Deadly Snark
Tryhard As Fuck
So will prostitution and gamblingBut it will be more restricted earlier on and this reduced in strength.
So will prostitution and gamblingBut it will be more restricted earlier on and this reduced in strength.
By that time the Cartels had been established and were powerful, our Prostitution and Gambling rings are not so, although we can't wipe them out, we can strike an earlier blow before entrenchment and weaken them enough to lower their impact massively
That's not how it works. Human nature. Greed is a big force. If there's a demand someone will fill it.But it will be more restricted earlier on and this reduced in strength. If you kill most of the mob before them they gain any power, they will have a harder time taking over the local area
We can also prevent illegal prostitution and gambling rings from coming into being entirely by simply regulating and legalizing it. Banning it will simply cause them to be born that much faster and then we'll have to deal with social strife which we do not want.By that time the Cartels had been established and were powerful, our Prostitution and Gambling rings are not so, although we can't wipe them out, we can strike an earlier blow before entrenchment and weaken them enough to lower their impact massively
If we know nothing of what they like, anything we do might be the wrong thing, so we might as well do nothing.But having it as our Main Action gives us more oomph, and given that we have ignored this option entirely so far I think we need that.
We know literally nothing about the Spirits and what they like. We could have done over a thousand things to piss them off entirely by accident. As far as we know, they could be of the "the peoples were meant to be separate" type and are currently planning on going all Old Testament God on us for unifying.
Thankfully, the presence of rain makes it unlikely that they are worshipping an insane fire lion of death, that's always good.
Great idea! We could also dedicate the canal to it, but I'd rather like a dam, as that would prevent any more issues with droughts for a good while, and would allow us to start doing pisciculture.Can't we dedicate the DAM to the water-spirits? The project will be so big that we can turn it on a worshiping place.
Thank you for that.Here's the tally for the prostitution and tribute to Spirit-Talkers vote. I couldn't be bothered with organizing the tally for the last one and some people have already messed up the voting system.
##### 3.21
[X] Regulate such activities
No. of votes: 28
Night_stalker, Tylonius, Happerry, Ct613hulu, tri2, Hangwind, Kiba, pbluekan, pbluekan, keenscythe, SpeckofStardust, Random Member, Ian Drash, XkaliburRage, TheCrownedVassal, redzonejoe, mc2rpg, Power, Sightsear, Timewarriors, Motoko, Versharl, Shard, Citino, Citino, hylas240, Umi-san, query, TotallyNotEvil, aceraptor
[x] Ban such activities
No. of votes: 2
McLuvin, Marlin
[X] Restrict such activities
No. of votes: 1
[X] Ignore the issue
No. of votes: 1
Tribute to Spirit-Talkers:
[X] Yes
No. of votes: 9
Night_stalker, PotentialPlateau, Ian Drash, TheCrownedVassal, redzonejoe, mc2rpg, Power, Sightsear, Shard
[x] No
No. of votes: 21
McLuvin, McLuvin, Tylonius, Happerry, Ct613hulu, tri2, Kiba, pbluekan, pbluekan, keenscythe, SpeckofStardust, Timewarriors, Versharl, Citino, Citino, hylas240, query, aceraptor,
Hangwind, Marlin, Random Member, XkaliburRage, Crowhunter, Motoko, Umi-san
[broken heart emoji][X] Regulate such activities
[X] {Main} Dedicate Place to Spirits
[X] {Secondary} Establish Annual Festival
unsure of everything else so leaving those blank weeeee
We can do that by building a Dam <3 <3Holy s...... those spirit talker are nuclear power now.
We muat find way to change the rule of this game.
how do you know it will make society better in the far future?We can stomp out prostitution and gambling here and now!
There are no other powers and tribes that know of it, we are the first, and we can kill it here, smother ot in the crib. We can help society be better for the future.
But have you studied Classics, classical cultures and the psychology of ancient peoples?We can also prevent illegal prostitution and gambling rings from coming into being entirely by simply regulating and legalizing it. Banning it will simply cause them to be born that much faster and then we'll have to deal with social strife which we do not want.
Like, I've studied sociology, psychology, economy and criminology bro.
Holy s...... those spirit talker are nuclear power now.
We muat find way to change the rule of this game.
Because it will lower the corruption inherit in do you know it will make society better in the far future?
And that's why I'm not going to bother.
Uh, no. I don't think that's how it works. It's not like nobody else will ever think of it, and both banning and regulating it happened IRL as well.This humanity has not got everything set in stone yet.
We can change it.
This is a fresh start!
We can stomp out prostitution and gambling here and now!
There are no other powers and tribes that know of it, we are the first, and we can kill it here, smother ot in the crib. We can help society be better for the future.
You do realize that religion is already a thing in setting right? Our people were talking about the spirits from the very first post, the concept isn't going to go away due to ignoring it. If you want spirits as a concept to go away for our people we are going to need to get rid of the spirit civilization wholesale, and probably do some nasty things to any of our own people that bring them up.
prostitution and gambling, show me were banning them in the old days both happened and markedly leads to good things.But have you studied Classics, classical cultures and the psychology of ancient peoples?
Neither have I, I just really, really like researching it, I find it interesting as hell.
And banning has never done that. If anything it sows the seed of deeper inherent corruption, as we have seen countless time.
We must becomeHoly s...... those spirit talker are nuclear power now.
We muat find way to change the rule of this game.
corruption is inherit in everything....and how do you know it will lower the corruption?