...Sabrina is that one low level quest-giver/faction NPC that's important to the lore but that everyone spacebars through the dialogue for, isn't she?
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She's being kinda left out, especially if Sayaka gets paired with Kyosuke. We could invite her to picnic tomorrow, perhaps?

But the above scenario is good too.
We're still trying to work out a formula to convert grief into raw energy.
Too many assumptions, but all approximations look scary.
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We were going to heal her hand along with Kyousuke's, but we were made to wait.
And then her hand healed up alright anyway, so...

Quite frankly, the less people we drag into this, the better. We have enough headaches to deal with without going out and creating more headaches for us.
Let's not invite Hitomi unless somebody insists. She'd be a constant reminder to Sayaka that she can't pay back the Shizuki's for taking her family in.
Actually, that's a good point. If we can figure out the technology behind grief seeds and whatnot, we can try making knock-offs that involve other emotions. I'm thinking...
I mean, it sucks when fighting actively causes you to despair, but making it so that the byproduct of magic was happiness or something would be pretty chill.
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Re: the Hitmoi and Kwijibo healing that has been brought up recently - and the problem of not spilling the beans to them:

I seem to be liking the proposed joke idea of 'disguise + heal' more than I perhaps should be (kudos to whomever was responsible for it).
The hospital is dead easy to get into - multiple points of entry, public place, hell - we could walk right up to his ward without a second glance in our civvies.
Get there with a dedicated healer (Yuma or Rin would be handy) hopefully while he's asleep, (but that can be worked around), witchified-grief disguise (with face/head covering, padding, voice modulator to protect our identity?) approach, quick-heal, and leave (undisguising in nearby toilets/changeroom at earliest opportunity).

Hitomi may be a little harder, but cooperation with Sayaka means that she could open a window/door for us. Disguise, sneak in, sleep heal, sneak out.

Now, Kyousuke probably needs a full heal (hence dedicated healer for speed) and he can deal with the miracle as he did in Canon. As for Hitomi, her injuries will heal normally (they aren't as severe as his were) so if we didn't want to do a full heal in order to preserve the masquerade for her, then we could do a few partial healing sessions just to move things along a little faster than otherwise (and thus we wouldn't need a dedicated healer) .

The main threat would then be the patient waking up/already being awake during healing - a stranger in weird clothes breaks into their room in the dead of night with glowing hands - they'd be hopping aboard the trauma train at Home Invasion Station and getting off at Justifiable Paranoia-ville. If we knew someone or had some way of keeping them under (Hypnosis, sleep powder, sing, yawn, <Insert soporific skill of choice here>) then I'd say we were golden.

Someone else walking in is also an issue, but having Sayaka as a spotter/excuse-maker in Hitomi household would make that place reasonably secure against nosy parents. As for the hospital - he's got a private room, so we could close the door and make a grief barricade or perhaps be spotter at the door while dedicated healer works.

As for emergency exits, Kyousuke's window is fairly huge: make sure to open it before healing, then a flying tackle-hug to healer out the window and fly away - too easy. Not sure about Hitomi, but window may not be a possibility there....
Grief Invisibility Cloak? *shrug*
So, perhaps it's that I've played too many stealth-action games recently, but keeping the above points in mind - it doesn't seem like it'd be prohibitively hard to pull off. And, yes, there are risks and moral issues ('breaking into people's homes is bad') and the difficult task of actually persuading everyone to go along with such a ridiculous plan - and, yes, there likely exist much simpler, easier and more risk-free methods to accomplish our healing circuit...

But still ... this seems like a workable option C/D should option A and B fail to pan out. Just jot this idea down somewhere and keep it in mind, y'know?
And if not, hey, an omake is fine too.
We could totally turn invisible and break into his room. Normal people wouldn't be able to sense us.

It solves the potential healer crush problem too.

...we have to get Homumom to tell us about that loop somehow.
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We could totally turn invisible and break into his room. Normal people wouldn't be able to sense us.

It solves the potential healer crush problem too.

...we have to get Homumom to tell us about that loop somehow.
...Is it bad that I want to see how captain oblivious would act when he has a crush on someone?