perfectly polite, and express your opinions in a clear, cogent manner, but still be disruptive.

I don't like this option. I really hate having to use this. But ultimately, I'm exercising it because your particular brand of posting on this subject is unacceptable to me.

In which Firnagzen weighed in pretty heavily on things, but very specifically did not "veto" anything. The only thing Firnagzen did at all was to open the curtains a bit and show us what was going on behind the scenes. So, no, reading the thread does in fact demonstrate that that part of your post is falsehood, whatever you may feel about it -- it is simply fact that Firnagzen did not "veto" any vote.

Now, your claim that the "majority" never ending up convinced of gemming her -- let's see about that too, shall we? Following this post by Firnagzen?

Eh. I said morally grey because I was hedging my words - I didn't want to come out and say it because I expected people to read between the lines there. That's my particular style of GMing and writing - I leave strong hints and implications in the text for people to examine... and in this case, I'm breaking that particular style. And sure, she's talking about her sister, in the context of someone she Wished to raise from the dead for the crime of killing said sister. By implication, because even Rionna isn't going to say it in as many words, she made that Wish to exact vengeance -torture- on that person. If you consider raising someone from the dead to torture them, continuously, not particularly monstrous, I don't know what to say.

Just as some examples of posts following that:

That was both conveyed and not conveyed very well. For the most part I got the message "Wow this person is awful" but there was just enough that about her that made me go "But what if she isn't completely awful?" I'm feeling really dumb now.

Anyway, looks like Thread Sabrina had her pegged right from the get-go. It figures.:V

The grinding noise you're hearing is me starting to pivot.

I could at this point trawl the thread and quote everything ever. But I won't, because I really only need to point you to one place, which should have been the first place you went if you were looking for evidence to claim that a "majority" never wanted to gem Rionna: the vote tally for the segment.

Honestly, everything important is demonstrated by this vote tally post, where 29 voters voted for plans involving gemming Rionna, outweighing not just the 11 proxies for Muramasa's nulled vote but every other vote combined, sitting at 22 votes for anything other than those two plans which involved gemming Rionna -- 22 votes which included things like "Kill her", "Timestop degem Rionna immediately into the box", "Don't allow her to leave. Don't allow her to harm you. Don't allow her to harm herself. Use all means necessary.", "Ensure she doesn't leave this bubble under her own power, either by calling a meeting and then alpha-striking her or by alpha-striking her right now." That's a mild bit of cherry-picking right there, but the reality is that about half of the 11 of those 22 votes which weren't "[] Null" were effectively either to attack Rionna or to call a timestop meeting which, as we've seen, consisted of the other three members of the Mitakihara Group telling us to take Rionna down.

What is a "majority"? Generally, it is considered to be a collection of more than half of the elements involved. I would propose that claiming that "The majority" never ended up convinced of gemming Rionna is quite clearly falsehood, given that, in fact, a majority directly voted for gemming Rionna.

So, you're free to "disagree with [me] regardless of how many declarations of [your] falsehood {I}* make", but that isn't going to change the facts of the matter, which are clearly different from what you've asserted.

* -- would be enclosed in [] but apparently putting an I between those is a formatting thing.
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Alright, instead of joining in on the action, I'm going to suggest we drop it before somebody actually puts "We do not discuss Rionna" on the banner.

I've stopped caring about Rionna.
Fuck me, but that's true.
I have nothing more to say about her. I still have an opinion about Rionna, but I couldn't care enough to express it anymore.
I've literally stopped feeling anything about Rionna as a character.

In the best of the worlds, we would together reach a consensus about her and act accordingly. Unfortunately, we are in the world where the thread got locked twice during our ten-minute-long IC conversation with her.

Everyone has already formed an opinion about her, our situation, both IC and OOC, and what should be done. It's very unlikely a high enough percentage of people is going to change their opinions about this one way or another. Denying that there are some people who still feel that Gemming Rionna was a mistake isn't going to get us anywhere. Further argument in that direction doesn't seem to provide any positive result at all, much less a positive result that would offset a potential hazard of the thread devolving into a shitstorm once again, and getting locked once again.

So please, fucking please, drop it. Drop Rionna from a fucking skyscraper and forget about her for a goddamned minute. Better yet, a month.
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In which Firnagzen weighed in pretty heavily on things, but very specifically did not "veto" anything.

'Very specifically'? When he said that he couldn't see Sabrina doing that, that was effectively a veto and I immediately called it such later :
Right now I'm getting that the Muramasa vote is in effect vetoed. Nobody would want you to write something that you feel is against the character, I think, not even Muramasa

And I note *nobody* voiced a disagreement with my interpretation (not you even), and other people similarly interpreted it this way:
...Firn literally vetoed that vote.

And finally Firn himself used the word 'veto' also in a later comment, using the same argument:
It's not an ideal world. It's not in Sabrina's nature to simply let her go, because anything that Rionna does is then on her. So I'm going to veto your vote, and I apologise for that, but - really. Villains act, heroes react, Sabrina does not stand by and do nothing when confronted with something like this, because that's the choice. Let her go and become complicit, or do something.

So, I'm sorry but when you say that it's a "simple fact" that Firn didn't veto any vote, you're the one who's just wrong. A veto is what several of us felt about what Firnagzen was doing with his comment about it being against Sabrina's nature, and which Firn himself subsequently confirmed using the word veto himself in a later post -- and I didn't see you objecting *back then* to me or to Redshirt Army when we spoke about how 'letting go of Rionna' had been vetoed.

Now for some reason, after the fact, you want to say that Firn didn't veto any vote, you want even to present it as a supposedly objective fact that he didn't veto any vote! Even though he actually explicitly said "I'm going to veto your vote", and had made it implicit long before then.

where 29 voters voted for plans involving gemming Rionna

At some point I was also voting for a plan to temporarily gem Rionna (your plan, actually), since after Firn's guidelines on Sabrina's nature I was also trying to find a plan consistent with Sabrina's characters. That doesn't mean I was in *agreement* with Sabrina's actions, it means I recognized her character and thought-processes were different to mine, and that it'd be out-of-character (as Firn indicated) for her to delay action as I had originally wanted and as I was still wanting.
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Anyway. @Firnagzen , I just want to say that you've handled Mami and Sabrina's relationship and dynamic amazingly well. And seeing Mami's trauma, loneliness, insecurities, and low self-esteem be played out fully but slowly addressed and healed is cathartic as hell...as is Homura and Sayaka being genuine friends, and so much more. Fuck, I'm on my phone, but I'll list some of them anyway:

Sayaka getting to feel like a hero, valued, respected, believing in herself (after the crisis in Asunaro, and now this, I think she's starting to really take Sabrina's confidence in her to heart. And seeing Sabrina overwhelmed, exhausted, and doubting herself, and taking the lead on helping her, no doubt makes her feel more like a proper member of the team), and not at odds with Homura or Kyouko is just awesome. Her relationship with Homura is also heartwarming, especially given where it started in this quest. She doesn't know about the Witchbomb, or the loops, or Homura's past, but she respects Homura, trusts her, likes working with her, and actually GETS that Homura is bad with people and rather bizarre, but not a bad person or a machine at all.

Homura...well, let's just say that I look here for catharsis when it comes to Homura's canonical suffering. And I can only imagine how she feels about being able to trust and rely upon Mami and Sayaka, with both of them knowing the truth about soul gems and Kyuubey. And I'm actually disappointed that we didn't get more of a reaction to Sabrina telling Homura that she considers herself to be the Wishborne "child" of Homura and Madoka, or any kind of follow up to that. I would have thought that having a solid result of her efforts in the form of a person who is her closest friend in many ways, as well as a kinda-child with herself and Madoka as the "parents" would have a much greater impact on her. I know she has an epic poker face, but even that has its cracks and holes.

Kyouko and Yuma. Kyouko having a steady, good income and a reliable source of cleansing no doubt does wonders for their health, both physically and mentally. And Yuma being safe, cared about, shown affection, well fed, and having a strong friendship with Sabrina is absolutely great.

Hitomi and Madoka being involved but not distressed or in conflict with anyone. And Madoka and Homura's relationship is so good. Sabrina gently encouraging Madoka to be more bold about reaching out to Homura, while gently encouraging Homura to accept Madoka's efforts.

Seeing the Pleiades Saints in their full glory and happy.

This is by far my favorite rendition of Oriko and Kirika. It's amazing how much depth and development you've given them and their relationship. And that scene with Sabrina asking Kirika for relationship advice was just superb. Not only did it demonstrate how much potential Kirika's character has (something which, sadly, I feel like To The Stars really squandered, treating her as more of a prop than a character, which is a bit perplexing, given how well Hieronym fleshed out what was initially a rather flat Oriko), it showed just how awesome O&K's relationship is. Not to mention the fascinating juxtaposition of Oriko's propriety, dignity, grace, poise, and culture with her unashamed, unapologetic, casual displays of affection with Kirika when with others.
And, honestly? I blame myself for so, so much of it. Almost all of it, even.

If I'd just been all here, mentally, the necessary arguments were right there in front of my face. All I had to do was make them. That the attitude Rionna displayed was simply unacceptable, as it made her a clear and imminent threat to others. We could have gemmed her four or five posts into her existence and that would have been that. I even started to make them at one point. But my fucked-up brain just didn't follow through.

Hindsight is 20/20. Don't be so harsh on yourself.
Anyway. @Firnagzen , I just want to say that you've handled Mami and Sabrina's relationship and dynamic amazingly well. And seeing Mami's trauma, loneliness, insecurities, and low self-esteem be played out fully but slowly addressed and healed is cathartic as hell...as is Homura and Sayaka being genuine friends, and so much more. Fuck, I'm on my phone, but I'll list some of them anyway:
The character interaction and slice of life moments are some of the best parts of this quest IMO.
If you received a tag from this post it was most likely an error. I c/p'ed a vote tally and thought spoiler tags would block it from tagging users. My error.

'Very specifically'? When he said that he couldn't see Sabrina doing that, that was effectively a veto and I immediately called it such later :

And I note *nobody* voiced a disagreement with my interpretation (not you even), and other people similarly interpreted it this way:

And finally Firn himself used the word 'veto' also in a later comment, using the same argument:

So, I'm sorry but when you say that it's a "simple fact" that Firn didn't veto any vote, you're the one who's just wrong. A veto is what several of us felt about what Firnagzen was doing with his comment about it being against Sabrina's nature, and which Firn himself subsequently confirmed using the word veto himself in a later post -- and I didn't see you objecting *back then* to me or to Redshirt Army when we spoke about how 'letting go of Rionna' had been vetoed.

Now for some reason, after the fact, you want to say that Firn didn't veto any vote, you want even to present it as a supposedly objective fact that he didn't veto any vote! Even though he actually explicitly said "I'm going to veto your vote", and had made it implicit long before then.

At some point I was also voting for a plan to temporarily gem Rionna (your plan, actually), since after Firn's guidelines on Sabrina's nature I was also trying to find a plan consistent with Sabrina's characters. That doesn't mean I was in *agreement* with Sabrina's actions, it means I recognized her character and thought-processes were different to mine, and that it'd be out-of-character (as Firn indicated) for her to delay action as I had originally wanted and as I was still wanting.

Well, first off, regarding your statements about Firn's weighing in having effectively been a veto, and your complaint that I didn't say anything at the time... I don't think there's much to say. Absence of speech does not mean absence of opinion. We're not P-Zombies here. Just because I didn't react at the time to one post you made doesn't mean I ever agreed with you, and asserting otherwise is just ridiculous.

You go on to say that Firn later vetoed a vote, as a counterargument to my assertion that Firnagzen didn't veto any vote. On that you're right: it appears he did veto a vote. But... the entire matter is irrelevant to the argument you tried to make in the first place and I don't see what discussion value the attack holds. To whit, the post Firnagzen made:

OK, look.

Funnily enough, I'm not saying that Gemming Rionna right here and now is a morally unambiguous choice. Sabrina appointing herself judge, jury, and executioner is something that is definitely going to trouble her. There are implications to it - Sabrina knows she can be overbearing. She knows that it's all too easy to slip from righteous to self-righteous, to go from justice to tyranny. She doesn't want it to become easy to Gem someone because it's an easy solution. Perhaps it's her best choice, perhaps not, but I'm not declaring it's 100% ideal.

With that said, the most important factor is this:

It's not an ideal world. It's not in Sabrina's nature to simply let her go, because anything that Rionna does is then on her. So I'm going to veto your vote, and I apologise for that, but - really. Villains act, heroes react, Sabrina does not stand by and do nothing when confronted with something like this, because that's the choice. Let her go and become complicit, or do something.

Also, really? No, not everyone needs their own monster. I get by perfectly well without one, for example. :V

Now, I'm going to go back to the argument you made:

Letting her go (Muramasa's plan) was winning, then Firn vetoed that, that's why gemming her won -- as far as I can tell the majority never ended up convinced that gemming her was the right course of action.

So... what bearing does Firnagzen vetoing Kiniggets vote have on this argument? Yeah, you're clearly right that I was mistaken when I asserted Firn had not "vetoed any vote." But why does it matter beyond its use as an attack on my credibility?

I analyzed the issue a bit further. First off, the Muramasa vote nulled before Firn ever posted that. So, arguing as you did that "Letting her go (Muramasa's plan) was winning, then Firn vetoed that, that's why gemming her won" is... quite completely isolated from this issue. You outlined a clear assertion of events as a cause-and-effect chain, and this issue has nothing to do with that... except that it actually ends up bolstering my argument.

See, the vote tally has a wonderful feature: you can tally votes between any two posts by inputting the post IDs. At the time of that post by Firnagzen, here is the vote tally:

  1. [X] Use grief to communicate with Mami, have her call for Homura to timestop now. Give Rionna no time outside of the privacy field to send commands to her shades.
    -[X] While doing this, continue speaking to Rionna so as to distract her from what you're doing. Get her attention focused entirely on you.
    [X] Once in timestop, explain shade hazard then create a griefhax soul viewing effect (like the one used to observe Oriko's soul), and use it to avoid any lingering shades, then bring in Sayaka. Explain what you've learned about Rionna to them. You're not going to let that stand.
    -[X] Explain plan to team, ask for input and advice.
    --[X] Plan: Have Sayaka or Kirika enchant an antimagic box that suppresses Rionna's magic (and not our group's). Timestop degem Rionna immediately into the box while blasting antimagic at her. Have Sayaka try to copy Rionna's magic, so that we can try to put the shades to rest, and have access to someone who can diagnose soul maladies on hand. Keep Rionna's body stored in Homura's shield or our hammerspace for the foreseeable future, until we've got enough other girls working with us, and stability, to try to rehabilitate her.
    [X] If anything goes wrong during this plan, and Rionna looks to become combat capable again, immediately degem with all needed force.
    Number of voters: 17
    Godwinson, defenestrator, aeqnai, Gadjo, Aranfan, ArcadianPhoenix, Kaizuki, cmwatford, AuraTwilight, Shadowhisker, Nite, angelofwhim, AsuraKyoko, Spectral Waltz, Sentient Tree, Aris Katsaris, TJSomething
  2. [X] Act. Visibly restrain yourself. Agree verbally to leave her alone, but ask what she tried to do, first. Keep Riona unbalanced.
    [X] At the same time, signal Mami to tag you and Homura and have Homura activate her magic.
    -[X] If Riona is somehow included in timestop:
    --[X] Act first: Detain Riona with Grief Fog, take the Gem, threaten to break it.
    --[X] If anything goes wrong, no holds barred. Purée her. Save the Gem unless Riona still tries to attack.
    --[X] Otherwise, continue.
    [X] In timestop:
    -[X] Consult Mami on the danger of tripping Riona's shades. Explain briefly. Employ Grief hax if needed.
    -[X] Leave, convene with Mami and Homura.
    --[X] Make sure Riona remains time-stoped at all times.
    --[X] Things went wrong, get Sayaka and go to Oriko's. Insist if needed.
    --[X] Get Kirika to enchant everything you might need to antimagic Riona, Gem and body.*
    --[X] Explain eveything. Avoid Social Bombs.
    -[X] Plan (listen to opinions):
    --[X] Blast Riona and her surrounding area with Anti Magic (Sayaka and Kirika).
    --[X] Use Anti Magic restraints on Riona and her Gem.
    --[X] Restrain Riona completely.
    --[X] Mami and Homura know their roles better than you do.
    -[X] Enact plan.
    Number of voters: 10
    Onmur, Omniatrix, Jrin, Nele, LendvaV, PlanckConstant, Romka, Lord Chungus, Roomba, Sovereign Hunt
  3. [X] null
    Number of voters: 6
    Muramasa, WorldSlayer, DB_Explorer, Briefvoice, Nachtigall, moonstne
  4. [X] Call Mami for an emergency timestop meeting.
    [X] On timestop, make sure the whole group (Homura, Mami and Sayaka) is in the meeting
    [X] Discuss the situation in timestop with Homura, Mami, and Sayaka.
    Number of voters: 2
    Demojay, Battleship_Fusou
  5. [X] Kill her
    Number of voters: 1
  6. [x] Fine. Release the isolation field.
    [x] Tell Riona you regret that she wasn't able to find what she was searching for here.
    [x] Given the circumstance, while it's regrettable, I agree it's best that you leave Mitakihara at your earliest convenience. Further I must insist that you don't create anymore shades in our city for any reason or I'm afraid conflict will be unavoidable. That said, wish her a good night.
    [x] Leave with Mami. You're done here.
    [x] When you're out a considerable range from Riona, contact Homura by phone for a timestop meeting. Update Homura and Mami of the situation. You weren't able to come to any agreement with Riona. Bring up Riona's intentions to leave in the morning and threat assessment. Avoid social bombs.

    Number of voters: 1
  7. [X] Try that shit again on anyone in your territory, or hurt anyone in Mitakihara, and her life is forfeit.
    [X] You'll let her go, but she's crossed a lot of lines—showing up in your territory without warning, permission, or excuse, trying to mind control you without provocation, making demands in exchange for nothing—so you'll be taking something in exchange. Your teammate is going to copy her power before she leaves this privacy sphere. It won't harm her or her power in any way, nor can it be used to track or monitor her. But you'll be getting SOMETHING out of all the trouble she's caused you.
    Number of voters: 1
  8. [X] Agree to end the conversation, but not before calling Riona out on everything: she's crossed a lot of lines—showing up in your territory without warning, permission, or excuse, trying to mind control you without provocation, making demands in exchange for nothing...
    -[X] Meanwhile, call Mami via grief for an emergency timestop meeting.
    [X] On timestop, make sure the whole group (Homura, Mami and Sayaka) is in the meeting
    [X] Discuss the situation in timestop with Homura, Mami, and Sayaka.
    Number of voters: 1
  9. [x] Ensure she doesn't leave this bubble under her own power, either by calling a meeting and then alpha-striking her or by alpha-striking her right now.
    Number of voters: 1
  10. [X] Shrug casually
    -[X] Alright. Wasn't planning on keeping you trapped anyways, anti-spy zone is for spies like QB, not you.
    --[X] Release the field, hug Mami, telepathically request time-stop.
    ---[X] Discuss.
    Number of voters: 1
  11. [X] Cleansing offer.
    [X] If that's so, then when and why did she go from seeking justice to judging people without knowing their crimes, unjustly taking other people's sisters? When did she give up, and start spending her time inflicting pain instead of trying to get her sister back?
    [X] Don't allow her to leave. Don't allow her to harm you. Don't allow her to harm herself. Use all means necessary.
    [X] Talk to her:
    -[X] There are/were options. Just as an example, she could have cut a deal with a potential, that she would fulfill their wish and some in exchange for them using their wish to bring back her sister. Somebody somewhere would go for it. Healing is a common enough wish, and not difficult to provide.
    -[X] Argue that the only thing she's accomplished with her current track has been to inflict pain on others and deny herself any hope of getting what she actually wants.
    -[X] Argue that the incubator tries to provoke isolation and infighting for a reason: less cooperation means less chance of people getting what they want, and thus better rates of witching. She could always punish the architect if she's not satisfied yet. A shot at that, you can provide.
    Number of voters: 1
    Conjured Blade
  12. [X] Agree to end the meeting shortly.
    -[X] Tell Riona you regret that she wasn't able to find what she was searching for here.
    [X] Release the Field.
    [X] Before letting her be, call her out and get concessions in exchange for her actions, without pissing her off too badly:
    -[X] Priority: Arrange a new meeting before she leaves, with plenty of time to spare.
    -[X] Priority: She does not attack nor use magic against anyone in Mitakihara.
    -[X] She'll answer all our questions next meeting.
    [X] Go. Once you're away:
    -[X] Timestop meeting. Include Sayaka.
    -[X] Explain everything. Avoid social bombs. Don't take sides, be impartial.
    Number of voters: 1
  13. [X] Use grief to communicate with Mami, request immediate timestop. Give Rionna no time outside of the privacy field to send commands to her shades.
    -[X] While doing this, continue speaking to Rionna so as to distract her from what you're doing. Get her attention focused entirely on you.
    [X] Once in timestop, create a griefhax soul viewing effect (like the one used to observe Oriko's soul), and use it to avoid any lingering shades. Go bring in Sayaka. Explain what you've learned about Rionna to them. You're not going to let that stand.
    -[X] Explain plan to team, ask for input and advice.
    --[X] Plan: Obtain an antimagic box that suppresses Rionna's magic (and not ours) using Kirika's enchantment. Timestop degem Rionna immediately into the box, with an antimagic pulse from Sayaka active as you do. Have Sayaka try to copy Rionna's magic, so that we can try to put the shades to rest, and have access to someone who can diagnose soul maladies on hand. Keep Rionna's body in stasis in Homura's shield, until we've got enough other girls working with us, and stability, to try to rehabilitate her.
    [X] If anything goes wrong during this plan, and Rionna looks to become combat capable again, immediately degem with all needed force.
    Number of voters: 1
    Redshirt Army
  14. [X] Your power is to enslave and torment other magical girls?
    - [X] If you continue on this path, it will lead to conflict between us in future.
    [X] But for now, you came to Mitakihara in peace, and we'll ask you to leave in peace.
    - [X] If we can get your word to leave Mitakihara in peace, we'll drop the shield and escort you to the airport.
    [X] add to TODO list: develop soul shielding, liberate Edinburgh.
    Number of voters: 1
  15. [X] Your power is to enslave and torment other magical girls?
    - [X] If you continue on this path, it will lead to conflict between us in future.
    [X] But for now, you came to Mitakihara in peace, and we'll ask you to leave in peace.
    - [X] If we can get your word to leave Mitakihara in peace, we'll drop the shield and escort you to the airport.
    [X] add to TODO list: develop soul shielding, liberate Edinburgh.
    Number of voters: 1

In point of fact by the time Firn explicitly vetoed anything, the vote had already swung in the direction of gemming in the form of a total majority. Firnagzen never vetoed the Muramasa vote: he didn't need to. Again, he opened the curtains on her character, and the result was a vast majority in favor of gemming her. Amusingly, the vote which Firn vetoed was literally a single vote by a single person with no other support for it. Your assertion that a veto had anything to do with what happened is, has been, and remains simply wrong, although I must apologize again for my mistaken assertion that Firnagzen never vetoed anything, as it's clear that he vetoed that particular single-user vote.

Finally, in response to your last statement, that votes do not constitute agreement with a course of action... well, again, going back to your original argument the implication would be that users only voted the way they did because Firn wouldn't let them vote the way they wanted to.

I am going to point something out: plans easily winning with large majorities is not something that happens in that situation. We should all know full well what happens in that situation: users complain about railroading and null their votes instead of voting for the majority option. Reading ahead from here should at least largely demonstrate that in the context of this thread. If Firn had simply said "No, this isn't happening," somebody would inevitably have complained. But that's not what happened. Firnagzen explained Rionna's background, and she was a monster. The majority for gemming her arose from the simple fact that she was actively engaged in torturing at least one soul. It had absolutely nothing to do with Firnagzen "vetoing" Muramasa's vote -- that didn't happen explicitly, and while you're free to claim it happened implicitly, I think it's pretty clear that the floor would have been open for someone to argue that it was in character for Sabrina. That's not what a veto is -- a veto is a "no."

So, again, not seeing any ground for your argument here.

... I'm pretty sure spoilers block tagging. That had better be the case...
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That which cannot be undone...

It is all part of my Tragic Villain Backstory, in which the Foul Fiends that occupy this thread declared me fresh meat, nearly a month after I has joined discussion! Now, forever traumatized, I seek to inflict the same pain upon others! :V
I'm looking at you, @Redshirt Army... I may have forgotten everything that's happen in PMAS canon, but I've not forgotten your INSULTS! FIEND! HERETIC! :rage:
On that note, reading your posts before you post them is good; I very nearly B R U T A L L Y I N S U L T E D poor Redshirt for insulting the quality of my meat, which uhh... Heh.
Fresh meat.