Raise army and retrain in the same turn has long been said by those of us that want a military reform to likely push our military more towards a term of service or genuinely stronger direction. It would make us more militarized, yes, but we border the steps, we're going to be militarized. This would do so in a more professional way.

Self-sufficient armies is a potentially dangerous thing. Well, Marches are basically that.
Self-sufficient armies is a potentially dangerous thing. Well, Marches are basically that.
This doesn't make them self sufficient though. It retires the current old hands and has some of them train the new recruits, giving us a professional boot camp and shorter terms of service.

If anything, it makes making them self sufficient later a safe thing. And we do want to make them somewhat self sufficient so we can assign them to other tasks like building roads when we aren't at war.
However, in Japan's case the issue was that the only thing they saw where finished cannons. At the Games, the other side's trained artisans will be able to directly observe ours and others trained artisans while they're working. They may even talk to them, or make friends. Plenty of opportunity to figure things out.

Part of the Artisan games are skills displayed, but the most technical parts are basically an expo. In the contest of 'who can make the sharpest sword', the sword is usually done well before you arrive at the games.

does kicking increase the speed in which the levies are called up?

It does not. You will however be able to hit harder and thus buy more time before they arrive, and once deployed they will hit even harder than they already would.

Also, I can't find the actual start of the scene on YouTube, but your levies will probably look like the Qin archery barrage from Jet Li's Hero.
Please recall that stability loss from kicks trigger Cosmopolitan Tolerance.

Also, as potential material for open artisan games: see the international scientific community. As potential material against open artisan games: see China, Japan, Korea.
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Well, this one year is a massive improvement over what we had before and is far better than what others have for raising troops during war. Are you basing it being not good enough on a study of iron age warfare?

I'm basing it on the 1 year our Vanguards have to fight alone without support.
1 year is enough time to be killed 10 times.

By the time our levy arrives, our Mercs and regular army would probably all be dead.
I'd rather have untrained masses standing behind me and shooting volleys over my head now,
rather than trained crossbowmen standing over my corpse.
[X] [Inno] Looks important, invest heavily (-3 Wealth, -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, ???)
[X] [AG] They may join (Open games, ???)
[X] [Policy] Switch to Mass Levy
[X] [Kick] 2 Stability, 4 Temp Econ damage

I hate doing this, but we need at least some of our trained troops to last.
Please recall that stability loss from kicks trigger Cosmopolitan Tolerancd.
Shouldn't be a factor in choosing between 1 or 2 kicks. The Pride in Acceptance line of traits counts stability hits per turn, not per phase, for the purposes of discounts. The SY have already absorbed one wave from us, and may have tried to absorb a wave from the Tin Tribes. While they might absorb a second wave (kick 1), I doubt that they'll push for absorbing a third wave (kick 2).

And Cosmopolitan Tolerance has a much smaller ability to absorb refugees than Pride in Acceptance.
Locking in as:

[X][Inno] Looks important, invest heavily (-3 Wealth, -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, ???)
[X][AG] They may join (Open games, ???)
[X][Policy] Switch to Mass Levy
[X][Trade] Push the guilds to the limit to meet demands (Trade Tech for Wealth, up to 5 per phase, to attempt to top up Wealth)
[X][Kick] 1 Stability, 2 Temp Econ damage

Nah, he probably meant this:

That's the one.
So, the way I see it going is:
  • the tumens massacre us in the field when they can pick a fight
  • if we can engage them on our terms, they are dead
  • if they were steppe nomads they would probably not lose war; however, those are semi-settled nomads, with homes back in mountaints. If we attack their home, they will have to respond - and that would involve fighting us in mountains, which will be death of their cavalry
  • however, they can and will murder the heck out of anything crossing plains, including supply trains to troops in mountains

So it's going to be a complicated fight: they can attack us through steppes from Salt Sea, they can attack us through Lowlands...but they have homebases to protect, so they are easier enemy than nomads on warpath.

If we manage to win, I am for taking over enough of mountains to fort all the passes so that we don't have to fight nomads on Lowland plains.
Locking in as:

[X][Inno] Looks important, invest heavily (-3 Wealth, -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, ???)
[X][AG] They may join (Open games, ???)
[X][Policy] Switch to Mass Levy
[X][Trade] Push the guilds to the limit to meet demands (Trade Tech for Wealth, up to 5 per phase, to attempt to top up Wealth)
[X][Kick] 1 Stability, 2 Temp Econ damage

Drat, not enough time for the momentum to shift on the kick vote.
Shouldn't be a factor in choosing between 1 or 2 kicks. The Pride in Acceptance line of traits counts stability hits per turn, not per phase, for the purposes of discounts. The SY have already absorbed one wave from us, and may have tried to absorb a wave from the Tin Tribes. While they might absorb a second wave (kick 1), I doubt that they'll push for absorbing a third wave (kick 2).

And Cosmopolitan Tolerance has a much smaller ability to absorb refugees than Pride in Acceptance.
Yeah, I just want y'all to plan for it.
So, the way I see it going is:
  • the tumens massacre us in the field when they can pick a fight
  • if we can engage them on our terms, they are dead
  • if they were steppe nomads they would probably not lose war; however, those are semi-settled nomads, with homes back in mountaints. If we attack their home, they will have to respond - and that would involve fighting us in mountains, which will be death of their cavalry
  • however, they can and will murder the heck out of anything crossing plains, including supply trains to troops in mountains

So it's going to be a complicated fight: they can attack us through steppes from Salt Sea, they can attack us through Lowlands...but they have homebases to protect, so they are easier enemy than nomads on warpath.

If we manage to win, I am for taking over enough of mountains to fort all the passes so that we don't have to fight nomads on Lowland plains.
On top of that, being semi-settled means we only have to worry about them coming from one direction. As opposed to regular nomads that can just go around and attack from the west instead.
Locking in as:

[X][Inno] Looks important, invest heavily (-3 Wealth, -3 Mysticism, -1 Tech, ???)
[X][AG] They may join (Open games, ???)
[X][Policy] Switch to Mass Levy
[X][Trade] Push the guilds to the limit to meet demands (Trade Tech for Wealth, up to 5 per phase, to attempt to top up Wealth)
[X][Kick] 1 Stability, 2 Temp Econ damage

That's the one.
So... What I got from this is 'don't try to fight the Ymaryn levies in a straight fight'.

Like, holy shit, that's scary.
On top of that, being semi-settled means we only have to worry about them coming from one direction. As opposed to regular nomads that can just go around and attack from the west instead.

Nah, if they are LC10 they have enough forces to split in half and still have more cav in each half than we have in total. So they totally can attack from both north and east....or make a fuckoff-big fist of death of LC10 and clean up eastern Lowlands.
I think we would benefit from a mandatory service term for all healthy adults. Having one years training could allow us to mobilize a large force quickly in times of need while allowing us to have a smaller more elite military. Yeomen help with this but the natural evolution goes hand in hand with academies and might even kickstart general education. We could formalize the Red Banner as the Ymaryn Military and integrate the blackbirds as the espionage and domestic divisions.
It alsom benefits us to have more military thinking in how we plan our infrastructure. Switzerland is the end goal here with fortfied everything and building codes turning our territory into aokigahara for invaders while maintaining our neutrality and spreading proper farming methods.
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I think we would benefit from a mandatory service term for all health adults. Having one years training could allow us to mobilize a large force quickly in times of need while allowing us to have a smaller more elite military. Yeomen help with this but the natural evolution goes hand in hand with academies and might even kickstart general education. We could formalize the Red Banner as the Ymaryn Military and integrate the blackbirds as the espionage and domestic divisions.
This would decrease gender equality, wouldn't it?