Guys, what if we take over the northern steppes? If we did that, it would put us right next door to the metal miners...with all their gold, silver, and copper (yum).

This might be the best time, if our flank succeeds.

Not to be cruel, but you have a 0% chance of pulling that off without either becoming a nomadic raider culture yourself, or becoming post-Enlightenment Russia.
I don't know Russian history, so that ref is lost on me. Can someone explain this to me?

I suspect he refers to Peter the great? Where he united the various tribes, minor states, and locals with many means. I think railroad and mega city played a big role? With railroad, the previous problematic cost of managing loose moving tribes are reduced to acceptable level; and they are actually able to move stupid amount of produced goods out of the region.

Sources: Memory (May be tripping), historical documentary (Unsure of accuracy), other books (distant and ancient)
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Nothing of value.

People arguing about what to do 3 turns from now. How best to expand into the Lowlands etc.

Nothing that hasn't been argued before.

Also Hubris and some neat Negaverse Omakes

And here in thought we had made a fine plan to expand ourselves along the southern coasts. Whatever. I honestly don't really see the appeal of the lowlands. Sure it's fertile, but so is pretty much everywhere with our techniques. It's just a consistently annoying bag of bullshit that I'd rather not step in again.

Also, thanks @Sivantic
And here in thought we had made a fine plan to expand ourselves along the southern coasts. Whatever. I honestly don't really see the appeal of the lowlands. Sure it's fertile, but so is pretty much everywhere with our techniques. It's just a consistently annoying bag of bullshit that I'd rather not step in again.

But we have hills to the east between the hill people and the ST, and theres hills south of us, so we have perfect places to expand.
We can actually keep a coastal empire better connected than a land based one.

Not when you want to keep it connected when surrounded by non-friendlies. Since being spread over a large area is making defense efforts less effective. And despite what they say, navy can not work on land based enemy. Transportation for regular goods and army are much too costly at the moment.
And here in thought we had made a fine plan to expand ourselves along the southern coasts. Whatever. I honestly don't really see the appeal of the lowlands. Sure it's fertile, but so is pretty much everywhere with our techniques. It's just a consistently annoying bag of bullshit that I'd rather not step in again.

Also, thanks @Sivantic it is, the lowlands are way too big for any 1 polity to hold effectively. It's so open to attacks from pretty much any direction, it'd be a nightmare to hold against any new civ that meets us and sees the flood plains.

Also, there's the Dam to consider. If we build it (which is very likely...immunization to floods as well as a dependable source of fresh water during droughts? Hell yeah) then the river by the WC will drop considerable, if not dry up completely. This'll make the lowlands (at least, the western side) pretty much desert. That'll cause a shit load of instability for the WC, probably leading to their dissolution. It'll also probably keep the DP from coming towards us, since the western area would be so shitty would remove incentive for any settlements.
Personally, I think that taking the Lowlands would be worth it, since it would set us up as a legitimate, major empire for the next age of civilization, and therefore not something that can be steamrolled by a sudden off-screen uber-empire. Plus, it would mean that we could finally shut-up all of our annoying neighbors.

Grow, or be Conquered. Those are our likely options, in the long run. What's your choice?

Personally, I think that taking the Lowlands would be worth it, since it would set us up as a legitimate, major empire for the next age of civilization, and therefore not something that can be steamrolled by a sudden off-screen uber-empire. Plus, it would mean that we could finally shut-up all of our annoying neighbors.

Grow, or be Conquered. Those are our likely options, in the long run. What's your choice?


And here in thought we had made a fine plan to expand ourselves along the southern coasts. Whatever. I honestly don't really see the appeal of the lowlands. Sure it's fertile, but so is pretty much everywhere with our techniques. It's just a consistently annoying bag of bullshit that I'd rather not step in again.

Also, thanks @Sivantic

We can survive well enough without taking the lowlands, yes. But the thing is that all the groups around us are murderously greedy, hopelessly incompetent, or both. I'll only feel better once we've conquered the entire region and turned it all into a giant forest.
Well I can think of a few ways that we could go about the next couple of turns to set up an empire.

But with our current traits... I would say our best option would be to do a ton of expenditions for more civilizations. If their friendly than great if their hostile. Than not really a problem since they'd be too far away to do anything. Either way it would provide us more traits and technology to absorb.

As important as the local area south and to the west of our civilization we have to remember that they aren't all that is out there. we are lacking a lot of information something getting our notninjas could help.
Well I can think of a few ways that we could go about the next couple of turns to set up an empire.

But with our current traits... I would say our best option would be to do a ton of expenditions for more civilizations. If their friendly than great if their hostile. Than not really a problem since they'd be too far away to do anything. Either way it would provide us more traits and technology to absorb.

As important as the local area south and to the west of our civilization we have to remember that they aren't all that is out there. we are lacking a lot of information something getting our notninjas could help.
While getting a better feel for the world outside of our immediate area would be good, it wouldn't change our situation with our immediate neighbors very much. The WC would still have more land than everyone else, the ST would still be annoyingly Holy, and the DP would still be assholes. This situation has persisted for a long time, and it's not going to change in any way that we could call "favorable", unless we do it ourselves!

It's not going to be painless, but neither is "Surprise, Persians!" Or, if we hold out for long enough, "Hello! Rome calling!"

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