Can Someone give me a Vote Tally? I can't remember who I voted for.
Vote Tally : Puella Magi Adfligo Systema | Page 3847 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Because I care deeply for you, to the point that I don't know what I'd do without you. In the end, that was why. I was afraid I'd lose you if I told you.
No. of Votes: 9
Script Mak3r

[X] Continue removing grief from both of your soul gems.
[X] You didn't tell her what you knew right away because at first you didn't know what to do. Then you were scared it might hurt her, or that she might want nothing to do with you any more. You're telling her now, because you can't stand the idea of keeping things from your friends. You don't know how you came to know any of it, but the one thing that you've always been certain of is that you had to do whatever you could to help the people you knew things about.
[X] You know none of that excuses what you did. Whatever your intentions were, you deceived her and hurt her and...
[X] Apologize profusely and tearfully. You didn't want to hurt her, you never wanted to hurt her.
No. of Votes: 7
Always Late
Redshirt Army

[x] "I... I care for you, Mami. You are very close to my heart. I never wanted to hurt you. I don't want to lose you. I don't know what I would do without you."
[x] Ask her to hear you out.
-[x] "I... I was scared to tell you. At first, I... I went with you because I knew you were a good person who needed a friend... which was why when you offered to let me live with you, I accepted. I knew you were a wonderful person who deserved better. Who deserves better. At the start, I just wanted to help. Fix things and save people. You know me.
-[x] "It... None of that was a lie, Mami. I... Learning from you. Helping save people with you. Being with you. That mattered to me. It matters to me."
-[x] "At first, I was still figuring things out and... didn't know how to tell you. I was scared and didn't know how to say it. It was just... too much, and I was worried about Kyubey finding out. Then there were days when there was just no time, and you were so hurt after you found out Kyubey had been lying to you that I couldn't stomach the idea of potentially making things worse. Of hurting you like that again. And it was easy to let it just stay untold, because in the end, when Kyubey was out of the way and I could have made time to tell you, the real reason why I allowed myself to put it off was because I was scared. Of hurting you, like I just did again. Of confessing that I hadn't told you all this time..."
-[x] "I know I should have said something sooner but... I just didn't know how to tell you. It was tearing me up inside..."
[x] Apologize. Plead for your case.
-[x] "I'm sorry, Mami. I am so, so sorry, more than I can say, for not telling you sooner. You... You matter to me. More... P-probably more than anyone else does. I want... I want you to be happy. I swear. That's the truth. The whole truth. I want you to be happy because you're Mami and you deserve to be."
[x] Ask her, beg her for forgiveness, for the chance to help, to set things right, for that is all you ask, all that you want. To see her happy. To enjoy life with her. For she is dear to your heart. Someone you deeply care for.
[x] If at any point, Mami visibly deteriorates or reacts...
-[x] "Mami? Please, talk to me? I... I don't want to see you hurt like this. Please... I know I don't deserve it, but please? I'm not like...him. I promise. Seeing you like this... hurts me so much..."
[x] Ask permission to cleanse at any point if her gem starts looking bad again. Beg if you have to. You're wiling to humble yourself for her sake.
-[x] If her gem gets really bad, just cleanse, no matter what.
[x] Keep your own gem clean. Continuous cleansing.
[x] With Mami's permission, continue the vote in abeyance.
No. of Votes: 5
Sailor Midgard

[X] "Because I was scared."
[X] Keep talking with Mami, maintain as steady a tone as we can. But if we are about to start crying, then don't try to hold it back too much, just enough so we can keep on talking.
[X] Cleanse yourself, no grief spiraling here.
[X] Apologize to Mami for not telling about this earlier. We never wanted to hurt her, yet we somehow end up doing it without even meaning to.
-[X] Tell Mami that she means the World to us, and that she is our most precious friend and partner. We care about her more than anyone else.
-[X] Plead that she listen to what we have to say. Tell her that we're not Kyubey, we are not like him! We are not using Mami. Never will, and never have.
-[X] If she's ready to hear it, continue that when we first saw her, we could recognize her as Mami, the smart and kind veteran Magical Girl, and a defender of Justice...
--[X] ...But also as someone who was lonely, had been through much, and needed a friend for herself. We believed she deserved to be happy. So our thoughts upon seeing her were that we could- we needed to help her as much as we could. She deserved better! As such, when Mami asked us to move in with her, we were happy to accept.
-[X] Yet it didn't take long for it to become something more. We still genuinely wanted to help her and be there for her... and we wanted to be there with her for its own sake. It wasn't only about helping anymore, but because the more we got to actually know her, the more we cared about her as our best friend and partner.
--[X] But we knew we needed to tell her about this. At first we were still confused about everything, and tried to figure things out. We didn't know how to tell her. And as time passed, we became afraid of telling. We didn't know how to do it, and we were afraid of Kyubey finding out too... Then, there were the days when there was just no time. And then she was just so hurt after learning about Kyubey's lying, we couldn't bear the thought of making things even worse for her. It became just easier to let it remain a secret, because we were just too afraid of hurting her more... like we did here.
[X] Apologize again, for not telling Mami sooner. But tell her that to this thoughtless idiot she is the most precious friend and partner, and someone we would never hurt on purpose. We genuinely care about her, always have.
[X] If Mami gets to alarming levels in grief, ask her to cleanse. Be insistent that she not let her Gem fill up even if she has to use a grief seed. But if the worst comes to pass and she absolutely refuses to listen to a suicidal degree, then bite the bullet and cleanse her anyways.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Because I've come to genuinely care deeply for you, to the point that I don't know what I'd do without you.
-[X]I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you...I was scared...scared about hurting you, and scared you'd reject me.
-[X] If Mami reacts to this in any way, let her react fully and then break back to voting, unless her reaction involves running away, in which case break back to voting without letting her react fully. Give her enough of a pause to react if she wants, but don't wait overly long.
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Continue pleading your case, up to and including with the vote held in abeyance.
-[x]Beg on hands and knees, if it comes to that.
--[x]Ask whether Mami would really have behaved so differently if she'd been in the situation of having a secret that could destroy every positive relationship she has.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] She seems to be under the misunderstanding that we're in cahoots with the bunnycat. Correct her.
[X] Tell her we aren't even sure of why in the actual fuck do we even know all those things, but that we decided, against all common sense, to do all the philanthropic stuff we've been doing and to fight against the incubators to protect Madoka, Sayaka and HER.
-[X] Emphasize that our desire to protect HER specifically has grown only stronger as we got to know her. Remember all the shenanigans, all the times we spent.
[X] If, IF, she kicks us out, we'll accept it. If she does not want us to be with her anymore. We'll leave. But mention that we will not abandon her. Even if we are apart.
-[X] Stay on the lookout for QB. The last thing we want is for him to Witchbomb Mami.
--[X] Yes, even with your eavesdropping protection.
No. of Votes: 1
The Oldman

[X] Because I've come to genuinely care deeply for you, to the point that I don't know what I'd do without you.
No. of Votes: 1
Fair Letters

[X] "Mami, this is important and scary but you need to hear me out. I'm coming clean and you can hate me or forgive me, but you owe it to me to let me finish before passing judgement."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] I wanted to help.
[X] (Watch your gem and Mami's. Cleanse yours as necessary, ask Mami before cleansing if possible.)
- [X] You needed a friend, and I wanted to be that friend.
- [X] But it's more than that now. Madoka, Sayaka, Hitomi - it's not the same. They're my friends, but they're not you.
- [X] I want to tell you this because I want to stay with you.
No. of Votes: 1
Julian Bradshaw

[X] "Because I was scared."
[X] "I woke up in an alleyway, dying, with no idea of who I was and with information that I shouldn't have had. When Kyubey told me that I could become a Magical Girl, and that I had potential, I thought I could use that and the information that I had to make things better, for everyone, because that was the only thing I thought I could do."
[X] "I don't have any records. I don't have a family. I don't have memories from before then not because I have amnesia, but likely because I was bo—no, created recently. I didn't have anywhere to go, but you offered a home for me to stay and showed me hospitality that no one else would show a stranger."
[X] "We didn't become friends because of foreknowledge or planning, but because you showed me kindness and treated me as a close friend, so I gave you the same in return. But because of how we became friends, I was so scared and worried how you would treat me if I told you the truth, so I kept putting it off, and the more I put it off, the harder it was to tell you. I didn't know what to do."
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Because I care about you. Because I didn't want you to die.
-[X] Telling you about Kyubey and what he did to our souls almost killed you, Mami. I couldn't bear that.
-[X] I knew you didn't know, so I lied about knowing you. So I could help you when you inevitably found out.
-[X] But I have never lied about my feelings.
-[X] I knew you were a kind and wonderful person before I met you, Mami. Now I really know you, you've become someone truly precious to me.
[X] It was unfair to keep this from you, so I decided to tell you. I never wanted to hurt you.
-[X] Please don't send me away.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Because I was scared. Scared of losing you. Because I care about you, to the point that I don't know what I'd do without you.
[X] I'm sorry. I should have told you a long time ago. I know that. I just... didn't know how to tell you. At first, I didn't say anything because I didn't think anyone would believe me. How could anyone believe it? It seems so impossible. And Kyubey was always here… listening… spying on us. If he finds out what I know, he could use it to hurt people. If I'd told you when we first met what a monster he was, would you have believed me? And when I finally got up the courage to tell you that he was tricking you, to tell you the truth about Soul Gems, you were so hurt by it… I hated myself for putting you through that. I was afraid that if I tried to tell you the rest, I would hurt you again.
-[X] But that's all just excuses. The real reason is because I'm a coward. I was afraid of… well, of this. (Well, okay, not the ribbon thing; that was a surprise.) I was afraid of you hating me for keeping this from you. I was afraid of losing you. But I couldn't stay quiet any longer. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair to you. I don't want to keep secrets from you anymore. You're my best friend. You're the closest thing I have to family. I want to be honest with you. Even if… even if it costs me your friendship. You deserve the truth.
--[X] I don't know how I know these things. I'm not a clairvoyant. I didn't spy on you. I just woke up knowing them. I didn't recognize my own face in the mirror, but I knew who all of you were the moment I saw you. I knew that Homura had a good heart under that gruff exterior, and I knew that Kyubey was really a monster… and I knew that you were a hero. And when I actually got to know you, I discovered that the real you was even more amazing than I'd realized. If you can still stand the sight of me after all this... then I'd like nothing more than to stay by your side.
[X] I'll abide by whatever decision you make. I won't keep things from you anymore. Ask me anything. I'll tell you any secret that's mine to tell.
[X] If at time during the conversation, we sense that Mami's Soul Gem has reached half full again, remind her that she needs to cleanse it.
-[X] If Mami doesn't, tell her that we'll abide by any decision she makes… but we will not allow her to commit suicide by letting her Soul Gem fill up. Beg her to cleanse her Soul Gem, if need be.
--[X] If she doesn't cleanse it herself and it reaches dangerous levels, then we will use our powers to cleanse it for her, after warning her that we intend to. If by some miracle we're not still tied up at that point, we will not reach for it while cleansing it or make any other sudden movements that could startle her.
No. of Votes: 1
The Narrator

Total No. of Voters: 32
I like the idea of being reassuring, short and sweet. I don't like the Kaizuki bandwagon.

[x] Julian Bradshaw

[X] I wanted to help.
[X] (Watch your gem and Mami's. Cleanse yours as necessary, ask Mami before cleansing if possible.)
- [X] You needed a friend, and I wanted to be that friend.
- [X] But it's more than that now. Madoka, Sayaka, Hitomi - it's not the same. They're my friends, but they're not you.
- [X] I want to tell you this because I want to stay with you.

This is the best vote here, and since bandwagons don't get overturned without showmanship, I'mma put on a motherfucking show!

[X] Because I've come to care deeply for you

BZZZT! WRONG ANSWER, DUMPASS! "Have come to care deeply"? When? And what were you doing before then, hmmmmmmm?

, to the point that I don't know what I'd do without you.

This is a straight up lie, and in a vote built to be short and sharp, dulls the point. Clutter.

In the end, that was why. I was afraid I'd lose you if I told you.

Wrong approach. We've done "don't want to leave." Correlate the opposite - " I WANTED TO STAY". Bam! That's what she needs to hear!
[x] Julian Bradshaw

Those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Or, well, not repeat it, because history never repeats itself, but it does rhyme. Good thing we have a historian so we can avoid all that nonsense.
Ugh... sorry for being completely useless with these past couple of updates guys. RL has just been brutal these last few weeks.

[x] Julian Bradshaw
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I like the idea of being reassuring, short and sweet. I don't like the Kaizuki bandwagon.
I have serious misgivings about the idea of a one line vote. I don't think it will be enough to carry us through the next update. Mami is demanding answers from us. We should provide some.

I also had some serious misgivings about about the leading vote for the last update, where we didn't do anything to reassure her of our feelings for her before we hit her with the reveals, and look how that turned out.

We also need to provide her some reassurance, and Julian Bradshaw's vote is rather lacking in that. It feels cold and impersonal.

Wrong approach. We've done "don't want to leave." Correlate the opposite - " I WANTED TO STAY". Bam! That's what she needs to hear!
Maybe we should quit making this about what we want. Maybe we need to start giving a damn about what she wants.
A shorter vote is infinitely better in this kind of situation, imo. Mami wants an answer, not our life story.


Bad example. Point is, when someone asks "Why?" (...why why why why) you don't give a multi-paragraph answer. They're not going to listen to the whole damn spiel.
They're going to want a quick, meaningful answer to start with. But if that answer gets through to them... then they're gonna want a complete answer.

Anyway, off to work now, so won't be able to post much.
They're going to want a quick, meaningful answer to start with. But if that answer gets through to them... then they're gonna want a complete answer.
And that's what next vote is for. A slower way of doing things perhaps, but we cannot afford to screw this up. Whatever we say next has to be very carefully considered in light of how Mami responds to the initial response.
Alright. I've slept. I've partaken of the flesh of dead pigs and rehydrated my desiccated throatmeats.

Let's do this thing.

[X] Calamity's coming, Mami. I can't stop it on my own, and I don't know if I'd want to without you. If you never believe another thing I say, believe this: I will never leave you. That is the very last thing I want to do. Even if you tell me to leave, I will never be more than a 'pathic call away. Never.

I've got some ideas for followups, but we do need to break her out of the self-destructive spiral she's scared herself into, and reassurance is the first step in that.

-[] I woke up with stories in my head about all these impossible things. Magical girls, Witches, Grief, the Incubators...more than that, they were stories about this city, about these people.
--[] I knew the system I was being born into, every cog and every flaw. I knew that it was designed to grind down and shatter the people it took, and that infuriated me.
---[] I was being given the chance to break something that needed broken, and I grabbed it with both hands.
--[] But's great for getting started, but it's terrible at long term motivation. You can't stay angry forever.
---[] As I was coming down from that fury, you were right there. You were kind, and giving, and everything that those stories in my head said you would be...but you were also so close to breaking.
----[] You were so good to me, to a total gave me shelter, food, clothing...
-----[] I decided that this time, in this story, my would not break. None of you. Not one more soul.
We also need to provide her some reassurance, and Julian Bradshaw's vote is rather lacking in that. It feels cold and impersonal.

My vote isn't meant to be direct quotes for Sabrina to say. In this situation - when it comes to Mami - Sabrina is probably more separate from SV than at any other time. This is her relationship. If we don't force her to do otherwise... she'll let her feelings show.
My vote isn't meant to be direct quotes for Sabrina to say. In this situation - when it comes to Mami - Sabrina is probably more separate from SV than at any other time. This is her relationship. If we don't force her to do otherwise... she'll let her feelings show.
Yeah, Sabrina's developed into quite the character of her own thanks to Firn's embellishments, but she's still a quest protagonist. We're supposed to be deciding what she needs to do to solve the problem. Giving a general guideline of what to say and letting Firn decide the wording is great. Expecting the QM to say the right things to fix our mess for us when the vote doesn't mention them at all isn't going to work, because then it might as well just be a fic instead of a quest.

Even just adding "[ ] Reassure Mami how much we care about her" to the start would at least provide some excuse for Sabrina to do so.

I'm also really troubled by the part where we talk about how Mami "needed a friend" or when other votes mention how we "knew she was lonely." I don't forsee reminding her of that helping her emotional state at all. I'm also a little concerned that it will come off like we're blackmailing her to let us stay, like "You don't dare throw me out! Without me you'll be all alone again!"

Given how the last update went for us, being misunderstood is a genuine concern.