We give him the grief though, so he's still gaining profit from it. (We're making infinite energy, actually. It's a slower payout, but an indefinite one.)
Our ability to degrief without grief seed? I need to form a longer explanation for more detail (or somebody will)
That's not much of a threat to him; we're only lowering witchout rates in a small area, as things are. As we are right now, we can't do jack shit to Kyubey other than mildly inconvenience him. He may be considering the wider implications of our powers, but he's probably not too worried about us at the moment (also, killing isn't Kyubey's style. He's much more apt to just drive you to witchout or trick you into doing something stupid).
That's not much of a threat to him; we're only lowering witchout rates in a small area, as things are. As we are right now, we can't do jack shit to Kyubey other than mildly inconvenience him. He may be considering the wider implications of our powers, but he's probably not too worried about us at the moment (also, killing isn't Kyubey's style. He's much more apt to just drive you to witchout or trick you into doing something stupid).
That.... actually makes sense. I guess we will be finally considered us a threat when we rule japan
Wait, what signs point to Charlotte having existed for longer than "that day at the hopital"? Who's to say she hadn't been contracted that morning? Influencing Kyubey to run off might have kept him from going after her.

Because Charlotte is an example of a Grief Seed re-hatching if left unattended or collected by Kyubey, not a result of a Witch being born.

@Krecart & @AuraTwilight:

Time arrows go both ways...not just with Homura and Oriko, but perhaps for every contract?

Nagisa could have had larger potential before due affecting Mami/Madoka as witch, which means that since we're with Mami now she has smaller potential.

However, I doubt this explanation a bit, given the timer.

This is basically my headcanon regarding karma.
Because Charlotte is an example of a Grief Seed re-hatching if left unattended or collected by Kyubey, not a result of a Witch being born.
Okay, fair point, that was a re-hatched seed, but Nagisa probably witched quite quickly after making the wish and realizing her error. I'm just saying that any time frame given for when she witched is basically a guess. She could have originally witched a week ago, she could have witched that day, been killed, and then immediately re-located by Kyubey. We don't really know if it was an anomaly, or a result of Kyubey running off to take care of something and neglecting to contract her.
We still need to figure out if Nagisa's still a potential in this timeline. Question is: How can we figure that out without attracting Kyuubey's attention?
Okay, fair point, that was a re-hatched seed, but Nagisa probably witched quite quickly after making the wish and realizing her error. I'm just saying that any time frame given for when she witched is basically a guess. She could have originally witched a week ago, she could have witched that day, been killed, and then immediately re-located by Kyubey. We don't really know if it was an anomaly, or a result of Kyubey running off to take care of something and neglecting to contract her.
Main problem with the latter theory is, who could have killed Charlotte initially? Plus, not only kill her, but take and fully use the grief seed as well. We do have an explicit date for when her mother died, and the location is certainly the hospital that Kyousuke is at, though I guess we don't have a date for when they found Charlotte the first time around relative to that.

The only maybe option in this town (unless we have speculated fodder meguca all over the place) is Masami and Hiroko (which really means, Hiroko). I didn't really get the impression that Hiroko would be capable of that fight.
Okay, fair point, that was a re-hatched seed, but Nagisa probably witched quite quickly after making the wish and realizing her error. I'm just saying that any time frame given for when she witched is basically a guess. She could have originally witched a week ago, she could have witched that day, been killed, and then immediately re-located by Kyubey. We don't really know if it was an anomaly, or a result of Kyubey running off to take care of something and neglecting to contract her.

Okay, yea, so, who the hell in Mitakihara (in canon) would've defeated Charlotte, used up it's Grief Seed, and have disposed of it in a single goddamn day? Kyouko's out of town, Mami doesn't know about it, and Homura wouldn't of been that stupid since it's consistently a problem for her.

The only logical explanation is it's a Grief Seed from whoever knows how far back and Kyubey deployed it to be a horrible fucking shit. Or else it's a Familiar that grew up.
Main problem with the latter theory is, who could have killed Charlotte initially? Plus, not only kill her, but take and fully use the grief seed as well. We do have an explicit date for when her mother died, and the location is certainly the hospital that Kyousuke is at, though I guess we don't have a date for when they found Charlotte the first time around relative to that.

The only maybe option in this town (unless we have speculated fodder meguca all over the place) is Masami and Hiroko (which really means, Hiroko). I didn't really get the impression that Hiroko would be capable of that fight.
Wait, do we know when Nagisa's mother died? I assume her witchout would be somewhat close to that date.
Edit: disregard, forgot we already know when she died, in this timeline, anyway.
Okay, yea, so, who the hell in Mitakihara (in canon) would've defeated Charlotte, used up it's Grief Seed, and have disposed of it in a single goddamn day? Kyouko's out of town, Mami doesn't know about it, and Homura wouldn't of been that stupid since it's consistently a problem for her.

The only logical explanation is it's a Grief Seed from whoever knows how far back and Kyubey deployed it to be a horrible fucking shit. Or else it's a Familiar that grew up.
If it's a seed from that hospital, but awhile back, then it would need to be years old, since Mami's been a magical girl in Mitakihara for quite some time, and I assume if you re-hatched a witch, you'd recognize it if you'd been in the barrier the first time.
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The only logical explanation is it's a Grief Seed from whoever knows how far back and Kyubey deployed it to be a horrible fucking shit. Or else it's a Familiar that grew up.
Unfortunately, not correct. Given what we know from the PMAS story, that's impossible, unless the Nagisa we know is not the individual who became Charlotte, which means we can't trust canon knowledge to be accurate.

The only realistic series of events that I can think of would be:
  1. Nagisa's mom dies.
  2. Nagisa's uncle finds her, takes her home (which is in an area outside Mami's hunting range, the rich part of town, and there are some unknown magical girls in that area)
  3. Kyuubey contracts a hopelessly depressed Nagisa, who wishes to eat cake with her mom again.
  4. Said wish is fulfilled, but her mom disappears again afterwards. Nagisa realizes she could have wished to have her mom back entirely, and grief spirals and witches.
  5. That witch is killed by said unknown group of meguca (who probably had trouble with it, and might comment on that to Kyuubey), who use and dispose of the seed a few days later.
  6. Kyuubey returns the seed to the hospital at a time when Sayaka and Madoka are visiting.
Madoka and Sayaka were visiting the hospital the day we found Nagisa, but the reason for that was because Hitomi was there (more Oriko shenanigans?), not Sayaka's usual weekly visit to Kyousuke. It's entirely possible that there were still several days before they were 'supposed' to meet Charlotte.

We also have to recall that there's a known ~24 hour limit on filling a seed before the witch hatches, so the seed would have had to have been filled a full day before the original timeline encounter, assuming we accept that this is a re-hatching.

We could verify this speculation by finding out where Nagisa's uncle lives, and scouting the area for any magical girls.
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Unfortunately, not correct. Given what we know from the PMAS story, that's impossible, unless the Nagisa we know is not the individual who became Charlotte, which means we can't trust canon knowledge to be accurate.

Er...yes? I know. I was dicussing purely in a canon context since there was apparently confusion on that. Firn's already admitted that he handwaved and fucked with Nagisa's personal timeline to enable our golden ending aspirations.

Canonically, Nagisa is long fucking gone before the start of the anime, though.
Hmm... now that I think about it, Brazil would be a ripe hunting ground for Kyubey. Lots of girls in the slums (everywhere, really) with reasons to contract. :(
That is, if poor girls are more vulnerable to contract, now that I think about it I'm unsure. Because I can see rich girls making more trivial wishes just as easily as poorer girls making desperate wishes.
Hmm... now that I think about it, Brazil would be a ripe hunting ground for Kyubey. Lots of girls in the slums (everywhere, really) with reasons to contract. :(
That is, if poor girls are more vulnerable to contract, now that I think about it I'm unsure. Because I can see rich girls making more trivial wishes just as easily as poorer girls making desperate wishes.
Poor girl will grief spiral faster, and thanks to you i'm thinking of ethiopian puella magi.
Hmm... now that I think about it, Brazil would be a ripe hunting ground for Kyubey. Lots of girls in the slums (everywhere, really) with reasons to contract. :(
That is, if poor girls are more vulnerable to contract, now that I think about it I'm unsure. Because I can see rich girls making more trivial wishes just as easily as poorer girls making desperate wishes.
Considering poverty is prevalent, well, anywhere in the world, I really doubt that quality of like affects the karmic potential of a girl.

And if it does... I still think Kyubey won't contract them at the same rate, since (usually) impoversihed areas = very high population density = more witnesses to mindwipe.
Under the Radar pt. 18
You smile back at Mami, and deliberately bump her in the side with your elbow. She giggles, shaking her head with a fond smile as she takes the next soaped dish from your hands.

"Hey Mami?" you say idly as you start soaping the utensils you'd used.

"Mm?" Mami gives you an inquisitive look.

"Well... Homura asked if we wanted to go out hunting tonight," you say, judiciously editing the time traveller's words a little. Well, all things considered, Homura even asking is practically putting up a billboard with neon signage, except that this is Japan and it'd probably be one of those massive LED screens rather than neon and that isn't really relevant. "Are you interested, or shall we just stay at home and relax tonight?" you smile at her.

Mami mulls it over as she starts rinsing the utensils in batches, the chopsticks clacking together in her hands. "Yes," she decides finally, smiling. "We shouldn't let Homura hunt alone..."

"OK," you say, your smile widening. "I'll let her know, then."

Mami smiles at you, nodding.

"Homura?" you ask as you hand over the last of the utensils and reach for the pan used for gyoza.

"Yes, Sabrina?" Homura asks.

You make a face as you scrub at the pan; frying gyoza almost inevitably leaves bits of flour stuck to the pan. "We're going hunting tonight, we'll be on our way in a short while?"

"Noted," Homura says.

"See you soon, then," you say, trying to scrape off a particularly stubborn lump. You briefly debate bringing in a shard of Grief before deciding that that's probably a bad idea.

Eventually, the two of you finish the dishes, and prepare to head out.

"Oh," you say, reaching into your pocket and withdrawing Irene's Grief Seed, holding it out to Mami with a smile. "Here, Mami, I'm done with this."

"Ah," Mami says, taking it. "Did you succeed in your project?"

"Eh... Maybe, maybe not," you say noncommitally, rocking your hand from side to side as you call your sling bag to you by the marbles contained within it. You snatch the bag from the air and sling it over your shoulder in one smooth motion.

"Oh... I'm sure you'll succeed," Mami says as she unlocks the door.

"I hope so!" you agree, stepping outside and holding the door for Mami to slip by you.

"Hey, Homura, we're on our way over," you say as you put your shoes on.

"Meet me at Madoka's house," she replies.

"OK," you send back. To Mami, you report, "Homura says to meet her at Madoka's house."

"Oh?" The blonde smiles faintly.

"Yep," you confirm.

"Let's not disappoint her, then," Mami says, taking a deep breath.

You head to the roof of the building and transform. The chill of night is already setting in rapidly, and the warm insulation of your longcoat is a welcome addition. "Say, Mami?"

"Yes, Sabrina?" she asks.

"How do you roof hop without, you know, breaking everything?" you ask. "I... still can't get the hang of it."

"Oh, it's... practice," Mami says. "I could show you a few quick tips before we go?"

"I'd love that," you say, giving Mami a big smile.

She returns the smile. "Well, first, you need to change the way you land," she says. "Um... your rolling method works, but you can't do it all the time, right?"

"Right," you nod in affirmation. You'd been using something vaguely like parkour to roll and bleed off momentum, but it doesn't always work properly, especially not for the longer jumps.

Mami nods. "Umm... you need to try and pulse a bit of magic and land like this-" she demonstrates, crouching and jumping with a deceptively casual motion that nevertheless launches her from one end of the roof to the other. She lands smoothly, shifting her weight gracefully and twirling to face you. "-so that you don't break the rooftops. Did you see that?"

"Um... not really," you admit. "Maybe you could show me again?"

"Ah, OK, but this actually took me a while to figure out," she frets, a small frown furrowing her brow. "Not that you'll take as long, of course, but we shouldn't be late..."

"If I don't, it's because I have an excellent teacher, Mami," you tell her.

She gives you a quick smile, before crouching and leaping back towards you. You try to pay attention to how she land, how the faintest strobe of magic diffuses the momentum away, but you don't feel confident of replicating it.

You smile warmly at her. "Thanks, Mami. I'll try it as we travel?" you suggest.

"Alright," she says. "Shall we go, then?"

"Yes, let's," you say, walking to the edge of the roof and leaping off.

You try, you honestly do, but you just can't get the timing nor the motion quite right, and you wince at every sharp crack that sounds under your feet as you land and push off. Mami sends you a sympathetic glance, but you just shake your head in rueful irritation. In the end, you return to your parkour-esque rolls for bleeding away momentum.

The two of you speed across the city, heading towards the suburbs, roofhopping until the lack of taller buildings forces you to ground level. A ground eating lope at puella magi speeds, however, soon brings you within viewing distance of the Kaname residence. Still an enormous, expansive building set admist rolling foilage that should by all rights be impossible in land starved Japan.

The two of you slow to a walk and approach, keeping away from the pools of light cast by the streetlights and the sparse traffic. And that's another thing - how is it possible that there's sparse traffic in a huge city in Japan, at barely eight at night? Mami walks close by your side, her elbow and hand occasionally brushing yours.

"Here." A quiet voice interrupts your confused musings. You look up, just in time to see Homura drop out of a sturdy tree to land in front of your, hair drifting around her in a dark cloud as she lands. Homura looks at the two of you neutrally.

"Hi, Homura," you say, lifting your hand in a lazy wave. "How's things?"

Homura blinks slowly. "Acceptable," she says.

"Good," you say. "Shall we?" You half turn and gesture back towards the city proper.

"We should patrol this area," Homura suggests.

"Ah, that's a good idea," Mami agrees. "I don't come out here as often as I should..."

Homura nods.

"It's settled, then," you declare cheerfully, bouncing lightly on your feet. "Lead on!"

Homura walks away, accelerating to a rapid, ground eating lope threading between the darkest areas of the suburbs. You recognize the pattern, slowly spiralling out with Madoka's house at its center.

"So," you send out to both Homura and Mami as you follow Homura. "I was thinking..."

"Yes, Sabrina?" Mami asks.

"Well, we don't really work as a team," you say. "I mean, we all kind of fight individually, we don't really combine our powers."

"Hmm," Mami says thoughtfully. "Well, that's how it usually works," she says with a note of apology in her voice. "I don't... my rifles wouldn't really work well with your powers, Sabrina. We can fight together, and we already are, but... combining powers..."

"Oh, that's a good point," you say, frowning slightly as you hop over a fence without even breaking stride.

"Sorry, Sabrina," Mami says. "It can be done, I'm sure! I'm... just not sure how."

"For nothing, Mami," you tell her. "But well, if that doesn't work... how do your weapons and enchantments work, Mami, Homura?"

"Oh!" Mami says. "My muskets are actually made of ribbons," she declares with a faint note of pride in her voice. "It took me a long time to figure it out, though."

"Mine are just guns," Homura says. "Mostly stolen from the yakuza."

And the JSDF, you think to yourself. But it's not exactly polite to say so.

"Ah, I was wondering about that," Mami says, before glancing back at you. "Any reason, Sabrina?"

"Well... I was just trying to think of ways to extend our powers," you explain. "And I never did figure out how to enchant things..."

"You'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure," Mami says confidently. "And if you need help, just tell me, alright?"

"I will, thanks, Mami," you agree.

You find a Witch Barrier after twenty minute's of uneventful searching - the most exciting thing that happened was dodging the glare of headlights from the few vehicles. Not because of any danger, but rather because you didn't want to be seen.

You find the Barrier nestled away in the side of what looks like an unoccupied house. That's your guess, anyway, judging from the outside of the it - no shoes lying around, dust thick on the grilled gate. The Barrier is a glowing slit in reality, hanging at the back door of the building.

"Sorry, one moment?" you murmur. "I want to take a look at this."

"Alright," Mami says, and Homura nods.

You lean in close to the Barrier, examining it closely with your senses. It's... you frown, taking a step to the side, trying to get a different angle on the Barrier. There's Grief, glowing like a supernova in your senses, and magic, threading through it. More importantly, though, you try to figure out how it's bigger on the inside.

It's... a Barrier seems like an incredibly dense structure of Grief, an entire space tucked away at right angles to reality. It makes your eyes water to look at it, even if that makes no sense since you're not actually looking at it, and you wince. But you... think you have an idea of how it works. Maybe.

"Sabrina?" Mami asks. "Are we going in?"

[] Write-in


I would like a little detail on what science you plan. Holding in abeyance:
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
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Pocket dimension controlled with magic. I guess I could probably have found this through rereading, but that's also proof witches control their barrier and produce effects from raw grief through magic. Is that why a Witch core / active seed slowly produces grief?
You smile back at Mami, and deliberately bump her in the side with your elbow. She giggles, shaking her head with a fond smile as she takes the next soaped dish from your hands.

"Hey Mami?" you say idly as you start soaping the utensils you'd used.

"Mm?" Mami gives you an inquisitive look.

"Well... Homura asked if we wanted to go out hunting tonight," you say, judiciously editing the time traveller's words a little. Well, all things considered, Homura even asking is practically putting up a billboard with neon signage, except that this is Japan and it'd probably be one of those massive LED screens rather than neon and that isn't really relevant. "Are you interested, or shall we just stay at home and relax tonight?" you smile at her.

Mami mulls it over as she starts rinsing the utensils in batches, the chopsticks clacking together in her hands. "Yes," she decides finally, smiling. "We shouldn't let Homura hunt alone..."

"OK," you say, your smile widening. "I'll let her know, then."

Mami smiles at you, nodding.

"Homura?" you ask as you hand over the last of the utensils and reach for the pan used for gyoza.

"Yes, Sabrina?" Homura asks.

You make a face as you scrub at the pan; frying gyoza almost inevitably leaves bits of flour stuck to the pan. "We're going hunt tonight, we'll be on our way in a short while?"

"Noted," Homura says.

"See you soon, then," you say, trying to scrape off a particularly stubborn lump. You briefly debate bringing in a shard of Grief before deciding that that's probably a bad idea.

Eventually, the two of you finish the dishes, and prepare to head out.

"Oh," you say, reaching into your pocket and withdrawing Irene's Grief Seed, holding it out to Mami with a smile. "Here, Mami, I'm done with this."

"Ah," Mami says, taking it. "Did you succeed in your project?"

"Eh... Maybe, maybe not," you say noncommitally, rocking your hand from side to side as you call your sling bag to you by the marbles contained within it. You snatch the bag from the air and sling it over your shoulder in one smooth motion.

"Oh... I'm sure you'll succeed," Mami says as she unlocks the door.

"I hope so!" you agree, stepping outside and holding the door for Mami to slip by you.

"Hey, Homura, we're on our way over," you say as you put your shoes on.

"Meet me at Madoka's house," she replies.

"OK," you send back. To Mami, you report, "Homura says to meet her at Madoka's house."

"Oh?" The blonde smiles faintly.

"Yep," you confirm.

"Let's not disappoint her, then," Mami says, taking a deep breath.

You head to the roof of the building and transform. The chill of night is already setting in rapidly, and the warm insulation of your longcoat is a welcome addition. "Say, Mami?"

"Yes, Sabrina?" she asks.

"How do you roof hop without, you know, breaking everything?" you ask. "I... still can't get the hang of it."

"Oh, it's... practice," Mami says. "I could show you a few quick tips before we go?"

"I'd love that," you say, giving Mami a big smile.

She returns the smile. "Well, first, you need to change the way you land," she says. "Um... your rolling method works, but you can't do it all the time, right?"

"Right," you nod in affirmation. You'd been using something vaguely like parkour to roll and bleed off momentum, but it doesn't always work properly, especially not for the longer jumps.

Mami nods. "Umm... you need to try and pulse a bit of magic and land like this-" she demonstrates, crouching and jumping with a deceptively casual motion that nevertheless launches her from one end of the roof to the other. She lands smoothly, shifting her weight gracefully and twirling to face you. "-so that you don't break the rooftops. Did you see that?"

"Um... not really," you admit. "Maybe you could show me again?"

"Ah, OK, but this actually took me a while to figure out," she frets, a small frown furrowing her brow. "Not that you'll take as long, of course, but we shouldn't be late..."

"If I don't, it's because I have an excellent teacher, Mami," you tell her.

She gives you a quick smile, before crouching and leaping back towards you. You try to pay attention to how she land, how the faintest strobe of magic diffuses the momentum away, but you don't feel confident of replicating it.

You smile warmly at her. "Thanks, Mami. I'll try it as we travel?" you suggest.

"Alright," she says. "Shall we go, then?"

"Yes, let's," you say, walking to the edge of the roof and leaping off.

You try, you honestly do, but you just can't get the timing nor the motion quite right, and you wince at every sharp crack that sounds under your feet as you land and push off. Mami sends you a sympathetic glance, but you just shake your head in rueful irritation. In the end, you return to your parkour-esque rolls for bleeding away momentum.

The two of you speed across the city, heading towards the suburbs, roofhopping until the lack of taller buildings forces you to ground level. A ground eating lope at puella magi speeds, however, soon brings you within viewing distance of the Kaname residence. Still an enormous, expansive building set admist rolling foilage that should by all rights be impossible in land starved Japan.

The two of you slow to a walk and approach, keeping away from the pools of light cast by the streetlights and the sparse traffic. And that's another thing - how is it possible that there's sparse traffic in a huge city in Japan, at barely eight at night? Mami walks close by your side, her elbow and hand occasionally brushing yours.

"Here." A quiet voice interrupts your confused musings. You look up, just in time to see Homura drop out of a sturdy tree to land in front of your, hair drifting around her in a dark cloud as she lands. Homura looks at the two of you neutrally.

"Hi, Homura," you say, lifting your hand in a lazy wave. "How's things?"

Homura blinks slowly. "Acceptable," she says.

"Good," you say. "Shall we?" You half turn and gesture back towards the city proper.

"We should patrol this area," Homura suggests.

"Ah, that's a good idea," Mami agrees. "I don't come out here as often as I should..."

Homura nods.

"It's settled, then," you declare cheerfully, bouncing lightly on your feet. "Lead on!"

Homura walks away, accelerating to a rapid, ground eating lope threading between the darkest areas of the suburbs. You recognize the pattern, slowly spiralling out with Madoka's house at its center.

"So," you send out to both Homura and Mami as you follow Homura. "I was thinking..."

"Yes, Sabrina?" Mami asks.

"Well, we don't really work as a team," you say. "I mean, we all kind of fight individually, we don't really combine our powers."

"Hmm," Mami says thoughtfully. "Well, that's how it usually works," she says with a note of apology in her voice. "I don't... my rifles wouldn't really work well with your powers, Sabrina. We can fight together, and we already are, but... combining powers..."

"Oh, that's a good point," you say, frowning slightly as you hop over a fence without even breaking stride.

"Sorry, Sabrina," Mami says. "It can be done, I'm sure! I'm... just not sure how."

"For nothing, Mami," you tell her. "But well, if that doesn't work... how do your weapons and enchantments work, Mami, Homura?"

"Oh!" Mami says. "My muskets are actually made of ribbons," she declares with a faint note of pride in her voice. "It took me a long time to figure it out, though."

"Mine are just guns," Homura says. "Mostly stolen from the yakuza."

And the JSDF, you think to yourself. But it's not exactly polite to say so.

"Ah, I was wondering about that," Mami says, before glancing back at you. "Any reason, Sabrina?"

"Well... I was just trying to think of ways to extend our powers," you explain. "And I never did figure out how to enchant things..."

"You'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure," Mami says confidently. "And if you need help, just tell me, alright?"

"I will, thanks, Mami," you agree.

You find a Witch Barrier after twenty minute's of uneventful searching - the most exciting thing that happened was dodging the glare of headlights from the few vehicles. Not because of any danger, but rather because you didn't want to be seen.

You find the Barrier nestled away in the side of what looks like an unoccupied house. That's your guess, anyway, judging from the outside of the it - no shoes lying around, dust thick on the grilled gate. The Barrier is a glowing slit in reality, hanging at the back door of the building.

"Sorry, one moment?" you murmur. "I want to take a look at this."

"Alright," Mami says, and Homura nods.

You lean in close to the Barrier, examining it closely with your senses. It's... you frown, taking a step to the side, trying to get a different angle on the Barrier. There's Grief, glowing like a supernova in your senses, and magic, threading through it. More importantly, though, you try to figure out how it's bigger on the inside.

It's... a Barrier seems like an incredibly dense structure of Grief, an entire space tucked away at right angles to reality. It makes your eyes water to look at it, even if that makes no sense since you're not actually looking at it, and you wince. But you... think you have an idea of how it works. Maybe.

"Sabrina?" Mami asks. "Are we going in?"

[] Write-in


I would like a little detail on what science you plan. Holding in abeyance:
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
[X] "1 sec...I need to look at something."
[X] Stop...there's more to do here.
-[X] Examine the interaction of the magic and grief. We've always used them seperately...how is the Witch intertwining them?
--[X] Ask Mami and Homura what they make of it....what do the magical aspects look like to them?
-[X] Try replicating the barrier's properties on a very small scale...use it as a model to work from, until you can get it right.
[X] Once we're inside...
-[X] Try altering the nature of elements of the Barrier, like we do with our own Witch-Grief.
-[X] Grab a familiar. Lock it in a grief cage to keep it from fighting back, but don't directly alter it.
--[X] Have Homura Time Stop if things are looking dangerous.
--[X] Begin dissection. Start by analyzing its general structure...
---[X] Does this thing have a core? A soul fragment, or something like it, that controls the rest?
---[X] Is this pure Grief, or is their Magic involved, too?
---[X] Try to find whatever gives it intelligence. Whether that's a core, or something else.
-----[X] See if you can figure out how it's behavior is dictated...if you can make sense of it, try modifying its programming so that it will obey and/or help us, rather than the Witch.
--[X] If you have any luck with this, try making one of your own...use this one as a template, but use your own Grief and/or Magic. Make sure it's loyal to us and obedient.
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Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.


Sabrina frowned as she scribbled intently, a hat made out of the grief from a deceased familiar on her head. On a whim, she'd styled it to have a military air. She sighed, then tossed her pen in between the pages and closed the notebook with a snap.

"Updated my journal," she said with a firm nod.
No. Yuma didn't contract til day 3, when we went to go meet Kyouko.
This is true, but Kyubey has a harder time contracting Yuma in this timeline than he did in the Oriko timeline. Remember that with Oriko's assistance, Yuma would've contracted on the night of Day 2, not the morning of Day 3 as she did in this timeline. Assuming that everything else remains the same, that means that Kyubey, instead of contracting Nagisa, was busy convincing Yuma/ observing Yuma and waiting for the right time to get her to contract.

Also, screw jumping, lets just stick to flying.
So a witch barrier exists in 4 dimensions. Or at least 3.5. Enlightening.

Welp, I have no ideas, beyond studying familiars and seeing if we can edit the stuff barriers are made out of, and see how editing them instead of destroying them affects the witch.