The Law
[X] Specialist workers
[X] Those skilled at hand
[X] [Main] The Law
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice
[X] [Secondary] Grand Sacrifice x2
[X] [Kick] The Law

Valleyhome - Study Stars
Sacred Forest - Survey
Stonepen - Survey

Stallion Tribes - [M] Expand Economy, [Sec] Watchtowers, [Sec] Survey

The People defined themselves around the care they had for the land and for each other, with the scope of who was a person defined broadly. The People were few in the world, but what mattered most was not who your parents were or where you were born, or even what language you spoke, but that you followed the rules for harmony with yourself, your neighbours, the spirits, and the world around you. Through great effort and disturbance to people who had never really been asked these questions before, the chiefs and shamans had actually written every rule and tradition down, sorted out what they felt was appropriate to keep and what should probably not continue on, actually wrote down what the rules were for everyone, and then made sure to distribute out written copies of what all of the rules were and placed in places where everyone could see them. It would still be up to the chiefs and shamans to interpret the edge cases, but now everyone who could read would know exactly what the laws were.

As granary stores continued to fluctuate unpredictably, the predictions of consumption and production clearly off in ways that had never been an issue in previous generations. While some of it was that the rains in recent years seemed less strong than they had been, there were still issues of the harvest not being quite right. Although, with more and more people asking questions about the new steles being installed to proclaim the law, it was starting to become clear that one of the biggest issues was who was supposed to do what work. It seemed plausible that there was a large amount of secondary work that the chiefs had once never even thought about that the People were only doing sporadically because they were afraid that they would be punished or taxed for doing it. This obviously needed to be corrected, but they needed more people who could read the law to be able to make sense of everything and make clear that people what was taxable action and what was not, for both the basic person on the ground and for the lower level chiefs who might be confused or corrupt enough to make a hash of the whole thing.

Megaproject Completed!
Written Code of Laws (Copper Age)
Bold, early innovators, the People have established an early written code of laws. While it will undoubtedly change over the centuries, this early establishment of what the rules definitely are with clear guidelines for punishment will serve as an important cornerstone for maintaining stability and clarity of order. Upgrades Enforce Authority to Enforce Law, doubles the strength of one Policy action per turn, and allows for the 'Megaproject support' Policy.

Choose a value to evolve as reward
[] Divine Stewards
[] Protective Justice
[] Land of Opportunity
[] Harmony
[] Honourable Death
[] Nobility in Humility

New social advancements have opened up new abilities for the king to direct lower level chiefs, opening up the Policy system
Policies give directive to the provincial chiefs and allow for greater flexibility in provincial actions, including combining the actions of multiple provinces into Main actions and spending resources even if not normally allowed (resource allocation will avoid reducing a stat to below 1). If there are not enough resources to continue a policy the chiefs will take actions to attempt to support continued policy use (usually Expand Economy to make more Econ to pay for things). Changing policies normally requires a Secondary action, but if war is declared can freely switch to the Defence or Offence Policy if so desired. Also, if a Policy runs out of necessary resources it can also be changed during the midterm for free, if desired.
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Choose a Policy
[] Balanced
[] Defence
[] Expansion
[] Offence
[] Progress
[] Restoration
[] Spirits
[] Trade

Meanwhile, up north Cwriid, the Old Stallion, takes an honourable retirement in favour of one of his sons instead of waiting to die and potentially letting his heirs squabble among each other at the last minute instead of accepting the initial election. His son, Patryn, the New Stallion, remains an ardent supporter of his father's policies, although as more of a shrewd administrator than brilliant warrior and diplomat he seems like he might be able to actually make the laws as is work... if he sees an actual way forward, which he seems to currently not see.

Crisis: -1 Econ
March: Takes in 1 Baby Boom expansion, +1 Martial

Dealing with the Stallions
[] Make Patryn heir (+1 Stability, Ends the Crisis on his terms [same as father], with a small, conditional chance of actually sorting it out as is [Heroic Admin, Exceptional Diplomacy, Mediocre War, Poor Mysticism])
[] Snub Patryn (Chance for -1 Stability)
[] Crack down on Young Stallions (-1 Stability, +1 turns to resolve crisis, small chance of civil war)

Of course, the rest of the world will not allow the People to simply be, and events start moving elsewhere. The Dead Priests, long out of the news of the world for the People, have apparently decided that the squabble between the Thunder Horse and the Highlanders is the ideal time to attempt to reconquer territory lost generations ago, although by all accounts they don't do very well in the face of either group, with the Highlanders in particular beating face against both groups, although there are also curious rumours about the Thunder Horse acting very oddly in the far east. The word from the Stallion Tribes is also that new nomadic groups are moving into the area and beginning to harass them, but they will deal with it - although support from the rest of the People would of course be greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, now feeling confident, the Highlanders of course had to send a trade delegation with the explicit intent to bully and harass the People into reopening their trade with them, and only them, actively excluding the Thunder Horse traders from even entering the territory of the People. This has obviously angered a number of people.

Answer to the Highlanders
[] Agree to their demands (+1 Diplomacy, anger the Thunder Horse, chance of them declaring war)
[] Ignore them (Anger the Highlanders)
[] Kick them out for their disrespect (-1 Diplomacy, anger the Highlanders, chance of them declaring war)
[] Send them packing with a declaration of war (Declare war on the Highlanders, please the Thunder Horse)
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Harmony in Law
[x] Harmony
[x] Spirits
[x] Snub Patryn (Chance for -1 Stability)
[x] Ignore them (Anger the Highlanders)

Harmony -> Symphony
All have their part to play in this world, be it their interaction with each other or with the spirits. When all the parts of a group are moving in accord, the result is greater than the sum of the parts.
Pros: Bonus to collective action, spiritually and ecologically harmonious actions, and to concerted efforts
Cons: Disharmony is to be corrected, require casus belli to declare war

What is the purpose of law but to ensure the harmony of all people with each other and with the spirits? This is the principle literally carved into the law and placed on display throughout the Land for all to see. And when the traders who came from the south saw the king go to the stele, read off the wisdom of the ancestors, and then politely tell them that among the most important laws is that all who come to the People are to be welcomed, and to avoid disharmony with those who have not declared violence. Thus the king says, if the Thunder Horse wish to trade with the People the People will welcome them, and if the Highland Kingdom doesn't like that, well, they'll have to take it up more strongly than just making such a demand.

From the way the traders went paler than nomads from distant lands of snow, and retreated with a look that suggested that their testicles were trying to drag their butts into their chest, apparently this was a considerably more terrifying suggestion than the king had initially though. A year later another caravan arrived, this time with lavish goods offered in apology, along with rumours rebounding back to the south of how the People had such terrifying magic that they had woven a geas over their entire population.

Of course, while the quiet decisions of the king intimidated outsiders, the decisions of the king and chiefs as to allowing the Stallion family access to the kingship was less well received by the population, especially as the years went on and despite improvements everyone was agreed that the old system of doing things as told in the tales of their grandparents was superior, and that the kings and chiefs of the past several generations had fundamentally screwed up in both attempting to set up taxes the way they had, and for attempting to actually stick with it rather than revert back to the prior system right as soon as it become obvious that things weren't working.

Economic Chaos
The new tax system is not working. Either figure out a way to make it work within this turn, or it will collapse and hard choices will have to be made to salvage the situation. This crisis can also be ended by a social fracture or civil war caused by low stability. WARNING: Chance to lose Econ during the mid-term due to tax system malfunction
Requirements to fix: Restore stability?, restore legitimacy, the Law?, literacy??

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Econ, +2 Art
* M: -2 Econ, +3 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Shapers] [King]
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ next turn, additional effects
* M: +1 Econ, additional effects
* used 2 times

Build Chariots - Once the domain of rich nomad chieftains, there is now enough copper to make construction of this new design practical for the People and deployable on a large scale. Used: 0 times
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
*M: -2 Econ, +3 Martial, other effects

Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Redshore, Northshore, and Stonepen capitals walled; Northshore and Stonepen partially walled elsewhere)
* S: -1 Econ, minor walls
* M: -1 Econ, major walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (Northshore has some watchtowers)
*S: -1 Econ, some watchtowers
*M: -1 Econ, many watchtowers

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Copper Mine - A source of copper is known within the People's territory, and it can be expanded to produce not just small amounts of the ore for art purposes, but into a full fledged mine, but the effects are currently unpleasant. Stability cost can be reduced if a way of mitigating the ecological damage can be developed.
*S: -1 Econ, -2 Stability, +4 Econ next turn, other effects
*M: -2 Stability, +4 Econ, other effects

Enforce Law - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact
* S: 0 to 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 0 to 1 Stability, greater odds of stability gain, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is

Establish Annual Festival - A yearly harvest festival and a planting festival brings entertainment and stability by reminding people of the good things in life, and a winter festival helps give thanks for the goodness that taxes bring, so what might a summer festival bring?
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Stability, chance for additional effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
* +1 Econ, potential additional effects
* 7 uses remain before requiring new territory

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort
* S: -1 Econ, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Holy Sites - The current places dedicated to the spirits and wisdom have accumulated interesting objects and tellers of stories, but they could be made a bit better
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Mysticism
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Mysticism, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Diplo, potential additional effects

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Martial, potential additional effects

Grand Sacrifice - Communal sacrifice is a great way to bring the People together, and to also even out class distinctions. NOTE: Because the People do not use human sacrifice, the Econ costs are especially harsh. Max Stability: Legitimacy
*S: -2 Econ, +1 Stability
*M: -3 Econ, +2 Stability

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ and Diplo next turn, additional effects, tiny chance of innovation;
* used 3 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: within Northshore (inland to the north into the plains), badlands, eastern hills, northern pastures within Stonepen, southern shores, west of the Black River (west of Northshore province)
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number of times Expand Econ can be taken
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases the number of times Expand Econ can be taken
Special: Badlands settlement requires a Main action to work at all and only returns as a Secondary, but increases response time and decreases logistics for movement in and out of the badlands
Special: Main action for Eastern Hills, Southern Shores, Black River produces a new province

New Trails - The new coastal settlement is supported mostly by boats and the expansion of the limited trails there would be of great utility
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - A recent innovation from the south, by using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People. Max Stability: 0
* S: Gain -1 to 2 Stability
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - The new boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Metal - Metals can be extracted from certain rocks, but there are toxic byproducts. Can anything be done about this, and can other metals be extracted?
* S: -1 Mysticism, chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, greater chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 4 Uses, 1/3 Uses in a Row
*S: +1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Survey Lands - Foreigners have discovered strange materials within their lands, are these materials perhaps also found within the lands of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 1 time

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Diplo, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Diplo, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Garden - The canal has greatly expanded the People's knowledge of controlling and directing water. A smaller but more personal project has been proposed to improve Valleyhome [Stewards] [King] (3-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Stewards][King] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place [King] (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)
Saltern - Building in the sea and experience with wall construction and fish traps suggests the possibility of trapping large amounts of water to extract tremendous quantities of salt [Stewards] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One [Main] and two [Secondary] actions. The Stallion Tribes March is currently at war with nomadic raiders, assistance would be greatly appreciated.

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Copper Mine
[] Enforce Law
[] Establish Annual Festival
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Holy Sites
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Warriors
[] Grand Sacrifice
[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Thunder Horses, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Southern Hill People, Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads

Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail, Sacred Forest, Holy Sea, Horse Valley, White Circle
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Death by taxes
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Northshore (+1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn)
[X] [Secondary] Establish Annual Festival (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, chance for additional effects)
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

Valleyhome - Study Stars
Redshore - Expand Holy Site (-2 Econ, +2 Mysticism, +1 Art, potential additional effects)
Stonepen - Expand Economy (+1 Econ)

Stallion Tribes - [Main] War Mission, [Sec] Expand Econ, [Sec] Expand Forest

For generations the kings of the People have struggled with taxes, trying to implement the visions of prior kings, of encouraging the People to excel while also not being greedy.

For generations they have failed and the People grow sick of it.

As raiders strike into the province of the Stallion Tribes and the People send warriors and militia to back up the local defenders, so many heading that way that a new village springs up to serve as a logistical jumping off point, a tie along the beaten trails, the chief of the Stallion Tribes, Patryn, makes a very compelling argument.

"For generations these new taxes have not worked, and not only have they not worked, but the kings have squandered precious resources trying to make them work. All the effort that has gone into trying to make this failed system limp along could have been spent in preparation for the conflicts around us, to say nothing of the direct losses. This situation fundamentally cannot continue, especially now that new tribes have arrived to bring rape and murder to our borders."

And too many agree with this sentiment for the king and other chiefs to ignore it any longer.

Crisis resolution conditions not met!
[] Accept Patryn as king and let him make his reforms (+1 Stability, changes laws)
[] Accept that the system needs simplification (-1 Stability, -1 Prestige, -1 Econ, shifts taxes to quota and flat work terms)
[] Just a little more time... (-2 Stability, -1 Prestige, -1 Econ, tiny chance of civil war, +1 turn crisis resolution)

The crisis has forced social evolution, pick a reward
[] 1 Spiritual Value slot + 1 Honour Code slot
[] 1 Social Value slot
[] Random evolve one existing value

It also cannot be said that there are not further dangers than the nomads to the north, with the lowlands continuing to be a combination of festering wound and latrine fire, with the rumours coming out of it being that the Thunder Horse and Dead Priests are killing each other and everyone caught between them at an appalling rate, while the Highlanders gobble up territory in the chaos. The Southern Hill People also seem to have stabilized somewhat, in that there are no more major groups of refugees, and what sea raiders peek out of the region seem to be motivated by standard greed. The relative lack of trade has gone a long way towards isolating the People once again, with their largest remaining trading partner being the Metal Workers, who were a sea and river away, isolated in a mountain range and with their own internal squabbles that only affected the People in how much metal could be brought back on a given trading mission.

And yet, even as the world seemed to close in, it still held wonders for the People. Those shamans trained in stargazing and astrology reported a fantastical event, of a shooting star that burned across the particularly long and bright, streaking off to the north east. Knowing from legends that stars can fall and be recovered, if also intensely dangerous things if mishandled, the shamans still petition the king to help them outfit an expedition to look into it.

Hunt for a fallen star?
[] No, stay home, things are difficult enough already
[] A small group have permission to go
[] The shamans may lead a trade expedition to look into it (-1 Diplomacy)
[] A significant expedition will be outfitted (-1 Diplomacy, -1 Econ, -1 Martial)
End of Crisis
[X] Accept that the system needs simplification (-1 Stability, -1 Prestige, -1 Econ, shifts taxes to quota and flat work terms)
[X] 1 Spiritual Value slot + 1 Honour Code slot
[X] A significant expedition will be outfitted (-1 Diplomacy, -1 Econ, -1 Martial)

The current king considers the arguments of Patryn, and can only sigh and nod in acceptance. The tax regime implemented previously simply is not working, and simplification is required. The complex fractions that cause so much issue need to be pruned back. Those who harvest from land, sea, and stone will have quotas, while everyone else will be expected to do work as assigned by the chiefs for the betterment of all - those already working farms and the like would have a chunk of the planting and harvest season already counted as their labour to keep things more even. Everything else produced after that would be up to the People to figure out what they wanted to do with it among each other.

While certainly not favoured, the admission that the kings had made a mistake and the massive simplification of the systems, especially now that the law was so much more accessible and there were more shamans around to look out for people, took the wind from Patryn's sails. While the family would probably continue to agitate for changes yet, the majority of their supporters outside of their immediate circle of influence just wanted the situation fixed. There were obvious teething problems from having to get the laws about taxes changed and further confusion, but the flat quotas were so much easier for the People to understand and grapple with so those problems smoothed out quickly.

And then, almost a year after they were sent out, the expedition of warriors and traders escorting the shamans returned, many of their number missing but the survivors surrounding a wagon with precious cargo. Tales told that they had traveled to the northeast, where the lands grew cold and dry, and then tracked tales of the star falling from the sky, with the stories growing in character of how bright and loud it was. As they drew nearer, they had a suspicion that they would only be able to find it in the hands of nomadic shamans - something they were prepared for, they just wanted to have a look at it - but as it turned out the effects of a star falling to earth were about as cataclysmic as one might expect, with an enormous section of forest flattened and burned, the tribes there considering it cursed.

The shamans had left the rest of the caravan behind and went to investigate themselves, returning after two days in the blighted zone with a number of pieces of stone taken from the centres of craters scattered about the ruination. They had offered the other tribes a share of the prize since it was their land, and if not they would take the items away for purification so that the forest might regrow. Some of the local tribes accepted this, some did not.

As it was, the survivors were firm in the fact that it was definitely an excellent idea to have sent escorts, as until they reached the territory of the Thunder Horse they were harassed along the way by a number of groups. Curiously, while the Thunder Horse seemed initially annoyed when their own outriders caught sight of the caravan, upon seeing one of the groups pursuing the People they forgot all about that and went to enthusiastically pursue them, leaving the People to pass through more or less in peace. There was a story there, but they were a bit preoccupied with getting back to entirely safe territory to want to follow up much on it. As it was, they had a collection of stones that looked like they had been partially melted, with one of them having broken open to reveal an otherworldly substance that was silvery coloured but was tougher than anything else they had encountered, as the mythical stories of the star axe said.

Choose what to do with the star fragments...
[] Hide them away
[] Display them within the holy sites as sacred artefacts
[] Carefully study them for their mysteries
[] Construct a star axe for the People

Interestingly, shortly after the shamans returned with their prize, the nomad raids in the north west tapered off. Whether this was actually related to the recovery of the fallen star, or that the counter-raids by the Stallion Tribes supported by the rest of the People were causing sufficient damage was unknown, but there was certainly much to be grateful for on that front.

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Econ, +2 Art
* M: -2 Econ, +3 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Shapers] [King]
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ next turn, additional effects
* M: +1 Econ, additional effects
* used 2 times

Build Chariots - Once the domain of rich nomad chieftains, there is now enough copper to make construction of this new design practical for the People and deployable on a large scale. Used: 0 times
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
*M: -2 Econ, +3 Martial, other effects

Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Redshore, Northshore, and Stonepen capitals walled; Northshore and Stonepen partially walled elsewhere)
* S: -1 Econ, minor walls
* M: -1 Econ, major walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (Northshore has some watchtowers)
*S: -1 Econ, some watchtowers
*M: -1 Econ, many watchtowers

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Copper Mine - A source of copper is known within the People's territory, and it can be expanded to produce not just small amounts of the ore for art purposes, but into a full fledged mine, but the effects are currently unpleasant. Stability cost can be reduced if a way of mitigating the ecological damage can be developed.
*S: -1 Econ, -2 Stability, +4 Econ next turn, other effects
*M: -2 Stability, +4 Econ, other effects

Enforce Law - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact
* S: 0 to 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 0 to 1 Stability, greater odds of stability gain, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
* +1 Econ, potential additional effects
* 7 uses remain before requiring new territory

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort
* S: -1 Econ, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Holy Sites - The current places dedicated to the spirits and wisdom have accumulated interesting objects and tellers of stories, but they could be made a bit better
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Mysticism
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Mysticism, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Diplo, potential additional effects

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Martial, potential additional effects

Grand Sacrifice - Communal sacrifice is a great way to bring the People together, and to also even out class distinctions. NOTE: Because the People do not use human sacrifice, the Econ costs are especially harsh. Max Stability: Legitimacy
*S: -2 Econ, +1 Stability
*M: -3 Econ, +2 Stability

Improve Annual Festival - A festival for every season, but their expansion can help put the People at ease and teach good practices.
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects
* 2M: -3 Econ, +1 Stability, +3 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ and Diplo next turn, additional effects, tiny chance of innovation;
* used 3 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: within Northshore (inland to the north into the plains), badlands, eastern hills, northern pastures within Stonepen, southern shores, west of the Black River (west of Northshore province)
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number of times Expand Econ can be taken
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases the number of times Expand Econ can be taken
Special: Badlands settlement requires a Main action to work at all and only returns as a Secondary, but increases response time and decreases logistics for movement in and out of the badlands
Special: Main action for Eastern Hills, Southern Shores, Black River produces a new province

New Trails - The new coastal settlement is supported mostly by boats and the expansion of the limited trails there would be of great utility
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - A recent innovation from the south, by using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People. Max Stability: 0 or Legitimacy, whichever is lower
* S: Gain -1 to 2 Stability
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - The new boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Metal - Metals can be extracted from certain rocks, but there are toxic byproducts. Can anything be done about this, and can other metals be extracted?
* S: -1 Mysticism, chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, greater chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 6 Uses, 3/3 Uses in a Row
*S: +1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Survey Lands - Foreigners have discovered strange materials within their lands, are these materials perhaps also found within the lands of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 1 time

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Diplo, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Diplo, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Garden - The canal has greatly expanded the People's knowledge of controlling and directing water. A smaller but more personal project has been proposed to improve Valleyhome [Stewards] [King] (3-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Stewards][King] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place [King] (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)
Saltern - Building in the sea and experience with wall construction and fish traps suggests the possibility of trapping large amounts of water to extract tremendous quantities of salt [Stewards] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One [Main] and two [Secondary] actions.

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Copper Mine
[] Enforce Law
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Holy Sites
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Warriors
[] Grand Sacrifice
[] Improve Annual Festival
[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Thunder Horses, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Southern Hill People, Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads

Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail, Sacred Forest, Holy Sea, Horse Valley, White Circle
Just like you imagined
[X] Carefully study them for their mysteries
[X] [Main] Study Metal
[X] [Secondary] Study Health
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

Study Stars - Valleyhome
Expand Holy Site - Stonepen x2
Expand Economy - Redshore

Stallion Tribes - [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] New Trails, [Sec] Expand Econ

New Spiritual Trait Acquired!
Through careful study of the world, the will and workings of gods and spirits can be determined and understood.
Pros: Improved use of study actions
Cons: I know it worked this one time...

Stories more myth than anything else said that the lowlands were cursed, and those who lived there were stalked by evil spirits, all too eager to reap the souls of those so foolish as to dwell there. Perhaps there was even some wisdom in the now half-legendary Dead Priests trying to appease such monsters, but by all accounts it had not availed them. The Thunder Horse had sent representatives to the Highlands Kingdom with news that they would be reining in their raids against protected territory and even offered tribute in apology, because honestly they had better things to deal with, like the fact that their 'cousins' who insisted on also calling themselves the Thunder Horse were returning from the hills in the far east...

Only the Highlander king was a little busy being dead while his sons and war chiefs tore each other apart over who got to be the new king.


In any case, the north of the lowlands were relatively peaceful even as the far east and west of the area were torn apart by civil war and a three way brawl between the Thunder Horse, the eastern Thunder Horse, and the Dead Priests going at it.


And then, whatever demons that plagued that place decided that the violence was not sating their bloodlust fast enough and unleashed a curse of the likes that had not been seen since the dread tales of the star pox had swept through there during the Comet Time. Where before the demons had unleashed purulent fevers that maimed and disfigured and killed, now they conjured up a new epidemic to inflict upon those people. Random and swift, it struck without warning, causing people to collapse in agony where just a moment before they had been fine, inflicting upon them a terrible aching of the guts that soon resulted in the violent and explosive voiding of those guts. A person's vital essence could be drained in mere hours, leaving them a shriveled, sunken, blue-skinned corpse.

Given their retrieval of the star fragments, there were many that feared that the People had sinned, had repeated the hubris of the Thunder Horse in mythical ages past, and that disease was coming for them next, and unlike with the star pox they had no protection.

People fled the lowlands, demons of plague and disease howling and snapping like wolves at their heels, tearing down the most vulnerable among them as they tried to make the already parching trip through the badlands. Both people and demons were met with a stern faced wall of men and women in deathly silent crow masks. To those seeking refugee they were given food, water, shelter, and comfort.

To the demons?

They gave nothing and took everything!

AN: Imagine this, only the Persians are replaced by cholera (except for the well part, there mentally run that bit in reverse)

The continual expansion of holy sites had not increased the number of shamans terribly much, but it had increased the number of part time assistants so that those who were truly blessed by the spirits could devote all their time to spiritual matters, and a fire and mania gripped the shamans. They had beat the star pox, and they struggled every season with the other diseases, struggled to keep the number of children buried from four out of six to three out of six. They would not let this new curse enter their lands! Nor would they cower and hide from it, turning the desperate away.

Like warriors they strode out to do battle in the way of the People: they started no fights, but by the gods would they end them with all brutality and swiftness.

Perhaps it was the earlier orders of the king to study the fallen star and metal and how people reacted to various herbs and treatments, perhaps it was the knowledge that the key to defeating the star pox had come from noticing that those who worked with cows caught a lesser version, but they studied the curse like a hunter studies prey or a mason studies a stone for faults to break along. People volunteered to test treatments, and while far too many died - painfully, perhaps needlessly - these were losses against a foe greater than them, and more than one person passed on with a smile on their face as well as pained tears in their eyes - if their death meant the salvation of friends and family, then no matter how hideous it would be a good death. And with the shamans carefully tending to each new case, all confined to Lower Valleyhome, each death did bring some new little scrap of insight.

The curse could not be transmitted through blood, not like star pox.

Simply touching the sick could not get you ill, but improper cleanliness while handling the copious amounts of waste the sick produced could.

Sometimes people got sick for no apparent reason... but the People had a clue from another project. They had been struggling to understand the curses from turning stone to metal, setting aside forests and fields to study the problems, and they had seen a few things. The act of breaking apart a metal from its air could curse the air in obvious and subtle ways, and that which was not metal could mix with water to make poisons that stained the land. One of the major breakthroughs however was that if you filled a pit with the refuse of mining and smelting, you had to line it with waterproof pottery or the poison would seep out over the seasons. Another insight was that while some of the poisons were immediately obvious with the staining colours they produced, sometimes you could dilute out the colour but still detect bitter or sour flavours if you took a careful sip. Might there still be poison left even after further dilution?

So it was that the shamans tracked the disease and noted that so long as those who came fleeing its influence were kept in Lower Valleyhome, there were no cases in Upper Valleyhome. The sickness could not swim upriver. But perhaps it could seep out of the latrines if one was not careful? Increased care with waste handling was obviously needed to prevent the spread of this illness.

And then came a most miraculous breakthrough. Just supplying water was not good enough, it could not reliably save those who were infected, but a daring shaman had discovered a magnificent spell. Water could be purified through exposure to cleansing flame enough to boil, and then the addition of the pure substances of salt and honey created a tonic that could restore the vital essence of an afflicted person, increasing the chances that they might be able to fight off the curse with strength alone.

With purity of spirit and purpose, the shamans fought, and despite the expense, they beat the disease back, they forced the demons to go running from their territory, their prey of refugees and People denied from them by the unbroken line of shamans and volunteers. There was much weeping and lamentation for those lost, but also the elation of realizing victory.

Crow was with them, and his laughter had to echo and burn in the ears of the demons of disease as they fled, their magic spent.

The study of metal production also brought up other concerns: if the rocks brought up from the earth could beget poisons when washed with water, were there other rocks out there that might be similar to the ones deliberately exposed, producing poison? One particularly interesting point was that the most obvious poisons tended to be associated with bright colours - copper had a lot of blues and greens, but some of the waste produced was red or yellow - and foul smells, including some rather rotten egg stenches that were honestly confusing to try to explain. However, in searching the Land for both the possibility of more metal deposits or other places where nature had produced a natural seep, the People discovered a sea facing cliff face where several layers of stone almost seemed to be bleeding. More than that, while not much had been learned from studying the fragments of the fallen star other than that they were incredibly tough, it was noted that some of the stones around the Bleeding Cliff sort of looked like some of the stony bits of the fallen star, or the one red residue they had made in seeing if the fallen star produced poison like other metals.

Perhaps... perhaps a star had fallen here in the past and left a wound in the earth? Maybe metal, being different from other materials, was all derived from the heavens, and the poisons were merely whatever curses were locked away in such disturbance of the celestial order being unleashed? Maybe... maybe not. Hard to tell, but it would probably be worth further study in the future.

In the meantime, the People had the sick to take care of.

How many refugees?
[] No more than usual (Tiny chance of Stability loss)
[] A significant number (-1 Stability, +2 Econ)
[] There is a war going on too you know (-2 Stability, +4-5 Econ)
[] The whole lowlands are kind of a mess, you know? (-3 Stability, +6-8 Econ, other effects)

You have discovered powerful new magic
[] Keep it secret (Chance of Stability loss)
[] Share with friendly groups (Chance of other effects)
[] Share with everyone who will listen (+1 Stability, other effects)
[] Share with even those who don't want to listen (-1 Diplomacy, +1 immediate Stability, chance for additional stability, other effects)

You're somewhat running out of resources to expand Holy Sites, switch?
[] No, keep Spirits
[] Balanced
[] Defence
[] Expansion
[] Megaproject Support
[] Offence
[] Progress
[] Restoration
[] Trade

Special Note: Because of the discovery of needing clean water and large amounts of salt to most effectively fight these sorts of disease, starting the Saltern or the Garden next turn will provide +1 Stability as the People are assured that the king is being proactive in protection against demons

AN: So many perfectly timed crits... The People basically just headbutt one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse into submission
Healing magic
[X] A significant number (-1 Stability, +2 Econ)
[X] Share with even those who don't want to listen (-1 Diplomacy, +1 immediate Stability, chance for additional stability, other effects)
[X] Megaproject Support

The People consider what they have, and decide that the only reasonable thing to do is to let everyone else that in the region know about their discovery, so that lives might be saved. Some considered that the demons only inflicted their curses on bad people, but others countered that even if the leadership were wicked there were still innocents among them that could suffer. Also, unlike with the sacred warding from the cattle, the discovery of how the blue plague spread and the recipe for the restorative potion were simple, so there was no danger that anyone would make a dangerous mistake. Seeing this, the king decreed that the knowledge was to be shared, spread far and wide, so that the innocent might be spared the ravages of disease. Some of those tasked to do so might not return, and they would probably end up spending wealth and influence to make it so, but it would be worth it.

Three years after the traders went out, a most curious delegation was brought to the attention of the king. A trader from the Thunder Horse had with him a number of odd 'guests', foreigners who required translation. Inviting them in, the king was introduced to the representatives of the Xohyssiri - who the People had called the Dead Priests since time immemorial. Well tanned men of dark hair and long beards carefully tied into braids, they bore tattoos of abstract and inscrutable design upon their hands and necks and had polished stone discs within their ears. They wore otherwise undecorated white cotton robes and had a definite air of wisdom and spiritual power about them. Assistants from the Thunder Horse trader brought in large tablets of dark black stone upon poles and began laying them out at the instruction of one of the Dead Priests.

"What is this?" The king asked.

"They say that it is repayment for knowledge. In their custom, something given must be paid back, and something given freely must be paid back twice. Your sharing of knowledge - the Thunder Speaker also has our gifts of thanks for that by the way - was so strong that they sent a delegation to ask us for assistance in sending their gift to you, despite the fact that we're not exactly friends with them, as they figured the journey would be difficult and communication near impossible without a go between," the trader explained, adding on, "They also paid us considerably for this." After that, he began to speak in a foreign language, probably relaying what he just said along to the Dead Priest delegates.

The members of the council went to inspect the tablets being set out, and found that in the smooth black stone there were drawings that had been carved into the surface and then the cut marks had been filled in with gold to create dazzling highlights, showing rather ghoulish pictures of people who appeared to have been butchered, surrounded by foreign writing. Those who saw them were obviously shocked, but the king and the Spirit Chief kept the upset of the others from spilling over, even as they were wary and suspicious, and asked darkly, "What is this?"

"This is their sacred Book of the Living, a guide to how the body is laid out, the various diseases and injuries of the organs, and every treatment they know against each of these. They told me that while they understand that many do not like how their ancestors acquired this knowledge, they themselves are only from the healing caste of their priesthood, who are forbidden from actually performing any sort of sacrifice. They consider their own lives to be a component of the payment towards your generosity, but ask that if they are to be killed that they be able to give you a proper translation of the Book of the Living first so that you might make use of it. They are also instructed to share their knowledge with your healers as well," the trader explained.

Taking a closer look at one of the tablets, the Spirit Chief hummed to himself before he said, "Fascinating."

The king on the other hand asked, "The council shall consider this gift, although we have to ask the motivation more clearly."

The trader and the leader of the Dead Priest delegation had a bit of a conversation before the trader replied, "They say that it is an obligation for them. I don't know if I understand it precisely, but their spirits teach them and compel them to return all favours and insults in turn and time. The gift of life is the most precious gift possible, so in sending them a solution for the blue plague, they must repay life saving magic with life saving magic or their own gods will destroy them for their disrespect."

The council look over the stone faced men who claimed to be healers with intense suspicion, before the king glared at them all and said, "Enough! It is the way of the People that all who come in peace be greeted warmly and offered food and shelter. So long as they do not violate our laws and ways I see no reason to turn these men away, and if they wish to work for us in teaching - teaching that will be carefully examined and reviewed by our wisest shamans - then I also see no reason to deny them such work. We will also of course offer repayment for those of our guests among the Thunder Horse who may wish to linger here and aid in translation until we may speak with these healers without an intermediary."

While this did not immediately turn all frowns to smiles, it did shame the majority into polite neutrality. Even if the gift were strange and distasteful, the chiefs and councilors could be reminded to take it as it was fairly obviously intended - an honest gift from outsiders. A few of the more spiritually apt even considered what some of the carvings seemed to be demonstrating and wondered if perhaps the wickedly obtained knowledge might actually be of use.

Trait Fusion
Land of Opportunity + Greater Good -> Cosmopolitan Acceptance
The People see not outsiders but fellow humans in need of assistance, and are always willing to offer aid, knowing that even when friendship is uncertain the act of offering is a cleansing one.
Pros: Enhanced absorption of new ideas, +1 social value from current or historical neighbours, whenever a neighbour suffers a stability drop have the option to also suffer a stability drop in exchange for a large boost to Econ and technological and social advancement by absorbing especially large numbers of people, the first Econ boost a turn only has a chance of causing a stability drop rather than a guaranteed drop
Cons: Many think you weak, no longer have the option to turn away the needy, sometimes you get values you didn't expect

Select a new LoO trait
[] Highland Kingdom (One compatible value: Order Above All)
[] Dead Priests (One compatible value: The Greater Good)
[] Thunder Horse (Probable Honour value)
[] Northern Nomads (Probable Honour value)
Metal Workers have no compatible values of interest

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Econ, +2 Art
* M: -2 Econ, +3 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Shapers] [King]
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ next turn, additional effects
* M: +1 Econ, additional effects
* used 2 times

Build Chariots - Once the domain of rich nomad chieftains, there is now enough copper to make construction of this new design practical for the People and deployable on a large scale. Used: 0 times
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
*M: -2 Econ, +3 Martial, other effects

Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Redshore, Northshore, and Stonepen capitals walled; Northshore and Stonepen partially walled elsewhere)
* S: -1 Econ, minor walls
* M: -1 Econ, major walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (Northshore has some watchtowers)
*S: -1 Econ, some watchtowers
*M: -1 Econ, many watchtowers

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Copper Mine - A source of copper is known within the People's territory, and it can be expanded to produce not just small amounts of the ore for art purposes, but into a full fledged mine. The effects are unpleasant but the People think they can contain the worst of it.
*S: -3 Econ, +5 Econ next turn, other effects
*M: +3 Econ, other effects

Enforce Law - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact
* S: 0 to 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 0 to 1 Stability, greater odds of stability gain, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
* +1 Econ, potential additional effects
* 9 uses remain before requiring new territory

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort
* S: -1 Econ, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Holy Sites - The current places dedicated to the spirits and wisdom have accumulated interesting objects and tellers of stories, but they could be made a bit better
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Mysticism
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Mysticism, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Diplo, potential additional effects

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Martial, potential additional effects

Improve Annual Festival - A festival for every season, but their expansion can help put the People at ease and teach good practices.
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects
* 2M: -3 Econ, +1 Stability, +3 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ and Diplo next turn, additional effects, tiny chance of innovation;
* used 3 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: within Northshore (inland to the north into the plains), badlands, eastern hills, northern pastures within Stonepen, southern shores, west of the Black River (west of Northshore province)
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number of times Expand Econ can be taken
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases the number of times Expand Econ can be taken
Special: Badlands settlement requires a Main action to work at all and only returns as a Secondary, but increases response time and decreases logistics for movement in and out of the badlands
Special: Main action for Eastern Hills, Southern Shores, Black River produces a new province

New Trails - The new coastal settlement is supported mostly by boats and the expansion of the limited trails there would be of great utility
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - A recent innovation from the south, by using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People. Max Stability: 0 or Legitimacy, whichever is lower
* S: Gain -1 to 2 Stability
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - The new boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Metal - You have worked out the important features of metals like copper, silver, and gold, but are there other metals one can find?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, greater chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 7 Uses, 4 Uses in a Row
*S: +1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Survey Lands - Foreigners have discovered strange materials within their lands, are these materials perhaps also found within the lands of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 1 time

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Diplo, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Diplo, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Garden - The canal has greatly expanded the People's knowledge of controlling and directing water. A smaller but more personal project has been proposed to improve Valleyhome [Stewards] [King] (3-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Stewards][King] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place [King] (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)
Saltern - Building in the sea and experience with wall construction and fish traps suggests the possibility of trapping large amounts of water to extract tremendous quantities of salt [Stewards] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One [Main] and two [Secondary] actions.

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Copper Mine
[] Enforce Law
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Holy Sites
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Warriors
[] Improve Annual Festival
[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Thunder Horses, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Southern Hill People, Dead Priests, Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads

Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail, Sacred Forest, Holy Sea, Horse Valley, White Circle, Warrior's Rest
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So much salt
[X] Dead Priests (One compatible value: The Greater Good)
[X] [Main] Saltern
[X][Secondary] Study Health
[X][Secondary] Study Health x2
[X] [Kick] Saltern

Provinces - Megaproject x2

Stallion Tribes [Main] Chariots, [Sec] Expand Econ x2

With the new potion developed requiring salt, and salt being required for so many things anyway, the king carefully listened to his council and then authorized that significant resources be directed towards the construction of a new major project along the coast in Northshore. There was a place along the coast where what appeared to be an old riverbed had once run, producing an area where the tide came up unusually high but where a plausible wall could be built as a sort of dam. The biggest trick would be how to create a gate that could let the sea in when the structure needed to be filled, but keep it out when they wanted the water collected to disappear beneath the sun. They surveyed the land and got to work planning things out, sending workers to the location even as they started to fill wagons with cut stone and fired bricks and food for those who would actually do the job. It was massively disruptive to internal trade and supplies and actually getting the usual work done...

And yet, somehow, everything just came together all at once and a frenzy came over those working at the project. Something that was projected to take generations to get working properly instead only took years, and while there were setbacks and delays, the first walls built were better able to withstand the sea than any might have expected, and the crumbling of the gates gave quicker insight. Bricks and glazed tiles to make the collection of salt simpler came in faster than initially expected as the People threw personal effort into getting the project done. By the time the first children born after the announcement of the project were taking their rites of adulthood, the first batches of salt were already being scraped up.

Megaproject Completed!
Ancient Saltern
Gives an initial bonus to Econ, +1 Diplomacy every turn until the invention of currency, grants access to the Salt Gift action, and the Saltern extended project action, when acceptable sites for construction or expansion can be found

Legacy Gained!
Rush Builders: Extended projects cost more per turn but complete faster

New Concept: Extended projects are somewhat like megaprojects in that they require a commitment of actions beyond what one could usually develop in a single turn, but are less involved than megaprojects so they can be done with secondary actions and do not cause social disruption to stop part way through. Some may, however, suffer loss of progress is ignored

Perhaps some of the frenzy was the fact that the gift from the Xohyssiri was paying off quite well, the lessons and knowledge of their healers and Book of the Living, while gruesome, were also incredibly valuable for dealing with injury. Many shamans could set bones, and some of the Carrion Eaters knew the secrets of releasing the demons from the skull of a man suffering a head wound, but when given a sharp knife and fire the butcher priests could amputate a limb faster and more cleanly than any of the People. If a woman perished in childbirth then they could even sometimes cut the babe from her belly so that both would not be lost. It was unclean, spiritually dangerous work, but it was exactly the sort of thing the Carrion Eaters were for, and with the reduced number of workers being outright killed in accidents or dying from disease, the projections of the chiefs were perhaps overly pessimistic, hence why things completed so quickly.

The healers also told of a rare flower that the People might be able to trade with the Highlanders for that made dealing with painful sickness and injury. It came from somewhere in the south-west, but there were traders who occasionally wandered up from that direction who might be able to be contacted through intermediaries. The Xohyssiri had routes even further to the south that the People had never heard about that bypassed the Highlanders and the Southern Hill Folk, but one of those two would probably have to be a go between for the People if they were interested. A mission to the Highlanders might also be useful as the civil war had ended swiftly and decisively, with a new king rising to prominence and apparently beginning a project of consolidation and inscription of the law inspired by tales from the People.

Then again there was a rumour along their trade routes that the Metal Workers had discovered something interesting, or perhaps more ties with the Thunder Horse - who were apparently starting to refer to their term for 'king' of Thunder Speaker for their whole people - would give further insights into their conflicts with their eastern cousins. Or maybe they might take the relative peace of the western lowlands to send a mission to the Xohyssiri, who as far as anyone could tell the People had never actually fought and most stories were just ancient tales of monsters in the south-east. While they did things that the People disapproved of, so did basically all of their trade partners in one way or another, and maybe going to their homelands would give actual insights instead of fourth-hand stories and ancient campfire tales to scare small children.

Choose an Econ action
[] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[] Study Stars (continues chain) + Survey Lands
[] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)

Choose a trade mission target (-1 Diplo)
[] Highland Kingdom
[] Metal Workers
[] Thunder Horse
[] Xohyssiri
[] No one (No cost)
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New ventures
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri

The People were somewhat surprised by the swiftness of their own construction, so with the need for fresh water also something on their mind, the king approved a project that some had talked about around campfires for some time, which was to make a canal that flowed into a city to provide fresh water directly, instead of requiring to walk a significant way to the river or a well. It would also better help flush the drainage ditches and a few other considerations. Upper Valleyhome had long been considered a good place to start, as while it was at the top of a local high point it was still well below well watered hills with a pre-existing reservoir and irrigation network. There would be a fair amount of earth moving required, but it was a relatively simple task all things considered to get a small canal down from those hills and into the city. What would be more complicated would be rearranging things to ensure that there would be proper waterflow throughout the settlement, which would require... basically every structure to be demolished and relocated, but since everything was already laid out on a grid and old buildings were often torn down and replaced anyway, the task was really more about accelerating the replacement schedule and moving things about during that time. Streets would be widened, more boulevards put in place, and channels to carry fresh and waste water would be laid underneath brick lined streets. It would take time, but the project had multiple provinces for backing. While some of it was just for the prestige of it all, a big part was that the chiefs recognized that Valleyhome was a good test case to see if they could extend the concept to other large settlements.

Meanwhile, the king summoned forth the healers from the Xohyssiri and said to them, "We thank you for your teaching us of your skills, and of speaking of your people. While we are still wary of your ways, let it not be said that we will turn anyone away simply for being strange. As such we shall be outfitting a major trade caravan to speak with your people, and if you wish to accompany them to return to your people that is acceptable to both me and the People."

Of the surviving healers, time having culled their numbers, there was some consideration as technically they had been given as part of the gift and it wasn't precisely proper to return a gift, but some of them making the return trip could be seen of as continuing to aid the People by aiding them, and they could consult with the people in charge back home once they got there. So some joined up with the caravan, while those who wished to stay remained behind.

It took many seasons for the caravan dispatched to work its way back to the People, but the traders brought with them fantastical stories of the Xohyssiri. Mostly that while they weren't nearly as bad as rumours and legends suggested, they were still a thoroughly unpleasant lot, who yes, did have a wall studded with skulls around the centre of the city, which was at least as big as Valleyhome, if not larger. There were, however, two additional layers of wall around the city: one around a vast sprawl of lower class and slave housing, and another, much lower wall that spread out to encapsulate the farmland around the city. This second one was primarily to make any chariot raids a much bigger pain than to really keep out dedicated attackers, but since chariot raids were the main threat it worked quite well at its job. While morbidly decorated at the gates, these newer walls were significantly less gruesome than the ancient structure that was still maintained with fresh blood and skulls, but thankfully no longer really expanded.

The spirits they paid tribute to in sacrifices both mundane and human were also about as bad as trade stories described, with more than a few traders considering that the Xohyssiri should get better gods once they were well away from the place, although there were a few that the People felt had some redeeming values, although most of those weren't the major ones that had big temple complexes... although perhaps the fact that they didn't have major temples that offered up at least one human sacrifice once a year had something to do with why the People didn't mind them so much. The one the People had the least issue with was definitely Tuultox, a spirit with the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a woman whose venom could serve as both disease and cure, something the more spiritually apt knew was true of most medicines, with the dosage and application making the difference. While they didn't exactly approve of some of the bloodier aspects, Tuultox also didn't demand active human sacrifice so for one of the major ones that put her leagues ahead of the rest.

More practically, the People had to acknowledge that for all its gruesome character and unpleasant smell, the city of the Xohyssiri was prosperous and a major hub for trade, with numerous rare and exotic goods brought to an enormous square where they were exchanged and swapped. While not unique, the large loads of dye and precious metal had certainly made for a vigorous trade, netting rare cloths, beautiful artwork, and a few daggers of 'Eastern copper', a strange variation on copper that was used by a few of the Eastern Thunder Horse that held an edge much better than regular copper, and was a bit more golden in colour than copper. While still not terribly useful for making weapons, the knives made from the material were good enough to make a useful replacement for stone or wood variants, and the Xohyssiri occasionally picked them up off the battlefield. And then of course there was the big product: ceramics. The Xohyssiri had ceramics that exceeded anything the People made in terms of shape, patterning, and quality of glaze.

Overall, while the People weren't entirely certain about any sort of continued relationship with the Xohyssiri, continued trade with them could probably be beneficial, and perhaps by talking to them they might introduce them to some non-psychotic spirits to worship, although there was some unease over the possibility of someone offering a heart up to Crow in the future. Also, fighting would probably block the route again in the future, but for the moment there would probably be good things coming up from the south for a time, and the People might learn a thing or two from the Dead Priests.

Art Patronage - Wealth of the first and second kind can be used to create wealth of the third kind to the benefit of all
* S: -1 Econ, +2 Art
* M: -2 Econ, +3 Art, +1 Prestige, potential innovations

Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Shapers] [King]
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ next turn, additional effects
* M: +1 Econ, additional effects
* used 2 times

Build Chariots - Once the domain of rich nomad chieftains, there is now enough copper to make construction of this new design practical for the People and deployable on a large scale. Used: 1 times
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
*M: -2 Econ, +3 Martial, other effects

Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Redshore, Northshore, and Stonepen capitals walled; Northshore and Stonepen partially walled elsewhere)
* S: -1 Econ, minor walls
* M: -1 Econ, major walls

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (Northshore has some watchtowers)
*S: -1 Econ, some watchtowers
*M: -1 Econ, many watchtowers

Change Policy - Adjust the current Policy to one better fitting the situation
*S: Change Policy to one of the available ones listed below
Balanced - Takes whatever actions seem reasonable. Expand Economy is considered a Policy action for interaction with other effects
Defence - Builds walls and watchtowers
Expansion - Builds new settlements, expands economy, expands forests, and can even create new provinces
Infrastructure - Extended projects
Megaproject Support - Provinces can spend actions in support of a megaproject
Offence - Can recruit warriors and specialists, can send war actions against declared enemies
Progress - Takes studying actions and art patronage
Restoration - Takes stability improving actions
Spirits - Expands Holy Sites
Trade - Sends out trade missions, produce art and luxuries

Copper Mine - A source of copper is known within the People's territory, and it can be expanded to produce not just small amounts of the ore for art purposes, but into a full fledged mine. The effects are unpleasant but the People think they can contain the worst of it.
*S: -3 Econ, +5 Econ next turn, other effects
*M: +3 Econ, other effects

Enforce Law - The king is a servant of the law, and he can use the army to remind people of that fact
* S: 0 to 1 Stability, +1-3 Centralization
* M: 0 to 1 Stability, greater odds of stability gain, +2-3 Centralization
* the more settlements with walls outside of the capital, particularly large walls, the less effective this action is

Expand Economy - Encourage the growth of food producing activities such as farming, pastures, or fishing, depending on where focus is placed
* +1 Econ, potential additional effects
* 6 uses remain before requiring new territory

Expand Forests - The People have knowledge of how to regrow and repair forests, which extends to bringing them to places they have never been, with considerable effort
* S: -1 Econ, grows forest, +1 Econ next turn if in settled territory and controlled
* M: -1 Econ, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory

Expand Holy Sites - The current places dedicated to the spirits and wisdom have accumulated interesting objects and tellers of stories, but they could be made a bit better
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Mysticism
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Mysticism, +1 Art, potential additional effects

Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Diplo
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Diplo, potential additional effects

Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Martial
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Martial, potential additional effects

Grand Sacrifice - Communal sacrifice is a great way to bring the People together, and to also even out class distinctions. NOTE: Because the People do not use human sacrifice, the Econ costs are especially harsh. Max Stability: Legitimacy
*S: -2 Econ, +1 Stability
*M: -3 Econ, +2 Stability

Improve Annual Festival - A festival for every season, but their expansion can help put the People at ease and teach good practices.
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Stability, +1 Art chance for additional effects
* 2M: -3 Econ, +1 Stability, +3 Art, chance for additional effects
* Max Stability: Legitimacy - 1

More Blackbirds - Elite scouts and woodsmen, the Blackbirds are a potent force, if not exactly mainline fighters. More of them could prove useful
* S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial more Blackbirds
* M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Blackbirds, additional effects

More Carrion Eaters - Keepers of sacred and profane knowledge, the Carrion Eaters thread a dangerous path but bring valuable knowledge for treating wounds and inspiring courage, greatly bolstering the morale of warriors by ensuring them that their companions are not doomed if they fall. More could prove useful.
*S: -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, more Carrion Eaters
*M: -1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects

More Boats - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
* S: -2 Econ, +1 Econ and +1 Diplo next turn, other potential effects
* M: -2 Econ, +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ and Diplo next turn, additional effects, tiny chance of innovation;
* used 3 times

New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: within Northshore (inland to the north into the plains), badlands, eastern hills, northern pastures within Stonepen, southern shores, west of the Black River (west of Northshore province)
* S: +1 Econ next turn, increases number of times Expand Econ can be taken
* M: +1 Econ and +1 Mysticism end of turn, increases the number of times Expand Econ can be taken
Special: Badlands settlement requires a Main action to work at all and only returns as a Secondary, but increases response time and decreases logistics for movement in and out of the badlands
Special: Main action for Eastern Hills, Southern Shores, Black River produces a new province

New Trails - The new coastal settlement is supported mostly by boats and the expansion of the limited trails there would be of great utility
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, other effects
* M: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects

Proclaim Glory - A recent innovation from the south, by using art the King can promote people to trust his decisions; modified by Diplomacy skill
* S: -2 Art, +1 Legitimacy
* M: -3 Art, -1 Econ, +1 Legitimacy, +1 Stability, potential +1 Prestige
* Max Stability: Legitimacy

Restoration of Order - The people are uncertain, and into that uncertainty bad behaviour can flow. Send in the warriors to reassure people and root out corruption and dissent, restoring the proper function of the People. Max Stability: 0 or Legitimacy, whichever is lower
* S: Gain -1 to 2 Stability
* M: Roll twice, take best result
* modified by Administrative skill

Sailing Mission - The new boats have proven themselves capable of exploring long distances, so what else might they discover along the shores of the sea?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Salt Gift - With the saltern, the People have access to tremendous amounts of salt, which can be used to awe outsiders
*S: -5 Diplomacy, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated
*M: -5 Diplomacy, random amount of Diplomacy, Art, and Prestige generated (min. 1 of each) and the possibility of Mysticism generation

Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success

Study Metal - You have worked out the important features of metals like copper, silver, and gold, but are there other metals one can find?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, greater chance of new insights

Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 7 Uses, 0/4 Uses in a Row
*S: +1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action

Survey Lands - Foreigners have discovered strange materials within their lands, are these materials perhaps also found within the lands of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success; used 1 time

Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
* S: -1 Diplo, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of of turn;
* M: -1 Diplo, -1 Econ, additional effects depending on target, +1-2 Diplo end of turn, +1-2 Diplo next turn

War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile. Can only declare war if you have a valid casus belli (currently only if someone declares war first)
* S: Potential loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial and Diplo
* M: Probable loss of Martial, can prevent Econ and Diplo damage when being attacked, can damage enemy Martial, Diplo, and Econ, always has a mid-turn decision point

Extended Projects- Extended Projects are major infrastructure projects that take more than a single Main action to complete but aren't as all consuming as megaprojects
Saltern - Need to find a new location through Survey actions or have more advanced technology to

Reminder: 2 {S} applied to the same project = 1 {M}
Additionally: 2 Mains may have non-linear effects

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
The Garden - The canal has greatly expanded the People's knowledge of controlling and directing water. A smaller but more personal project has been proposed to improve Valleyhome [Stewards] [King] (1/3-6? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Stewards][King] (4-7? action commitment, -1 Econ per action)
Place to the Stars - The shamans have noticed deeper patterns among the stars than they ever imagined, and setting up long term memories of where things should be could be intensely useful, if also labour intensive to get sufficiently durable markers in place [King] (7-10? action commitment, -1 Econ per action, some Mysticism commitment)

[Stewards] special kicker: Pay 1 Stability to double the effort on a megaproject action, consuming twice the required per turn resources but advancing the job faster. If taking a second main action on a megaproject, requires additional Stability payment to double that as well.
One [Main] action and two [Seconday] actions available. Currently working on the Garden Megaproject, which is being supported by the provinces. Will finish in 1-2 turns with current level of support

[] Art Patronage
[] Black Soil
[] Build Chariots
[] Build Wall
[] Build Watchtowers
[] Change Policy
[] Copper Mine
[] Enforce Law
[] Expand Economy
[] Expand Forests
[] Expand Holy Sites
[] Expand Snail Cultivation
[] Expand Warriors
[] Grand Sacrifice
[] Improve Annual Festival

[] More Blackbirds
[] More Carrion Eaters
[] More Boats
[] New Settlement
[] New Trails
[] Proclaim Glory
[] Restore Order
[] Sailing Mission
[] Salt Gift
[] Study Forests
[] Study Health
[] Study Metal
[] Study Stars
[] Survey Lands
[] Trade Mission
-Target Options: Highland Kingdom, Western Thunder Horse/Thunder Speakers, Metal Miners, Lowland Minors, Southern Hill People, Dead Priests/Xohyssiri, Into the Wild
[] War Mission
-Target Options: Northern Nomads

Provinces for Projects: Valleyhome, Redshore, Stonepen, Sacred Forest, Northshore
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail, Sacred Forest, Holy Sea, Horse Valley, White Circle, Warrior's Rest
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As the tides
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden

Provinces - Megaproject x2

Stallion Tribes - [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Walls, [Sec] New Trails

The People had kicked disease in the head before, had pushed back against the demons of the underworld and the lowlands, and had struck major blows against two of their ways of plaguing humanity. As such, was it any surprise that the demons would concoct something new? Something terrible and insidious in its method of killing?

So the demons sent a cough. A painful cough that lingered and lingered, such that it could not be adequately contained by quarantine, not without crashing the economy as everyone stayed isolated from everyone else. It killed adults to be sure, their bodies sometimes wracked with coughs so potent as to break ribs, but as the disease spread through the population, the brunt of the reaping fell upon the most vulnerable, and there seemed to be no way to stop this latest iteration of a killer. Where for generations the shamans had fought to keep three out of six children alive, it was now more like two out of seven or even eight that made it to adulthood. It wasn't always the new cough, just as often it was the old familiar killers, but now there was something new that the People couldn't fight to weaken tiny bodies and leave them susceptible to something else.

As such, while the completion of the new changes to Upper Valleyhome was met with much praise over how it definitely improved things, it was ultimately still a bittersweet moment as many were left to weep at tiny graves. For Magwyna, the newest and most vigorous Artisan Chief, the opening of the gates and the flowing of water was marred by the taste of ash in her mouth from the loss of her two youngest, a rambunctious girl of seven and a bright boy of four. Her face was stone for she had already cried out her tears and needed to focus on the project that had first brought her to prominence in the first place. Work had begun when she was a child and her father a stonemason - now an elder enjoying his retirement whittling and telling new stonemasons what to do - and she had discovered a talent for organizing and directing the work. She had simply been able to see the patterns of movement among the workers, the rhythm to it all and where things got snarled and how they could be smoothed. Then she had precociously charmed her father and the other workers into following her advice, and after they started to recognize that she had good advice they had realized that they had a born administrator on their hands.

By the time of her being declared a woman she had an assignment from the Artisan Chief with royal backing to travel to the Green Hill and apprentice under the clerks and chiefs doing the process of expanding the quarry into a mine and smelting site, transforming the coloured stones into shining copper and poisonous wastes. She had thrived there and got the mine up and running early, and had also met her husband Yldod, a potter, there, and had soon found herself sent on to the new Southshore settlement, where they not only needed a skilled admin but someone who could handle the fact that there were people from the Southern Hill Tribes - now being called the Hathatyn after the city that seemed dominant in the overall region, Hathaya - who were also starting to settle the region. Through adroit diplomacy she had managed to keep the fighting to a minimum; mostly just interpersonal things that would have happened regardless of language or beliefs, but she kept it from spiraling out of control into anything larger conflicts, for the time being.

And then she had returned to the place of her birth to see the project coming to fruition, and for the new disease to begin its outbreak. If only the gardens could help with the coughing plague, but as it was they "merely" helped prevent other infections and gave people a greater chance of fighting it off without picking up something else along the way. It was a remarkable piece of work too, consisting of both an elevated ramp and watertight sections of brickwork that allowed the water to move uphill. The outflow was at the top of the hill, and then it cascaded down through more canals to water the whole city, including large areas with trees and bushes to provide shade and bring healthy spirits of nature into the city. Waste water was also carried away with a section of the outflow, taking it to fields where lined pits and specially selected plants slowed down, collected, and filtered the waste. Upper Valleyhome would create less black soil the traditional way, but the farms and forests throughout the province rarely needed a fresh infusion, and burning off winter top cover before planting seemed to adequately renew it anyway.

Megaproject Completed!
The Garden
Through the careful channeling of water, the People have created a garden within a city, a well watered domain of pleasant shade and efficient sewage disposal. Unlocks the aqueduct extended project, provides an aqueduct for the city (increasing available living space). Opens up the True City status

Local Copper Supply Acquired!
Econ cost of all megaprojects and extended projects reduced. Opens up new innovation possibilities.

Select a bonus
[] Random Admin tech upgrade
[] Random Construction tech upgrade
[] Free holy site expansion (+2 Mysticism)
[] Reassure the People of their safety and prosperity (+1 Stability)

Unfortunately, while no one quite knew what had caused the coughing plague - most of their sedentary neighbours were also suffering from it, although no one could be sure who had it first - many people were quite convinced that they knew what it was: the mine. Many were now convinced that the superior qualities of metal was because it was the remains of the weapons of the gods, slung across the sky and buried in the ground ages ago. Since gods fought with the primal forces of the world like thunder, storms, the unsteadiness of the earth, and of course the unleashing of demons of plague. The People knew that metals and their wastes could make people sick, but many were now convinced that playing with the weapons of spirits and gods was fundamentally unsound, and while none could deny the utility of having metal tools, many were now against anything to do with the production of those tools.

Baby Boom Ended!
Due to an increase in infant mortality from new diseases, growth rates have stabilized back to near equilibrium levels. -1 Stability due to these new mortality rates not being considered normal

Debilitating Belief Gained!
Weapons of the Gods
Metal and things that come from the heavens are cursed! While the People will use that which is already present or trade, metal mining and open study now costs Stability.

Magwyna was obviously opposed to this belief, but she felt that was because it didn't make sense to her given that the metal barren Xohyssiri seemed to suffer from more plagues than the metal rich people to the far west. Unfortunately, given that she very much had an involvement in setting up the mine, pretty much everyone assumed that she wanted to downplay things for political reasons, which was frustrating given that she was already having problems on the council relating to her relative youth and gender. While the chiefs of Valleyhome and Southshore personally knew and liked her from before her appointment as Artisan Chief, the chiefs of Northshore, Stonepen, and the Stallion Tribes seemed to have a grudge out for her, probably because Attrikwyn, the chief of the Stallion Tribes seemed to have a bug up his ass about her. He liked to cast her ways of being charming, personable, and persuasive as being 'seductive' and challenged the legitimacy of her advice and achievements. Everyone else on the council seemed to have more complex and mixed feelings, but it made getting her points across harder. Some accused her of going after the kingship, and while originally she hadn't, she was now tempted to do so just to clean the situation up. It would be a hard struggle though, especially since Attrikwyn seemed set on the kingship himself and was frankly also a good candidate.

Choose the next heir
[] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[] Attrikwyn ([Good Admin, Diplo, and Martial])
[] Someone else (Standard)

Choose a midturn project
[] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[] Study Metal (-2 Mysticism, -1 Econ, -1 Stability, chance of new discoveries)
[] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries)
[] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[] Focus on Growth (+2 Econ)

And, of course, with a new disease on the scene - and the Thunder Speakers and Xohyssiri getting their faces kicked in by the Eastern Thunder Horse - the lowlands were in chaos. The Highlander king's attempt to unify their laws and bring about changes had also annoyed some of his chiefs, who had taken the coughing plague as a sign of displeasure by the spirits. While it wasn't a complete rupture of order, an group roughly equivalent to a province was trying to break off, resulting in just one more bit of chaos in their southern neighbours.

Refugee policy
[] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] You have lots of room (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, chance of further effects)
[] Encourage people to come to a safe place (-3 Stability, chance of further loss, +8-11 Econ, further effects)
[] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)
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The salt must flow
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Magwyna considered her options and then decided that she was not going to tolerate Attrikwyn constantly trying to downplay her accomplishments at the yearly meeting and appointing someone to speak in his stead the rest of the time who was also generally antagonistic towards her. Admittedly, part of all of that was probably general concern about the issues many felt with the mine and part of that was attempting to deflate potential competition to becoming king, but still, she was not going to accept this going forward. Seeing only one way to really shut him up, she began to put the pieces together to push for election as the next heir. It was... not exactly easy since it involved getting a lot of people who weren't necessarily that interested in supporting her to do so, but she had connections, and the more she pushed the more connections she developed.

Of course, once he got wind of things Attrikwyn began his own push back, but Magwyna was simply better at him at this sort of thing, and while it exposed numerous factional tensions, it also forced the airing of grievances. The northern provinces wanted increased investment and protection as they were feeling a bit ignored by the older and more prosperous southern provinces, who were safe and protected by attack by both terrain and the northern provinces themselves. As such, when she actually became heir Magwyna began a reorganization of policies to provide more resources towards further settlement, and while there were significant resources that went off to the east to begin settling the dry and mostly untouched hills and poorly water plains there, resources also went towards a new settlement on the coast west of the Black River, which would significantly improve access for boats moving up and down that great river system, further tying together the People and their most distant province of the Stallion Tribes, even as better trails were pushed out to the more distant settlements that the People had been settling in recent generations.

Magwyna also saw to further resources being sent to the holy sites in the north, so as to both provide further evidence that the south cared about them, and to increase the number of literate people who could explain the law and provide spiritual guidance and reassurance.

That all of this provided more provincial chiefs and high level shamans who personally owed her major favours, and also brought an influx of people from the south to the north, well, a good administrator always knew how to get multiple objectives done at the same time.

When she actually ascended to the mantle of king forty winters after her birth was when Magwyna really got going, by ordering a fifth of the total salt output from the saltern to be set aside for a period of five years. From the small mountain of the precious white stuff gathered together, she then ordered caravans to carry them out to their various trading partners to bring to the various leaders of the groups they interacted with as a grand gift - and display of the People's prosperity. It was of course also a rather targeted thing, in that while a number of nomadic tribes received gifts, others did not, and perhaps most significantly the rebelling province in the Highlands Kingdom was directly snubbed in favour of the actual king, which by all accounts helped accelerate the ending of the war there. The snubbing of certain tribes in favour of others also triggered a brief rush of angry raiders who slammed into prepared defences and were also stabbed by the rewarded tribes who weren't interested in losing out on potential future gift/pissing off the people who would just give up large quantities of salt to show how powerful they were.

Magwyna couldn't really fight and definitely couldn't lead men in battle, but she had a definite eye for talent and knew how to simply give competent people a task and get to it, and for all that he vexed her, she had told Attrikwyn what she wanted to happen and he had got it done. That he had benefited greatly from it in terms of battlefield accomplishments and demonstrating to the People depending on him that he was still a significant player went a long way towards his easing up on criticizing Magwyna in council.

Of all the salt gifts though, the oddest one was the one that went to the Thunder Speakers, because it ended up going to the Thunder Horse. Their eastern cousins had pounded them in the face enough that they had capitulated and requested vassalization, presenting the Star Axe they had hidden away centuries ago to the king of the Thunder Horse as part of their capitulation. While this meant that meant that the salt gift caravan took years to return from their trip, they were also quietly escorted further east than anyone thought possible, up into hot hills at the base of snow capped mountains, finding cities that had been conquered ages ago by the Thunder Horse and made to serve them. The Eastern Thunder Horse were very different from their western cousins, having taken up a role somewhat similar to the elite warriors among the Xohyssiri but were also the ruling kings of their cities. They were also very much a dis-unified group, each city essentially being its own kingdom that would gladly fight its neighbours, although with each having a large wall they had eventually come to something of a mutual agreement to raid further afield rather than fight each other, although the Thunder Speakers declaring their loyalty for one of these kings would probably result in their breakaway within a generation or two as the balance of power caused in-fighting. Of course, the Xohyssiri were still going to be freaked out by two of their biggest threats joining forces together.

The traders also discovered that somehow cotton came from even further East, from a hot and wet land to the south-east beyond mountains and barren places without rain and the riotous tribes of herders that lived within them. They also learned that there were other passes to the north through the hills and mountains and sometimes the Eastern Thunder Horse had attacked the Thunder Speakers from the north rather than the south.

And then the blue plague started to boil up out of the lowlands once again, at which point the People could only sigh over the fact that their neighbours probably weren't maintaining proper hygiene. It did turn their shipments of salt into something even more ridiculously valuable to their neighbours even as the People straight up ignored the disease this time. It's only point of entry was the cleanest part of the Land. Still, it meant that when the return gifts by their neighbours to demonstrate that they weren't total losers who couldn't also make impressive gifts started to come back, they were extra special. Rare and exotic goods and treasured spiritual artefacts - although those would probably be 'regifted' back to their original owners within a few years - and just about everything else that could be scrounged up to demonstrate strength and prosperity.

Salt Gift Rewards: +3 Diplomacy, +3 Art, +2 Prestige, +2 Mystic
Disease Crit turns to +1 Stability rather than further advancements

Magwyna did however run into a problem that had her call the council to discuss some of the 'gifts' sent. The full council. It took the better part of a season for Attrikwyn to arrive, but with the improved links it was closer to the lesser part of a season than in generations past. When he arrived and was ushered into the council chambers, his arrival expected due to runners out ahead of his own progress, he could only raise an eyebrow at the somewhat confused looking foreign delegates and young women sitting in the position of guests of honour.

"Greetings Attrikwyn, we have... a complication," Magwyna stated.

"Your summons mentioned diplomatic issues involving all the People, but I find myself thinking that this is considerably more complicated," Attrikwyn said as he settled into his seat in the council chambers.

"Quite. Now, let us make introductions here," Magwyna said, going around the council to give a full formal introduction between all the relevant groups and the foreign delegates, where it quickly became obvious that the young women at the centre of all of this were the daughters of powerful chiefs and leaders, with by far the most significant one being Fordenna, the eldest daughter of the current heir of the Highlands Kingdom.

"Now, while the marriage proposals to me are somewhat amusing, there are a couple of ways that we could resolve the situation, the most obvious being that I do have a young son of more or less marriageable age, there are deeper issues here. A marriage between my family and the family of a foreign king has implications, which include increased support for the People against mutual enemies, but also includes support of my family by a foreign kingdom. While I can guarantee that I have raised my children better than to accept support from an outside king in a bid to take the throne, the same cannot be said of any hypothetical grand-children or great-grandchildren. The obvious path to avoiding this situation is that I marry these women, avoiding the worst possible snubbing of our neighbours and securing a short term alliance for the People, but avoiding the possibility of heirs and the long term securing of family alliance. Attrikwyn, one of the reasons that I called for you personally to be part of this council was that the Stallion Tribes have somewhat greater experience with these complexities," Magwyna explained, turning to her old rival at the end.

Finding himself the centre of attention, Attrikwyn found his heart unsettled. On the one hand, here was the upstart woman who had made it her mission to vex him in years past and had snatched the position of king away from him. Even if she had made it up to him later in many ways, that would always be an old wound for him. On the other hand... on the other hand if he were in her position he wouldn't have even asked for the council to attend, he just would have done it, because the advantage was just too great... and now that he was thinking about it, Magwyna had probably summoned him here because she knew that was what his reaction would have been. But he also knew that her asking for his expertise was in fact legitimate and made in good faith.

After a long moment of deliberation, he said, "For the good of the People I would recommend cementing such alliances with our neighbours, although perhaps the women from nomadic tribes should be married to chiefs in the northern provinces a bit closer to where their tribes are to better secure those places. I would also suggest that the families of the chiefs more strongly intermarry so as to reduce the possibility of descendants later being able to use family connections with foreigners against the People, for it would not be many families against each other, but one family."

As he settled back down, Attrikwyn grit his teeth slightly as he all but said outright that it should be Magwyna's family that should be kings going forward. It galled him... but it was the right thing to do. To let petty personal issues get in the way of proper governance and what was best for the People was what his family had fought against for generations, and to let a personal grudge get in the way of what was best for the People would dishonour his ancestors immensely. Especially if snubbing the foreign chiefs brought a cessation to the peace his family had fought for. Nomads would always raid, but Magwyna had helped him keep the worst of it down for at least another generation, and if he had let his pride have him give advice that might cause a flare up of fighting that would fall upon the Stallion Tribes first...

No. Swallow his pride and give the best advice he could.

Marriage Proposals
[] Turn them away, this is too complicated (-1 Diplomacy, chance of conflict with the nomads and/or Highlands Kingdom, war has a chance of triggering stability drop due to the People sort of starting it)
[] Magwyna should marry them personally (Secures alliance with Highlands Kingdom while Magwyna lives, has a small chance of triggering conflict with the nomads)
[] Take Attrikwyn's advice (+2 Diplomacy, secures enduring alliance with Highlands Kingdom, ensures no attacks from nomads for at least next turn)

Disease Creates Turmoil
[] The People always let in those that come to them (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] Remind people along trade routes that the People don't suffer the blue plague (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] Encouraging people to leave the lowlands might help with the problem (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ)

AN: The last time you had a definitely Heroic Admin was actually Gwygoytha, and she took over the main turn. Heroic leaders, especially those with heroic Admin, will sometimes take control over main turn actions. If the players represent a degree of zeitgeist and/or the discussions of the ruling council, then Heroic admins need less input in order to make the big decisions.

[Main] Salt Gift - General
[Secondary] Expand Holy Site - Warrior's Rest
[Secondary] Policy Change - Expansion

Provinces [Main] New Settlement - Black River, Eastern Hills

Stallion Tribes: [Main] Expand Forest, [Sec] Trade Mission - MW, [Sec] Watchtowers
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