Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Right, fuck it. Homura, let's go.
-[x] Flagrant Timestop Abuse Go. You and Homura go right up to Ono in stopped time and check her Soul Gem if possible without dragging her into stopped time, and we'll then make a judgement call on whether to drop out of time-stop in front of her or just leave her be. Best not to overthink this before we get there, though. There may be strange circumstances surrounding her present condition that we may not be able to predict.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Ask Mami and Homura what to do.
-[x] She won't accept my help, or my apology, but I can't just leave her alone or it will literally kill her.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Ask Mami and Homura if they happen to have any suggestions.
-[x] She won't accept my help, or my apology, but I can't just leave her alone or it will literally kill her.
[x] Follow any suggestions they have so long as it has something to do with helping Ono
[x] If they have no suggestions, ask for time stop, then go directly to Ono to see what's her situation.
No. of votes: 7
DracoDracul, Muramasa, Imrix, Kai Merah, Onmur, Dirtnap, moonstne

[X] Kai Merah
No. of votes: 1

[X] Ask Homura for timestop to reach Megane faster and easier.
[X] Find Megane and see what the situation is.
[X] Ask Mami and Homura if they happen to have any suggestions.
No. of votes: 2
Agent Whiskers, MissingJimbo

[x] Speak to Homura and Mami
-[x] She's not being cooperative and she's not accepting my apology. I think I've offended her and she's refusing to believe me or take me seriously.
-[x] I'm really worried that she's going to get herself killed unless we do something to stop her.
-[x]I really don't want that to happen.
-[x] What I feel like doing is flying over there in timestop, bringing her into timestop, telling her that we have graciously made sure not to interfere with her 'busy schedule' by doing so, demonstrating to her how low on the powerlevel scale she is, informing her that she's privileged to live in a city controlled by magical girls who are willing to help her despite how abrasive she's being, rather than just about every other city on the planet where she'd be kicked out or murdered simply for being competition, that unless she takes care of her gem, grief will accumulate exponentially, leading to her risking herself and those around her, whom I'm currently more concerned about, until she dies, that this is why most magical girls have a minute life span and that until she gets over her own ego and accepts our help, we're going to hunt her down and forcefully help her to keep the civilians around her safe.
-[x] But that's probably spite and annoyance talking and I'm trying to be less pushy. For all I know, she may really be busy and I don't want to sabotage people's private lives.
-[x] Do you have any thoughts?
No. of votes: 1

[x] just let her die
No. of votes: 1

[x] Continue scan of area until we locate Ono.
[x] Verify residence (and possible other residents), and grief levels.
-[x] If grief levels are excessively high, consider alternate options for dealing with it now. Confer with Mami and Homura.
-[x] Otherwise..
[x] Right. Well... Hope we can get the misunderstandings sorted out when we get together next.
[x] I'll see you tomorrow morning.
-[x] If she objects, we can of course see her right now. But otherwise we'll do as she requested, and meet her tomorrow. First thing in the morning, so that there's no (well, minimal) chance of other events getting in the way again.
-[x] Be vaguely oblivious to attempts to change the meeting time.
[x] Plan to get up early enough that we can meet her before she leaves for school tomorrow morning.
No. of votes: 3
Kinematics, Corncake, chocolote12
....Don't have time to stick around today, but seriously guys, there is a point where we need to just go screw it, timestop, and find and cleanse her.

That point was about 2-3 story posts ago.

This vote sucks but it's better than continuing the current angle.

[x]...Homura? Can you timestop us please? We have an idiot to save.
[x]Start looking for her, using griefsense's 100 meter radius. Cleanse her once we find her.
-[x]Look up her address in a phonebook if we don't get anywhere.
[X] Ugolino

When SV gets trapped in an infinite loop of horrible failures at socal-fu, Ugolino to the rescue!
Alright, had a good night's sleep and a good think. There's no point in asking teh mumi and mom what to do until we have more info to work on.

[x] Ask Homura for a timestop
[x] Find Ono
-[x] Share our feelings on the matter with the group on the way
-[x] Assess Ono's condition, both grief and otherwise (health, living conditions, etc)
-[x] Consult friends on what we find

This gets us some necessary info and gives us room to actually make informed decisions.
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Asking what Mami's and Homura's thoughts on the matter are and if they have any suggestions on how to proceed should defintetly be in the vote.
....Don't have time to stick around today, but seriously guys, there is a point where we need to just go screw it, timestop, and find and cleanse her.

For this same reason we can't do that.

Tanking social is NEVER the answer. And well... things we don't have control off happened (Sayaka being kissed and the like). We need to check the situation in which she is right now.

Actually, Ono is not being rational but... what teenager is?

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[X] cmwatford

This is basically the same as DracoDracul/KaiMerah's except with the order reversed so that we check what's going on before we ask Mami and Homura for advice. Giving them more information to work on before asking for advice makes a bit more sense. AgentWhiskers' vote is similar except that it doesn't use timestop, and I think it's better if we do.

More if we use witchy grief.

Was it pointed out how long it could be?
No. We only even know that it was longer because we could sense Mami/Homura at school and then we dismissed the sensor and we could no longer sense them. Mami was freaking out at the time, so we didn't pause to measure the specific distance.
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If you ever ask the question "Am I unique?", the answer is always no. Autism relates to having difficulties with interacting with others, but doesn't greatly affect rationality or emotions, in either direction, just expression.
I know, but some days I feel like I am the sanest patient in an asylum fully of truly insane people. I still enjoy being here though.