Governor Palace per major region sounds reasonable enough. We have one in, hm, Redshore. One in Western Wall city we did not integrate, and...that's about it.
I think we need one of those in Gulvalley, and then, after we integrate Txolla, one or two in their lands - Lowlands are pretty big.
Although Lowlands are also mostly empty yet (5 provinces in Txolla compares to our 17 despite us being roughly similar size on the map), so maybe putting one into Blackmouth or Stallionpen would make more sense.
We should look at Integrating Western Wall's Governor's Palace (and possible True City?) as soon as we can. We were told it was gated behind two of more roads, better horses, and better ships. We have the better ships now, so that's just more roads, which we need anyway to compensate for the reduced centralisation tolerance of the Governor's Palace.
That would hopefully also strengthen our hold on the remaining Western colonies, as I suspect they've been expanding (have expanded?) to link up.
If we Integrate Txolla as well, I suspect we'll find ourselves massively short on roads, although as I say in my previous post, there's a fair chance that mass canal building may be a better way of increasing the connectivity of the Lowlands than mass road building.
I'd say that six Palaces is a fair long term target to aim for:
Current Western Wall Capital
That would reduce our Max Centralisation Tolerance by a further three. To counteract that we'd need nine more Interconnectivity, which is nine actions spent on them, which is a huge amount, just under a third of the total amount we've spent so far. As I mentioned above, I do hope that at some point we'll start getting interconnectivity from things like Build Docks, as the sea is a giant superhighway linking up coastal regions. This becomes even more true as we start getting more canals or canalising rivers.
Mm, no, even with the refund tech is vastly more valuable than econ, at least until we build like 40 GP or some other way to refund and/or generate it.
Well, the highest Tech cost we have on any action is four, for a Main Build Ceramics Kiln. That would take seven Governor's Palaces to fully refund.
For the ironwork, all we're doing is producing more tools, not better farming tools. The lack of mechanization is hurting us in term of mechanical benefit, since tech directly translate into econ rather than, say, two econ.
At the level we're at I think that more tools means better tools, as we can transition to using metal versions of wooden and stone tools, which are much better.
This does have limits though. We probably don't have decent ploughs, or proper horse collars, or seed drills, or even most classical agricultural innovations.