We have been playing for....six hundred years? That's approaching the longest lasting dynasty in ancient China.

The Ymrri don't have dynasties per se, but the chain of government is essentially unbroken for that long.
There have probably been issues that have come up before this, we just don't see them because we take a long view. Like, we had a long run of warriors at one point which was stopped when we had our mystic hero leader come up.

That's a major shift, and probably had a lot of changes forced on our society due to that, enough that you could say that the 'dynasty' of warriors ended with the rise of the shamans to power. Then we have another shift as the shamans exhaust themselves on the megaproject, which shifts the dynasty again towards more mercantile interest.

To us, it looks like one, uninterrupted line, but in reality it is split between various factions rising and falling from power.
We would stand a decent chance to gain art that is related to metal working and the study health could help identify/address the concerns of said metal working
Or, hey, piercings.

On the subject of mysticism, next turn we're currently going to be at 6 econ, which isn't quite high enough that Valleyhome is likely to stop with the studying stars. We've probably got at least two more points coming from them.
We will likely develop more basic form of luna calendar for farming uses. The kind that is based on season and weather. Of course we need proper writing and semi-stable medium for it to spread.
There have probably been issues that have come up before this, we just don't see them because we take a long view. Like, we had a long run of warriors at one point which was stopped when we had our mystic hero leader come up.

That's a major shift, and probably had a lot of changes forced on our society due to that, enough that you could say that the 'dynasty' of warriors ended with the rise of the shamans to power. Then we have another shift as the shamans exhaust themselves on the megaproject, which shifts the dynasty again towards more mercantile interest.

To us, it looks like one, uninterrupted line, but in reality it is split between various factions rising and falling from power.
Don't forget about the era of heroes!

We've definitely had several large shifts in our policies that could probably effectively be considered different governments.
There have probably been issues that have come up before this, we just don't see them because we take a long view. Like, we had a long run of warriors at one point which was stopped when we had our mystic hero leader come up.

That's a major shift, and probably had a lot of changes forced on our society due to that, enough that you could say that the 'dynasty' of warriors ended with the rise of the shamans to power. Then we have another shift as the shamans exhaust themselves on the megaproject, which shifts the dynasty again towards more mercantile interest.

We went through three heroic kings.

Administrator, Shaman, and Trader culminating in a century long "golden age" for the ymmri. I hiestate to use the term "dynasty" when it really doesn't apply to us.
[information=I put a banner up about this literally two days ago]Suffice it to say that using the funny rating in lieu of an argument is a violation of the rules. If you can't take the effort to respond properly, don't click the rating at all.

I'll let you off, but don't it again.[/information]
Is there a place where past banners can be seen?
So, to increase the odds of [Main] Expand Warriors actually paying out. What would a dedicated turn to synergizing that actually look like?

Currently I can only think of study health, but surely there are some better options? (At least ones that aren't build war carts and more blackbirds.)
We went through heroic kings.

Administrator, Shaman, and Trader culminating in a century long "golden age" for the ymmri. I hiestate to use the term "dynasty" when it really doesn't apply to us.
Ah, but each of those leaders also led to the rise or fall of their factions. We had a high mysticism when our mystic hero took control, but by the end of his life, our mysticism was only a fraction of what it was, even taking into account that we built multiple holy places. By the middle of our trader kings rule, our mysticism was 0, and our interest firmly turned away from mystic projects, showing how the shamans power had declined as the expended resources and effort on inoculation.

Then we have our trader king, who shifts to a combo of military and economic policies which is still being followed at this point, with a small surge of mysticism as the shamans manage to recover.

All the while, our government has changed completely, becoming only tangentially similar to what it was before, and our borders are constantly shifting.
Don't know if there are naturally occurring ways to gain stability; I wouldn't be surprised if there were, but they were gated behind a tech we don't have.

Bet there are some, but considering what Stability represents they probably require something like a positive & peaceful enviroment and that a few generations long

For the next turn I would lobby for
[Main] Grand Sacrifice
[Secondary] Study Metal
[Secondary] New Trails

GS for Stab reasons, to plant us firmly in the positive, so that we won't be caught pants down by any event that would be thrown our away,
Not to mention it would give a nice narrative to first crack down on the corruption and then burn the excess from it to restore harmony and appease/thank the spirits

Study Metal for obvious reasons

New Trails in order to raise our Cent again, so that we can expand into the hills without having to worry about a Cent getting to low in relation to our Hierarchy and can main Wall when we Main the settlement there
So, to increase the odds of [Main] Expand Warriors actually paying out. What would a dedicated turn to synergizing that actually look like?
Currently I can only think of study health, but surely there are some better options? (At least ones that aren't build war carts and more blackbirds.)

Maybe wall and war mission, but might not.
Depends on the synergy. If it's "A helps B" (more blackbirds helps enforce order) then it should only work if A is done before B, be it via admin rolls or via just doing it earlier. If it's "These modify each other to their mutual benefit" like the survey+canal, then they need to be done together.
Makes sense. I'd argue that Restore Order might influence the innovation that occurs, though.
*Waves at Dead Priests*
I think the difference between imported metal and an internal industry is pretty much how commonly it's used. We know from the Metal Workers that copper had completely displaced bone and stone for their tools, leaving those as weapon materials only, where the ability to hold an edge is more valuable than ease of reshaping.

It's probably the barrier between using plank carts for our war chariots and using solid wheels for our trade wagons, because copper is too costly to acquire to use in that manner yet.
Once the domain of rich nomad chieftains, there is now enough copper to make construction of this new design practical for the People and deployable on a large scale. Used: 0 times

AN has told us he rolls 1d3-1 to determine the result and separately he also said Restore Harmony has a 50% chance of doing something positive if done as a Secondary.
Its -1 + (1d4-1).

Study the stars so we have a calendar so we can backdate the years and keep track of how old we are.
Provinces can and have done this for us.
You know, this is something of a crazy thought, but what about study stars or art patronage to help with expand warriors? Perhaps even expand holy sites?

What we want is to provoke thought with our warriors, ideally. I'm not sure if what we want to gain from this would work, mind. In fact I'm kinda sure it wouldn't. Still, I'm bouncing around ideas. :confused:
To be fair, we are actually an incredibly flexible civ due to LoO. I suspect that most other groups don't quite have the same level of fluctuation we have from LoO, and most of their stability drops comes from choices about their civ itself (changing writing, leadership problems, etc...). Our people are constantly adjusting to major changes brought in from the outside world, which is a big part of why our stability changes so fast.

But it has the good effect of making our people more open to changes, and much more flexible about a lot of ideas that others most likely struggle to adopt.
It's weird how our stability changes so much but we are still basically isolated from the other tribes given how strange they think we are. None of them probably notice how much things change for us by accepting people.
It's weird how our stability changes so much but we are still basically isolated from the other tribes given how strange they think we are. None of them probably notice how much things change for us by accepting people.
We're pretty much a black hole, as far as people are concerned. Refugees flee to us, and then nobody ever hears from them again.

Even the fishing villagers thought we were scary, since their neighbors would pack up during disasters and run towards us, and then never come back.
Makes sense. I'd argue that Restore Order might influence the innovation that occurs, though.


This turn's actions are taken pretty much because we, the players, are fed up with corruption.

Well, I guess the actions in universe are taken because the King is fed up with corruption.

So I expect for these actions taken together to have a far higher chance to result in something akin to police then if taken separately, since it is what the King is working towards.
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We're pretty much a black hole, as far as people are concerned. Refugees flee to us, and then nobody ever hears from them again.

Even the fishing villagers thought we were scary, since their neighbors would pack up during disasters and run towards us, and then never come back.
So we are shrouded in mystery and fear but when you actually get there is basically a paradise?

What about the people we turned away or traders? Didn't they say anything?
You know, this is something of a crazy thought, but what about study stars or art patronage to help with expand warriors? Perhaps even expand holy sites?

What we want is to provoke thought with our warriors, ideally. I'm not sure if what we want to gain from this would work, mind. In fact I'm kinda sure it wouldn't. Still, I'm bouncing around ideas. :confused:

I want to vote for
[Main] Expand Warriors
[Secondary] Study Metal
[Secondary] ???

That third slot is open for what we need. This is of course predicated on our Stability being above +1.

If not, I want to main Grand Sacrifice to get there. Doing other actions like studying is open.
For minor things you get assigned the less pleasant tasks that still need to be done. For more serious offences there is a sliding scale from half-exile, full exile, and execution. The People don't really go for things like cutting off a hand for stealing, but they do do things like physically marking perennial troublemakers who aren't quite bad enough to kick out or kill entirely, so that people can tell at a glance to not trust them.
Ah, makes sense given our ethos.
Maiming criminals would seem to defeat the purpose, how would they make up the harm they have caused if they are now less able to work?
Imprisonment likewise, though imprisonment never really kicked off except for political prisoners who cannot be killed due to social status.

So put them to shitty work for more time and on shittier things. Some branding involved for repeat offenders(I'd suspect migrants are often marked for offenses due to culture clash), unless we have tattooing already

Until they cross the line and we just put them on permanent shit duty I guess.
Looks good to me. So long as BB's roll out first on the admin rolls, they can be added to Restore Order. And, since BB's are generally drawn from individuals who can't or don't have children, and who generally only enter into romantic relationships with other shamans, they're actually near-ideal in the era to deal with familial corruption.
That's a fair point that I don't think had been mentioned previously, though you got it slightly mixed up, Blackbirds are drawn from warriors and given shaman training(one of the Blackbirds on the Metal Worker mission mentions his wife being envious of the King's tongue skills). Carrion Eaters are drawn from shamans and given warrior training.

Still, Blackbirds are spooky enough that they're slightly distanced from the usual social circles, and certainly further from the usual noble families for now.

...though I suppose give it a few generations and they'd start figuring out a solution.
What do you guys think of getting cremation for dealing with our dead? It is the best way to do things after all. The ash can be spread to the land and help crops grow, no space wasted on graveyards, and is overall more hygienic.

Also no bodies to be animated into zombies.
We have a taboo against interfering with the dead. Cremation is religiously uncomfortable.
We do incinerate all our other waste though

Do any other factions know about our Sacred Forest? Because it just seems really badass how our people do this day in and day out without stopping.

Why is it happening in the first place?
Other factions apparently don't know much about our lands, the last time we recieved a trade mission was more than 10 turns ago.
So we are shrouded in mystery and fear but when you actually get there is basically a paradise?

What about the people we turned away or traders? Didn't they say anything?
Remember that it's us that sends the trade missions, not others. That implies that it's our traders going out to other places, so the other groups don't get near as much info on us as we do them.

We didn't send a group to the STs for a long, long time, and thus we never had much info on what they were really like until we actually needed to. I suspect it is the same from other groups. The few of their traders who do buckle down and travel to us come back and say 'It's an amazing place, but they are also really weird', but they don't particularly pay too much attention to what they see.

So they probably hear things like 'The Hill Folk were completely unaffected by the drought, as usual' or 'The plague did nothing to the Hill Folk, as usual', but they have no idea why that works because they never put in the effort to trade with us.

I do find the idea that the negaverses probably use us as the proof of magic to be funny.

'Magic must exist, how do you explain the Hill Folk ignoring plagues and droughts every damn time without it?! Or what about that fucking axe?!'
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[Main] Art Patronage
[Secondary] Study Metal
[Secondary] Study Health

Yeah, no, howbout we keep up our baby boom and get ourselves another background secondary action? Study Health is free. Our chiefs will do that in the background. Unless we want to put it as a main action, there's not much reason for us to do it right now.

{M} New Settlement - Eastern Hills
{S} New Trails
{S} Study Metal
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I want to vote for
[Main] Expand Warriors
[Secondary] Study Metal
[Secondary] ???

That third slot is open for what we need. This is of course predicated on our Stability being above +1.

If not, I want to main Grand Sacrifice to get there. Doing other actions like studying is open.
Study Health. Absolutely Study Health under those circumstances.

It has two chances to proc via synergy there. Once in developing some form of exercise routine that assists Expand Warriors and once where we can find the detrimental effects of Metal Working.

I'm not super sold on the plan in general... But Study Health would be the ideal third choice there.