Gentlemen. An argument about names. Specifically, the names for our powers.
I know, I know. It's not important in the long run, but it irks me that we don't have a name for what we do. Saying things like "I just know" leaves a great deal of empty space for talking with friends. And it's rudimentary. We have all the books of Babylon, and we can't use our words to explain?
That's trash. We can do better.
We can make a name.
We can find a name.
The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
--synonyms: perception, discernment, apprehension, learning, understanding, comprehension, insight;
--a result of this; a perception, sensation, notion, or intuition.
plural noun: cognitions
synonyms: perception, discernment, apprehension, learning, understanding, comprehension, insight:
Cognition is how we think everyday. The motion and flow of ideas and conclusions that take place with all the information we receive.
It is normal, and is concerned with the speed at which information is processed and used. Not necessarily used well, for that would instead involve intelligence. It draws conclusions from information provided. We're all cognitive.
Sabrinia? Sabrina is Hyper-cognitive. She forms conclusions and insight as close to instantly as humanly possible. Faster than us, and faster than average. She does not, strictly speaking, react faster. Cognition is not about the body, but rather the mind. And Sabrina's mind is we've all noticed. She succumbs to our mental responses faster, our irritations and angers faster, connecting dots and making conclusions in the blink of an eye. It explains the process behind our vote times, and fits into what exactly we can do with time.
When she has time to think, she thinks deep.
Name for our ability to make conclusions at accelerated speeds: Hyper Congitivity.
That's the first of her powers. (Well, second if we're counting grief bending) But she has another, her ability to pull knowledge out of thin air, from sources she has never read. Books. Movies. Media.
I don't know the specific, anatomical construction of the words. But I know that the power consists of several parts:
First, it's almost omnipotent in reach. We can pull out literally any surviving book. So long as a accessible copy of the written word is available.
Science, math, physics, complex calculations, philosophy, history, law, manga, movies, comics. The limits to what we can access are relatively small, to the point of being untapped.
We can't pull a password for a computer, because that's inaccessable to the masses.
We can't pull a PIN number, unless it's available online.
We can look up the directions to disassemble any gun that Homura might posses. Including the artillery cannon. Especially the artillery cannon.
From that. I can try and pick out some relational words.
Omni-: For it's reach. Wide, broad, near to unlimited.
-Bibio-: For its content. Media as a whole and the written word especially.
and lastly.
1.(of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.
"the end of the Cold War seemed to augur well"
synonyms: bode, portend, herald, be a sign of, warn of, forewarn of, foreshadow, be an omen of, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote;
1. (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.
synonyms: bode, portend, herald, be a sign of, warn of, forewarn of, foreshadow, be an omen of, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote; More
Prediction, not of the future, but of signs. Charting courses and leading others based off of signs. Sabrina is all about signs, about thoughts.
Sabrina. The grief controlling, Hyper-cognitive, Omni-bibio-augur.
They're big. They're complex. And they explain exactly what we do, with what we have.
These are the names. They're what we do.
I know, I know. It's not important in the long run, but it irks me that we don't have a name for what we do. Saying things like "I just know" leaves a great deal of empty space for talking with friends. And it's rudimentary. We have all the books of Babylon, and we can't use our words to explain?
That's trash. We can do better.
We can make a name.
We can find a name.
The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
--synonyms: perception, discernment, apprehension, learning, understanding, comprehension, insight;
--a result of this; a perception, sensation, notion, or intuition.
plural noun: cognitions
synonyms: perception, discernment, apprehension, learning, understanding, comprehension, insight:
Cognition is how we think everyday. The motion and flow of ideas and conclusions that take place with all the information we receive.
It is normal, and is concerned with the speed at which information is processed and used. Not necessarily used well, for that would instead involve intelligence. It draws conclusions from information provided. We're all cognitive.
Sabrinia? Sabrina is Hyper-cognitive. She forms conclusions and insight as close to instantly as humanly possible. Faster than us, and faster than average. She does not, strictly speaking, react faster. Cognition is not about the body, but rather the mind. And Sabrina's mind is we've all noticed. She succumbs to our mental responses faster, our irritations and angers faster, connecting dots and making conclusions in the blink of an eye. It explains the process behind our vote times, and fits into what exactly we can do with time.
When she has time to think, she thinks deep.
Name for our ability to make conclusions at accelerated speeds: Hyper Congitivity.
That's the first of her powers. (Well, second if we're counting grief bending) But she has another, her ability to pull knowledge out of thin air, from sources she has never read. Books. Movies. Media.
I don't know the specific, anatomical construction of the words. But I know that the power consists of several parts:
First, it's almost omnipotent in reach. We can pull out literally any surviving book. So long as a accessible copy of the written word is available.
Science, math, physics, complex calculations, philosophy, history, law, manga, movies, comics. The limits to what we can access are relatively small, to the point of being untapped.
We can't pull a password for a computer, because that's inaccessable to the masses.
We can't pull a PIN number, unless it's available online.
We can look up the directions to disassemble any gun that Homura might posses. Including the artillery cannon. Especially the artillery cannon.
From that. I can try and pick out some relational words.
Omni-: For it's reach. Wide, broad, near to unlimited.
-Bibio-: For its content. Media as a whole and the written word especially.
and lastly.
1.(of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.
"the end of the Cold War seemed to augur well"
synonyms: bode, portend, herald, be a sign of, warn of, forewarn of, foreshadow, be an omen of, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote;
1. (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.
synonyms: bode, portend, herald, be a sign of, warn of, forewarn of, foreshadow, be an omen of, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote; More
Prediction, not of the future, but of signs. Charting courses and leading others based off of signs. Sabrina is all about signs, about thoughts.
Sabrina. The grief controlling, Hyper-cognitive, Omni-bibio-augur.
They're big. They're complex. And they explain exactly what we do, with what we have.
These are the names. They're what we do.