Ya, it is just annoying how the Nomads have no memory. Maybe make a theater? Or commission a performance troop that goes around all the nearby lands.
If you want to make a difference there?
Key elements(again, drawing from China since they did all this, though possibly unintentionally):
-Invent paper and produce it in vast quantities for trade.
-Engage in extended trade relations with nearby Nomads. Trade at a loss if you have to, give tribute if you have to.
What happens then is that the nomads will learn your language because it's the local trade tongue. They will use your language to talk to other nomads. They will learn your forms of writing so they can't be cheated by your traders. They will use your history and stories as the basis for their own oral traditions.
They will write their own stories.
But ultimately its about capturing nomad clans into your cultural orbit. They may yet join a horde or be annihilated by a horde, but nomads trading with settled civilizations often buy the settled narrative.
I agree that it's a much better short-term solution, and because we don't know how much longer we'll have Uvothyn for, I certainly see the appeal.
I accept that we may wish to take it to prevent immediate problems. I am not sure, however, that it will prove a permanent solution. We will need interconnectivity and we will need some system for resolving disputes arising from religious cosmopolitanism to make a truly stable legacy. It is quite possible that Reconciliation will provide the latter (as Cleaning Courts almost certainly will), but it will not provide the former.
I'll vote for it when the stats are up, because I do agree that this is a problem best addressed quickly, but this is probably not the last we'll see of this issue.
The issue of interconnectivity is that no one king can do enough of it to do more than scuff the paint. The enclaves currently are an issue but it's not yet hardened, they have not yet adopted a separate identity.
I view half-exiles joining the mono-faith largely due to our current faith's inability of getting improvement in half-exile's life and their children's life without offering any hope nor reason. The mono-faith gives the half-exiles hope for better future by saying all are wrong because every other faith are wrong and corrupt, this is an easy channel to blame "other" for all the woe. Our non half-exiles and half-exiles are no stranger to our faith, but
only half-exiles are converting over to mono-faith in large numbers, so it must be something that is largely applicable to half-exiles and not other groups; leaving hardship or lack of possible improvement as likely candidate.
Also, i think markets in cities will lead to smaller versions in villages and towns; so it would lower people's requirement of working in less physical demanding jobs and getting some development in small time business. And associated small business law and taxation.
...this is as nearly completely wrong as you can get.
Half-exiles are not converting. People are slapping the monotheists with trivial and frivolous offenses to
make them half exiles and
keep them half exiles. Thats why we have a Reform Lower Courts option, the courts really ARE abusing their powers.
In the modern day you see similar cases where large companies trigger lawsuits on individuals, and simply break them because they either have to go to settlement, try to represent themselves in court(with predictable amounts of ass being kicked) or go broke trying to pay for legal representation.
Furthermore, building markets in cities did not trigger the development of village markets, village markets arose as a result of rising rural population density with the increase of agricultural productivity.
The problem's solutions each target different issues:
[] [Enclave] Remove the settlements (-2 Progress for Internal Reorg, -6 EE, -2 Econ, -1 Stability, ???)
Admin solution.
This is all about preventing pockets of non-culturally converted population from forming.
Once formed, they become culturally and economically isolated, which means that when plagues or famine run through the country these nodes will erupt much like tuberclosis does to weakened immune systems.
It solves the problem by forced resettlement, which DOES work if you scatter the population to the extent that their culture dissolves. A hundred monotheists in one village is an enclave of heretics. A hundred monotheists in ten villages are the local weirdo family.
This is definitely and absolutely effective. We'd never see these enclaves be a problem anymore, though the monotheists will be back.
[] [Enclave] Crack down on the monotheists (Main Hunt Troublemakers, ???)
Admin + Intrigue solution
This puts the blame squarely on the religious differences.
By purging the monotheists at this point we more or less force whats left to go underground or convert to mainstream for survival.
It also doesn't really work that well considering how this sort of thing only widens the rift and reinforces their faith.
Nothing like an external foe to unite.
[] [Enclave] Increase Connectivity (Main Build Roads, ???)
Admin + Culture solution
This targets our cultural drift issue, but it works best when your culture is mostly homogenous. As it is, while these enclaves exist, building roads won't do much if people won't use them.
Well off traders would prefer not to go to tainted villages, while the tainted monotheists would also prefer not to go out from where everyone shares their beliefs to communities where they will be persecuted.
This is the equivalent of a healthy diet. It helps, but its far better as a preventative and it won't do anything to help if you are diseased already.
[] [Enclave] Clean up lower courts (Main Enforce Justice, ???)
Admin + Diplomacy solution
This targets our corruption problem. We know the elite have been using frivolous charges and accusations of wasting resources, or being disruptive to make people they don't like into half exiles.
This had been going on for centuries as a known issue, but had recently gotten worse because we have invented lawyers who can get the elite to a royal appeal(which also means the lower classes can't get one because the slots are all taken).
It doesn't solve the enclave problem, but it does reduce the animosity between the enclaves and the general population. At least until it flares back up again.
See Jewish and Gypsy populations in europe, or Buddhists and Christians in Japan.
[] [Enclave] Attempt to reconcile issues (-1 Stability, -4 Mysticism, -6 Culture, ???)
Mysticism solution
This goes to our debate practice, which hopefully pulls out the basis of the enclaves altogether.
The priests go down to debate the truth of their approach, and the final outcome would be one of the following:
Monotheists show that they are right, religion shifts to monotheistic version - Heroic Mystic king blocks this.
Both sides come to a draw and are even more pissed at each other - Heroic Mystic king blocks this
-Both sides don't really convince each other of anything. We wasted the action.
-Monotheists show that they have a point, religion adopts some of monotheists' values. Monotheists now seen as somewhat extreme but still a true branch of the faith
-Both sides come to a draw, but understand each other better. Religious friction reduces. Values exchanged on both sides.
-Polytheists show that they are right, monotheists transplanted into a branch of mainstream. Enclaves cease to be meaningful.