Considering the Mineral Wealth of Siberia we really do not need any other Colonial entanglements.

We kind of do if we want to pry the Siberian coast away from the Not Japanese Empire. We won't be able to do that without interrupting their shipping from the homeland to their colonies, and for that we need fleet basing in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific as stepping stones.
Considering the Mineral Wealth of Siberia we really do not need any other Colonial entanglements.

Not just mineral but gas and oil too. Not to mention rare earth minerals that may be found in just a handful of places.

These islands are also important for freedom of navigation. Those small islands here and there would come in handy during naval wars and blockades.

Foreign bases are hard to obtain especially if we are a rival country to the Great Powers.
Okay so, goals for the next thread:

-Major build up of armies ready for Not! Napoleon to show up then fuck him like OTL Russia fucked all of Europe under him

-Continue the Industrial Revolution and become the first industrial power, Railroads are needed quickly for Not! Siberia

-Kick Nohon off the Mainland and claim all of Not! Siberia, possibly could promise Not! Korea to the Hung in exchange for aid in this

-When the Black Sheep start to get kicked in the face by someone at some point, take them as a Protectorate

Any other goals anyone can see?
Okay so, goals for the next thread:

-Major build up of armies ready for Not! Napoleon to show up then fuck him like OTL Russia fucked all of Europe under him

-Continue the Industrial Revolution and become the first industrial power, Railroads are needed quickly for Not! Siberia

-Kick Nohon off the Mainland and claim all of Not! Siberia, possibly could promise Not! Korea to the Hung in exchange for aid in this

-When the Black Sheep start to get kicked in the face by someone at some point, take them as a Protectorate

Any other goals anyone can see?

Overseas colonies..
We kind of do if we want to pry the Siberian coast away from the Not Japanese Empire. We won't be able to do that without interrupting their shipping from the homeland to their colonies, and for that we need fleet basing in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific as stepping stones.
Hmm that depends on how deep their control are on their Siberian colonies.

But getting a naval base to put our navy in striking distance of Japan and eastern Siberia might be difficult.

Then again, we can stop them by pure land power if we had a trans siberian railway so that's a thing.

Yeah I think colony are kinda important. But then again, Siberia should be our priority right now.
Even black sheep has higher priority than overseas colonies.
If both of them are done though, some colonies could be useful.

There are plenty of islands around so that shouldn't be a problem. Although I'm more concerned with fucking up Nohon and Not! Napoleon myself.
Yeah basically, the order of priority for expansion should be
European Stability > Siberian expansion > Greater ymar > overseas colonies
Edit : Then again, should we bother not!napoleon if he doesn't bother us at all? I'm not inclined to have a devastating war, especially with no clear benefit
Depending on the Revolutionary Hexspran successes, it might be worth it to leverage them against the rest of Syfran and Vortuga in particular.
Im actually tempted to just let him be, assuming he let us and our allies be. Well it all depends on what he wanted i guess.
The resource wasted with fighthing TTL napoleonic war can go somewhere else, like starting industrialization or kicking nohon from the eurasian mainland.
Then again, letting a hegemon rein over not!europe could also be bad for us.
Cultural we should look forward to what the bright future has. Not backwards.
Say that to the holy ROMAN empire, the ottoman empire, the byzantine empire and even the russian empire who claim themselves sucessor from rome :V

Besides, the Renaissance happen precisely because people look behind torwards a distant, glorious past.
Maybe I'm dumb, or blind, or both, but where is the map you saw that on?
its in a couple of pages back where an posted, you should check it out :V
Btw, thats highlander not hespranxer. Damn the similar colors :)
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Depending on the Revolutionary Hexspran successes, it might be worth it to leverage them against the rest of Syfran and Vortuga in particular.
I'd look at creating a treaty with the Styrmyn Kingdom and the Kielmyr Triple Crown against any potential Napoleon. If Napoleon happens? We have allies and a secure border.

If he doesn't? We get a foot in the door to get them into our orbit.

Oversea colonies are IMO only relevant in so far as we get some islands to act as fleet bases. But Australia might be interesting as only the Sketch have claimed a part of it, but my interest there is marginal. Siberia has priority.
Not-Syria. Pretty sure that's the Highlander kingdom, though, because I can't imagine we'd allow the Not-French to establish a colony so close to our borders.
Could be wrong, but I think he actually ask where the map is, rather than where the highlander is.

Yes, that's Highlander kingdom. It has been confirmed in back.
I'd look at creating a treaty with the Styrmyn Kingdom and the Kielmyr Triple Crown against any potential Napoleon. If Napoleon happens? We have allies and a secure border.

If he doesn't? We get a foot in the door to get them into our orbit.

Oversea colonies are IMO only relevant in so far as we get some islands to act as fleet bases. But Australia might be interesting as only the Sketch have claimed a part of it, but my interest there is marginal. Siberia has priority.
Basically this.
Then again, we can stop them by pure land power if we had a trans siberian railway so that's a thing.

That is wishful thinking. Even today shipping is a hugely more effective form of transport than railroads. We cannot win against established Japanese colonies on the defensive with such a logistical disadvantage. Getting colonies in the region to serve as basing is a prerequisite to conquering Siberia.
limited overseas colonies can provide a source of spices and fruit we can not grow in our core, serve as basis for ships to protect our trade and to resupply ships when at war.
That is wishful thinking. Even today shipping is a hugely more effective form of transport than railroads. We cannot win against established Japanese colonies on the defensive with such a logistical disadvantage. Getting colonies in the region to serve as basing is a prerequisite to conquering Siberia.
We could throw them out with the aid of the Hung Empire, and then there's the fact we have a higher population, more European style army and we are the only nation going through an Industrial Revolution.

By the time we hit them, we should have a major advantage, especially if we promise Not! Korea to the Hung in exchange for a tag team.
if any one nation looks like it is about to unify the others we need to step up and slap them down, Great Britain style. Any future Not!Napoleon or Not!Hitler is going to be coming for our resources after conquering the rest of Syffrin. The goal of our Syffrinite politics should be to preserve a balance of powers there.


Oh dear God no. That's how you get WWI. Do you want WWI?

Oh dear God no. That's how you get WWI. Do you want WWI?
Depends on whether we can sell dakka to everyone else while the war goes on without us :V
But I reckon there's literally no reason to stage any offensive war except for the experience.

Or for the matter, establish overseas colonies, because holy shit look at the map.
Do we even HAVE access to a colony site that isn't passing through a sea contested by at least 2 Great Powers?
Which will be a lot easier if we're not constantly messing with whoever's the strongest at the moment.
I think this depends.
Messing with the strongest who, if they won, would become the sole hegemon of Europe, then I think we need to cause we don't want that :V

Messing with the strongest power of Europe just because they are the strongest is not a good idea tho
Depends on whether we can sell dakka to everyone else while the war goes on without us :V
But I reckon there's literally no reason to stage any offensive war except for the experience.

Or for the matter, establish overseas colonies, because holy shit look at the map.
Do we even HAVE access to a colony site that isn't passing through a sea contested by at least 2 Great Powers?
Well we are not!russia so I guess not?

Technically we need to pass through sketch and hespranxer from the Baltic, I don't count Sweden as they are our allies. Or we can go from Mediterranean and pass through hespranxer and vortuga.

Damn, being russia sucks :V
Edit: technically we can try to make the sues canal with khemetri but that's expensive :V

Kinda wish we gone with the canal company even though the bank was good
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Maybe we'd run out of hot new ideas to unleash? :p

There is still communism I guess.
Also fascism, but ehhh.

Okay so, goals for the next thread:

-Major build up of armies ready for Not! Napoleon to show up then fuck him like OTL Russia fucked all of Europe under him

-Continue the Industrial Revolution and become the first industrial power, Railroads are needed quickly for Not! Siberia

-Kick Nohon off the Mainland and claim all of Not! Siberia, possibly could promise Not! Korea to the Hung in exchange for aid in this

-When the Black Sheep start to get kicked in the face by someone at some point, take them as a Protectorate

Any other goals anyone can see?

- Raise Education to at least 6, ideally 9, to get one (or, ideally, two) more research slots.
- Address pollution and shit in a timely manner (whatever it ends up being)
- Don't go the way of IRL Russia wrt the workers uprising and pass the things like UHC and work safety laws