I'm thinking the revelation's probably best reserved for if we manage to take out Kirika, leaving her isolated; keeps her focused on short-term scalping us (which she's comparatively bad at, and hopefully renders her vulnerable to HAMMERTIME) rather than filling our medium-term future with ten kinds of awful (which she'll be eminently capable of).

(Plotting a campaign of vicious psychological warfare against a fifteen-year-old girl, yay!) :tongue:
I also feel it might be worthwhile to point out the quest title in case anyone didn't pick up on it. Afligo Systema = I overthrow the system.

So my idea of overthrowing the incubator's system of grief and witches in favor of something more similar to post Madokami is not so farfetched. ;)

Though I also wonder if it might be a hint as to our enemy in this quest.
I'm thinking the revelation's probably best reserved for if we manage to take out Kirika, leaving her isolated; keeps her focused on short-term scalping us (which she's comparatively bad at, and hopefully renders her vulnerable to HAMMERTIME) rather than filling our medium-term future with ten kinds of awful (which she'll be eminently capable of).

(Plotting a campaign of vicious psychological warfare against a fifteen-year-old girl, yay!) :tongue:
You're behind the times- Kirika's psyche's one big walking panic button to press. Oriko doesn't actually tell her all that much, we can use that same single-minded devotion, and she tends to get sloppy when desperate. :p

Incidentally, trying to manipulate Kirika is also potentially the fastest way to get instagibbed short of cheerfully announcing to Mami she's going to turn into a Witch soon. So if we kick the timebomb we need to, you know, do it carefully. :D
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Protip: When Oriko found out about Kirika's wish, she threw out her old plan in favor of "set the witch Margot on a crowded school and see how that works out for me." This isn't a good outcome for us, unless you have a great loathing for the Mitakihara student body.

My first thought on reading this was "That's crazy.". Like, "Legitimately crazy, what is the matter with you to have done this?" Then I thought about it for a bit, and ended up changing my mind.

It's not crazy. It's evil.

Like, Satan is kicked back on the Throne of Hell reading that manga and going "That's some fucked up shit, right there." level of evil.
What she wished for was purpose. It's not necessarily for or against us. But who knows where she's taking it to this time? She COULD be on our side. Just liable to go crazy evil instead of almost worth having around evil.

Let's not get on her bad side just yet. Even if we're willing to feed information to others we shouldn't go after her ourselves.
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Well, her first act was to sideline us for whatever is taking place elsewhere. We're pretty far out. Around the suberbs.

Just a thought. While Sabrina is very much trying to prevent contracts, what if Oriko is trying to facilitate them instead? More magical girls means Mitakihara would be better protected from things like Walpurgis Night, and with Sabrina, she could prevent most magical girls from witching out indefinitely. She stopped us from entering Shirome but is encouraging us to continue on to the hospital (i.e. possibly encouraging us to prevent Nagisa's witchout). On that note, I'm pretty sure the apartment threat is a red herring but I'm not completely positive.
My first thought on reading this was "That's crazy.". Like, "Legitimately crazy, what is the matter with you to have done this?" Then I thought about it for a bit, and ended up changing my mind.

It's not crazy. It's evil.

Like, Satan is kicked back on the Throne of Hell reading that manga and going "That's some fucked up shit, right there." level of evil.
It's pretty much implied that Oriko completely lost her mind after finding out about Kirika's self-induced lobotomy followed immediately afterwards by "oh hey, I'm witching out in slow motion too"- I mean she goes from moving everyone around like chess pieces to storming into the school and making a rambling speech about saving everyone and the importance of loved ones before getting in a shoot-out with literally every single meguca in the cast of that timeline, half of whom she'd trapped inside the barrier in the first place.

It's still technically part of her overall scheme of "save everyone by killing Madoka" but it's the kind of "what are you thinking" plan that screams "I am not thinking rationally".

Well, her first act was to sideline us for whatever is taking place elsewhere. We're pretty far out. Around the suberbs.

Just a thought. While Sabrina is very much trying to prevent contracts, what if Oriko is trying to facilitate them instead? More magical girls means Mitakihara would be better protected from things like Walpurgis Night, and with Sabrina, she could prevent most magical girls from witching out indefinitely. She stopped us from entering Shirome but is encouraging us to continue on to the hospital (i.e. possibly encouraging us to prevent Nagisa's witchout). On that note, I'm pretty sure the apartment threat is a red herring but I'm not completely positive.
That scene does seem to be "get Sabrina out of the way for some reason"- hence us checking in with Homura and Mami to cover our bases. Red herring or not, it's not the kind of threat we want to ignore either.

Re: motivation, if we're that lucky, I'll count it as a win. And if saving Nagisa is the reasoning...we can't really turn that chance down, especially if we can "encourage" her to make a less senseless wish. We might even short-circuit Sayaka's wish motivation if we play our cards right in that case.
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Last vote suggestion was two pages ago, hah.

[] Head back to Mami's apartment.
-[] Top speed roof hopping.
[] Telepathy Mami. A magical girl just approached you and knew you by name. Might be a precog, talked about the future. Made some vague mention of the apartment. What do?
-[] If she wants you somewhere other than the apartment, hop by long enough to check it out.
-[] Afterwards, telepathy Homura. Tell her we need to talk later.
[]...We have no idea which city Kyouko's in right now, do we?

Quoting myself so ya don't have to go looking. Combination vote from Ugo and a couple other people. I think this covers the bases we want right now?
Last vote suggestion was two pages ago, hah.

Quoting myself so ya don't have to go looking. Combination vote from Ugo and a couple other people. I think this covers the bases we want right now?
So.... the conversation had trying to reason with her, but we're still going with "PANIC"?
So.... the conversation had trying to reason with her, but we're still going with "PANIC"?
Oriko's sent a wake-up call and has a plan going on that we currently know nothing about- and essentially handed our itinerary back to us with the hint we can't afford to ignore it. Yes, PANIC is called for.

The consensus is to talk to Mami and Homura- the specifics have changed a bit so we don't overdo the Mami infodump while still telling her about this, and most of us seem to agree we need to check the apartment. What we are hopefully not going to do is skip to the hospital solo and get eaten by Charlotte/trigger an ambush alone.

The plan is to tell Homura the truth (we know about her and the others, have no idea how we know, and want to help her save Madoka/everyone)- preferably in a way Kyubey can't eavesdrop such as in timestop- to hopefully get her on-side/make our motivations clear. Then we get to the hospital and save Nasiga/get rid of Charlotte early, preferably without Mami anywhere near Charlotte at the time.
Then once we've tied up the loose ends for the immediate future, we start dealing with Oriko's schemes if we don't get hit in the face by them in the meantime.
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Entanglement pt. 5
You suck in a breath, mind spinning as you run through the possibilities. Oriko, you're pretty sure, just leveled a threat at you and Mami.

Kirika's nowhere to be seen.

She couldn't have, could she?

You take a moment to run through her possible motivations- that bus ride was almost certainly just to get you out of the way, for... whatever she has planned. But you can't just let a threat to your home pass like that.

And what was with that reminder about the hospital?

You begin walking at a rather fast clip toward a nearby alley, the better to take to the rooftops if need be. "Mami?" you try, telepathically.

"Ah, Sabrina?" Mami replies nearly instantly. "Good timing! It's break period right now."

You puff out a relieved breath. "Mami, I just met an unknown magical girl," you say carefully. "She... I'm not sure how to put this, but she threatened our home."

A long silence, as you squint thoughtfully at the buildings enclosing the alleyway. You glance back at the entrance to the alley, making sure no one's passing by, before acting on instincts that your contract brought. You crouch lightly, and spring directly at the wall nearer to you.

Your feet leave divots in the ground as you go airborne, flying straight at a point on the wall ten meters up. A full body twist as you hurtle through the air, and you hit the wall feet first, legs coiling against the masonry. Then you push off again, sending small cracks crazing through the wall and you arcing lazily towards the far wall.

A few more bounces, and you reach the top of the building, landing softly. You remain in your landing crouch, savouring the feeling of exhilaration as you listen to bits of masonry patter gently to the ground in the alley below.

Finally, Mami replies. "I see." Her voice is taut with quiet fury that sends a shiver down your spine even if it's not directed at you. "Unfortunately, this isn't uncommon in the magical girl world. Many of them aren't very nice people, and Mitakihara is an... inviting target."

A heartbeat later, she adds, a little more gently, "I'm sorry you got mixed up in this, Sabrina. If you weren't living with me, you wouldn't have this problem."

"You're my friend, Mami," you reply, nearly instantly even as you walk over to the edge of the roof. "I wouldn't let this slide, either way. Do you want me to check on our apartment?"

"Yes, that would be a good idea," Mami says. "I... ah, I give you permission to check my room too. Uh, class is starting again soon. I'll talk to you later, OK?"

"OK, see you, Mami," you respond. You back up a few steps, and then sprint forward and launch yourself effortlessly into the air, crashing down on the rooftop of the next building over. And you repeat the process, bounding over rooftops towards your home.

As you go, you try to contact the time traveller. "Homura?"

A curt response. "Yes?"

"May I talk to you later?"

Homura takes a moment to think this over. Or maybe she just got called up to answer a question in class? "Yes. I will be at the hospital this afternoon, after school, to hunt a Witch that will be appearing there, as well as... That's not important. I will be hunting a Witch. You may join me."

A heartbeat later, she adds, grudgingly, "You may invite Tomoe Mami, if you wish."

"I see," you reply. You don't see. "Thank you for the offer, I'll let you know later."

A Witch at the hospital?


You soon find yourself back in more familiar grounds, and hop down from a roof near Mami's apartment. You observe, amusedly, that the pavement here is cracked and divoted as well, as if you're not the first puella magi to use this particular landing spot. Apart from the ones you just left, however, the damage is old enough to be weathered- clearly Mami's gotten better at it.

From the outside, nothing's visibly wrong with Mami's apartment. You spread your senses, and find that there's nothing magically wrong, either; apart from the lingering traces of you and Mami, no puella magi have been here recently.

And minutes later, you find that there's nothing wrong with the inside of Mami's apartment either. You carefully looked through everything, blushing when you had to go through Mami's clothes, but you can find nothing at all wrong inside.

[] Tell Mami about Homura's offer
[] Don't tell Mami about Homura's offer
[] Lunch?
[] Write-in


For the record, it was about a one and a half hour ride out to the suburbs that Oriko took you on, in addition to a fifteen minute walk from Mami's apartment. You took about twenty five minutes to make the trip back, roof hopping. Roof-hopping is fast, and you get to go in a (mostly) straight line.

It is now 11AM-ish, in Quest. School finishes at 3PM.
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No invisitext.


[x] Tell Mami about Homura's offer to go witch-hunting
-[x] Don't mention the meta aspect
-[x] Do mention that the apartment's fine
[x] Go check on Nagisa, if she's still alive

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[x] Tell Mami about Homura's offer to go witch-hunting
-[x] Don't mention the meta aspect
-[x] Do mention that the apartment's fine
[x] Go check on Nagisa, if she's still alive
-[x] Grab lunch on the way

[]Phonebook? What was Yuma's last name again?
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hold on, the witch is appearing this afternoon. Is it possible Nagisa hasn't witched out yet?
Hope for the best, expect the worst, and for the love of god don't let anyone be there if she's in a terminal griefspiral and we're too late to stop it.

The real question is "did Nagisa witch out right after her wish or has she contracted a while back and just found out she messed up? The one's salvageable with a sentence, the other is NOPE NOPE NOPE STAY AWAY.