Nagisa probably hasn't even contracted yet, as, iirc, she witched out pretty much immediately. If we find her before she contracts, we should be able to either influence her wish, or de-grief her if we aren't fast enough. We could look up yuma in the hospital, and we already made lunch with mami, so we just need to grab that. The telepathy can be done anywhere, so our first priority should be getting to the hospital.
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Don't we need to talk to Homura privately? Also isn't Charlette the one that kills Mami usually?

That seems like two good reasons not to invite Mami along.

Also I think we need to prioritize with who we use the grief trick on less Kyuuby want to get rid of us... what points in the process do they collect energy from again? The Wish and The Witching I think? Also how did we break entropy? By which I mean, in what manner did our method break it.

Also I remember the Rocket Propelled Hammer idea from a few pages back... Why don't we have this? It fits SB/SV so much better than a regular Warhammer. :D

Also us talking to Homura... We're new. I really have to wonder how she's taking change after so long. I hope she's able to see we're telling the truth when we tell her we're here to help and an Outsider with no personal history.
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Random reminder: Going by the series, Charlotte's Grief Seed is actually found by Sayaka the next day.

Episode 3 opens with Sayaka and Kwyjibo at the hospital, then cut to Mami killing a Familiar at night. This is when we learn about Familiars not dropping Grief Seeds.

Then cut to a late afternoon, judging by the light: this is when Sayaka finds Charlotte's Grief Seed.

Take this as you will.
Don't we need to talk to Homura privately? Also isn't Charlette the one that kills Mami usually?

That seems like two good reasons not to invite Mami along.

Mami lost to Charlotte because she was drunk on friendship and overconfident. More importantly, she was alone - there were no other magical girls there to save her from her one, lethal moment of paralyzing fear.
Mami lost to Charlotte because she was drunk on friendship and overconfident. More importantly, she was alone - there were no other magical girls there to save her from her one, lethal moment of paralyzing fear.
Us quietly releasing Homura from ribbons and/or sinking the Sabrina-Mami partnership is still a better outcome than how this is supposed to go...But it seems like we might be able to avoid drastic measures.
[x] Tell Mami about Homura's offer to go witch-hunting
-[x] Don't mention the meta aspect
-[x] Do mention that the apartment's fine
[x]Phonebook? What was Yuma's last name again?
[x] Go check on Nagisa, if she's still alive
Hmm, so it might not be Nagisa. Actually, Hospitals seem like prime hunting grounds, so witches/familiars being near the biggest one in the city should be pretty common. Really, the only place I'd see more grief would be the school. (which, amusingly enough, looks startlingly similar to that Austrian prison) Witch barriers do move, right?
[x] Ugolino

I'd rather confirm Nagisa's status first and then look up Yuma. I don't want to lose precious minutes on a pending witch out.
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Either Nagasa is there or not. It still needs to get checked before Mami goes anywhere near the hospital.

I for one hope she's salvageable. If Charlotte is really just an ascended familiar then our metaknowledge could be on the fritz.

[x] Ugolino
I for one hope she's salvageable. If Charlotte is really just an ascended familiar then our metaknowledge could be on the fritz.

Why would that be our meta-knowledge on the fritz? Familiars turn into exact copies of the original witch, they'd be as much Charlotte as the original Charlotte.
Why would that be our meta-knowledge on the fritz? Familiars turn into exact copies of the original witch, they'd be as much Charlotte as the original Charlotte.
Iunno. I'm trying to go to sleep and checking the thread and chat every so often. My thought process is mostly bent towards "Oh god why is my air conditioner broken they were supposed to fix that today."
Entanglement pt. 6
Ultimately, you decide to take up Homura's offer. You can't afford to turn her down, when she's actually trying to mend her bridges. And similarly, you really can't not take the offer to invite Mami along. Well, what counts as an offer from Homura, anyway.

"Mami?" you call, telepathically.

"Yes, Sabrina?" Mami responds, nearly immediately.

"Ah... our home is fine. Nothing out of place that I can tell at all," you say.

"Great!" You get the impression that Mami just sighed in relief. "Still, I don't like this girl. When we have the time later, you need to tell me what you know of her, OK? I'll meet you at the hospital after school."

"Wait, what? Why the hospital?" you ask, startled. Why's everyone headed to the hospital today?

"Oh, of course, you wouldn't know. Madoka and Sayaka's friend, Shizuki Hitomi, fell down the stairs earlier. She had to be sent to the hospital," Mami responds. "It's a little odd, but accidents do happen."

"I... see," you say, slowly, while you walk out of the apartment, locking the door behind you. You decide not to kick up any more fuss for now, but if you had to guess... Kirika goes to Mitakihara Middle School as well.

But for now, you'll head to the hospital, you think, and see if you can find Nagisa Momoe, the girl who will be Charlotte. And since it seems everybody will be there anyway...

"Um. One more thing, Mami," you add before she can say anything.

"Yes, Sabrina?"

"Homura invited me to hunt a Witch at the hospital after school today. She, ah, suggested that I could bring you along," you say carefully.

"Really?" Mami asks skeptically.

"Well, she said 'You may invite Tomoe Mami, if you wish', which, coming from her, counts as an invitation, I think?" you amend.

Telepathic laughter. How does that even work? "It would be rude to turn down such a gracious invitation, wouldn't it? Yes, I'll see you and Homura at the hospital later, then," Mami responds.

"OK, see you then," you say, pleased.

"See you," Mami replies.

You're just about to take to the rooftops again when you realize that you don't actually know where the hospital is, and you're forced to head back to Mami's apartment to check. Finally, having found out where it is, you roof hop there, descending to the ground level and walking in.

Your grumbling stomach prompts you to stop by at a small restaurant, where you order a bowl of donburi for lunch, and make quick work of it. You're getting a few odd looks for being a school aged girl wandering around by herself, but no one comments. Perhaps you should have prepared lunch for yourself as well, earlier?

Lunch done, you walk towards the hospital on foot, senses cast wide. If there's any Witches to be in this area, you'll know.

The hospital isn't the monolithic building you were expecting. Instead, it's an entire series of smaller buildings wrought of glass and steel, separated by wide open grassy expenses. You can't help but admire the construction as you approach it, while at the same time shake your head over how much it must have cost. Your path takes you past an array of bicycle racks, mostly empty at this time of the day, before you enter the lobby.

You march up boldly up to the receptionist, who greets you with a smile. "Hello, welcome to Mitakihara General Hospital! Are you looking for someone?"

You're momentarily unsure, but since you're here to burn some time and see if you can find Nagisa... "Ah... I'm looking for a Mrs. Momoe? She's my friend's mother."

"Hm, Momoe..." the receptionist types at her computer for a moment. "Looks like you're in luck, we only have one-" The smile drops off her face. "Oh, no."

A sinking feeling hits you. Oh, no indeed. "Is she- did she... pass on?"

The receptionist nods, slowly.

"Please," you say urgently. "Where?"

"Long term wards... 17-C. It's that way-" the receptionist points "-first building on the left, seventeenth floor."

You thank the receptionist, and take off in the indicated direction at a fast walk that's nearly a run. Hopefully you can get there before Nagisa Witches.

As you approach the lift lobby in the indicated building, you begin to hear someone crying; quiet, ugly sobs. Even in the midst of your not-quite-run, you look around for the source of the crying.

You spy a virtual mane of white hair hiding behind some large potted plants, and promptly skid to a halt. There are people walking by, but apart from sidelong glances at the source of the crying, they don't do anything.

This, then, would be Momoe Nagisa.

Apart from the ephemeral shade of Grief you associate with normal people, you don't sense anything from her. She's not a puella magi.

[] Write-in


Assumptions are terribly dangerous things, especially with as many butterflies you guys have released.

It is now 1-ish PM. School ends at 3PM.

Oh, and just to clarify, Nagisa's mum is dead. Passed on. Pushing up dai- yeah no, let's not do that.
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This is the part where we play Oriko to Nagisa's Yuma. Her contracting in this case is inevitable if her motivations haven't changed and Kyubey finds out about her- but we can at least try and stop her instawitching when she finds out she wasted a wish that could have saved her.
[x]Talk to her.
[x]"Hi. Everything okay?"
[x]She's crying....See if we can get her to talk about it. We're Sabrina.
-[x]Comfort her if we can.
-[x]Magic can do anything at all. She should remember that. If someone's ill, it can heal them, so she shouldn't make a wish that she'd regret because what she really wants "surely isn't possible".
[x]Check for Kyubey.

Timeline status: derailed.

[x]Talk to her.
[x]She's crying....See if we can get her to talk about it.
-[x]Try and comfort her if we can. Is anyone she knows here?

-[x]No Charlotte. No Charlotte.
-[x]If Nagisa doesn't contract she doesn't become Charlotte. If she doesn't become Charlotte, what witch is Homura going to hunt?
[x]Check for Kyubey. Then check for Witches.
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[x] Stay out for now. Try and scan around for other witches or magical girls, as if there's a witch here today, and Nagisa hasn't contracted so can't witch, who is it?
[x] Keep an eye out for and Kyuubeys as well.
[x] Stay out for now. Try and scan around for other witches or magical girls, as if there's a witch here today, and Nagisa hasn't contracted so can't witch, who is it?
[x] Keep an eye out for and Kyuubeys as well.
The witch was clearly going to be her; Nagisa witchouts seem to be pretty consistent from timeline to timeline. For some reason, Kyubey hasn't decided to contract her. Probably the same reason Hitomi fell down the stairs.

[x]Talk to her.
[x]She's crying....See if we can get her to talk about it.
-[x]Try and comfort her if we can. Is anyone she knows here?
-[x]No Charlotte. No Charlotte.
[x]Check for Kyubey.
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The witch was clearly going to be her; Nagisa witchouts seem to be pretty consistent from timeline to timeline. For some reason, Kyubey hasn't decided to contract her.

Coobs was busy doing...other things. We haven't seen him all day.

[x] Ugo

[x] the employees just left a little girl to cry, alone, in a hallway just after her mother died. Find the doctors and nurses in charge of her care and RIP THEM A NEW VERBAL ASSHOLE.
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