"Let's go to Kirika, then," you say, looking at Homura, then back to Oriko. "Can you walk?"
Instead of answering, Oriko tries to struggle to her feet, getting one leg under her and carefully avoiding using her broken arm. You sigh, and walk over to her to slide an arm under her shoulder and bodily haul her to her feet, before stepping back again. You frown at the thread tied to her leg - that's not going to work, so you spool out more thread from the reel and press it into her hand.
"Hold on to the thread," you say, stepping back. Oriko nods, and her eyes slide over to her Soul Gem held in Homura's hand, and Kirika's, in yours. You raise an eyebrow at the seer, and she grimaces in response.
"I can walk," Oriko says uncomfortably.
"Right," you reply, and turn to go, Oriko following you obediently. Homura walks behind Oriko, presumably to keep an eye on her.
The walk to Kirika's body is practically a funeral procession, or maybe a prisoner escort. Which, technically, it is. There's a slight mishap with the rope tying you to Homura getting tangled over some rubble, and tripping, but the less said about it the better.
You're rubbing your elbow in annoyance when you round the corner on Kirika's body. Oriko gasps sharply when she sees Kirika and makes a half-aborted move to her, but reigns herself in, glancing at you. You sigh again.
"Go on," you mutter, and let the thread spool out from the reel as Oriko glides over to Kirika. A touch brings Kirika into the timestop, colour blossoming across the berserker's body, and Oriko gently turns her over. "Go ahead and wake her up, I'll cleanse as necessary," you add. You don't exactly trust Kirika not to eviscerate you as soon as she wakes up.
Oriko looks questioningly at you.
"It's something all magical girls can do," you sigh. "Just not very efficiently. Either way, search your feelings, you kno-" you break off, and start again. "Search your instincts; you should
know how to do it."
The seer nods resolutely, and turns back to Kirika. A moment later, she holds her hand against the side of Kirika's head, glimmering light shining from between her fingers in fitful little stutters. You wince - at a guess, you gave Kirika a concussion.
You lean against a wall, while Homura stands, watching impassively like a statue, barely moving. After a while, you casually raise a hand, and siphon out the corruption filming both Oriko's and Kirika's Soul Gems, collapsing them down into marbles with practiced ease and little twitches of your fingers to guide the Grief. As an afterthought, you cleanse Homura's and your own Soul Gems, too.
It doesn't take too long before Kirika wakes, an explosive gasp escaping her and her eyes flying open, darting around wildly. You can feel Kirika rapidly powering up another of those accursed anti-magic blasts, and Homura tenses, her shield arm dropping protectively.
The pulse dies when Oriko throws her arm around Kirika with a loud cry, dragging her into a hug as best as she can.
You grimace, and take a chance, dissolving the manacles on Kirika. Considering that you and Homura are holding their Soul Gems, you're not too worried, and you let the Grief collapse back into a marble that you pack away with the others. Homura gives you a questioning look, to which you simply shrug in response.
Kirika wraps her arms around Oriko, claws melting away, and the couple simply stays like that for a moment, before Kirika notices the state Oriko's in.
"Oriko, your arm!" she exclaims, one hand touching the empty sleeve. "Your..." The black haired magical girl takes in the rest of Oriko's state - ruined, blood stained costume, angry red scars from your incomplete healing visible beneath rips in said costume, and one broken arm kept moving by magic and pain suppression.
You-" Kirika catches sight of Homura, and her face contorts in fury, half rising.
"Kirika, no!" Oriko cries, clinging to her with one arm. "
Don't! Don't..."
"But- sh-
they," Kirika sputters, staring down at the seer.
"No, no, it's fine," Oriko says. "We're working with them now."
What?" Kirika asks, stark disbelief written on her face. "Oriko, are you
"Yes, I am," Oriko replies. "But first we're going to surrender to them, OK?"
"Um..." the black haired girl scratches her head. "If you're sure..."
"Yes, I am," Oriko says, raising her hand to Kirika's face and stroking her cheek. Kirika quiets, nodding slowly, and Oriko in turn half turns to nod at you, keeping her arm slung around her girlfriend.
"Alright, then," you sigh, and look at Homura, eyebrows raised. The time traveller puts her hand to her shield, and cranks it.
With a humming of gears, the timestop ends, hopefully for good for this night, at least.
Sound and colour and smell flood back into the world, and you tilt your head back, smiling at the night sky. There's more than a hint of iron in the breeze ruffling your hair, but it's not the sickening tang of blood - it's just the rusting hulks of the industrial district. The sounds of traffic, cars and trucks flowing ceaselessly even at this time of the night, filter through to you.
Mami?" you reach out telepathically.
Sabrina?" Mami's voice, warm and pleasant, replies quickly. You sense her pausing, perhaps leaning against something to catch her breath.
I had to enter the time stop with Homura," you tell her. "
Oriko was... injured really badly. We just managed to heal her."
Oh." Mami goes quiet.
We... talked to her, while healing her," you say. "
She... she was actually trying to help
She burned down Sayaka's house!" Mami exclaims incredulously.
I know. She can see the future, and she sees something big
coming," you say. You look at Homura, and gesture at Oriko and Kirika, now just holding each other, and you begin heading over to Mami's location, feeling secure in the knowledge that you still have Kirika's Soul Gem.
Mami's quiet for a moment. "
Is it Walpurgisnacht? Even so, I don't see how Oriko was 'helping'."
She... one moment," you say, breaking out into a trot. You round a corner, and spy Mami. She's cradling her left arm with her right, and moving slowly so as to avoid jolting it. "Hi, Mami," you call.
The blonde brightens a little. "Hello, Sabrina. A- are you OK?"
You glance down at yourself - even with your injuries healed, your costume's still ripped and blood stained. "It's OK, Homura help me to heal. Are
you?" You move to the blonde's side, and immediately start applying magic to her arm to start healing the break.
"I'm glad to see you're OK," Mami says, face easing a little and deflecting the question.
"Hmm. Anyway, the way Oriko was talking about the new threat, Walpurgisnacht is barely a footnote to it," you explain, walking along and maintaining the healing as you move.
"She could be lying to save herself," Mami says gently.
"I don't think she is," you say. "We... I had to threaten her, before she would explain herself."
"I... oh, Sabrina. I'm so sorry," Mami says, regret colouring her voice. A long pause.
"It's OK, Mami. I... knew this kind of thing might happen," you say, trying to smile at her. Said smile is probably more than a little strained, but Mami nods.
"I'll trust your judgement, then."
"Thanks, Mami," you reply. "I... for what she's done, I think we should keep them under house arrest, sort of?"
"As punishment?" Mami sounds surprised.
"Yeah. They're... in bad shape, and no real state to move around freely," you say. "We... can't really just turn them loose."
"You've already healed them, haven't you?" Mami asks with a frown.
"Only the life threatening injuries," you say. "Oriko's missing an
Mami blanches, but recovers a moment later. "She should have known what she was getting into," the blonde says. Her tone of voice is chilly, sending shivers down your spine. "I've... thrown other magical girls out for less."
You shake your head. "Mami, we might need her. I don't like it either, but if there's something
bigger than Walpurgisnacht coming... We might need her precognizance."
She's quiet for a moment, ruminating over that. "What is this new threat?"
"She doesn't know, either," you say. "She can't see it directly... but part of the reason that she... did what she did... was that if Sayaka wasn't moved, the new thing would kill her."
Mami grimaces. "Too convenient."
"I know," you agree. "But I don't think she was lying. Lies need to be believable."
A pause.
"What guarantee do we have that they'll behave?" she asks, seemingly accepting your reasoning.
"They're in bad shape, and can't even hunt Witches," you say. "Oriko's abilities are expensive, and if I don't go over to cleanse them every now and then..."
Mami nods slowly. "They'll lose their magic. I... think that will work."
"Mmm," you say noncommitally.
"Alright, then," Mami says hesitantly. "I'm... reluctant to let her stay, but if she's in as bad a state as you say..."
You nod.
"It... should be OK," Mami says. "What does Homura think?"
"She's... OK with it," you reply.
"I... OK, then," Mami agrees.
You sigh in relief, and focus on healing Mami's injuries, carefully avoiding jolting her as the two of you slowly make your way over to Oriko and Kirika.
When you finally arrive, Oriko and Kirika are still sitting quietly, and Homura is watching them like a particularly grim-faced statue. She raises her eyes to look at you when she sees the two of you arriving, and you nod slightly in response.
"Mikuni Oriko. Kure Kirika," Mami says, voice icy.
"Tomoe Mami," Oriko says, bowing her head in what's almost a pose of supplication.
"I have decided that I will accept Sabrina and Homura's plan of house arrest for the two of you," Mami declares as regally as any queen, for all that you're still carefully healing one of her arms. "If you put a single toe out of line, we
will hunt you down."
"I understand," Oriko says, quieting Kirika's protests with her single arm.
[] Write-in
Five hundred and twelve grief marbles, eight in your pocket.
Here ends Chapter Three: Direct Intervention. Chapter Four: Surface Tension begins in the next update.