[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

I'm basically banking on our guy surviving to next turn, when we start the mega-project and spend 2 secondaries on expanding pastures.

[X][Main]Scourge Warding
[X] Expand Warriors
[X] Study Forests

More Warriors and tree study! Find all good stuff internally!
Due to being attacked, at least one [Secondary] action must be devoted to War Mission - Northern Nomads blackbird'd

We've got three known locations for more holy sites.
We have 4.
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So, we can now build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

So, @Academia Nut if I'm getting this right, we have to finish those Holy Site requirements to even begin the scourge project? If so, what use is our special boost chief? On the other hand, can we work on that project and then finish the holy sites?
What does the "additional requirements for completion" mean? Does that mean that we need to do those actions separately, or that those will be automatically done while working on the Megaproject?

The megaproject will not complete until you complete those actions separately, although it may begin chewing on its own if it reaches the end of its cycle and the completion pre-reqs have not yet been done, although it will not be as efficient as if you had chosen to do them as their own actions.

We've got three known locations for more holy sites. We'll have to build new settlements at least once more to complete this, I think.

Actually, what you need is for every major settlement to have a holy site to support the final implementation.

If our hero high chief dies, do we still have the scourge project available?

For a few more turns, yes. Hmmm... once there are no more shamans who worked directly with him (call it three generations/turns) his insights fade and the megaproject fizzles, the limited information becoming part of the People's mystical knowledge, but the possibility for more being lost. Each turn you wait after he dies also makes the total project length longer. You have Bynwyn for at most one more turn after this one.

Also, because you took Bynwyn, you got the requirement explicitly listed instead of having to blunder into them once the project was started.
[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
The megaproject will not complete until you complete those actions separately, although it may begin chewing on its own if it reaches the end of its cycle and the completion pre-reqs have not yet been done, although it will not be as efficient as if you had chosen to do them as their own actions.

Actually, what you need is for every major settlement to have a holy site to support the final implementation.

For a few more turns, yes. Hmmm... once there are no more shamans who worked directly with him (call it three generations/turns) his insights fade and the megaproject fizzles, the limited information becoming part of the People's mystical knowledge, but the possibility for more being lost. Each turn you wait after he dies also makes the total project length longer. You have Bynwyn for at most one more turn after this one.

Also, because you took Bynwyn, you got the requirement explicitly listed instead of having to blunder into them once the project was started.
So we can start work on it without those other pieces finished? Cool.
[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

I suggest we get the holy sites done now, since the option is only available because we have a shaman as high chief.
Ok, torn between starting it now and doing a bit of prep work first by spamming holy sites. *Flips coin* spamming holy sites it is.

[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads
[X] [Main] Expand Pasture
[X] [Main] Expand Pasture x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

Changing to all-in on pastures since we have a guarantee that our guy will still be around edit: will still have the option to build the holy sites next turn. This is slightly worse on action economy (since we only need 3x expand pasture) but this avoids the pain of losing all our economy too quickly. Doing all the holy sites now will drop our econ to ~2, then we might have problems getting the megaproject done.

edit2: Gah, everything moves so fast. Need to think some more.
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[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

Sigh, well on the bright side I am very sure this will cause us to get a new holy site in every settlement we build after we finish, in addition to making them something akin to proto-hospitals.
[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

I suggest we get the holy sites done now, since the option is only available because we have a shaman as high chief.
Well, the MP description says we can also expand holy sites when it is active, but doing it now means less holy sites we need to build later
[X] [Main] New Holy Site
[X] [Main] New Holy Site x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Northern Nomads

Looks like this for this turn, pastures and project next.
Alright, if we can't use our Shaman hero for the Mega Project which he was specifically selected for then we might as well get some real use out of him with other Mysticism stuff.

[Main] New Holy Site
[Secondary] Expand Pasture
[Secondary] Build Wall - Lower Valley Home

I would not be surprised if the Dead Priests decided to rear their ugly heads.
Does main x2 holy sie gives us two sites or just grander?

Also, more warriors are needed and we need metallic tools!
[X] [Main]Scourge Warding
[X] [Secondary] Expand Pasture
[X] [Secondary] New Holy Site

Pastures will also grow the economy and martial as currently our diet is very low on milk and meats.
New Holy Site - With a shaman in charge, the possibility to put a holy site at every major settlement has been unlocked. Special: Will remain open in order to complete Scourge Warding if megaproject is activated

The new holy site option is only available because we have the hero as high chief. Once he dies we can't do them, unless we have the megaproject activated.

[X] [Main]Scourge Warding
[X] [Secondary] Expand Pasture
[X] [Secondary] New Holy Site

Pastures will also grow the economy and martial as currently our diet is very low on milk and meats.

We still have the war mission as a secondary.
Changing to all-in on pastures since we have a guarantee that our guy will still be around next turn. This is slightly worse on action economy (since we only need 3x expand pasture) but this avoids the pain of losing all our economy too quickly.
Not a guarantee, AN said at most. There's still the possibility he'll die after this turn.

edit: Ninja'd
@Academia Nut, it's still confusing and I'd appreciate if a full explanation of how this whole thing works was given in the update. If we do the requirements as actions, does that count as working toward the megaproject and get the boost from Bynwyn? Will the project only begin if we take it as a Main action? Will Bynwyn give a bonus to things which the megaproject requires? Will any progress happen if we do the megaproject without meeting the requirements? None of this information is available in the update and you should really fix that.
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