firn said:
She hovers near you as you accept the Soul Gem. You can see that it's shining gold, as it should, but obscured by a thin, filmy layer of darkness. The moment you touch it, though, you realize that you can do this. A lazy curl of the fingers of the hand not holding Mami's Soul Gem, and the layer of darkness flows out into the air, condensing into a malevolent, pulsing mass floating above your left hand. There's a deeper, more present feeling in the Gem you don't dare touch.
"Here you go, Mami," you say, slightly less dreamy than you were a moment ago as mild shock sets in. You've just realized: you just cleansed a Soul Gem.You think you can do it at a distance, too, and... you check your own Soul Gem. It's barely darkened, and you know that you can cleanse the Grief off of it just as well.
Mami accepts her Soul Gem back with slightly trembling hands, usually half lidded gaze wide in shock. "You... you did it, Sabrina. You- I-"

You've startled Mami into speechlessness. You've reduced Tomoe Mami into stammering.

what the hell are you up to any rate, we know what an MGs Witch will be, if we cleanse their soul gem, or perhaps get close enough to it.

I have a feeling 'getting rid of' despair may end up spawning a familiar or a Witch depending on how much we have to play with.
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You know, when other magical girls hear of a magical girl that can clean soul gems without needing a grief seed, they will want us. Kyuubey might also want to do SCIENCE, either with us or on us, to get a better idea of how magic works.
You know, when other magical girls hear of a magical girl that can clean soul gems without needing a grief seed, they will want us. Kyuubey might also want to do SCIENCE, either with us or on us, to get a better idea of how magic works.
Alternatively... "Oh my. That's quite strange. There hasn't been a magical girl who made a wish like that in quite some time. I wonder if you'll do better than the last one."

>And then we got an answer to where Walpurgisnight came from. :D
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I wish for the means to fix everything
Things as they could have been, had you wished to have the ability to fix things.
This is also a warning.
You'd've gotten what was basically localized reality warping in a 5 meter radius, with the limitation that the more magical something is, the harder it is to affect. And had you been a little careless with your power... Well, I'd had this written up in anticipation.
You reach past the glittering clouds of probability, and find the particle-waves. There is beauty in the whirling clouds on their endless dance, and it distracts you for a moment. But then you push on, bearing down with your will, and the particles waver.

Anticipation stretches your face into a feral grin, and you clench your hand.

The particles flip.

Too late, you see your mistake.

You overreached.

Millions, billions, trillions, are chump change compared to what you do. What you can do.

Antimatter blooms out of thin air, out of the fabric of the pavement, of the surroundings at your command. Nearly a kilogram, all told, none of which takes kindly to finding itself surrounded by ordinary matter. There is a brief moment of conflict at the subatomic level, to the mutual demise of both matter and antimatter.

Just over half the energy is wasted as proton and antiproton annihilation creates charged pions which evaporate harmlessly into muons and neutrinos. Mass-energy equivalence is a harsh mistress, however, and half of forty megatons of TNT equivalent is still a lot of energy. Waves of gamma rays and other, more exotic particles sleet out, more than enough to superheat the air past the temperature of the sun.

You are, briefly, at the center of a nuclear fireball that rockets up to millions of degrees Kelvin in a split second, before magically toughened flesh is stripped from bone and the bone ablates to dust. By some quirk of magic, your Soul Gem lasts a little longer before it melts to slag.

Not much longer, really.

Not even a microsecond.

The blast wave ripples out at over ten times the speed of sound, hammering buildings and unfortunate people out in the street with impunity. Glass, concrete, and steel fare poorly, and skyscrapers crumble.

There's a moment for Homura to flinch at the sudden, unbearably bright light that sears her back and ignites her hair before the blast wave hits. Her magically enhanced body is tough enough not to be immediately pulped, but her impact against the wall is enough.

Madoka happens to be unlucky enough to be looking in the direction of the old industrial district. Her eyeballs burn out in the titanic flash of light, but it's hardly a concern when the school building collapses, entombing her, Mami and Sayaka besides.

Minutes later, a small, white alien manifests a hardened body, and observes the mushroom cloud rising over the ruins of Mitakihara. Crashes and rumbles reach its auditory organs as buildings continue to crumble in the aftermath. Perched on a piece of steel barely identifiable as the warped and melted remains of an I-beam, it tilts its head in a learned behaviour and considers the situation. Insofar as it can be said to have emotions, it is surprised, or rather, one of the anomalies that had been plaguing it had decisively resolved itself, along with two others, in a way that had been considered to have a low probability of occurring.

The Incubator hops off the I-beam and vanishes. The repercussions of this event will reverberate around the world, leaving it and its ilk with plenty to do in the coming months and years.

I had more than a few meta and in story reasons to have done this... Some of them still apply, even.
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Things as they could have been, had you wished to have the ability to fix things.
This is also a warning.
You'd've gotten what was basically localized reality warping in a 5 meter radius, with the limitations that the more magical something is, the harder it is to affect. And had you been a little careless with your power... Well, I'd had this written up in anticipation.
You reach past the glittering clouds of probability, and find the particle-waves. There is beauty in the whirling clouds on their endless dance, and it distracts you for a moment. But then you push on, bearing down with your will, and the particles waver.

Anticipation stretches your face into a feral grin, and you clench your hand.

The particles flip.

Too late, you see your mistake.

You overreached.

Millions, billions, trillions, are chump change compared to what you do. What you can do.

Antimatter blooms out of thin air, out of the fabric of the pavement, of the surroundings at your command. Nearly a kilogram, all told, none of which takes kindly to finding itself surrounded by ordinary matter. There is a brief moment of conflict at the subatomic level, to the mutual demise of both matter and antimatter.

Just over half the energy is wasted as proton and antiproton annihilation creates charged pions which evaporate harmlessly into muons and neutrinos. Mass-energy equivalence is a harsh mistress, however, and half of four megatons of TNT equivalent is still a lot of energy. Waves of gamma rays and other, more exotic particles sleet out, more than enough to superheat the air past the temperature of the sun.

You are, briefly, at the center of a nuclear fireball that rockets up to millions of degrees Kelvin in a split second, before magically toughened flesh is stripped from bone and the bone ablates to dust. By some quirk of magic, your Soul Gem lasts a little longer before it melts to slag.

Not much longer, really.

Not even a microsecond.

The blast wave ripples out at over ten times the speed of sound, hammering buildings and unfortunate people out in the street with impunity. Glass, concrete, and steel fare poorly, and skyscrapers crumble.

There's a moment for Homura to flinch at the sudden, unbearably bright light that sears her back and ignites her hair before the blast wave hits. Her magically enhanced body is tough enough not to be immediately pulped, but her impact against the wall is enough.

Madoka happens to be unlucky enough to be looking in the direction of the old industrial district. Her eyeballs burn out in the titanic flash of light, but it's hardly a concern when the school building collapses, entombing her, Mami and Sayaka besides.

Minutes later, a small, white alien manifests a hardened body, and observes the mushroom cloud rising over the ruins of Mitakihara. Crashes and rumbles reach its auditory organs as buildings continue to crumble in the aftermath. Perched on a piece of steel barely identifiable as the warped and melted remains of an I-beam, it tilts its head in a learned behaviour and considers the situation. Insofar as it can be said to have emotions, it is surprised, or rather, one of the anomalies that had been plaguing it had decisively resolved itself, along with two others, in a way that had been considered to have a low probability of occurring.

The Incubator hops off the I-beam and vanishes. The repercussions of this event will reverberate around the world, leaving it and its ilk with plenty to do in the coming months and years.

Invisitext spotted.
Could you inform me what MY wish would cause?
Wearing Sabrina's Witch as powered armour, basically. Scaling all the way up to a Witch Evangelion.

The Pacific Rim theme may or may not be involved somewhere.

You'd've been impressively good at kicking the crap out of, well, basically everything, but that's all you would have been good at. I wanted you guys to have a nice blend of utility and combat capability, see.
what the hell are you up to any rate, we know what an MGs Witch will be, if we cleanse their soul gem, or perhaps get close enough to it.

I have a feeling 'getting rid of' despair may end up spawning a familiar or a Witch depending on how much we have to play with.

If it's going to spawn something I expect demons/wraiths/spookyghosts like in Madokami's universe. It would be a odd to get a familiar or Witch if there's no soul attached to the grief.

[x] Muramasa
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An addition to Ugo's vote.

[x]"...Hey, that actually worked. Thanks!"
[x]Work with the grief in hand. Carefully. Try and form objects with it. See if you can make spikes, blades, projectiles, or even a solid layer.
[x]Test how far away you can control the stuff.
[x]Try pulling the surface grief from your own gem and adding it to the grief on hand.
[x]See if you can dispose of the grief into the junkyard, carefully. Stop if anything unexpected starts to happen.
[x]Pull out your weapon. See if it can absorb the grief or do anything else with it.
[x]Talk to Mami.
[x]"...Hey, that actually worked. Thanks!"
[x]Work with the grief in hand. Carefully. Try and form objects with it. See if you can make spikes, blades, projectiles, or even a solid layer.
[x]Test how far away you can control the stuff.
[x]Try pulling the surface grief from your own gem and adding it to the grief on hand.
[x]See if you can dispose of the grief into the junkyard, carefully. Stop if anything unexpected starts to happen.
[x]Pull out your weapon. See if it can absorb the grief or do anything else with it.
[x]Talk to Mami.
[x]"...Hey, that actually worked. Thanks!"
[x]Work with the grief in hand. Carefully. Try and form objects with it. See if you can make spikes, blades, projectiles, or even a solid layer.
[x]Test how far away you can control the stuff.
[x]Try pulling the surface grief from your own gem and adding it to the grief on hand.
[x]See if you can dispose of the grief into the junkyard, carefully. Stop if anything unexpected starts to happen.
[x]Pull out your weapon. See if it can absorb the grief or do anything else with it.
[x]Talk to Mami.