The Law
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X] Specialist workers
[X] Those skilled at hand
[X] [Main] The Law
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice x2
[X] [Kick] The Law
Valleyhome - Study Stars
Sacred Forest - Survey
Stonepen - Survey
Stallion Tribes - [M] Expand Economy, [Sec] Watchtowers, [Sec] Survey
The People defined themselves around the care they had for the land and for each other, with the scope of who was a person defined broadly. The People were few in the world, but what mattered most was not who your parents were or where you were born, or even what language you spoke, but that you followed the rules for harmony with yourself, your neighbours, the spirits, and the world around you. Through great effort and disturbance to people who had never really been asked these questions before, the chiefs and shamans had actually written every rule and tradition down, sorted out what they felt was appropriate to keep and what should probably not continue on, actually wrote down what the rules were for everyone, and then made sure to distribute out written copies of what all of the rules were and placed in places where everyone could see them. It would still be up to the chiefs and shamans to interpret the edge cases, but now everyone who could read would know exactly what the laws were.
As granary stores continued to fluctuate unpredictably, the predictions of consumption and production clearly off in ways that had never been an issue in previous generations. While some of it was that the rains in recent years seemed less strong than they had been, there were still issues of the harvest not being quite right. Although, with more and more people asking questions about the new steles being installed to proclaim the law, it was starting to become clear that one of the biggest issues was who was supposed to do what work. It seemed plausible that there was a large amount of secondary work that the chiefs had once never even thought about that the People were only doing sporadically because they were afraid that they would be punished or taxed for doing it. This obviously needed to be corrected, but they needed more people who could read the law to be able to make sense of everything and make clear that people what was taxable action and what was not, for both the basic person on the ground and for the lower level chiefs who might be confused or corrupt enough to make a hash of the whole thing.
Megaproject Completed!
Written Code of Laws (Copper Age)
Bold, early innovators, the People have established an early written code of laws. While it will undoubtedly change over the centuries, this early establishment of what the rules definitely are with clear guidelines for punishment will serve as an important cornerstone for maintaining stability and clarity of order. Upgrades Enforce Authority to Enforce Law, doubles the strength of one Policy action per turn, and allows for the 'Megaproject support' Policy.
Choose a value to evolve as reward
[] Divine Stewards
[] Protective Justice
[] Land of Opportunity
[] Harmony
[] Honourable Death
[] Nobility in Humility
New social advancements have opened up new abilities for the king to direct lower level chiefs, opening up the Policy system
Policies give directive to the provincial chiefs and allow for greater flexibility in provincial actions, including combining the actions of multiple provinces into Main actions and spending resources even if not normally allowed (resource allocation will avoid reducing a stat to below 1). If there are not enough resources to continue a policy the chiefs will take actions to attempt to support continued policy use (usually Expand Economy to make more Econ to pay for things). Changing policies normally requires a Secondary action, but if war is declared can freely switch to the Defence or Offence Policy if so desired. Also, if a Policy runs out of necessary resources it can also be changed during the midterm for free, if desired.
Choose a Policy
[] Balanced
[] Defence
[] Expansion
[] Offence
[] Progress
[] Restoration
[] Spirits
[] Trade
Meanwhile, up north Cwriid, the Old Stallion, takes an honourable retirement in favour of one of his sons instead of waiting to die and potentially letting his heirs squabble among each other at the last minute instead of accepting the initial election. His son, Patryn, the New Stallion, remains an ardent supporter of his father's policies, although as more of a shrewd administrator than brilliant warrior and diplomat he seems like he might be able to actually make the laws as is work... if he sees an actual way forward, which he seems to currently not see.
Crisis: -1 Econ
March: Takes in 1 Baby Boom expansion, +1 Martial
Dealing with the Stallions
[] Make Patryn heir (+1 Stability, Ends the Crisis on his terms [same as father], with a small, conditional chance of actually sorting it out as is [Heroic Admin, Exceptional Diplomacy, Mediocre War, Poor Mysticism])
[] Snub Patryn (Chance for -1 Stability)
[] Crack down on Young Stallions (-1 Stability, +1 turns to resolve crisis, small chance of civil war)
Of course, the rest of the world will not allow the People to simply be, and events start moving elsewhere. The Dead Priests, long out of the news of the world for the People, have apparently decided that the squabble between the Thunder Horse and the Highlanders is the ideal time to attempt to reconquer territory lost generations ago, although by all accounts they don't do very well in the face of either group, with the Highlanders in particular beating face against both groups, although there are also curious rumours about the Thunder Horse acting very oddly in the far east. The word from the Stallion Tribes is also that new nomadic groups are moving into the area and beginning to harass them, but they will deal with it - although support from the rest of the People would of course be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, now feeling confident, the Highlanders of course had to send a trade delegation with the explicit intent to bully and harass the People into reopening their trade with them, and only them, actively excluding the Thunder Horse traders from even entering the territory of the People. This has obviously angered a number of people.
Answer to the Highlanders
[] Agree to their demands (+1 Diplomacy, anger the Thunder Horse, chance of them declaring war)
[] Ignore them (Anger the Highlanders)
[] Kick them out for their disrespect (-1 Diplomacy, anger the Highlanders, chance of them declaring war)
[] Send them packing with a declaration of war (Declare war on the Highlanders, please the Thunder Horse)
[X] Those skilled at hand
[X] [Main] The Law
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice x2
[X] [Kick] The Law
Valleyhome - Study Stars
Sacred Forest - Survey
Stonepen - Survey
Stallion Tribes - [M] Expand Economy, [Sec] Watchtowers, [Sec] Survey
The People defined themselves around the care they had for the land and for each other, with the scope of who was a person defined broadly. The People were few in the world, but what mattered most was not who your parents were or where you were born, or even what language you spoke, but that you followed the rules for harmony with yourself, your neighbours, the spirits, and the world around you. Through great effort and disturbance to people who had never really been asked these questions before, the chiefs and shamans had actually written every rule and tradition down, sorted out what they felt was appropriate to keep and what should probably not continue on, actually wrote down what the rules were for everyone, and then made sure to distribute out written copies of what all of the rules were and placed in places where everyone could see them. It would still be up to the chiefs and shamans to interpret the edge cases, but now everyone who could read would know exactly what the laws were.
As granary stores continued to fluctuate unpredictably, the predictions of consumption and production clearly off in ways that had never been an issue in previous generations. While some of it was that the rains in recent years seemed less strong than they had been, there were still issues of the harvest not being quite right. Although, with more and more people asking questions about the new steles being installed to proclaim the law, it was starting to become clear that one of the biggest issues was who was supposed to do what work. It seemed plausible that there was a large amount of secondary work that the chiefs had once never even thought about that the People were only doing sporadically because they were afraid that they would be punished or taxed for doing it. This obviously needed to be corrected, but they needed more people who could read the law to be able to make sense of everything and make clear that people what was taxable action and what was not, for both the basic person on the ground and for the lower level chiefs who might be confused or corrupt enough to make a hash of the whole thing.
Megaproject Completed!
Written Code of Laws (Copper Age)
Bold, early innovators, the People have established an early written code of laws. While it will undoubtedly change over the centuries, this early establishment of what the rules definitely are with clear guidelines for punishment will serve as an important cornerstone for maintaining stability and clarity of order. Upgrades Enforce Authority to Enforce Law, doubles the strength of one Policy action per turn, and allows for the 'Megaproject support' Policy.
Choose a value to evolve as reward
[] Divine Stewards
[] Protective Justice
[] Land of Opportunity
[] Harmony
[] Honourable Death
[] Nobility in Humility
New social advancements have opened up new abilities for the king to direct lower level chiefs, opening up the Policy system
Policies give directive to the provincial chiefs and allow for greater flexibility in provincial actions, including combining the actions of multiple provinces into Main actions and spending resources even if not normally allowed (resource allocation will avoid reducing a stat to below 1). If there are not enough resources to continue a policy the chiefs will take actions to attempt to support continued policy use (usually Expand Economy to make more Econ to pay for things). Changing policies normally requires a Secondary action, but if war is declared can freely switch to the Defence or Offence Policy if so desired. Also, if a Policy runs out of necessary resources it can also be changed during the midterm for free, if desired.
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries
Choose a Policy
[] Balanced
[] Defence
[] Expansion
[] Offence
[] Progress
[] Restoration
[] Spirits
[] Trade
Meanwhile, up north Cwriid, the Old Stallion, takes an honourable retirement in favour of one of his sons instead of waiting to die and potentially letting his heirs squabble among each other at the last minute instead of accepting the initial election. His son, Patryn, the New Stallion, remains an ardent supporter of his father's policies, although as more of a shrewd administrator than brilliant warrior and diplomat he seems like he might be able to actually make the laws as is work... if he sees an actual way forward, which he seems to currently not see.
Crisis: -1 Econ
March: Takes in 1 Baby Boom expansion, +1 Martial
Dealing with the Stallions
[] Make Patryn heir (+1 Stability, Ends the Crisis on his terms [same as father], with a small, conditional chance of actually sorting it out as is [Heroic Admin, Exceptional Diplomacy, Mediocre War, Poor Mysticism])
[] Snub Patryn (Chance for -1 Stability)
[] Crack down on Young Stallions (-1 Stability, +1 turns to resolve crisis, small chance of civil war)
Of course, the rest of the world will not allow the People to simply be, and events start moving elsewhere. The Dead Priests, long out of the news of the world for the People, have apparently decided that the squabble between the Thunder Horse and the Highlanders is the ideal time to attempt to reconquer territory lost generations ago, although by all accounts they don't do very well in the face of either group, with the Highlanders in particular beating face against both groups, although there are also curious rumours about the Thunder Horse acting very oddly in the far east. The word from the Stallion Tribes is also that new nomadic groups are moving into the area and beginning to harass them, but they will deal with it - although support from the rest of the People would of course be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, now feeling confident, the Highlanders of course had to send a trade delegation with the explicit intent to bully and harass the People into reopening their trade with them, and only them, actively excluding the Thunder Horse traders from even entering the territory of the People. This has obviously angered a number of people.
Answer to the Highlanders
[] Agree to their demands (+1 Diplomacy, anger the Thunder Horse, chance of them declaring war)
[] Ignore them (Anger the Highlanders)
[] Kick them out for their disrespect (-1 Diplomacy, anger the Highlanders, chance of them declaring war)
[] Send them packing with a declaration of war (Declare war on the Highlanders, please the Thunder Horse)
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