[x] Do a proper repair.
-[x] Welcome back to the world of the living. I believe you owe me a limb, but I'd settle for an explanation."

Ugo's vote is good, but we do get to interrogate her for multiple turns; I'd rather go for the specifics once we know her attitude and whatever else she reveals from this.
Ugo's vote is good, but we do get to interrogate her for multiple turns; I'd rather go for the specifics once we know her attitude and whatever else she reveals from this.
Fair enough; I just want to have more material to work with if we don't get any revelations and set up some responses/keep the pressure on if that becomes relevant.
Did we tie up her body or grief manacle her like Kirika at all? I'd rather not have her shooting at us with our soul gem like six inches away from her. Was looking through the previous posts and didn't see a mention of it. I might have missed it but... just making sure.
[x] Do a proper repair
- [x] Welcome back to the land of the living. You tell us what we want to know, you might even get to stay here. Now then, just why was all this necessary? As from our point of view, everything you've done just seems like the actions of a lunatic, someone who would lose no sleep after you nearly killed Sayaka's family and everyone in the entire building. So please, tell us what makes your actions different, what makes them justified.
[x] Do a proper repair
- [x] Welcome back to the land of the living. You tell us what we want to know, you might even get to stay here. Now then, just why was all this necessary? As from our point of view, everything you've done just seems like the actions of a lunatic, someone who would lose no sleep after you nearly killed Sayaka's family and everyone in the entire building. So please, tell us what makes your actions different, what makes them justified.
[x] Do a proper repair
- [x] Welcome back to the land of the living. You tell us what we want to know, you might even get to stay here. Now then, just why was all this necessary? As from our point of view, everything you've done just seems like the actions of a lunatic, someone who would lose no sleep after you nearly killed Sayaka's family and everyone in the entire building. So please, tell us what makes your actions different, what makes them justified.
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[x] Do a proper repair
- [x] Welcome back to the land of the living. You tell us what we want to know, you might even get to stay here. Now then, just why was all this necessary? As from our point of view, everything you've done just seems like the actions of a lunatic, someone who would lose no sleep after you nearly killed Sayaka's family and everyone in the entire building. So please, tell us what makes your actions different, what makes them justified.

Firn asked for the beginning of our interrogation. Not for throwing everything we had and seeing what sticks.
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Okay, point, but are we sure we want to say very little and risk a repeat of the...unproductive chat we had the last time we didn't cover our conversational bases with Oriko? :p

Yeah, the circumstance are different, but the point remains. Shouldn't we at least have some contingencies or options in there?
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I wish to live!
Did we tie up her body or grief manacle her like Kirika at all? I'd rather not have her shooting at us with our soul gem like six inches away from her. Was looking through the previous posts and didn't see a mention of it. I might have missed it but... just making sure.
You did not.

Have another Things as They Could Have Been, because a rabid plotbunny attacked me.
Two individuals walk a verdant landscape under the actinic light of a dead star, hanging alone in endless void.

Stars are enormously wasteful. Hydrogen-hydrogen fusion is a potent energy source, but insufficient to last timespans best expressed in exponents of exponents, for really, what do you do with all that helium? And lithium, and so forth until you reach the break even of iron and the star poisons itself, going out with the blaze of glory of a nova or the quiet ignominy of a white dwarf.

By far a better source of energy is magic, and so, the star is truly dead. Murdered, unmourned, and its mass slowly siphoned away.

The illusion of a sun illuminates the landscape.

"Why do you want a sun, anyway?" The language is not Japanese, nor is it English.

"We have been over this before. Approximately a year ago. And I am reasonably certain that you do not actually possess brain damage." The second voice is syrupy sweet and telepathic.

"Ah. Right."

They walk along in silence for a while, soft alien plants crunching underfoot.

"It would be you, wouldn't it. Here at the end."

"I don't understand."

"Well, you won. Technically. You beat entropy, and it wasn't even that bad, or I wouldn't simply be walking beside you. The universe thrives."

"And yet we failed."

An indifferent shrug. "Can't win 'em all." A slight weariness, perhaps, a tone of voice, that lends weight to that statement.

"You exceeded all expectations, you know."

"'course I did."

"A unique circumstance."

"Aw, you do care!" The smaller form is picked up and swung around, before being met by a baroquely decorated warhammer of a style eons dead, and punted on a long arc over the lush greenery.

"I would ask whether that was necessary, but I know the answer."

"Just for old times' sake."

"Am I interrupting anything?" A new voice.

Sabrina turns. Still unchanged, after millenia, after eons, her blue eyes meet a pair of golden ones framed by long, flowing pink hair. She smiles.

"Huh. How are you here, anyway?"

Madoka shrugs sheepishly, a radiant smile lighting up her face. "I will once have erased my own Witch and myself from existence. I may will never have actually done it, but I did."

"Who are you?" Kyuubey asks.

"Kaname Madoka, I'm pleased to meet you," the goddess smiles. She bends down, holding out a hand to the Incubator. The little alien -does that word even apply any more?- inspects the white-gloved hand, and scampers up to the goddess' shoulder.

"You cannot be the Kaname Madoka of Mitakihara in my memory banks. But what does it matter?"

"Well, do I get to go to..." Sabrina rolls her wrist as she searches for the right word. "To Madokahalla?"

"You could," Madoka replies seriously. "You could also stay."


The wind ruffles the leaves of the alien plants surrounding the trio.

"You've already made up your mind." It's not a question.

Sabrina shrugs. "I've lived this long. Long enough for even you to know me well, apparently!"

"Will you remember us?"

A melancholy smirk, and a small shake of her head. "I remember everyone." Looking at the goddess, Sabrina asks, "Will I be seeing you?"

Madoka shakes her head. "You could come with me."

A slow exhale. "Tell them I miss 'em."

"OK." A sad smile, and the goddess engulfs the girl in a hug. "Goodbye, Sabrina."

"Goodbye, Madoka."
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[X] Restrain her using Grief manacles
[X] Ugolino

Edit: Added Cannongerbil's Vote.
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I'm with Ugolino on this one. It might be overwhelming, but talking is free, and it's not like we are short on time or anything. It's better that we ask and get a bad response than don't ask and never get an answer at all.

Changing vote to
[x] Restrain her using Grief manacles

[x] Do a proper repair
So...we got immortality, that somehow beat out entropy, and we decided not to go Madokahalla?
Living forever with only QB for companionship...
I'd presume it was because they're immortal now, and everything else died out? Or maybe whatever big-bad Oriko saw did... something? There's mention of the Sun being absorbed... maybe Sabrina witched out and did something?
Okay, point, but are we sure we want to say very little and risk a repeat of the...unproductive chat we had the last time we didn't cover our conversational bases with Oriko? :p

Yeah, the circumstance are different, but the point remains. Shouldn't we at least have some contingencies or options in there?

We don't even know Oriko's is going to be 'all there' when we speak to her. Once we have a better idea of Oriko's condition then we can consider that interrogation splatter.
I'd presume it was because they're immortal now, and everything else died out? Or maybe whatever big-bad Oriko saw did... something? There's mention of the Sun being absorbed... maybe Sabrina witched out and did something?
Except Sabrina says that the Universe thrives not merely survives. The sun being murdered was clearly related to the opening discussion that stars are inefficient, so it's being used more efficiently.
You did not.

Have another Things as They Could Have Been, because a rabid plotbunny attacked me.
Two individuals walk a verdant landscape under the actinic light of a dead star, hanging alone in endless void.

Stars are enormously wasteful. Hydrogen-hydrogen fusion is a potent energy source, but insufficient to last timespans best expressed in exponents of exponents, for really, what do you do with all that helium? And lithium, and so forth until you reach the break even of iron and the star poisons itself, going out with the blaze of glory of a nova or the quiet ignominy of a white dwarf.

By far a better source of energy is magic, and so, the star is truly dead. Murdered, unmourned, and its mass slowly siphoned away.

The illusion of a sun illuminates the landscape.

"Why do you want a sun, anyway?" The language is not Japanese, nor is it English.

"We have been over this before. Approximately a year ago. And I am reasonably certain that you do not actually possess brain damage." The second voice is syrupy sweet and telepathic.

"Ah. Right."

They walk along in silence for a while, soft alien plants crunching underfoot.

"It would be you, wouldn't it. Here at the end."

"I don't understand."

"Well, you won. Technically. You beat entropy, and it wasn't even that bad, or I wouldn't simply be walking beside you. The universe thrives."

"And yet we failed."

An indifferent shrug. "Can't win 'em all." A slight weariness, perhaps, a tone of voice, that lends weight to that statement.

"You exceeded all expectations, you know."

"'course I did."

"A unique circumstance."

"Aw, you do care!" The smaller form is picked up and swung around, before being met by a baroquely decorated warhammer of a style eons dead, and punted on a long arc over the lush greenery.

"I would ask whether that was necessary, but I know the answer."

"Just for old times' sake."

"Am I interrupting anything?" A new voice.

Sabrina turns. Still unchanged, after millenia, after eons, her blue eyes meet a pair of golden ones framed by long, flowing pink hair. She smiles.

"Huh. How are you here, anyway?"

Madoka shrugs sheepishly, a radiant smile lighting up her face. "I will once have erased my own Witch and myself from existence. I may will never have actually done it, but I did."

"Who are you?" Kyuubey asks.

"Kaname Madoka, I'm pleased to meet you," the goddess smiles. She bends down, holding out a hand to the Incubator. The little alien -does that word even apply any more?- inspects the white-gloved hand, and scampers up to the goddess' shoulder.

"You cannot be the Kaname Madoka of Mitakihara in my memory banks. But what does it matter?"

"Well, do I get to go to..." Sabrina rolls her wrist as she searches for the right word. "To Madokahalla?"

"You could," Madoka replies seriously. "You could also stay."


The wind ruffles the leaves of the alien plants surrounding the trio.

"You've already made up your mind." It's not a question.

Sabrina shrugs. "I've lived this long. Long enough for even you to know me well, apparently!"

"Will you remember us?"

A melancholy smirk, and a small shake of her head. "I remember everyone." Looking at the goddess, Sabrina asks, "Will I be seeing you?"

Madoka shakes her head. "You could come with me."

A slow exhale. "Tell them I miss 'em."

"OK." A sad smile, and the goddess engulfs the girl in a hug. "Goodbye, Sabrina."

"Goodbye, Madoka."
... *sniff* that was beutiful man.
Firn, I thought we voted to skip to the interrogation, which you explicitly said we could do? Instead, we're still healing, and Oriko isn't even beginning to return to consciousness.

Not that big of a deal, but considering how long this part has already dragged on...

We don't even know Oriko's is going to be 'all there' when we speak to her. Once we have a better idea of Oriko's condition then we can consider that interrogation splatter.
Also, this. How we approach the questioning could change wildly depending on how Oriko initially acts/reacts when she regains consciousness. We should not make elaborate plans for interrogation until then.
Say, did anyone have any plans for what we are going to tell Mami after we cease the timestop? If it turns out Oriko is batshit insane and we off her, , well, Mami won't like it, but we can just say we killed her by accident and can't heal her and she will mostly buy it, but what happens if we end up coming to terms with Oriko? It's going to be impossible to disguise the fact that we had a nice long chat with Oriko without her, and once she learns that she has been left out, well, there's really no good reason for why we would do that without relying on meta knowledge, so what do we tell her?

We already saw how fragile her mental state is. I'd really like to avoid exacerbating it, if we can.
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