How would it not? The only reason she wasn't contracted in this timeline is because Oriko distracted Kyubey with Yuma, otherwise she would've been contracted and witched out long before we met her.
Pretty sure Oriko didn't convince Yuma to contract this time around. We asked Second Best Imouto and she said she hadn't seen Bucket Hat IIRC.
Pretty sure Oriko didn't convince Yuma to contract this time around. We asked Second Best Imouto and she said she hadn't seen Bucket Hat IIRC.
Thought she did, she just didn't go there herself to assist in convincing Yuma (leading to Yuma probably taking longer to decide, and thus being later to Kyouko's fight, allowing us to meet her).
Hmmm... Yuma Contracted, but Nagisa has yet to be approached. This is interesting. This timeline is a bit of an anomaly, and not just because of us.
So... what's the current vote plan, here?
Same as yesterday. :p
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
[X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[X] Ask Mami how to roofhop properly.
[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
[x] Once a witch is discovered:
-[x] Assuming no pressing circumstances:
--[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
--[x] Tell Mami and Homura that you are planning on doing some science, and ask them to try not to stop the witch too quickly.
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
No. of votes: 14
Gadjo, Ugolino, Muramasa, moonstne, Kinematics, Guilop, Aranfan, aeqnai, EtchedSteel, Krecart, AnonymousRabbit, Dirtnap, theauthor, PhantomFractions

[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
-[X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[x] Else: Head out on the grief carpet when it's time to meet up with Homura.
[x] While on the hunt:
-[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
-[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
[x] Once a witch is discovered:
-[x] Assuming no pressing circumstances:
--[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
--[x] Tell Mami and Homura that you are planning on doing some science, and ask them to try not to stop the witch too quickly.
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
[X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[X] Ask Mami how to roofhop properly.
[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
-[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
[X] Take mental notes of the names of the witches we encounter.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyubey.
-[X] Do careful examination of some familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Return Irene. Thank Mami for the loan.
[X] Tell her that Homura invited us out hunting tonight, and ask if she's interested.
-[X] If no, begin secrets discussion, if yes, tell Homura we're coming with her to hunt and move out.
[x] Else: Head out on the grief carpet when it's time to meet up with Homura.
[x] While on the hunt:
-[X] Ask Mami how to roofhop properly.
-[X] Ask for advice on how to properly work together as a team using our powers.
-[X] Ask for advice on how their own various weapons and enchantments work, and how we might enchant things.
[x] Once a witch is discovered:
-[x] Assuming no pressing circumstances:
--[X] Carefully examine any barrier entrances from the inside and outside.
--[x] Tell Mami and Homura that you are planning on doing some science, and ask them to try not to stop the witch too quickly.
--[X] Do careful examination of it's familiars, to get a better idea of how they can act independently of the witch.
--[X] Check if the barriers/familiars/witches feel any different if viewed from within timestop.
--[X] See if we can weaken a witch by peeling away all of the grief-substance of its barrier, working from the outside in.
[X] Later, review and update notebook within sphere of grief, so as to block Kyuubey.
No. of votes: 2
boonerunner, 'Lement
Keeping her in reserve as a tool to use against Sabrina, perhaps?
Every action Kyubey takes is (not) intended to be against Sabrina :p

However, contracting is it's own reward. For this one he may seek a moment that Sabrina isn't around, since Sabrina did take action against Kyubey on this by warning Nagisa of Kyubey.
I mean far as I know Kyubey hasn't even approached her. We know she has potential. Why is that?
Hm... maybe making ourselves her big sister stabilized her emotionally to the point where she's no longer considered worth the effort? Maybe Kyubey knows what we told her and decided getting her to contract would be unlikely? I can't really think of any reasons strong enough to keep him from trying to contract her. I'd like to ask Kyubey, but that'd be a pretty big tip of our hand, since we have no real reason to suspect she's a potential, from Kyubey's point of view anyway. Perhaps he was off doing some science regarding what and who the hell we are, and why we know so much, and has decided not to antagonize us for the time being?
Let's not ask Coobs, just on the off-chance he hasn't been paying attention to her and we accidentally draw his interest to her.
The weird thing is that Nagisa was able to watch her mother die without contracting, when canonically she contracted BEFORE that and wasted her wish...

The fuck? Sabrina has nothing to do with this, it's a timeline anomaly.
The weird thing is that Nagisa was able to watch her mother die without contracting, when canonically she contracted BEFORE that and wasted her wish...

The fuck? Sabrina has nothing to do with this, it's a timeline anomaly.
I'm under the impression that Nagisa originally contracted just before her mother died, and since Kyubey was busy contracting Yuma, Nagisa didn't get the chance this time.

But my google-fu can't find anything about Nagisa's contract and witch-out. Where does this information come from?

EDIT: Found a mention in the wiki.
Last edited:
Something has to happen to cause butterflies. We're, presumably, the only new variable. The change with Nagisa seems to pre-date us. Suggests lol timelines.
Didn't Nagisa contract, watch her mother die, and witch all within a pretty short period of time? Kyubey ran off in a big fucking hurry that right before that, and we never did find out why. I assume we caused that.
I'm under the impression that Nagisa originally contracted just before her mother died, and since Kyubey was busy contracting Yuma, Nagisa didn't get the chance this time.

But my google-fu can't find anything about Nagisa's contract and witch-out. Where does this information come from?
The timing of Charlotte's canon appearance, I suppose. There is no canon information about her witchout and wish as far as I know. She only appears in Rebellion and as Charlotte in the series.

Her contracting, because of her mother only makes sense, if her mother was still alive at that point, since Kyuubey himself states that he can't revive the dead. So the Kyuubey to busy contracting Yuma theory works. He missed his chance.