holy shit, that was insane. That was thrawn level bullshit tactical planning. He spent years probing to learn how the individual commanders fought, and how they interacted with each other! was this more or less bullshit rolls than when we lured an enemy army under a meteorite?
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Improve Annual Festival
[X] [React] Sec Restore Order
Seriously, we actually outright annihilated a massive steppe horde in the period where those things are basically the death knell of civilized nations. Admittedly, it was the result of the kind of maneuver and timing that would be impressive in the modern day--let alone the iron age like we're in, but still. My god.

Like, with a king like this, we can actually take steps to dealing with some long running Problems.

Like, normally, I'd be worried about the Highland Kingdoms slash and burning through the Harmurri, then withdrawing into their enclave with slaves and loot and going "COME AT ME BRO", but... Well, Alexander the fucking Great.

And then the Bro came at them.

And the Bro was Alexander the Great.

And they went 'Not As Planned'.
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills

Let's listen to our genius.
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Improve Annual Festival

I'm taking the superhuman everything general at his advice.
The sound. The sound of a hundred thousand bolts loosed into the air all at once was like some sort of damned wail, a scream of the gods.
The sound was hard to imagine at first so I mentally constructed it:
1) Simultaneous Click from triggers pulled like the sound of an enormous clicking tongue
2) The brief thrum of the bowstrings slashing forward should be something high pitched whistle like a drawn out whip crack
3) The thunderous clack of the bolts lifting off and the slap strings stopping.
4) Then the hum of each bolt whistling in the wind combined should be a long drawn out high pitched, doppler effect scream.

So...should sound like a giant mouth opening to shriek. Brr.
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[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills

So our econ is at horribly low levels now. If we take another hit at that level and don't get more econ, we'll starve and get another stability hit.

As such, Build Mills is pretty much required.
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains

I foresee him getting assassinated by the Highlanders, Cause you know it would happen.
*rethinks vote*

hahahahaha. Yeah. I'm just gonna do what he says.


[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills
@Academia Nut any refugees?
Also, while the update shows that our genius favors sending both forces to the horse mountains, how big of a risk does he think that poses of the Heaven's Hawk and/or Memories of Spirits and/or blood rain banner (i think you said they were deployed there) being destroyed in the mean time? Like...would it be risking "probably take damage, maybe get mauled badly, almost certainly survive" or is it "real risk of the nomads raging through the spirit channel and burning everything down again"?

Also everyone, have some diffs:
Diff Checker
Diff Checker

Converted 10 econ to martial (and got 10 EE back)
gained 1 light cavalry!!!
Took stab hit from disease and so stayed at -1 with the proclaim glory
Traded 2 tech for 2 mysticism and (+1) tech refund
heaven's hawk got mauled and is back to 5/5 dependency
Blood rain recovered 1 effectiveness even during war =3
OK so we've got 8 econ incoming from refunds/delayed, mills will actually give us less econ than doing nothing at all. I need to consider further, but right now it's between stability and government upgrade for me.
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[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills

As a number of people have helpfully clarified for me, our Genius does in fact want our levies in the Horse Mountains, and far be it from me to argue with someone who's probably the top contender for "greatest general in human history" at the moment.


You know, normally one should take general's advice to conquer more with a grain of salt, but those stats don't lie. I think he is quite able to think of the best long term plan, what with the multi-year plan to completely wreck the horde.
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Northern Nomads
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills