Good job not even doing anything and letting Oriko having complete and total control guys.
Bah there was no response prepared for if she didn't say anything.

I have no idea what was going on there though. What was the point of spending so much time just sitting there with us. Was she predicting every path the conversation might take based on what she did and then not carrying it through to get the information anyways? (Coil style)
Good job not even doing anything and letting Oriko having complete and total control guys.
"Complete and total control" does pretty much sum up Oriko's usual interactions with everyone until the endgame, so it's not like we uniquely screwed up. She'd have laughed at us if we'd tried to bluff through that, violence would have probably been...ill-advised under these conditions, and the fact that conversation even happened is worrying because we don't know what the goal was. The "hospital" hint is extremely worrying but frankly it's too vital for us to change. We just go in loaded for bear- if Madoka's going with Sayaka and Sabrina, Homura is probably going to be there.
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[x] Head back to Mami's apartment
-[x] Top speed roof hopping
-[x]Ping Homura. Three words. "Is Madoka safe?" If she wants to know why, tell her we'll explain everything later.
-[x]Telepathy call Mami, just to see if she's there. Keep talking to her about things on the way; just keep her on the "line".
-[x]...We have no idea which city Kyouko's in right now, do we?
Well, it's less "react instead of act" and more "most actions other than to play along for the moment seem like a great way for everything to start tumbling down".

Charlotte can and likely will kill Mami if we don't handle it- even if Oriko knows what we're going to do. Sure, she might live but it's uncertain enough for us to want to LOLNOPE the possibility.
We can't leave the city ourselves to search for Kyouko in a fool's errand because Mami and Sayaka might self-destruct if left unattended- not to mention the Oriko situation here.
Going after Oriko or Kirika for assassination right off the bat seems like a suicide note of a write-in, though if meguca deaths start to happen again thanks to Kirika going full hit squad on Oriko's orders, we'll probably be forced to come clean.

Ignoring everything else, we a)can't ignore a threat to Mami's apartment with everything that implies, b)can't ignore the hospital since at least 2 characters have death flags related to it, c)Goddamn Oriko.
Ugh I hate invisible text.

Especially doing invisible text with your GM style seems ridiculous. I mean if you want players to be proactive you kind of need to tell them that directly. SV players are rampant paranoids that don't want to ever go out on a limb.

Well, it's less "react instead of act" and more "most actions other than to play along for the moment seem like a great way for everything to start tumbling down".
I believe it refers to the fact that we keep using plans that issue contingencies as do X if they do Y, pretty much the explicit form of reaction. So he's punishing us for it.
Ugh I hate invisible text.

Especially doing invisible text with your GM style seems ridiculous. I mean if you want players to be proactive you kind of need to tell them that directly. SV players are rampant paranoids that don't want to ever go out on a limb.

I believe it refers to the fact that we keep using plans that issue contingencies as do X if they do Y, pretty much the explicit form of reaction. So he's punishing us for it.
Invisible text seems to be a carry-over from the Moid Quests. Highlighting is a must. :p

Eh, that last one was less contingency and more not spilling the beans if it wasn't called for.
On the nature of planning and prescience
Ugh I hate invisible text.

Especially doing invisible text with your GM style seems ridiculous. I mean if you want players to be proactive you kind of need to tell them that directly. SV players are rampant paranoids that don't want to ever go out on a limb.

If no one had noticed it, I'd've revealed it before the second story post.

And ok, if you want it explicitly: I expect you guys to go on the offensive, eventually. To take the initiative, rather than waiting for plot points to happen to you. When you think it's appropriate. To start making your own plans to limit what Oriko can do. But being passive lets Oriko play you like a violin.


EDIT: And while I'm dispensing hints, I'll say this, too.

Precog seems to be an insurmountable obstacle for you guys to plan, no? But I'll say this outright: It is not insurmountable. There is a reason for that, and if you guys can figure it out, great!

If Oriko's precog were infallible, I might as well be writing a story by myself. But I'm running a Quest.
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On the nature of Oriko's motivation
Ok, so double post, but whatever. I want this as a new post by itself.

One last hint, three for three.

Oriko has her own agenda, and that agenda is not, I will say it again, not to murder Madoka. It is to save Mitakihara and the world, yes, but does not currently involve at any point Madoka's death. That can change, but not at the moment.

She is still antagonistic to you and the rest of the Mitakihara crew.

Anything more, I'll let you figure it out on your own.

As it is, I've said a lot.

EDIT: Oh, and you're free to meta away with this hint, as with the others.
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Precog OP plz nerf.

We really need to talk to Homu about stuff. Possibly get enrolled at Mitikahara Middle so that we can do lunch time strategy sessions.
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All right.

I just don't understand why the majority of the voters in this quest want to play a spineless doormat that ultimately gets nothing done. So far we've bowed our head despite our overwhelming meta knowledge when the gm has repeatedly told us to use it. Instead of deciding to wrap Oriko's plan around we let her get away from us as well as intimidate her. There is an entire wiki page, and we totally could have used it to play her game right back at her. Instead the winning vote was to panic and pray that she would be nice and answer our questions.

Sabrina's character reflects the winning vote and thread. One winning vote had us spew info at Homura. It made us do this just as the vote said. GM confirmed that we could have 'just as planned'. There really is no point at which we cannot add another layer to her. Fucking hell, we could reveal the whole truth of PMMM to EVERYONE. We could have [tried to] teamed up with Oriko and told her everything.

Instead you all went and decided to follow the past trend of being incredibly dull and counter productive. Wonderful.
It's a bit of a learning experience Lili. SV and SB both have a habit of "turtling up" and trying to tease out the plot.

If anything this and the rather blatant hint from the GM of 'inactivity allowing Oriko to play us like a fiddle' should hopefully try and kick us out of the mindset.
All right.

I just don't understand why the majority of the voters in this quest want to play a spineless doormat that ultimately gets nothing done. So far we've bowed our head despite our overwhelming meta knowledge when the gm has repeatedly told us to use it. Instead of deciding to wrap Oriko's plan around we let her get away from us as well as intimidate her. There is an entire wiki page, and we totally could have used it to play her game right back at her. Instead the winning vote was to panic and pray that she would be nice and answer our questions.

Sabrina's character reflects the winning vote and thread. One winning vote had us spew info at Homura. It made us do this just as the vote said. GM confirmed that we could have 'just as planned'. There really is no point at which we cannot add another layer to her. Fucking hell, we could reveal the whole truth of PMMM to EVERYONE. We could have [tried to] teamed up with Oriko and told her everything.

Instead you all went and decided to follow the past trend of being incredibly dull and counter productive. Wonderful.
Charging in blindly is an excellent way for unexpected things to happen.

In the sense that "everything is ruined forever" is a very likely outcome.

Interrogating Oriko was an option in name only. Yes, we could have taken the option further, but we didn't plan for this. Speaking from a meta POV, team-up isn't really on the table so that wasn't really voted for seriously.

But fighting the precog on her own terms at an unexpected meeting seems like an excellent way to die messily, and it boiled down to a choice between a)play along until we can change things on our terms, b)try and turn a conversation around when she's set it up, c)Go full murderhobo and probably get slaughtered.

And reveal the truth to everyone? At this stage? Want to know what happens then? We die. Horribly. Griefspirals all around. Madoka contract possible, Mami self-destructs near-instantly. The reason we're playing the long game with Mami is that not doing it means she's dead, either immediately or soon afterward. We've been blatantly abusing our meta knowledge and are going to keep doing it with the hospital and such.

We are going to have to adjust our strategy- but we are not going to do it blindly and hope for the best. There's being active and then there's "let's do something stupid, please kill me now".

And bluffing a seer? With "just as planned, honest"? Intimidate Oriko the fanatic? What part of that seems like it's even possible, let alone plausible?

For the moment, we carry on. We see if Oriko's made her move with Mami. We defuse the hospital even though Oriko knows because we can't afford to ignore it: the Witch there is a potential death flag for Mami and Sayaka. We tell Homura at least a good portion of the truth to avoid misunderstandings down the line- and continue trying to unify the megucas. Then and only then do we start with active counters because if we're going to respond in a way that we get the best ending, we need to do it right.

tl;dr: Leeroy Jenkins is a bad idea, we need to take care of loose ends before we go on the offensive.
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Thanks to hints from GM, changing to:

[X] *screams internally*
[X] "...Hi. I don't suppose this is the part where you congratulate me for eventually saving the day?"
-[X] "Incidentally, if any of my experiments ends up ruining everything, I'd like to know."
--[X] Trying to look composed but obviously failing.
[X] "Well, if you're here to talk, let's talk. I like talking much better than killing."
-[X] Even shakier than before.
Thanks to hints from GM, changing to:

[X] *screams internally*
[X] "...Hi. I don't suppose this is the part where you congratulate me for eventually saving the day?"
-[X] "Incidentally, if any of my experiments ends up ruining everything, I'd like to know."
--[X] Trying to look composed but obviously failing.
[X] "Well, if you're here to talk, let's talk. I like talking much better than killing."
-[X] Even shakier than before.
That vote ended a couple hours ago, F5 more! :V
[x] Head back to Mami's apartment
-[x] Top speed roof hopping
-[x]Telepathy call Mami, just to see if she's there. Keep talking to her about things on the way; just keep her on the "line".
-[x]...We have no idea which city Kyouko's in right now, do we?
-[x]Ping Homura. Mind if we talked later?
-[JK] Invite her over. After all, Mami's pancakes are simply to die from for.

[x] Head back to Mami's apartment
-[x] Top speed roof hopping
-[x]Telepathy call Mami, just to see if she's there. Keep talking to her about things on the way; just keep her on the "line".
-[x]...We have no idea which city Kyouko's in right now, do we?
-[x]Ping Homura. Mind if we talked later?

Keep this up and I may start seeing your avatar as this :V
[x] Try pulling the Witch out of her soul gem.

If it ends badly, great. If it doesn't end badly, great.

Mami's at school, so the only thing lost if her apartment is destroyed is an apartment. We don't need to rush to fix that. Heck, we could just let Mami know that a magical girl we'd never met before met us on the bus and threatened her apartment. No meta required.

As a note, it's easier to manipulate someone when their attention is all over the place, I mean pointing out that one thing they are looking for is in danger means that they are most likely going to go after that one thing. This leaves:
a) Other things exposed.
b) The opponent precisely where you want them.

What I'm saying is that, we're heading to the place the antagonistic precog directed us...I'm not quite sure if the titles "TRAP!" or "DISTRACTION!" could be highlighted any more. There's something else she has planned, it could be that there's something going on in her school that she doesn't want us to interfere with or there's someone waiting for us at Mami's apartment who could immensely complicate things or she's interfering with our schedule, forcing us to rush things and leave things half undone which could lead to deaths. Either ways, we're interfering with something she has planned...and honestly, it sucks for her, because I don't care.

[o] We checked out the school, apparently we haven't gone there, perhaps we'll check later to verify, however, what was next on our list? The hospital.
- [o] Ping Homura and ask her to meet us there if she's free, we've been sensing a build up of Grief.
- [o] Ping Madoka and Sayaka, tell them that Mami will need their help with something today, she never mentioned it to us, but we overheard something about a surprise and how she'll need to buy a lot of things.
-- [o] You can ask for forgiveness later.

If there's something up with the apartment, even better, we can get her to tag along with us to belatedly accept Homura's offer and get to work with bridging the gap between the two of them.

Edit: [o] means nulled votes.
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