Some arguments in favour of:
[X] [React] Contact closest neighbours (Sec Trade Mission to Freehills and Harmurri)
-We have a prophecy with a good roll that tells us it is a good idea:
Astrological Prediction: True wealth comes from our interactions with others (63)
-Since the Harmurri are also trade dudes getting in contact with them could be enough to degrade the halted trade to disrupted trade, thus giving us +(3?) Wealth per turn, thus lessening our need to waste actions on cash crops.
-Restoring contact with them while the people in power still vividly remember how stuff was before the plague could give us a free Invite action since it would just be a return to normalcy for both of them.
-I dont think we will get that many refugees. The Harmurri are far away and have iirc never sent us refugees because of that. The Freehills might not have been hit as badly since...
could dwell within the lungs of cows and horses
... they dont seem like the kind of people with vast herds of cows and horses.
-With the death of the Trelli and the flight of the Khem the Freehills probably are about to get really, really swole if they can get all these territories. If we establish contact now we can continue positive relations and let our influence prevent some of the negative consequences from conquering all these slavers.
- The strait. Sort of similar to the above, but there are like three probable consequences to the Trelli explosion. We take the Straits, Freehills takes the Strait or someone else grabs it (Like for example the Trelli Colonies in the Saffron Isles might not have been hit as hard and could just found Neo-Trelli). I we take the Strait, we want to be bros with Freehills because defending the trade post during the war with them would be hard. If they take the Strait, we want to be bros with them so they dont fuck us over with the power they gain from it. The last case can be made less probable if we help Freehills return to normalcy and if some Neo-Trelli really forms, we would want to be bros with Freehills to smite the Slavers together while they are still weak.
-While we dont know much ye about how the religion mechanics work, it is probably highly profitabel for us to have other people share ours. I think the both of them might have already adopted it, but we do have the annoying Schism trait on it. If we re-establish contact as soon as possible we can maybe prevent some nasty historical messes.
- We dont have fancy numbers describing how much our neighbours like us to maximise, but riding in while they are dealing with this plague and lecturing them with all the stuff we just learnt will impress the hell out of them. That might be how we earn a Legacy, since we didnt get one just for surviving.
In addition they could also have found other useful health stuff to deal with this sickness they would probably be willing to share with us. Especially the Harmurri with their indian ocean trade probably have lots of fun stuff we dont have.
-This should be a pushback against Purity. Just focusing on internal stuff and taking boring stability stuff seems like a really pure way to choose.