Vote Tally : Puella Magi Adfligo Systema | Page 3672 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Telepathy Kyouko that you'll be there soon.
[X] Apologize to Sasa for the trouble
-[X] Tell her to flag you down next time she see's you for that ice cream.
[X] Head over to Kyoko
[x] Plan to use the Mall to do routine shopping so Sasa can run into you again.
No. of Votes: 5

[x]...Hey, um, sorry.
[x]Offer again. Don't push past that.
[x]Just, if you ever change your mind or you want someone to talk to or yell at or something, consider it a standing offer, okay? I'll stop bothering you now but please take my number?
[x]Talk to Kyoko when you're finished with Sasa, one way or another.
-[x]Let her know if by some miracle Sasa goes for it and you'd be delayed.
-[x]Um, yeah, sorry about that.
-[x]Be right there.
No. of Votes: 2

[X]"Nope. You're coming with me for ice cream...either that, or I'm going to get it and bring it back. you want fresh ice cream in a nice place, or half melted ice cream here?"
[X]Follow through on that.
[X]Let her know we'll see her around.
[X]Go see Kyouko.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Catch up to her. "Uh, can I at least do something to make it up to you?"
-[X] If she says yes, ask what it is. If it's something reasonable, do it. If it's something unquestionably unreasonable, just leave. Politely. Or cooly. Or better, both.
-[X] If she says no, then proceed to withdraw cooly.
--[X] Either way, don't forget to say something like... "See you later." In a way that is not creepy. Or stalkery. Or murdery. Is that even a word? Whatever. Murdery sounds like a weirldy adorifying sound. Murderyderyderyderyderiiii~
---[X] Send a message to Kyouko, "Murder—I mean, sure. Uh, hey, can I introduce you to someone? Later, of course. She's a friend of mine; a new Meguca. If you don't mind... I've been planning to a Witch-Hunt with her as well. For, you know, get her used with this entire thing."
----[X] Head for the usual lunchspot. To see kyoko, that is.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Cut Sasa off. Stand in front of her whenever she tries to turn away. If she tries to walk past you, just walk backwards so as to keep your distance. Just don't let Sasa ignore you.
[X] Ask her if she's sure.
-[X] If she isn't, ask her to consider your offer one more time.
--[X] If she accepts, great. Go buy that ice cream.
--[X] Tell Kyouko that you'll take more than a few minutes, sorry. You'll make haste, though.
-[X] If she is sure, apologize for bothering her, but your offer still stands. Give her your cellphone number and tell her to text you if she ever wants to meet again, in case she wants to hang out, chat, have ice cream, or anything. Maybe you can tell her about how you ended up as a kind of illegal inmigrant.
--[X] Say your goodbyes after you're done, go make sure nobody can see you, and fly to Kasamino, asking Kyouko for directions along the way.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Plan to use the Mall to do routine shopping so Sasa can run into you again.
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 10
But pre little sister we hadn't made a barrier so no feathers.

It makes sense... Nagisa obviously got white hair just so we wouldn't associate her with Feathers, who's colour is black, the opposite!

EDIT: Wait, maybe we are Feathers?

... I'm in despair.
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It'd be really nice to have familiars right about now.

Imagine it: Invisible to normals, armed with an anti-KB gun and a KB-dar to match.

Assign one to each potential with the instruction to not let any KBs near them.

Also can make silly faces at people, and only the potential would be allowed to see it.
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It'd be really nice to have familiars right about now.

Imagine it: Invisible to normals, armed with an anti-KB gun and a KB-dar to match.

Assign one to each potential with the instruction to not let any KBs near them.

Also can make silly faces at people, and only the potential would be allowed to see it.
The blatant Anti-KB sentiment going around this thread is thoroughly disquieting. With the sheer amount a spite for a creature trying to save the universe present, I'm beginning to think that Sabrina may be the villain, here.
( :V )
[X] DB_Explorer

Really, this seems to be the most sensible vote. We can deal with Sasa later.

*Enters Witch Barrier*

"See? What did I tell you, we can deal with Sasa now. And it's so easy!


"Uh... were you talking to me, or..."

"Just the voices in my head."

"Ah, got it."

"Geez, that Metabomb talk went really nice."
I'm not saying we put it off FOREVER... I'm only so good with social but eventually trying pry the opening makes the door shut tighter. My vote strives to leave on somewhat less hostile terms and has us have going to that mall be a regular thing. If 24 - 72 hours causes her to become a meguca AND witch out. Well.. shit. But holding that girls are at risk of becoming a meguca and then a witch over every choice to spread stuff out over a few days is counter-productive. I'm not saying we forget about her but we have finite time each day so we need to prioritize the slots. We want to save everyone - but if we tunnel vision down on a given task we risk winning one task and losing far more. We have to make risk assessments on how much time any given day a task gets. I doubt Sasa will be a witch tomorrow (Does not seem like that type of quest) so I made the choice to set Sasa aside *for now* to handle other tasks in the que.

Yes I know how 'later' in this thread becomes 'never again'.... and thats just something we have to watch for and make sure votes press for follow-ups.
It's Sasa.

Any social/pleasant ending vote is going to end in mild disappointment. At best we'd get grudging agreement.

She won't LIKE us at the end of any vote.
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