X that and I'll vote for it.
[x] Remain calm, rational and even-toned.
[x] Your right? You make it sound like you
want to die.
[x] If she puts forth an excuse of any sort for why she has to die other than that she wants to, point out all the ways it's obviously not true until she's forced to admit it. Repeat for any other excuses that she might put forward.
-[x] If Oriko tries to claim that it's for the good of the world, ask her to explain precisely
how her death at this point would benefit anyone.
--[x] Point out the logical flaws in her explanation, which doubtless will be numerous.
--[x] Remind her that because she
didn't die like she originally planned, she's been able to help us avert at least three catastrophes and saved the lives of hundreds of people, including several magical girls.
--[x] Remind her that when she saved Sayaka's life a few days ago, she might very well have saved the world. Sayaka's death can potentially trigger a chain of events that will lead to the end of all human life.
--[x] Oriko can benefit the world far more by living and helping people than by dying. In fact, she already has.
-[x] If Oriko tries to claim that her death is inevitable because she foresaw it, remind her that her visions are preventable.
--[x] We've prevented her visions from coming true
repeatedly in the past couple weeks. They have
never been inevitable. Having them would be pointless if they were.
--[x] Not to mention that she can't really predict Sabrina at all. We've already saved her from a predicted death once. Why not again?
--[x] She never answered our question from before.
Did she ever consider that she could destroy Sayaka's apartment when it was empty, and using a more controlled method, and it would have accomplished the same goals by hurting less people? If not, then why didn't her oh-so-flawless visions show her that option? Could it be that they're not showing her the best path, but the most self-destructive?
--[x] Oriko was depressed when she made her wish and she's depressed now. Her depression is subconsciously guiding her visions to only show her futures where she dies. Not because those are the only futures possible, but because those are the only ones that she wants to see.
-[x] If Oriko puts forth some other excuse, point out any obvious logical flaws or counterarguments that we've already covered in the thread. If it's something completely unprecedented that we have no response for, then break for voting.
[x] Continue refusing to accept excuses, evasions or changes of topic until Oriko is forced to face the fact that the only reason that she thinks she has to die is because she wants to die.
*sighs* ...it wasn't that Shonen...
On a scale of zero to
Gurren Laggan, it was about an
Inuyasha, or maybe about 1/3 of a
Naruto. I want to get it down to around a
Rurouni Kenshin.